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Tractor Talk Discussion Forum

OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming?

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10-08-2007 05:34:18

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During the cold snap earlier this year, there were lots of folks on this site poo-pooing the idea of global warming.

I don't know about the rest of the country, but here in SWOH, we've had the hottest and driest year I can ever remember. The heat was just miserable from late May all the way to mid-October.

And yesterday was ANOTHER 90-degree day!!

2006 was our hottest year on record, and I'm sure we'll beat that with this year's temps.

But I do like the term "global climate change" better than I do "global warming." While it's certainly hotter than ever before, the weather is more often just downright weird.

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dave guest

10-15-2007 20:04:47

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to hillbillyOH, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  
We save energy and the corporations raise rates and prices. Gov't says they have to raise prices since we are buying less. Suicide or what?

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10-09-2007 21:31:33

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to hillbillyOH, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  
Look folks, I'm out of this conversation. Feel free to get the last word anyone. I promised myself I wouldn't argue religion when I came to this board and I won't.
I'd rather talk about my old tractor.third party image

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10-09-2007 21:26:49

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to suptscottyb, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  

Marc in Va said: (quoted from post at 15:08:52 10/09/07) Oops--I was actually replying to Jsharp in my last message. My apologies to Tim B.


No one said it wasn't getting warmer. It's been getting warmer for quite some time. At least since the little ice age ended in the 1800's. The argument is, what does man have to do with this and what is simply a natural phenomenon.
The same question we can ask about Mars which is also getting warmer. I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with us.
That's where the models come in. And politicized "science" and people with agendas. And that's ignoring the fact that our measurements are done much differently than they were a hundred years ago. That gives even more inaccuracy to the picture.

So it isn't about climate change, it's about man's alleged contribution to it. And with explanations that are consistent with what's happened before over the millennia, long before any claim could be made that humans might have something to do with it...

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10-09-2007 12:46:22

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Athol Carr, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  

John in Ct said: (quoted from post at 22:25:44 10/08/07) My father talked about a year there was no summer. Cool and it snowed once.

Must have been this year. (Oops, I almost wrote summer)


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10-09-2007 10:20:23

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to coflyboy1, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  

Tim B from MA said: (quoted from post at 23:51:16 10/08/07) Marc,

Nice try, but I don't think you'll convince Grizz or that crowd of anything because they already know what's what. After all, back in 1904 their aunt's great grandmother swam in the melt waters of glaciers! in January! in Iceland! LOL

One of Grizz's biggest problems seems to be that scientists and policy makers will admit that there is uncertainty. That just don't sit good. Clearly, if them scientists can't stand up and just declare they know exactly how the world works, then they don't know sh!t from shoe shine.

Most people like the world to be presented to them in black and white. I'm one of them. But after the initial emotional agreement passes, I step back and look at all sides.
Most people don't. Most people are intellectually lazy. That's why we have the likes of Rush Limbaug spewing over the public airwaves, and the likes of George W for president.

Again, nice try. But as I said earlier, the really problem is that most people don't pay attention, and those that do only pay attention long enough to form an opinion based on emotion.

It's worse than "uncertainty," it's that the climate models used in these arguments don't seem to accurately predict much of anything.

Can anyone take these models and plug in known data from say 1990, and get a result for a more current year like 2006, that is even close to what was actually measured?

Better yet, can we take the data we know from the last few years and plug it into the models, then run them backward to an origin of say 1900 and have the result look anything like what was measured?

I've never seen this done. Have you? If so, please provide some links. And it it's not possible, then I'm going to maintain the models are mostly scientific hand jobs and junk science. And I sure won't advocate major world changes because of what these questionable models might mean...



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Marc in Va

10-09-2007 13:05:58

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to JSharp, 10-09-2007 10:20:23  
Tim B,
Global Warming is not an output of computer models, it is based on observations. See the following empirical observations. Feel free to research the sources of those observations, then research the sources of studies that supposedly refute global warming. You will find it eye opening.

CRU temperature trend:


NASA GISS temperature trend:


Satellite readings:




Borehole analysis:


Glacial melt observations:



Sea ice melt:


Sea level rise:


Proxy Reconstructions:


Permafrost is thawing:


All of these completely independent analyses of widely varied aspects of the climate system lead to the same conclusion: the Earth is undergoing a rapid and large warming trend, and that trend is (mostly) caused by Man's activities.

