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OT- Walmart Acres

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Keith in NW MO

04-18-2008 14:51:11

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Mike M brought up a wonderful point down below in the Ethanol post.
How many acres of farmland in the US or World for that matter are covered up by Walmart stores?
Anybody got an idea or guess?

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jose bagge

04-19-2008 04:50:34

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 Re: OT- Walmart Acres in reply to Keith in NW MO, 04-18-2008 14:51:11  
Wonderful point? It's a pant load! Why pick on WalMart? How many tillable acres are median strips between highway lanes? Power line easments? Heck, if you're going to go to extremes- CHURCH PARKING LOTS? MILITARY BASES?
AIRPORTS? Look at all the unused green around them!

It is absolutely bogus the way folks rail on WalMart just because they are successful at what they do.

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john in la

04-19-2008 00:22:07

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 Re: OT- Walmart Acres in reply to Keith in NW MO, 04-18-2008 14:51:11  
Why would anyone hold on land that can be sold for a profit.

Wal-Mart came to town looking to build a distrbution center. They went out in the country and found a dairy farm on a major US highway; and offered the guy 3x what the land was worth.

His cows were at the auction the next sale.

I do agree we should as a nation save our farm land for farming but that is really a lost cause because of the city people moving to the country to get away from city life. The sad part about it is within a year or two these same people are complaining about the smell from the neighbors field; or that those chickens got to go because they wake you up when trying to sleep in on the weekend.
You know the type!!!!! !!!!!

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04-18-2008 21:10:08

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 Re: OT- Walmart Acres in reply to Keith in NW MO, 04-18-2008 14:51:11  
I shop at Wal-Mart and I dislike the China thing. So what else can I buy? All the old stores locked up about the time I got off work, wasn't open on Sundays.

I ripped on a True Value employee when they did not have a product I needed. I said I will run out to Walley Mart. He said Wal-Mart is a naughty word around here. My coment was -hey it's a week before x-mas on a Sat eve--5PM and you are giving me dirty looks because it is time to lock up---I will not set up a appointment to come to any store. Your boss is a very wealthy man who got this store from his parents--only child ordeal.

Wal-Mart is a sucess because of managment--giving us folks what we want, and 24/7. The old town stores controled the town concils because they spent time in the country clubs together with the concil men. Most town concils were made up of small town business men. They were the very wealth for the most part, and controled all the shots. Competition was screwed with getting permits, water sewer, and numerous other items that they had complaints about--never any names could be mentioned--hummmmm? Competition many times just gave up, and the old town stores just kept the good ol boy business profitable. Ever notice Wal-Mart stores, farm fleet stores, and Menards are often just outside the city limits when they first come to town?

As far as this crap about a shortage of farm land--check out Clayton County Iowa and add up the CRP acres. Most were terraced by tax dollars at a 70% rate. Not pro rated if they sold the farm the next day, yet the value was increased a whole bunch. Then to top it off it was often put in the ten year so young farmers had to compete in land rent with the government.

As far as I'm concerened like I have stated before, we are paying for the CRP land rent if you will. Why not pay a fair price to crop this as corn land and then turned into fuel for our military, State, Federal and city vehickles.

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04-18-2008 19:17:00

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 Re: OT- Walmart Acres in reply to Keith in NW MO, 04-18-2008 14:51:11  
About 1/100th of a percent of the amount that's being wasted feeding horses nobody ever rides or that get ridden once or twice a month.

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04-18-2008 18:49:15

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 Re: OT- Walmart Acres in reply to Vern-MI, 04-18-2008 14:51:11  
I'm with Dave 2n - disappointed. Come on folks - everyone here expresses good solid American values. Well, a good part of what makes us unique is that we believe in freedom to do business. Walmart fills a need - when they build a big store and run out the smaller operator what happens? There new store is filled day and night with good folks looking to stretch their dollars. If millions of folks didn't shop there they wouldn't be around long.

I am as sick as anyone about all the Chinese junk we put up with - but the reality is that we Americans have done it to ourselves. We have collectively insisted on higher wages and cheaper products - and the manufacturers and retailers have responded.

