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OT: dont know what to do...wife probs.

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marriage proble

06-03-2007 15:40:46

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hi all, I need some advice, I respect the opinions on here and dont knwo what to do.
Have been having problems with my wife for the pasts 2 years...we've been married 4 years.
I'm a an old farmboy and she is a town girl.
Almost since the beginning, she has had issues with my family and it is causing distress.
About 3 weeks ago, my dad asked me a legal question and my wife (an attorney) did about 10 minutes of research and prepared a response. She sent the 20 word paragraph response with me to take to him...my dad contacted another attory and found my wife was incorrect. On the note from my wife, my dad wrote only the word "wrong" and he sent it back with me. I dindt know he sent it back....my wife found it and blew up. I talked with him and he told me he didnt realize it was a mistake to do that...he said she was wrong and just wanted her to know. I told her about this and thought all was well.

Anyways, my wife goes ahead and sends my dad a letter saying that she was trying to help him and that he obvously didnt appreciate her help and that she was never ever going to help him with anything again.
My dad gets this letter and cant sleep. He fires off a 5 page letter back to her that is pretty nasty...he told me he was going to do this and I intercepted the letter. He tells her about how terrible it is putting up with her crap over the years...many, many many problems....
She hasnt seen this letter yet....

Anyway, here we are...I too have many problems with her attitude and general state of the marriage. SInce we married, she wont go to church any longer and says that if we had a childh, she wouldnt want the kid to go to churck

She is on 7-8 medications, including depression medicine for the last 3 years. She had said many hurtfull things to me about myself and her beliefs...I cannot see myself having children with her, but I want kids in my life. Many in my family dont talk to her becasue of things she has said to them over the years.

We have been seeing a marriage counselor for 1 year....it hasnt helped much.
Each day I come home from work and she is napping...she doesnt cook, if I ask about it, I catch heck....she went to law school, but wont take the bar exam.,she has a good job with the state however.

I know my marriage vows are for better or worse, sickness and health...and I really and torn by this.
So here I am at this stage, I dont know if I shoudl stay or go. How much can a person take or shoudl they take before it is better to be single or look elsewere for companionship?
Family is important to me and she doenst seem to get the picture that she has to be nice to others.
I predict that if this doesnt end now, it will be much worse in 5 years, once my returement and assets grow, right now, she doesnst have much, I have saved a lot...I know she will get 1/2 of it, I will get 1/2 of her clothes...yippee...
Please let me have your comments....

Thanks for any advice you can offer.

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06-05-2007 11:45:09

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  

Your father does not respect your wife and you side with him and your other family members. Why didn't you raise hell with you ol man for the 'wrong' note. That was pretty careless of him. You made the vows to your wife, not your family. If you want the marriage, you need to loose the family. Your family will no doubt be happy if they can run your wife off since your marriage appears to be just a family affair anyway.

You probably need to loose the family either way and stand on your own 2 feet. Every time you leave home walk a block further. Otherwise next time you want a wife you need to explain she's marrying the whole family and all their bad habits as well. Good luck.

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06-05-2007 03:25:22

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
Did you tell her that you were posting your problems on Yesterdays Tractors site?

Sounds like your pops might be a bit of a problem as well since he certainly could have handled his end of the process much better than he did. He could have put himself in her shoes and responded in a way that he would like others to respond to his efforts to help.

Like others have said, "There are always two sides to every story".

Get off this site and decide to work with your wife in a mutually beneficial manner. She may decide that you aren't worth the time and trouble either.

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NE IA Dave

06-04-2007 21:20:11

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
I sincerly hope not to poision your relationship, or put a grey cloud over your head. But frankly I kind of think it's there already.

I've been divorced twice, and good sound advise is to listen to yourself. If it walks like a duck, amd quacks like a duck, well you know.

There is no worldly comfort dealing with the devistation when we are faced with the fact that the person that you would have given your last drop of blood for would like to see that last drop drip from your heart by her stepping on it.

I have great respect for those who can keep it together. I have lots and lots of respect for those that have been married for 25 plus years, yet they can be thankful that perhaps they are not starting up in the ---todays world. Let them brag about knowing all the answers, and credit being bible holders if it makes them feel good. From now on you will realize they haven't got a clue for the most part, and you will never convince them it could have happened to them. JUST don't let that part get you down. Divorce is a terrible cancer in our society, and no one knows the answers. When we do not have the answers we must then deal with it. You are going to hear those exact words (deal with it)alot in the months ahead.