Thanks much,

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Marc in Va

10-09-2007 13:08:52

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Marc in Va, 10-09-2007 13:05:58  
Oops--I was actually replying to Jsharp in my last message. My apologies to Tim B.

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10-09-2007 13:47:48

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Marc in Va, 10-09-2007 13:08:52  
So what do we do about it????? ????

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10-09-2007 14:03:53

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Grizz, 10-09-2007 13:47:48  
Here is what the US Senate has to say.

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Tim B from MA

10-10-2007 09:02:00

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Grizz, 10-09-2007 14:03:53  

That web site is not the "US Senate" talking. That is a blog page written on belhalf of Sen. Jame Inhofe R Oklahoma.

Hardly someone you can expect to approach this issue, or probably any other for that matter, from a balanced perspective.

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10-09-2007 10:34:29

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to JSharp, 10-09-2007 10:20:23  
Here's some more stuff.

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10-09-2007 10:43:06

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Grizz, 10-09-2007 10:34:29  
More stuff on Al Gores fraudulent movie.

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10-09-2007 08:45:45

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to hillbillyOH, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  
Where are you in SW Ohio I am in Northern Clermont co?

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BC in TN

10-08-2007 19:36:48

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to hillbillyOH, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  
I just purchased some new Firestone tires for my tractor. I needed them in order to be able to feed my cows this winter.

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Jim Johnson

10-08-2007 18:59:18

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to hillbillyOH, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  
I remember when I was young we had a wet fall and couldn't get any wheat planted. In January it got into the 70's, dried out and dad planted the wheat then. It came up and was a pretty good crop.

Now was that Global Warming back then?

If this was in the 30's all the idiots could probably convince me.

Oh by the way, it was hot and dry here last year too. Had a real good year this year. But I'll bet we'll have another hot dry year again sometime.

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John in Ct

10-08-2007 13:25:44

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to hillbillyOH, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  
My father talked about a year there was no summer. Cool and it snowed once.

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10-08-2007 16:38:25

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to John in Ct, 10-08-2007 13:25:44  
In 1970 i wore a sweatshirt all summer except i day and our hired helper never got out of his cover hauls. NW ND
And by the end of summer he had one really wore out pare of cover hauls. :o)

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flying belgian

10-08-2007 15:58:59

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to 730virgil, 10-08-2007 11:12:23  
I remember one year in the 60s we finished plowing corn stalks here in so. Mn. in nothing more than rolled up shirt sleeves. That was Thanksgiving day.

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Walt Davies

10-08-2007 10:38:41

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to hillbillyOH, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  
Out here in western Oregon we are 30% below average right now.

I heard on the TV that 1934 during the dust bowl days was the hottest year on record so how do attest to that.

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10-08-2007 10:33:45

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to hillbillyOH, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  
There is no doubt certain areas of the globe are warming up. It's a fact!. But I think what's concerning the scientists is this warming thing is happening so much faster than previous global changes.Jim

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Dick L

10-08-2007 10:48:15

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to fixerupper, 10-08-2007 10:33:45  
What scientists and how many degrees are you quoting?

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10-08-2007 11:19:51

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Dick L, 10-08-2007 10:48:15  
It's funny that the same conservatives who doubt global climate change -- despite the science -- are somehow willing to believe that some invisible sky-god created us 6,000 years ago. Despite the fossil records.

They're going to drag us back to the 13th century, if they have their way...

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Dick L

10-08-2007 12:03:32

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to hillbillyOH, 10-08-2007 11:19:51  
I will pray for you.

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10-08-2007 11:51:17

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to hillbillyOH, 10-08-2007 11:19:51  
"It's funny that the same conservatives who doubt global climate change -- despite the science"

Nobody doubts that the climate changes over time.

But if you want to talk science, I'll go along with that.

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Jim Johnson

10-08-2007 18:50:32

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Grizz, 10-08-2007 11:51:17  
What we doubt is the fact that man did anything to cause it or can do anything to change it. That's a period..... .