We may not like all of Walmart tactics but Americans support them overwhelmingly.

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04-18-2008 19:04:05

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 Re: OT- Walmart Acres in reply to WantACaseLASomeday, 04-18-2008 18:49:15  
I am not anti Walmart. What I think is missing is the trust busting of the old days of Teddt Roosevelt. Until the 1980's, the US justice department went after companies for anti competitive practices. They no longer do so. So instead of a bunch of companies competing, ( and employing folks ), we have a 800 lb gorrilla, that can't be tamed. To use an example, if it were not for the US justice department, GM would have run Ford and Chrysler out of business in the 40's and 50's. The Justice department spent nearly 50 YEARS monitoring GM. But everything changed in the 80's.

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04-18-2008 18:16:53

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 Urban Sprawl in reply to Keith in NW MO, 04-18-2008 14:51:11  
Here in MD and Southern PA, they try to build wal-marts in a crappy location - i.e., the top of a rocky mountainous area, a lower drainage wet area, or next to woods.

However, they do like to build their SUPERCENTERS with HUGE parking lots in FAST-GROWING towns - this suggests that WAL-MART is NOT the cause for their appearance!

ASK people who sprawl from the city why wal-marts are near them - they wanted them.

Here in Baltimore County, sprawl is done, property values have skyrocketed as farmers no longer sell land.

Everyone moved out of the Baltimore area and made small towns such as York, Hanover, Gettysburg, Lancaster in PA... COMPLETE HEILHOLES. Sprawl is the sole reason for Wal-Marts.

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Dave 2N

04-18-2008 18:13:06

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 Re: OT- Walmart Acres in reply to Keith in NW MO, 04-18-2008 14:51:11  
I'm really disappointed by the number of folks who have joined the "Hate Walmart" crowd. Too much time on their hands, I guess.

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Billy NY

04-18-2008 17:07:18

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 Re: OT- Walmart Acres in reply to Keith in NW MO, 04-18-2008 14:51:11  
Well, they did not get an extra 75 acres here for a new superwalmart, with the help of a local organization, they're plans were squashed. Funny how they work, they buily a store 1/2 mile down the road 9 years ago, town made a mistake not letting them do a super walmart then, so they came back in '05. You can notice how they seem to be the worst store around, and their philosophy is, we need to serve you better, so lets us build a Super Walmart on top of your little league field, right next to a proposed 1100 unit development ! Building just about on top of the little league parking area, abandoning a store that was only 9 years old at the time of their proposal, to heck with Walmart !

One thing put a smile on my face today, went for a walk to the top of our woods, and behind it is a really nice 23 acre field, where some of those units were originally proposed to be built, its been idle for about 8 years or so, my neighbor must have brought out the batwing mower, mowed it down, and the whole thing is turned over now, one of the kids is still out there on a JD 4440 with duals and a new heavy duty JD disc, in an adjacent field, he'll be burning the midnight oil tonight under the lights, about 200 acres in that section to do. That 23 acres they want to put 2 babe ruth fields in, it's a real wavy field about 500 yards long, wider at one end, with almost a 360 deg view on the crest, makes no sense at all, he must be planting everything this year, turned our one field today, might have time later to post some photos, really enjoy seeing those fields worked, he's been at it over 50 years here, in his 70's now. Soil looked great, been dry all week, burning ban in this county as of today, don't want even to think about a dr..ght !

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04-18-2008 17:03:47

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 Re: OT- Walmart Acres in reply to Keith in NW MO, 04-18-2008 14:51:11  
Not to burst you bubbles or anything but look at the amount of farm land that is taken up by our transportation systems. Every time they put in a new clover leaf they take up a bunch of farmable ground.

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04-18-2008 15:40:06

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 Re: OT- Walmart Acres in reply to Keith in NW MO, 04-18-2008 14:51:11  
As far as I know, walmart paid for every acre they ever bought!