I certianly respect your religion. You no doubt think you have let the Lord, your wife, the system as well as youself down. Maybe not as much as it seems right now.

Marriage conselors have a batting average like our weathermen, not so good that is, and maybe tomorrow they will get it right.

I certianly chime in on the no children means no hurt children, that is without question the darkest it gets. Having a one persons opinion decide on who gets the kids, who gets to pay the bills, who gets the possesions, viitation, child support, medical insurance, and all that stuff is simply a crock of horse crap. There should be a jury to decide this, as we use jurys to decide on who was at falt for a bent fender. But that is what we have to ----deal with---.

I help with a unoficial support group for the uncertian spouces that has a bad hand delt to them. Seldom does it ever go without fear of the unknown, and many times there is a third party involved.

You have a golden opertunity to deal with matters before the attorneys get involved sucking the last cent out of your wallet. Get your ducks in a row and give it your best shot to make it work within reason. You are certianly unhappy, and my guess is she is to. A good rule of thumb is to have me ask you the exact questions you just asked, what advise could you give me if you were not involed? Most times we know the answer, just hate to admit it to others or ourselves for that matter.

I wish you the very best of luck, and I certianly hope you can live happy together forever. But I will sign off with these words that have alot of meaning in your time of need.

Sleeping alone is not necesarly the lonliest time you will experiance, some one in bed with you can be far worse as you probably well know by now.

The other advise is WRITE IT DOWN regardless what it is as long as it may be somewhat negative. Your attorney can not make things up nor can he give general time frames etc. Your attorney must sort through your notes that have dates and times,and witnesses. You darn right you might forget--- so----- wright it down. Do not get careless with your notes, cell phone records, phone calls etc. as they somehow seem to be found by others. And I'm hear to tell you that OTHERS do not always play fair in court. So keep your amunition, till you have to use it. Amunition is for the court room, not when your temper decides to tell the OTHER person off. Others must never ever know what lies ahead till it goes off like a gernade ---IN THE COURT ROOM----(one of the biggest mistakes made)

The uncertianty is goint to kick you in the gut more often than you can possibly understand at this point, but it does get better. The sun will shine again. I would not wish this on my worse enemy.

I am not Catholic, but we are very fortunate to have a active Catholic charities in our comunity that has helped many down and out folks regardless of their religious beliefs.

So try to get some sleep---yea I understand---I said try to get some sleep, it is going to get better, and I hope soon for you.

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06-04-2007 19:14:06

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
Happiness is the key in life. Love is very important. Do you still love her? What made you love her to begin with? What has changed?

Definately do not have children until you get it all figured out. You both need to be more open with eachother & discuss what is going on between you both. There is always going to be good times & bad times. You just need to work TOGETHER to get through the bad times. If you both don't put effort into the relationship then how is it going to work?

No one can tell you what you really want. You & her need to figure out what happened to the original love & happiness. You had to have been happy together at one point, otherwise why did you get married? If you are really meant to be together then you both will find a way to work it out. Don't just give up, but if you both decide that it isn't worth it anymore just remember it is not the end of the world. There are other people out there. I believe in soul mates, but even soul mates need to work through problems together.

Good Luck!

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06-04-2007 15:53:28

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
A trustworthy person will trust others.
A respectful person will respect others.
A person who does not like themslves will not be able to like others.(including spouses)
Your wife has issues that you can not fix.
You can help her fix them, but that is all.
Get all of the relatives out of the mix.
Get her off her couch and away from the T.V.
Start slow and be as encouraging as possible.
Set a time limit of 6 months.????
If she does not respond to your help. Cut her loose.
I am divorced.
I have to do the cooking and cleaning and if you decide to file you will need to do these things also. So for the next six months you had better take advantage of allowing your wife to teach you what you need to know about these thing as well. She may enjoy helping you.

Don't run home to the folks. Learn to live by yourself, that is when you will learn who you are, what is important.