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Tim B from MA

10-08-2007 09:51:40

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to hillbillyOH, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  
The fact that the earth has been much colder and much warmer historically than we are used to should be cause for MORE CONCERN, not less. If it was very static, I would not worry about human activity affecting it much. The history tells us that it can change dramatically.

Human activities are pumping large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmoshere in a very short amount of time - geologically speaking. I think it is silly to assume that that won't have signficant effects to the climate.

I am 47 years old, I suspect I will be seeing dramatic changes to the climate (assuiming I live another couple decades), certainly my sons will. I just hope that the feed-back mechanisms scientist talk about (e.g., methane release from decaying permafrost) don't don't turn Mother Earth into Mercury.

But alas there is really nothing to be done about it. Most people don't even pay attention, and most of those that do rationalize that there - of course - could not be a problem so I don't need to do anything about, or they just don't give a sh!t.

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10-08-2007 09:44:20

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to hillbillyOH, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  
I won't say that co2 buildup might be a problem but these people who fly all over to rally their warming cause and burning thousands of gallons of jet fuel in the process are not helping the matter. siberia was once a desert! How much co2 is our military creating in Iraq and elsewhere?

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midwest redneck

10-08-2007 09:18:49

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to hillbillyOH, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  
In 1993 Mt. Pinatubo in the Phillipines blasted more stuff into the atmosphere then mankind ever has. Global warming is a farce, just like Al Gore is.

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Dave 2N

10-08-2007 10:08:50

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to midwest redneck, 10-08-2007 09:18:49  

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10-08-2007 08:42:54

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to hillbillyOH, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  
We didn't see much of the sun this summer, if this is global warming I don't want to bee around when it cools off. Right the vikings farmed (though primitively) where they lived, remember they were mostly farmers and/or traders. Here (Sweden) they even grew wine and I can bet they didn't have the fancy new coldresistant plants we have.
Anyway the climate changes all the time or if you choose to see it that way, the weather varies. Undoubtably have the temps gone up the last few years (and if we get a little perspective all we can grasp are a few years) but why? Pollutions or something else, who knows. No one can know that, maybe the pollutions are reflecting the sun and it could have been even warmer?

This is not meant to say that pollutions are harmless, they're not. But from that say the pollutions will make us drown in water from melting poles and glaciers. You better have some very strong arguments to make me believe that. Simply because they said so on TV and in the papers a lot of times won't do it.

As someone mentioned when we went to school the teachers said there will be a new iceage in 10 000 years. Maybe this was because they lived during the long cold warwinters? I don't know but truth is this planet will see both warmer an colder weather before the sun swallows it. Mankind are probably a little bit too wreckless/destructive to be around by then.

Sorry for the ramble, but I sort of got up to speedthird party image


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10-08-2007 11:11:22

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Mattias, 10-08-2007 08:42:54  
Yes to the above. I remember the "good old days" in the late 1950's when the temp would drop to -10 degrees F or lower at night and might warm up to 0 in the day time and continue that for a week or more. It did not take long to see who knew how to keep their equipment starting and running.

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Tradititonal Farmer

10-08-2007 08:16:17

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to hillbillyOH, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  
I have been experiencing the weather in the same place every year for the last 50+ years.No 2 years have ever been the same some cooler than others some hot etc etc.If I open up a used car dealership my dream is for all those swallowing the Global Warming theory hook,line and sinker come to my used car dealership to buy a car(LOL)
P T Barnum's Spirit LIVES!!!

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10-08-2007 08:14:25

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to hillbillyOH, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  
I seam to remember (not personally, but from my high school history lessons) that around 1000Ad the Vikings were farming on Greenland... I don"t see that today. I agree the climate is changing, but i think it"s all natural, and there is nothing we can do about it. It"s easy to forget, that a single volcanic eruption can spew massive amounts of all sorts of gasses into he atmosphere in a short space of time, remember after Mt Penatoubo erupted the earth cooled by half a degree or so for the following year. My favourite expression is that Mother Nature is a moody b***h, let her get it out of her system, and we"ll all forget about it.

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Steven f/AZ

10-08-2007 08:01:07

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to hillbillyOH, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  
The earth goes through climate shifts/cycles. Deal with it.

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10-08-2007 08:04:45

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Steven f/AZ, 10-08-2007 08:01:07  
100% agree.

