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Off topic, Chevy truck help!

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01-20-2005 12:21:32

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I've tried everywhere else I could think of for an answer and decided one last try couldn't hurt. This post is kinda long, so please be comfortable. My younger brother, a Marine, has an 88 Chevy 3500 with the TBI 350. On his last leave, I helped him replace the head gaskets(doesn't run well on antifreeze). We got it put back together, but there is a problem. The injectors are "dumping" too much fuel in. If it does start the injectors decide to just shut off, and truck dies. If you cycle the key on and off while it is running, you can keep it going, but the exhaust is mostly gas vapors. We tried new injectors, ECM(stupid computer), manually checked all sensors' voltage, bought a nice diagnostic scanner that pretty much says that all sensors are working good, all grounds good, fuel pressure good. What have I missed? The garages around here don't have a clue, let alone want to work on TBI, and the service people at the dealers are a bunch of jerks. I think he should buy a Ford. I'm in charge of getting it running before he comes back and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all.

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Randy SE-MN.

01-21-2005 13:11:17

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to knauffj, 01-20-2005 12:21:32  
The ecm is either not getting an rpm signal to keep fuel pump running, or oil pressure switch is defective or not hooked up. Double check the that the Throttle Position Sensor isn't hung wide open. that will also kill the injectors. Make sure the MAP sensor is hooked up and connected to manifold vacuum, or ecm will interpret a WOT condition. Randy...ASE Master. PS...You didn't accidently clamp any of the wiring harness between the Head(s) and engine block...Intake???

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Bryan in Iowa

01-20-2005 19:40:21

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to knauffj, 01-20-2005 12:21:32  
Well, where do we start ? Ok I'll take stab at this .I get lot of calls during the week like yours.Over the phone diagnoisis is lil tuff,,lol.
First thing , stop throwing parts at it ! Fuel pressure on these has to be exact, not oh its getting fuel , or yea it sprays out injector . Check fuel pressure key on engine off,write it down ! Watch pressure as it peaks,note how fast it falls off , and where it ends up . System should hold residule pressure after pump stops. If falls off quickly you need to pinch return line and retest . If pressure holds now, you have reg stuck open or leaking . If pressure still drops after pump stops, possible injector leaking, or bad in pump check valve , can check by pinching off supply line ahead of pump, if stable ,,bad pump. Also you should run fuel pump volume test. There should be a wire to energize fuel pump.Open supply line , energize pump,should just about fill pop bottle 3/4 full or close to it in 30 seconds .If low , check pump, filter , line restrictions ,etc..That pretty much is complete fuel pressure test . Make note of pressure when cranking , running , and when truck dies . Any changes indicate pump shutting off . But you should still be able to keep pump running by prime connector . Next thing I'd look at it engine vacuum. Should be steady , at least 12 inches, any less and you have either timing problem , timing chain jumped , ignition timing off, or valve spring problem , or plugged exhaust . Double check ignition timing,,MAKE SURE you unplug timing connector , either on firewall or under heater box on pass side in cab . Very important , if not unplugged timing can be off as much as 30 degrees . TO check back pressure either pull oxygen sensor and put gauge in there ,,or just drop pipes down from manifold 3/4 to an inch . If runs okay ,pluuged exhaust, converter etc . Also look at Egr,,if stuck open acts like big vacuum leak . Low vacuum will make map sensor fatten up fuel mixture , run pig rich . Okay if have good manifold vacuum , next I'd wanna see what Injector pulse width is . If you have diagnostic scanner that will show it , you should be seeing around 1-4 mil at idle . If it is way more than that computer is tryign to fatten up mixture 10.0 - 18.0 milsec is pretty rich. More likely vac problem still if that high . Also Map sensor voltage should be close to 1.2- 2 .0 volts at Idle . if up around 3 -5 v either map is bad , or reading low vacuum,,you can fool Map sensor with handheld vac pump, hook up to port put 20 inches to it , see what happens ? If runs ok,look at causes of low vacuum. Few other thing to check out .These trucks are famous for distributor shafts getting magnatised, makes em run like crap . Weak module , weak coil .
Sorry for the long rant , but these are great motors. You just need to have all your ducks in a row before you start slapping parts on em or asking a tech "whats wrong with it ?" with out having done some basic testing and results to go by . I see it in my shop all the time . Most of the time we get it fixed , few that bite us , but keep after them tiil they're back on the road . If you still having problems , shoot me an e=mail ,,can see what we missed or you can give me phone call . Good luck Bryan

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joe e-tx

01-21-2005 07:38:01

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to Bryan in Iowa , 01-20-2005 19:40:21  
bryan very good job of explaing, CHECK FIRST then replace.fuel pressure 8 or 9 pounds,anything else wont work. oem ECM has prom and calpack to be removed and installed in new/rebuilt ECM.calpack runs engine till 195 degres and prom takes over in closed loop.let us know when its running

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Bryan in Iowa

01-21-2005 07:49:40

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to joe e-tx, 01-21-2005 07:38:01  
I just double checked , alldata is showing 9 -13 lbs on fuel pressure . also Oil pressure swithc closes at 4 psi oil and bypasses pump relay . Keep us posted !!!

