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O/T Makes me Mad and Sick

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Turke Bros. Far

01-02-2008 08:20:15

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My licence plates on my farm truck expired on 12/31/07 New Years Eve. Our Dept. of Motor Vehicles is not open, New Years Eve or New Years Day. Like most of you guys, I got up early this morning and got my chores done and had to go get feed for the cows and knew that as soon as Dept. of Motor Vehicles opened I was to get my plate renewal . I was pulled over by the State Police and given a ticket at 9:10am- Invalid Plate. this was 20 minutes before the Dept of Motor Vehicles open this morning. I was polite to the officer and explained to him it was a holiday and as of that time they still are not open. He wanted No part of it and wrote the ticket. So when I got back to the farm I was upset got on the computer and called Lansing. The gal said No the officer was wrong and should NOT have given me the ticket. If your plate expires on a weekend or holiday you have to the end of the next business day to renew it. Now I know I can fight this in court and win. But once again I still lose, I lost time at least a morning to sit in court, and the $15.00 + in fuel both way to get to and from court. how do I get compensated?

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Jeff IA

01-04-2008 15:21:58

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
They have a new fundraiser in Iowa. Court costs which used to be $10 or $15 are now a minimum of $50. Even if you get the ticket dropped, or clerical error fixed, you STILL owe the court cost. Nice, huh?

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Kelly C

01-03-2008 23:17:52

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
Man I must be pretty lucky. I cant remember the last time I was NOT at least one month late on any of my tabs.
never been pulled over. Usually I some how just notice the plate or need the trailer and go. " Holy cow!!! I better get to the DMV!" By that time I am usually late on my truck,Car, boat, trailer and mybe the camper.
So I do all at once. just me... One of the many things I will never be good at.

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Pay your fine..

01-03-2008 09:55:25

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
Good lesson for you. Next time send in the plates like 99% of the rest of the people do and don't wait until they expire. You got a form about 1 1/2 months ahead of when they expired. So did I and I sent mine in and didn't get stopped. Stop wasting taxpayers time and money badgering the state employees and crying on here like your the victim.

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Mark - IN.

01-02-2008 16:59:33

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
Well, I know it wasn't a good experience, but it happened, can't change that, so gotta move on. I aint trying to make light of it, but not going to change what already did happen, so now going to have to work with it, salvage the situation.

You won't get compensated, and asking the judge or anyone for compensation aint gonna make him or her happy, aint gonna put you in good graces, so don't ask anyone whom controls your fate in this matter for compensation.

Got your plates renewed today, right? Good move. Now, do as Husker says, contact the prosecuter, explain it, be ready to prove it if necessary, get it tossed, move on. Explain, but don't be arguementive. I know that don't fix what could've been avoided. Trooper could've written you a warning, made you showup at the barracks with proof afterwards, and maybe even offered you a cup of coffee, but today he didn't. Now, just gonna have to deal with it, and move on. Is no easier way.

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01-02-2008 16:49:48

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
Not sure how the law works in MI, but can you plead "not guilty" by mail, send in the ticket with a letter of explanation , (maybe a quote of the law where it gives you the extra day due to holiday ??) And save yourself the court time and gas money . I wouldnt count on being "compensated."

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01-02-2008 16:17:43

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
my tags are due for trucks, etc, at the end of jan, the bureau of motor vehicles sends you a form in mail to renew them, send the checks in and get tags or stickers in mail. now this is always about a month and half before there due, so have plenty of time to get them. this is in ohio. in fact i have them already.

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01-02-2008 14:33:10

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
Yeah, I got a speeding ticket one time for going 44 in a 45 zone....figure that one out. Didn't take long to get rid of it, though.....

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Here also

01-02-2008 13:12:29

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
Same in Ind. 1 working day after weekend or holiday. Expires on sun, you have all day monday.

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Clint Youse MO

01-02-2008 13:11:13

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
in Missouri on a farm truck you have 60 days grace period both of my trucks are expired right now according to plate. probably get tehm in February when the grace period is up

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Jerry Cent Mi.