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Dick L

10-08-2007 07:42:17

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 Short Memories in reply to hillbillyOH, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  
Probably 20 years back but the first year with a boat on a lake. Didn't put the boat and bathing suits up until after the 15th of October. Thought it would be like that forever. Frosted not to many days after labor day the following year. Wished for that every year I was living on the lake. Didn't happen! Came close a coupla years, but didn't happen.

People with short memories fall for the darnedest things.

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Big Hunter

10-08-2007 07:38:45

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to hillbillyOH, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  
It's a sign of the times. The Lord will return for the ones who trust in Him...The rapture...

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John T

10-08-2007 06:47:20

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to hillbillyOH, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  
Yep I recall not all that many years ago it was Global Cooling (were all gonan freeze the sky is falling) but now the PC crowd and political but mostly money interests have taken up the Global Warming Montra (were all gonan fry the sky is falling) to get rich and/or advance an agenda hmmmmm mmmmm mmmmm m. For sure since the earth first formed weve had Global Warming followed by Global Cooling (the ice Age) yet Mother Earth has self cured and all eventually balances out despite volcanoes and meteriorite hits both of which can cause way more harm then litle old man (we only been on this earth a tiny fraction since its been here remember). Weather seems to be in a cycle (as history has shown to be a fact) but whats funny is how if its hot or warm or rainy or el nino OR EVEN COLD its still "Global Warming" and the fault of evil men (especially white Christian corporate males) and especially capitalists. Yeah Yeah Yeah Blah Blah Blah

John T Christain Conservative Fuddy Duddy

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Blue guy

10-08-2007 05:49:49

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to hillbillyOH, 10-08-2007 05:34:18  
I don't know about the globe, but things sure heated up here in TN. this year. Some of our power plants have had to derate or shutdown this summer due to the river temps being so high. I've never seen it this hot and dry. We also had a very late freeze in the spring. Strange weather indeed.

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10-08-2007 06:00:15

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Blue guy, 10-08-2007 05:49:49  
The climate on earth has been changing since the beginning. Ferns once grew in the Arctic areas and glaciers once covered parts of the US.

It will continue to change until the sun burns out.

I remember in high school 30 years ago they were all saying we would be looking at another ice age by 2000. Didn't seem to happen, did it?

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Daniel Bear Kelley

10-08-2007 06:23:51

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Grizz, 10-08-2007 06:00:15  
I agree with Grizz. We are in a cyclical period of high solar activity. In the Alps, a receding glacier uncovered an old mining site with all the tools. Apparently, the site got too cold for mining, and the mine was abandoned. In Greenland, they're uncovering Old Norse settlements from under the snows. Same thing. It got too cold, so the Norsemen move on. The man who wrote the Masters thesis on which the "Global Warming" theory was based said that he did not take into account the actions of water vapor on the system, because no one has been able to model it sufficiently. Hmmm. Let me see. Higher temperatures lead to higher evaporation rates. Evaporative cooling. Evaporation leads to cloud formations. Clouds reflect solar energy back into space, which is why it is always cooler in the shadow of a cloud. --And who is to say that a warmer earth would be a bad thing? Longer growing seasons. Growing crops farther North in Canada. I just don't believe the hype on the "Global Warming" theory. It isn't science; it is guesswork. Science demands irrefutable proof, not a vague general consensus among the uninformed.

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David Snipes

10-08-2007 10:12:44

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Daniel Bear Kelley, 10-08-2007 06:23:51  
And the uninformed to whom you refer would be yourself?

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10-08-2007 10:20:41

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to David Snipes, 10-08-2007 10:12:44  
"And the uninformed to whom you refer would be yourself?"

How much are you willing to pay in taxes to an international body to continue the global warming farce?

I watched these clowns testifying in front of Congress last year. They want the money but admitted that they couldn't really do anything about the change in climate.

Follow the money, you will find the true story.

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10-08-2007 13:57:14

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Grizz, 10-08-2007 10:20:41  
I agree that the money is important in the warming debate. The oil companies have energized thier conservative base to refute and deny the obvious"

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10-08-2007 14:08:01

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to dakenredd, 10-08-2007 13:57:14  
Why did the glaciers that once cover Minnesota melt?

Why is Mars experiencing some unusual changes?