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Mike M

01-20-2005 18:54:22

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to knauffj, 01-20-2005 12:21:32  
Don't forget that just because a part is new or reman it still may be bad. We have had several bad AC Delco reman ECM's only way to know for sure if it is a good part is to swap it into a known good running car or truck.

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01-20-2005 19:07:08

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to Mike M, 01-20-2005 18:54:22  
Been there! It has a warrante, guess I could get it exchanged.

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01-20-2005 15:27:00

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to knauffj, 01-20-2005 12:21:32  
Sounds like the truck is starting on the( crank )fuse and the ecm fuse is blown or the ecm is not getting voltage. If you changed the ecm did you change the eprom too ?

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01-20-2005 18:41:16

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to sphargy42, 01-20-2005 15:27:00  
Didn't change the eprom. I suppose the old one could be bad. Are they expensive? Will check the fuses tomorrow, falling face first in a snow drift in the dark doesn't sound like much fun :) How do you check for voltage at ecm? Probably also "in the book". Thanks again!

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01-20-2005 15:18:34

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to knauffj, 01-20-2005 12:21:32  
I found this web site when my friend was adapting TBI to an engine in his old jeep. He learned a lot about the system from ths guy"s book and web site. The link is http://www.customefis.com/. The guy says he will answer any questions about TBI if you have bought his book. My friend was pleased with the info he received and his old jeep runs pretty well now.

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01-20-2005 14:33:47

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to knauffj, 01-20-2005 12:21:32  
Put a vacuum gauge on the power brake port. When cranking or at idle (I know, it is hard to make it idle) you should have a smooth vacuum signal, 10, 11 inches at crank and 18, 19 at idle.

We had a 94 that sat at a dealership for over a month while they fiddled with it; ended up with them telling us the motor was junk and for 3500.00 they could install a new one.

Any way to make along story short, the engine had a broken intake valve spring allowing compression pressure into the manifold. Found the vacuum problem with the gauge, it was all over the place.

The TBI really runs off of two main signals, vacuum signal and throttle position sensor. Low vacuum tells the ecm that the engine is under load and signals it to put in mucho fuel.

The injectors quitting, I would agree with others; oil pressure switch or pump relay.

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Allan in NE

01-20-2005 14:15:18

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to knauffj, 01-20-2005 12:21:32  
Hi Guy,

Let's go back to square one.

When you turn the key to the "on" position, the fuel pump will run for 10 seconds and then it will shut off unless the truck is running. If the truck is running, oil pressure tells the ECM via a special sensor to keep the fuel pump activated.

When you had the heads off, did you remember to plug that oil pressure sensor back in? It is the one laying horizontal off to the driver's side behind the distributor.

Now, about this flooding. Are you sure that the truck is flooding? What is your fuel pressure? As someone else stated, you may have a bad regulator, but if that is so, you should see a fuel pressure reading of about 90 lbs or so.

Those injectors are controlled by the ECM, are stepped on/off and very seldom stick "on". Also, injector pulse must first clear ignition pulse.

I dunno, it just sounds to me like you have some wiring problems going on beind the engine at the firewall.


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Mark - IN.

01-20-2005 16:31:48

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to Allan in NE, 01-20-2005 14:15:18  
Did you learn that from workin' on all of that red? Holy cow!!! LOL. Aint like the good old days. Computerized world? I still got an old texas instruments calculator about the size of a kitchen table, works off of a car battery, and have to slip in magnetic strips to program it to do anything. But, a few stategically located scratches on them strips, and does pretty good here at YT (don't get any other channels) with two modems (one to xmit, one to recv). Graphics aren't too good though. Later Allan.