01-02-2008 12:55:37

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
The sec. of state sends renew paperwork a month ahead and all you had to do was send insurance cert. and money. Why did you wait so long?

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Walt Davies

01-02-2008 11:38:31

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
We can mail it in or go online to renew our plate ain't no reason to be late it don't cost anymore to go in a head of time to get them.

PS just remove the plates and drive it the cops think that you just bought it and don't bother you.

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gene bender

01-02-2008 10:46:29

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
I would have drove something that had good plates to go get the new ones.

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01-02-2008 10:37:16

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
To add insult to injury,were you charged an extra $10 because you didn't renew the day before they expired?

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01-02-2008 10:29:39

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
talk to the judge or prosecuting attorney. They will dismiss it as a simple clerical error.

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01-02-2008 10:27:29

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
Ex cop (12+ years) here, so I've seen it from the other side of the fence. Laws in my state may differ, though, so mileage may vary.

I used to take extreme pleasure in stopping people for expired tags. I figured I have to pay for my plates, so why not them? Most of the time, the reason they didn't renew was because they didn't have the required proof of insurance. Again, I have to pay for insurance, so why not them?

That being said, I never wrote anyone a ticket for their plates being expired unless they were two or more weeks past the due date. The only exception was if I had already previously stopped them and given them a warning, which they had chosen to ignore.

Contact your local prosecutor; they should be able to drop the charges without you going to court.

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01-02-2008 11:57:32

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to HuskerMedic, 01-02-2008 10:27:29  
Lots of kind folks like you wearing uniforms and badges, taking extreme pleasure in wielding their authority....but using very damned little common sense.

I was pulled over once for expired tags and didn't even know they had expired.....I don't make a habit of reading license stickers like cops do. But, the deputy who pulled me over was very kind and said....hey, did you know your plates have expired? I walked back and looked and said.....you know...I hadn't thought a thing about it! He said, well better get them in the morning and drove away.

That deputy used common sense and decency and of course, I got my plates the next day.

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Billy NY

01-02-2008 10:20:33

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
Can't you mail your plea in ? I've never wasted any time sitting in court for a ticket like that.

I have in the past and or will dispute any ticket whenever possible and this one seems to fall in that category, it should be disputed if that language is in the law, pertaining to expiration of your plate.

Could the DMV gal reference where she got that information from ? You should be able to dispute the ticket, citing that reference, even better to attach a copy of it, include your explanation for pleading not guilty based on the language referenced, send it in certified mail return receipt requested.

I'm sure the laws, DMV rules and regulations are different in Michigan, but there has to be a way to make a plea by mail I would hope. If that language stating you have until the end of the next business day to renew the plate if it expires on a holiday is true and can be referenced, it should be as simple as a mail in plea with a signed statement of explanation.

Aside from being blatantly wrong, for breaking a law, like a moving violation, or some kind of equipment violation where you are clearly in the wrong, in this instance I'd be the first one to mail in a plea with an explanation.

Obviously it is wise to not let things go to the last minute, and take care of these things on time when possible as you those guys will most likely write you a ticket regardless of what you tell them in the field, all he sees is the expired plate.

It also helps to have a clean record, and maintain that record clean. I've found that keeping a copy of the current NYS vehicle & traffic law handbook ( maybe your state has a similar one ) is an indispensible thing to have in your possession, for reference pertaining to a situation like this.

Here's one example why

I parked in a newly designated handicap spot, on a city street, adjacent to a friends house where I've been a regular visitor for years. Well they just put up the signs, literally that day or something, both of them were new, and the way it was situated, it was very possible to park there, get out of your car and not ever see the signs.