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Dave from MN

10-08-2007 06:16:18

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Grizz, 10-08-2007 06:00:15  
You hit it on the nail head Grizz! Media, and people who have a possible financial gain, and those who only listen to 1 source of reports, are making it sound like the wourld is gonna dry up, burn up, or drown in the next 10 years. I know where I am it has been a drought for the last 3 years, hardly no snow, but let me tell you it still gets plenty fricken cold in the winter, just a lack of moisture for snow. This fall is the wettest I have seen in 10 years, THANK GOD, I spose the local "Nuts" will be complaining now that all the rain is coming from the "global warming", suddenly we went from death by drought to death by flooding. For the record, I DO beleive the nation and world need to continue to cut back on pullutin the air and water, but the celebrity/media mad dash to "Go Green", is a bit too much. It'll be what it'll be. God has a management plan.

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M Nut

10-08-2007 06:22:47

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Dave from MN, 10-08-2007 06:16:18  
Well said Dave!

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sd pete

10-08-2007 06:59:35

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to M Nut, 10-08-2007 06:22:47  
In the summer i want global cooling. Starting about Nov. 15 I want global warming.

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Marc in Va

10-08-2007 14:11:31

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to sd pete, 10-08-2007 06:59:35  
I don't understand why you guys let Rush (and all the other radio "experts") fool you. You guys are smarter then that. You see, Rush uses Al Gore as a "Strawman". A strawman is easy to knock down. Rush distracts you from the real issues by knocking down his strawman. Rush uses half-truths and innuendos to knock down his strawman. But does that mean that global warming does not exist? NO!!! It clearly DOES exist!!! And it is clear that global warming is caused by man-made emissions from THIS century. The science is clear. This is from the Journal "Science".

The scientific agreement is clearly expressed in the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Created in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environmental Programme, IPCC's purpose is to evaluate the state of climate science as a basis for informed policy action, primarily on the basis of peer-reviewed and published scientific literature (3). In its most recent assessment, IPCC states unequivocally that the consensus of scientific opinion is that Earth's climate is being affected by human activities: "Human activities ... are modifying the concentration of atmospheric constituents ... that absorb or scatter radiant energy. ... [M]ost of the observed warming over the last 50 years is likely to have been due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations" [p. 21 in (4)].

Now, why do you think that Rush would want to distract you from the real issue? Could it be because Bush and his Big Oil friends have a bit of a stake in the issue? Maybe so they don't have to sign the Keyoto treaty? Could it be to protect the coal industry? The auto manufacturing industry—(no real meaningful mpg requirements)?
Someone in another post said follow the money. Indeed, follow the money.
The issue now is the RATE of the warming. The earth is warming at a much higher RATE then ever before. And, that rate is increasing EXPONENTIALLY. That's what is concerning.

Regarding predicting the weather--any weatherman will tell you that it's actually much HARDER to predict weather a weak away versus 20-50 years. How do they predict what will happen in 50 years? By looking at ice cores from 1,000s of years ago and looking at the RATE and comparing that to current rates. Then, accurate predictions can be made.

Don't worry so much about Al Gore. He is just a distraction. Don't let yourself be fooled!! Don't let yourself be distracted!! Focus on the science and the truth.
OK, now lets hear the silly UN Global Domination arguments...lol.


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Tim B from MA

10-08-2007 21:51:16

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Marc in Va, 10-08-2007 14:11:31  

Nice try, but I don't think you'll convince Grizz or that crowd of anything because they already know what's what. After all, back in 1904 their aunt's great grandmother swam in the melt waters of glaciers! in January! in Iceland! LOL

One of Grizz's biggest problems seems to be that scientists and policy makers will admit that there is uncertainty. That just don't sit good. Clearly, if them scientists can't stand up and just declare they know exactly how the world works, then they don't know sh!t from shoe shine.

Most people like the world to be presented to them in black and white. I'm one of them. But after the initial emotional agreement passes, I step back and look at all sides.

Most people don't. Most people are intellectually lazy. That's why we have the likes of Rush Limbaug spewing over the public airwaves, and the likes of George W for president.

Again, nice try. But as I said earlier, the really problem is that most people don't pay attention, and those that do only pay attention long enough to form an opinion based on emotion.