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06-04-2007 13:38:54

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
Well, after reading ALL the responces, the one thing I noticed is: this guy JUST might be tied to moma and poppa's apron strings. Maybe he should get off his azz and go live by them selfs,afterall he married HER not his family.It just might be that most of her problems are brought on by him and his family.My own Son went through a nasty divorce,cause her momma wouldn't leave them alone,like 25 phone calls a day,sad but true,It might just be something like that with his father. remember there's always two sides to every story,and we've only heard one side..... ...E.

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Glenn F.

06-04-2007 13:46:59

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to Emanon, 06-04-2007 13:38:54  

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06-04-2007 09:01:33

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 OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
Wow! This one sure brought in all kinds of advice, didn't it?

My wife watches too much Dr. Phil and I always get the abbreviated version of the days events.

The only comment that I can give you is that YOUR life is made up of the choices that you make. Are you happy with the choice you made and is this the way you want to live out the rest of your life? If so, then thats the choice you make.

If you bought a bad tractor that was nothing but trouble, how much more time and money do you think you should put into it to try and get it working the way you think it should? You may really like the way the tractor looks, the color, the .....it may be a real good looker, but what if this tractor ain't ever gonna be right.

Now, some of you may say that comparing your wife to a tractor is wrong, and thats not really what Im trying to convey. SO lets compare your wife to a horse..... ..uhhh....ok, maybe not.

You have been going to counseling for a year, right?? In my humble opinion, counseling is designed to fix someone..... ..... .to fix WHO? YOU?

Anyway, my advise is to choose wisely. Choose to be happy.


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06-04-2007 13:24:12

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to ford4roy, 06-04-2007 09:01:33  
Been there buddy, all I can tell you is you cant go through life miserable. That seems to be where youare now. Also seems to be causing a little heat between you and your pop, thats not good.
If you are miserable and she seems to think she is, I would ask for a divorce.
She may be just pushing you to see how far she can get, who know but her.
You dont have any kids yet, thats good actually.
She will only get half of what you have saved since the wedding. You can probably work out a deal with her on that.

Ive been through it and it sucks I know, you just have to wake op one morning and make the call

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06-04-2007 07:40:05

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
i would say the big question is do you love her you need to set down with your wife and ask eachother what needs to be done dont get in a big argument write it down on paper and tell eachiother you have to do atleast 3 meet eachother in the middle of the river then i think your dad needs to apalogize to her but just dont knock her up right now

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06-04-2007 07:09:19

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
I had a bad 1st marriage. I don't take the vows lightly.. but it ain't worth liveing your whole life miserable. If ya can't fix it.. cut yer losses.. find a nice girl, and start that family you want.

( besides.. if her legal advice is that bad.. maybee she will represent herself and make a bad showing of it??? )

best of luck.


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Brian in NY

06-04-2007 06:36:52

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
Ask your friends if they would want to marry your wife if you were to divorce her. Get honest answers. Remember a few things. Life is too short to not be happy. There are too many great women out there without a man to spend your life with a witch. Don't think about the money. Who cares about money? Kids and family are more important. Blood is thicker than water. Any woman whom does not respect your family does not respect you, period. I say ditch her today!

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Luke S

06-04-2007 05:52:46

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
Sounds to me like you have some serious problems to work through. DO NOT HAVE KIDS UNLESS YOU GET THESE PROBLEMS GOOD AND WORKED OUT!!!!! !!!!! !

Also, your dad kind of sounds like a baby or an instigator or something judging by his response to her trying to help, if she was wrong he could of just let it go instead of being a smart a$$.

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06-04-2007 04:56:23

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
You made a mistake. Correct it. Don't knock her up, whatever you do. Move on.

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06-04-2007 17:04:17

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to Les, 06-04-2007 04:56:23  

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06-04-2007 03:35:59

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
Trade her for a good Farmall tractor. Good Luck.

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Josey Wales

06-04-2007 03:05:16

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
Life is way too short to spend it like that with a drug addict.Been there done that. Get out while the getting is good.

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Farmall MD nut

06-04-2007 01:16:56

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
No kids, Get out of it.The career choice she made should have been a warning sign right off the bat.