I felt like I got the shaft too, so I went into that hand book and found the legal description of the sign(s) placement, relative to the centerline of road/street, they signs were too high and the officer was 100% wrong to have written the ticket based on that alone. In laymans terms, the officer saw there were signs and just wrote the ticket, which is understandable, looks legit to him with the signs in place so he's going to write a ticket every time on that one, but it was not legal due to the signs being improperly installed, and if I had not been resourceful to research the facts, it would have been a minimum of $120, (was 10 years ago) + court fee. I took photos, wrote a brief statement explaining my plea and took measurements, documented same, they still wanted a court fee and I told them to stuff it on that too. If I honestly knew that section was now handicap I would not have parked there, if I saw the signs previously or that day I'd have known not to park there, I had parked there for years, then one day it's changed, and I get the ticket. Needless to say I understood the officers view, as there were signs and he/she is not going to reference the DMV V&T handbook for a detail like this, they'll write it first and you have to dispute it, this is why I firmly believe in researching these matters first, before just pleading guilty to be done with it, no hard feelings towards the cop or the neighbor who called them, but like I often tell people make sure you have your facts straight.

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01-02-2008 10:08:02

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
Didn't you have to pay the extra $10 for not renewing ahead? Or is that covered since you renewed the next business day?

I once had to take a trailer in to be weighed so I could license it. I called the MiSOS and they said the law provides for transportation for licensing purposes. Definitely let us know how you come out in court.

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01-02-2008 10:01:02

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 Another way of handling problem in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
Depending on the state rules. Some tags have 30 days after they expire. But other states expire the very day shown on tag and there is no grace time.....The officer was wrong with a ticket. It should have been a warning ticket only. He could have gave you a ticket and told you to go get them now. Then bring ticket back to him to tear up..... . If you have your tags now an got them the same day. Contact him threw his department and see if you can meet him and show your registration of new. Perhaps he will tear it up. "been done before"

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David Snipes

01-02-2008 09:50:59

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
I would write a letter of complaint to State Police Chief, or at least his local detachment commander. I would guess that it will be discussed with him.

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Mike M

01-02-2008 09:41:25

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
In Ohio you can get your plates up to 2 weeks before their due,but not any farther ahead than that so I am surprized they said you should of had an extra day from the holidays. The fine for being late here was at least $75.00 plus your normal fees. And yes I would be fuming too ! This attitude from cops is why they are hated so much ! No reason he shouldn't of let you go on to the DMV.

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Jimmy King

01-02-2008 08:43:52

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
I have a friend that traded for a new truck in Dec. one year. The licence Place told him it would be cheaper to just buy new plates as the others would expire at the end of the year. So he put them on and started home State Trooper pulled him over and told him they wern't legal until Jan 1. he didn't get a ticket though.

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phillip d

01-02-2008 08:32:14

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
You will get the satisfaction of being right,and make the cop look like the @$$ he really is.He probbably knew all too well that you wouldn't likly bother fighting it,as you said it will cost more in the end. Did you folks by any chance have 760,or maybe an 860 massey combine at one time.I could have sworn it was your farm name on the side of one i saw,just courious anyways.pd.

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I don't have a name

01-02-2008 08:28:21

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
Well, a clean record is worth it. I doubt you can find any compensation, just one of lifes hassles. However I am not so sure she is correct. It must vary from state to state, but I think its up to you to renew before your plates are totally expired.

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Tradititonal Farmer

01-02-2008 08:27:40

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
When did you get the notice to renew? We get them at least a month ahead of time so there is plenty of time to get to DMV.Also I guess you knew last year when you put the tags or stickers on that renewal was coming up 1 year later.I let my license expire last year before I renewed but if I'd of gotten a ticket it be no one's fault but my own because it clearly states on the license the exporation date.

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01-02-2008 08:24:51

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 01-02-2008 08:20:15  
You will not win, even if you win as you realize,

Next year do not wait till the last day to renew tags ?

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01-02-2008 10:45:14

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to IH2444, 01-02-2008 08:24:51  
I went to an auction that was in a small town. I parked along the street just ahead of the yellow no parking paint on the curb.I got a ticket anyway,the cop said the curb was supposed to be yellow where i parked,but the painter messed up.
It cost me 5 bucks so i just paid it.

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01-02-2008 11:17:44

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 Re: O/T Makes me Mad and Sick in reply to Ray, 01-02-2008 10:45:14  
I got a parking ticket for parking in my own front yard in Lexington, KY a few years ago.

Not any private property in Cities and very little in the country any more.

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