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10-09-2007 06:08:01

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Tim B from MA, 10-08-2007 21:51:16  
Nice try, but I don't think you'll convince Grizz or that crowd of anything because they already know what's what. After all, back in 1904 their aunt's great grandmother swam in the melt waters of glaciers! in January! in Iceland! LOL"

I'm so glad your view is the correct one.
Let's say your scientists are the right ones and man is destroying the earth in seven years.

Can YOU tell me what we should to solve the problem????? ????? ???

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Dave from MN

10-08-2007 15:11:52

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Marc in Va, 10-08-2007 14:11:31  
I suppose you think Glenn Beck is in some ones pocket also. Going green??? Well, how much oil, fuel, etc, does it take to produce 1 gallon of ethanol???? With the corn/grains that are used to produce"go green" fuel, how many animals could be fed out, how many people could them animals feed?? I think the enviroment is very critical to our survival. I think if you want to "go green" you help improve what needs improving, plant more tree's, stop forest predation by developers and planning and zoning boards. The "global warming issue" be fact or fiction, is becoming a business adventure rather than a good will effort. Al Gore? Does he drive a efficient car?? Does he turn off the air unless it is 90 degrees out? Does he keep the furnace set at 67 degrees and wear warmer clothes?? I doubt it.If the celebrities would do as they preach, rather than preach what WE should do, maybe more of us "common folk" would not get so irritated with the push. When I was a kid in the 70's , the winters were about the same temp wise, but there was wayy more snow, some summers were cooler for a few years and I remember seeing "the next iceage is coming" all over the tv. I live my life as I feel God wants me to, I do not waste or live in excess, and I beleive that I will be fine in the end, global warming, or freezing, what will it be in 20 years?? Maybe Global Cavitation?

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10-08-2007 16:29:55

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Marc in Va, 10-08-2007 16:05:47  
The scientists you believe in seem to have a few chinks in the armor, as well.

They want us to join KYOTO. Will you admit that?

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Owen Aaland

10-08-2007 20:33:02

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Marc in Va, 10-08-2007 15:47:33  
You appear to be shooting the messenger here.

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Marc in Va

10-09-2007 12:35:45

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Owen Aaland, 10-08-2007 20:33:02  
Thanks much for the feedback. It's much appreciated. Unfortunately, you are 100% correct.

However, (and you probably know this already) I'm not trying to convince Grizz of anything--I'm simply trying to teach people how to think critically when they hear Rush on the radio etc.

There's lots of undecided folks that read this board but don't participate. I hope I'm getting through to some of them, and I hope YOU do so in the future!! Otherwise, only one side is presented. If we can present an alternative viewpoint, at least *some* will form their opinions based on more then emotion.

By the way I really liked your point about uncertainty--I hadn't thought about it that way before.

Thanks again,

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10-09-2007 12:00:12

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 Re: OT: so howza 'bout that Global Warming? in reply to Owen Aaland, 10-08-2007 20:33:02  
Global warming.

I give it some thought. The folks I solicit work from (land owners -- folks with trees) appear to give it much more thought than I -- only because its in vogue locally that and politician bashing (either side). As far as I can see Global Warming and the threat of it accelerating has changed nothing. I'd expect emissions suspected of causing GW are rising and will continue to do so for generations.

Acid rain use to make me madder than all heck. About the same time I was irked about my folks cigarette addiction, ended up killing one of them at the age of 57. When I take some time to fish I wonder what it may have been like when the salmon were in the river. I'm not sure when they vanished from the CT river but its been a while now(generations).

So from my tree stump its my opinion that man has proven that he has the ability to change the planets environment. The thought I have at the moment is --are todays doomsday chicken little GW awareness advocates the equivalent of yesterdays anti-cigarette campaigners? If you have a 1-3 pack a day habit think about quitting. If it turns out the writing was on the wall and we failed to act out of pride or ignorance it won't be me picking up the tab but my kids and there offspring.

Having said that moving forward I'm voting for anyone that reduces my taxes and decreases my overall insurance premiums. If that person happens to have a plan for GW so be it. I'll run bio-diesel( eco-friendly??) if available and I'll use mass-transit if available both are not in my neck of the woods so its a mute point. We already use the crappy energy saving bulbs,grow the victory garden and recycle as much as possible.

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