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Glenn FitzGerald

06-03-2007 21:40:32

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
I won't go into length. I do know it is always easier to point out the faults in others than deal with our own. My wife and I are not naturally compatable either but we love each other. I am learning to deal with the beam in my own eye and let her deal with the sliver in hers.

Divorce (even if no children are involved) is destroying our country. Ask any school teacher; I'm sure they'll agree.

Glenn FitzGerald

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1941 farmall a boy

06-03-2007 21:24:54

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
My best friend right down the road from me has the same problem. He wont leave hear she has cheated on him like crazy there fixing to have 5 kids one is his and one is hers. Last year thay got in a big fight and she ran him over with the tone truck huge thing and I saw it happen. My mom and dad ran over ther in the truck and he was draging himself down the road. He is a welder and gone alot and im nice and I go help them when thay need it when he is gone. But why Im telling you this. If it is getting that bad your better to go then get really hurt. Im only 18 years old so I dont know how it feels. But I did just lose my girl friend of 3 years and ive known her for 6. That was hard but now that she did that I am doing so much better now dont need to worie about pissing her off or any thing. You Take Care Be safe.

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06-03-2007 21:22:59

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
On a lighter side, I would keep her around. A lottttt of guys are married to women that are b$tches, ice princesses that don't cook, clean or take care of their kids but they don't work for the state and make $50,000 dollars a year. So look at it as a benefit. In the meantime I would make sure a lot of things you own end up conveinently over at mom and dads house in their posession. She wont notice if you get rid of a few things here and there and maybe even slip dad a few bucks now and then when you can into a bank account that is in his name that he can draw out for you after the ice queen is long gone.

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06-03-2007 22:25:39

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to davpal, 06-03-2007 21:22:59  
That's exchanging true God-given love for an unsatiable, satanic lust for money.

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06-03-2007 21:14:43

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
Until it's known if it's heredity or environment that is messing your wife up. She needs to see a different physician(s) and try a different treatment plan. If she doesn't want or can't straighten up. Then make a decision on either situation.

Not a good situation. In the long run I lucked out by having a fluke accident/incident that ended up breaking an engagement with a decent women. I felt unsettled about if for years then happened across her with her family while I was with my family. Talk about thanking God for unanswered prayers. Don't get me wrong the broken engagement women is a fine lady, but she's carrying some heavy baggage. I can't begin to understand how I fortunate I was to have a women that my family knew. She called and said she needed an escort for a social function. Happened twice infact. I always knew her but had never thought of checking her out. 18 good years to date & three children the patient, long suffering dear has given.

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06-03-2007 21:11:29

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
To add a bit of levity to a serious situation:

Dear Abby,

I"ve never written to you before, but I really need your advice on
what could be a crucial decision. I"ve suspected for some time now
that my wife has been cheating on me.

The usual signs... phone rings but if I answer, the caller hangs up.
My wife has been going out with the girls a lot recently although
when I ask their names she always says, "Just some friends from
work, you don"t know them."

I always stay awake to look out for her taxi coming home, but she
always walks down the drive. Although I can hear a car driving off,
as if she has gotten out of the car round the corner. Why? Maybe she
wasn"t in a taxi? I once picked her cell phone up just to see what
time it was and she went berserk and screamed that I should never
touch her phone again and why was I checking up on her.

Anyway, I have never approached the subject with my wife. I think
deep down I just didn"t want to know the truth, but last night she
went out again and I decided to really check on her.

I decided I was going to park my Harley Davidson motorcycle next to
the garage and then hide behind it so I could get a good view of the
whole street when she came home. It was at that moment, crouching
behind my Harley, that I noticed that the valve covers on my engine
seemed to be leaking a little oil.

So I was wondering, is this something I can fix myself or should I take it back to the dealer?

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Walt Davies

06-03-2007 21:11:13

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
Better to cut it off now when both of you are obviously not on the same network. If you were enjoying your life together and its was some spit between your father and your wife then I think about it but its pretty reasonable from what you write that its time to sever your elations before things get really bad.

Walt PS my wife and I don't agree much on religion I don't go to church and she does but we have worked that out for over 32 years now.

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06-03-2007 20:42:49

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
Hi, I was married for 22 years and filed for divorce. Neither of us was cheating on the other. Filing for divorce was a difficult decision for me, but it was one of the single most correct decisions I ever made. The one thing that surprised me was how friends take sides, I filed, so I was the bad guy. If you file, you will find out who your friends are.