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joe e-tx

01-20-2005 13:51:32

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to knauffj, 01-20-2005 12:21:32  
try with can of carb cleaner lightly sprayed at TBI,and see if it will keep running?.if so check oil perssure switch at back of intake.(pluged in?).also fuel pump relay (behind black cover passanger side under hood)has a red pigtail,hook power wire to pigtail from battery,and see if will run. this would test fuel problem. i have replaced a tool box load of pick up coils in distributor in these trucks (could of broke wire when distributor pulled) check fuel first and get back joe

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01-20-2005 13:59:37

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to joe e-tx, 01-20-2005 13:51:32  
It runs, somewhat. The amount of fuel that shoots out of the injectors now is about double of what it did before the new head gaskets. The exhaust is terrible. Almost in a fog the entire time. Then the injectors just shut off. On the scanner, the O2 sensor reading flashes back and forth from lean to rich, after the engine warms up. To get the engine to warm up, you have to keep cycling the key on and off, to "reset" the injectors because they keep shutting off. Oil pressure switch plugged in. Replace it?? Thanks!

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joe e-tx

01-20-2005 15:01:12

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to knauffj, 01-20-2005 13:59:37  
dont throw any more parts at it...we will figger this out. if head gaskets were blown you would have water and anti freeze in exhaust which is mose likely most of cloud of smoke. how do you know fuel pressure? do you have fuel pressure guage to to hook in line ? or guess because you see spray?. dont worry about o2 sensors should run with out them.recheck oring at bottom of injector,its for the vaccum for pressur regulator.
still working with my five techs.

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01-20-2005 18:36:26

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to joe e-tx, 01-20-2005 15:01:12  
I put a T-fitting on the inlet line where it goes into the throttle body. Fuel line, throttle body, pressure guage all hooked up like book said. I don't recall the numbers, but they were in the middle of the range the book gave. No fluctuations, went up and stayed. I'll tell, this has my brother and I pretty confused, and he went to a Vo-Tech for auto mechanics! I prefer carbs, or if it has to be fuel injected, a diesel! We've had the truck warmed up to 160 degress since put back together. You can smell, and taste, the gas in the exhaust. Thanks!

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01-20-2005 13:32:51

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to knauffj, 01-20-2005 12:21:32  
Clooney would have been the one to help you, however since you badmouthed GM, and there dealers, and have thoughts of buying a Ford you may have shot your self in the foot. ha. Maybe not tho.

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01-20-2005 13:52:16

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to CLW, 01-20-2005 13:32:51  
I was just joking about the Ford. This truck was bought new for farm work and has held up pretty well considering the abuse it went through before my brother bought it. The service guys were very rude with the last one telling to "get lost!" and quit wasting their time. Probably because it's not a nice, shiny, new truck that they can make tons of money off of. I'm going to try another regulator diaphram and a fuel pump relay like suggested. If there are any other suggestions, let me know. Thanks!

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01-20-2005 16:12:20

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to knauffj, 01-20-2005 13:52:16  
I knew you were joking. So was I. Don't know if he post here or not. He will help if he reads this.

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01-20-2005 13:21:15

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to knauffj, 01-20-2005 12:21:32  
I dont know the answer but I know when I was In boot camp my dad fixed my car and boy did I appreciate that.Good luck.

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01-20-2005 13:16:49

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to knauffj, 01-20-2005 12:21:32  
I would put an oxegen sensor in. About $20

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01-20-2005 13:00:35

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to knauffj, 01-20-2005 12:21:32  
If you know someone that has a chevy truck, swap the fuel pump relays and see what happens.

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Gerald J.

01-20-2005 12:40:17

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to knauffj, 01-20-2005 12:21:32  
Replace the fuel pressure regulator. It has a split in the diaphragm and is filling the engine with gasoline through the vacuum lines. With no secondary fuel filter, I had a Ford that broke the engine that way. It was hard on starters too cranking past cylinders full of liquid gasoline.

Gerald J.

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01-20-2005 12:50:42

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to Gerald J., 01-20-2005 12:40:17  
We had replaced all seals and that diaphram also. The old diaphram didn't have any holes in it though. Do you think I messed something up putting the new one in? Did what the manual said and showed. We checked fuel pressure at the TBI and it was within the range. Could the spring be bad in the regulator? The entire regulator?? Thanks for the advice. Should I look into getting an entire regulator (GM only part) and why does the fuel shut off at the injectors? Same reason? Not much fuel in vacumn lines. Thanks again for the help!

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Brian in NY

01-20-2005 14:52:02

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to knauffj, 01-20-2005 12:50:42  
Did you get a code for or check the coolant temperature sensor? If it is shorting out or giving a false reading it will tell motor to lean out when it should be pumping fuel and thus kill the motor. Just a thought, I had that problem on an 87 S10.

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B Payne

01-20-2005 14:20:05

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 Re: Off topic, Chevy truck help! in reply to knauffj, 01-20-2005 12:50:42  
Double check all the conections at the sensors a little corosion can make them act up. Check the rest of the sensors "i.e. knock, ect" the wire harness might have pulled them loose during the head fix.


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