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04-18-2008 17:06:35

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 Re: OT- Walmart Acres in reply to DiyDave, 04-18-2008 15:40:06  
Not necessarily, lots of "incentives", low/no taxes so they will build, drive around and see the abandom Wally stores that were replaced a few miles away by a new store built with "incentives", when those on the old store expired.

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Dave 2N

04-18-2008 18:14:02

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 Re: OT- Walmart Acres in reply to garytomaszewski, 04-18-2008 17:06:35  
No different than any other business that comes into a community. Did you jsut arrive here from some far planet????

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Dave 2N

04-18-2008 18:13:56

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 Re: OT- Walmart Acres in reply to garytomaszewski, 04-18-2008 17:06:35  
No different than any other business that comes into a community. Did you jsut arrive here from some far planet????

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Bill in Colo

04-18-2008 17:58:41

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 Re: OT- Walmart Acres in reply to garytomaszewski, 04-18-2008 17:06:35  
Walmart will let a old store rot before they will sell to a compeditor.

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04-19-2008 21:00:37

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 Re: OT- Walmart Acres in reply to Bill in Colo, 04-18-2008 17:58:41  
Actually, no.

Here's the deal: Wal-Mart comes in. They buy the land, they build the building and pave the parking lot. Then they sell the property to a local landlord, open the store, and pay rent on the building. That store you're shopping at is leased monthly and rent is paid on it. This is done because if things truly start to go south in any town, Wal-Mart Inc can pack up and be gone in just a few short weeks. They haven't really had to do it in practice, but it's a corporate contingency plan.

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04-18-2008 17:56:23

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 Re: OT- Walmart Acres in reply to garytomaszewski, 04-18-2008 17:06:35  
I have been looking at buying a small piece of commercial property, for my wife's business. I tried to buy one piece 2 years ago. I could not get the zoning changed, so I had to drop the idea. 6 months later, a big developer bought the place, for less money, and got the zoning changed immediately. I was talking to a commercial real estate broker about some property, he wanted me to build a building on it, and rent out most of it. If you get the proper tax abatement, you pay 50% of the taxes for the first 12 years. Additionally, if you have the units segregated with seperate addys, the developer pays no taxes on a unit unless it is occupied. For tax purposes, it doesn't exist until you have a tenant. I had always wondered how these developers could put up units, leave them empty for years, and go build more. The system is tilted in favor of developers, not residents.

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04-18-2008 15:18:12

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 Re: OT- Walmart Acres in reply to Keith in NW MO, 04-18-2008 14:51:11  
A lot of areas it is the big housing developments, huge houses on a huge lot, 100's of them.....

I don't like to single out a single company, but urban sprawl - I guess it's suburban sprawl - has consumed a lot of good farm land.

Got to point the finger at ourselves a little too tho, around me there have been a host of houses popping up in the fields - sons or daughters buying 10 acres from the old man & plopping a house down in a field. Seems like such a waste of good land, they are not farming, just want to be out in the country, work in town. I can understand that & folks are free to chase their dreams, but, houses popping up in fields is just hard to swallow. ;)


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Dave 2N

04-18-2008 18:15:25

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 Re: OT- Walmart Acres in reply to paul, 04-18-2008 15:18:12  
Last I knew, in most instances, some farmer had to make a decision to sell the land before someone else could buy it. But--I guess it's all Walmart's fault.

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04-18-2008 21:56:41

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 Re: OT- Walmart Acres in reply to Dave 2N, 04-18-2008 18:15:25  
I think Walmart is where they are at because they know what they are doing & do it well. I'm not against them - they moved into my community a year ago, and I was all for it.

It does make me sad to see a real farm sold, and paved over with tar, and 100 beige houseas all looking the same put on it. (Or shopping mall, or huge discount store, or.....)

I'm not one to stop it, & I'm not mad at the person who sold, nor the fella that built the boring same houses.

But - I'm still a little sad by it.


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flying belgian

04-18-2008 18:23:31

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 Re: OT- Walmart Acres in reply to Dave 2N, 04-18-2008 18:15:25  
Well not all the time. If tax authorities think they can get more $ from Warlmart the can condem an unwilling seller through eminalt domain.

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