I remember feeling so ashamed for filing that I didn't go to church for several months. Finally, I felt I needed to go. The sermon was about how big a sin it was to divorce, the pastor went on and on about it. I have since quit going to church and have remarried after being single for 7 years. I tell everyone that I am having marital problems, my wife keeps nagging me to buy more tractors and I don't know what to do with her! She is not only my wife, but my very best friend. We have been married for over 15 years.

If your wife is unreasonable then you will not be able to reason with her. You can try a counselor, I did, the experience was a total waste of time in my particular case.

Good luck, and get a lawyer to represent you that has handled several divorces and is 50+ years old.

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06-03-2007 20:37:51

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
"she doesnst have much, I have saved a lot...I know she will get 1/2 of it, I will get 1/2 of her clothes...yippee... Please let me have your comments...." My comment is, your statement suggests that you have got a selfish attitude that you need to get rid of if you really want a better marriage. Forget Daddy's hurt feeling and help your wife. You can not expect anybody on seven or eight medications including medication for depression to function without help. I hear all the time marriage is a fifty\fifty. If you ain't willing to go at least sixty percent for your wife's sake then she just might be better off without you. You mentioned church. I suggest you read Matt.19:1-9 and decide if you are willing to take what it say to heart.

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06-03-2007 20:37:32

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
"she doesnst have much, I have saved a lot...I know she will get 1/2 of it, I will get 1/2 of her clothes...yippee... Please let me have your comments...." My comment is, your statement suggests that you have got a selfish attitude that you need to get rid of if you really want a better marriage. Forget Daddy's hurt feeling and help your wife. You can not expect anybody on seven or eight medications including medication for depression to function without help. I hear all the time marriage is a fifty\fifty. If you ain't willing to go at least sixty percent for your wife's sake then she just might be better off without you. You mentioned church. I suggest you read Matt.19:1-9 and decide if you are willing to take what it say to heart.

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Chris in MD

06-03-2007 20:07:33

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
****sigh.... I pray for that beautiful woman to come into my life soon! But I also pray to have a healthy relationship,...my weak heart couldn't bear the pain of divorce =[ =[

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06-03-2007 20:01:37

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
In this state you keep whatever you had when the knot was tied. Only the assets gained together ae usually split equally. Glad it isn't me. I would draw a line in the sand of time as to how long I would keep on keeping on and let her know the details of what is acceptable to you in terms of reconciliation.Then DO IT !

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06-03-2007 19:58:52

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  

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06-03-2007 19:41:52

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
It sounds to me like your wife has a problem with your family and it is effecting her relationship with you. My only advise would be to cut ALL ties concerning a relationship between your wife and your family members. Give it some time and continue an even better relationship with your God. Invite her to attend services with you but don't nag her. God has helped me through many difficult times and that is why he is the most important thing in my life.

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06-03-2007 19:27:38

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
I can tell you for certain that staying in this marriage will probably do mental and physical damage tp both of you. I stayed in a marriage for 15 years until I finally caught her cheating and realized she had been doing it for years. She was godless and not a christian and I was. Oh how I wished I would have woke up earlier. My advice is to let her go and find yourself a good country gal and a wife you can have children with. Family is what counts after all.

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06-03-2007 19:25:03

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
if i was you and sounds kinda like my ex, it"s a pretty easy solution.....RUN LIKE HELL AND DONT LOOK BACK!!! There"s other fish in the sea and your life is going to be more miserable if you stick around and continue to try ro please her. psss... dont forget your tractors!!!

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Doug in Illinois

06-03-2007 19:00:31

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
Hmm, city girl, farm boy. Been there, done that. My advice probably not the best, as can sympathize very well. My current wife still doesn't understand that the honey do list really needs to wait when hay needs worked. Her priority is on everything looking nice. Anyhow, the only advice I can give is to PRAY and leave it up to God. My prayers are with you. Divorce is worse than having a spouse die as a dead person won't try to make your life miserable.

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06-03-2007 18:39:33

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
Divorce sucks, and this is the hardest step you will ever take.

You arent living your life like you describe, you are dying. Cut your losses.

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06-03-2007 17:45:47

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
I wish I could say that I had never been in your shoes. But, I have and my prayers go out to you. my wife of 10 years and I Have been fortunate to find a christian counselor who really understands prayer and the power of healing. He bases much of his training on a book called The Five Love Languages by gary Chapman. Also check out Familylife.com some really good info.

I speak from experience when I say that it is far easier to turn to anger and throw away your marriage than it is to stay and win her over. But, we always have to remember christ left us with a choice to follow or to sin. If she wants to continue down the wrong road you have every right to give her a boot on the way out. Good Luck and prayers for your peace in a decision

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Mike M

06-03-2007 17:42:27

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
Those 7-8 medications is bound to be screwing her up.

Doctors have also found a food that causes women to start acting like this,it affects all of them. Oh ,that food is wedding cake !!!!! !!!!! !

Don't have kids with her and get out before it's too late. Just be glad you saw this in just a few years and not several more.

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Billy NY

06-03-2007 17:13:21

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
I can understand where you are at, and yet we don't have the other side of the story, but that is ok, as long as your description is fair to what is going on.

The best thing you can do, is get together and have a serious discussion about the things that seem so embedded in her personality and yours, and verify the things that you describe are genuine to her and will not change, meaning you will never agree on or see eye to eye about. You really need to know the truth about all things between you, try to do it in a civil, mature, friendly, but serious manner. If there is no way things can be worked on or you can help each other in this, very difficult to be happy together, then you have to make the decision after you have given serious consideration the issues at hand. People do make mistakes when getting married, it is very unfortunate, the only thing that can happen is they both figure out how to change, grow or part their seperate ways so that both cna find the happiness they deserve. Religion is a very personal issue, chores and domestic things around the house are things both need to contribute to so that neither has an unequal share.

Personally, I have always done cooking, laundry, and cleaning, it's really appreciated when someone does these things for me, I can't see myself depending on woman to do these things in these modern times, many resent those old school roles and many husbands abuse the situation, everything in life always gets done by hard work and dedication, when two people are together, something fair has to work out or it's lop sided and that is not fair.

I wish the best for both of you, it's not easy by any means, there is no doubt about that, you do your best and never give up until things become impossible, which may be the case now.

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06-03-2007 17:07:41

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
WHATEVER you do, don't burden yourself by having a kid with this woman!

--- BTDT

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restore woman

06-03-2007 16:57:18

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
It is so cut and dried in your letter that you already know what you need to do with your marriage and your looking for some support!
Well, you have it! You need to get out of that toxic relationship and get back with your family and friends for support and get her out of your life.
She doesn't support you or your family or your beliefs and sounds like she is in desperate need of some depression counseling NOT marriage counseling!
I know, i played that "death do us part game" and it didn't work because my husband didn't want to make it work. YOu can't do it alone, both of you need to be on the same page. She needs to move on with her life with out you. And you need to be man enough to say "enough is enough".
Take that step, and see where it goes! It can't get any worse then it already is!
Prayer is your support for your soul through this and let the Lord guide you through it. Put it in his hands and he will help you!

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06-03-2007 16:35:41

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
Kenny Rodgers' song about "The Gambler" goes: "You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away, and know when to run."

Your time has come to fold yore cards and walk away.

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Ken Crisman

06-03-2007 16:29:39

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
Sounds like you need to find a good counsoler for yourself . Son if she is running things after only 4 yrs , you're in for one heck of a future . I was married for 33 yrs & happily I thought . My X continueslly used the altimatum plan to control me . I was blinded by love . She finally did what she wanted to do . Left me to play with the boys . So if I was in your shoes , get some mental & spiritual help for yourself . Your marriage seems to be a no win thing so get your losses over with now . The single life isn't too bad as long as ya have friends & family . Be thankful you have no kids to her . Dump her ! Good luck & God bless , Ken

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06-03-2007 16:29:26

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
In all honesty, all you can do is pray about it. I'm serious. Lots of people say prayer does not = action, but I can assure you, God will act according to what his people need.

He does not answer to someone who does not answer their hearts.

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06-03-2007 16:19:03

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
I can tell you this much, if my wife decided to come between me and God or me and my family the choice would be easy for me. My wife and I do not always get along and we do not always agree when it comes to matters with each other's families... but we are decent to each other and don't let arguments just set, we work it out no matter how long it takes.

Bringing a child into an already unhappy/unstable marriage is NEVER a solution.

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Steve Crum

06-03-2007 16:09:42

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
We just celebrated our 25th anniversary this past week. I'd like to tell you it has been 25 years of bliss, but it has not been. We've had our trials and tribulations over the years.
Your case sounds like a losing battle sorry to say. One bright spot is that if she screwed up on the paperwork she sent your Dad, maybe she's not as thorough an attorney as most might think.
The last thing you want is a child at this point, and worse a child raised outside the church and around a poor attitude and general marrage condition. (but prisons do have visitation)
I would seek out a sharp attorney and lay out the entire situation to him/her for advice. If things are as bad as you say, you lose either way. What your main concern should be, is how to minimize your loss.

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06-03-2007 16:08:55

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
Time to split the sheet while you can without losing your shirt. This marriage will never, never turn the corner.

On the other hand by reading the text and spelling, she will end up the lucky one if this is not written by a 5 grader.

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Jim T. in Nevada

06-03-2007 16:02:43

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
First of all, this is extremely personal and WAY off topic (should have been on the 'other' forum), and I am probably stupid for answering this... BUTTTT one thing stands out..... ..... ..

Lemme tell you something.... You said she doesn't really agree with you about going to church anymore and that if you had a kid, she wouldn't want him/her going.

I gather that your biggest priority is to God, and not to some stupid woman.

Think about what I just said, and I pray you will make your decision safely.

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06-03-2007 15:54:09

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to marriage problems., 06-03-2007 15:40:46  
There is a time to tough it out and there's a time to cut your losses. Cut your losses.

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Larry D.

06-03-2007 18:14:56

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to bo, 06-03-2007 15:54:09  
Regretfully.....I have a VERY Close Co Worker in the Same Position, It is a NO WIN situation on Your part, I hate to be Blunt.. BTY' My Friend I'm Speaking about His Divorce is Final already.She was a Lawyer also,a Carbon Copy really' Let er' and Start over! Larry

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135 Fan

06-03-2007 20:48:29

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to Larry D., 06-03-2007 18:14:56  
I agree it doesn't look too good. However, you may be biased somewhat to your father. If he got a second opinion that was more accurate, he could have just went with that advice and not tried to stir the pot. Has he always had issues with your wife or vice/versa? I get the impression they don't get along the best. It's good you intercepted his recent letter. In my experience a lot of lawyers figure they are the highest and smartest class of people and talk down to us mere mortals. Of course they are wrong and that is why there is so much lawyer bashing. For the most part it is well deserved. No offence to the small minority of excellent lawyers. I have heard that it's very hard to live with a lot of cops. Kind of a power trip kind of thing. Find all your receipts from stuff you had purchased before you were married and put them in a safe place. If you can prove you had it before you were married, she can't touch it. Good luck. Dave

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In a similar situation

06-04-2007 06:08:43

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to 135 Fan, 06-03-2007 20:48:29  
My wife was on a birthcontrol called depo provera for a few years, it has destroyed our marriage, she battles severe depression among other health issues and we have not been able to be intimate really for oh well over 5 years. I've been helping the best I possibly can but she blames me for all thats wrong because I helped decide which birth control to use. They say all positive things, docs etc about it. Nope don't use depo.

Can't even hug her to make her feel better, hugging her starts a panic attack most days. She doesn't want to get help, just wants to be able to have a baby now

I'm gonna stick it out until I crack I think, it was a promise I made. Don't think this baby is a good idea until stuff gets fixed.

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more of the same

06-04-2007 09:27:33

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 Re: OT: dont know what to do...wife probs. in reply to In a similar situation, 06-04-2007 06:08:43  
Hey! buddy , In A Similar position, better take stock real good, no co-hab for five years , blames you for pill selection, can't hug her starts panic attack , wants to have a child better check who wants to be daddy , gosh gee!, take a look around , you are the scapegoat , find the real reason , Its probably looking you in the face , but don't recognize it. They always say I love you and i'm not leaving , until it happens.
There's a boat called trakker ,get on it and check it out.

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