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12-16-2004 13:02:45

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A while ago, some guy wrote into one of the other sections of this site, complaining about you guys in this section being grouchy, unfriendly, sour grape types of people! I can't, for the life of me, understand just what the heck he meant!! I get great joy from reading the posts in this site, especially the one about the guy who was raising cats to sell their skins! I think that guy should go soak his head in the creek, then come in and park it in the freezer, maybe it'll smarten him up! Maybe its good that he doesn't post in this forum--we don't need complainers! by: Rusty Jones (rustyj)

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12-21-2004 10:14:07

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to rustyj14, 12-16-2004 13:02:45  
Rusty, Well said! We are here to help each other, not belly ache. This guy needs a little of the Christmas spirit. If he wants to complain about something he needs to step outside my house yesterday am at 20 degrees below.

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37 chief

12-16-2004 15:37:59

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to rustyj14, 12-16-2004 13:02:45  
It was probably around election time. A lot of people got their shorts all wadded up over that.

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sammy the RED

12-16-2004 20:57:33

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to 37 chief, 12-16-2004 15:37:59  
Aint that the truth !..... . Amen

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Missouri Boy

12-16-2004 15:14:47

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to rustyj14, 12-16-2004 13:02:45  
This fellow wads able to buy some real nice tractors from the money he made raising rats to feed to tjhe cats and then skinned the cats sold the skins and fed the carcasses to the rats. He sold me one Massey Harris 444 and 2 ford 2n's when he was able to buy all new green ones

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12-16-2004 14:41:46

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to rustyj14, 12-16-2004 13:02:45  
Gee whiz, I'm gone all day and look at what happened. Allan and Indy, you have until tomorrow morning to straighten up.

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Allan in NE

12-16-2004 14:54:38

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to RustyFarmall, 12-16-2004 14:41:46  
Okay Dad,

Just don't make me scoop any more ear corn into the grinder with that darned spud fork!

Small wonder I'm mentally bankrupt! :>)


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12-16-2004 15:11:46

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to Allan in NE, 12-16-2004 14:54:38  
....And morally deficient....John

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12-16-2004 13:52:33

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to rustyj14, 12-16-2004 13:02:45  
That's a crock if I ever heard one.

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Allan in NE

12-16-2004 13:55:06

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to Redmud, 12-16-2004 13:52:33  
Oh Red,

Wish you and John would quit the dancin' around the issue here. Ya big Whossesis. :>)


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12-16-2004 15:00:14

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to Allan in NE, 12-16-2004 13:55:06  
Allan, You know you started all the hate and discontent. Guys like Harley, Indy, Dug, Rusty, and myself, We where doing everything we could to keep peace. But NOOOOO , you had to keep it going 24-7. Oh! I hate to say this, but I loved every minute of it.

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Allan in NE

12-16-2004 15:07:05

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to Redmud, 12-16-2004 15:00:14  
Who? Me? :>)

The thing of it is, I'm so reserved, bashful and shy. I was just practicing my therapy. :>)

Later Guy,


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12-16-2004 13:22:00

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to rustyj14, 12-16-2004 13:02:45  
Good thing you didn't visit about election time.

Let me put it to you this way.... Most everyone would get up in the morning, go slam the cardoor on their hand a few times to get the pain and anger flowing, then get on here to launch full-scale character assaults on each other.

(Mostly, it was Allan's fault.....) John

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Allan in NE

12-16-2004 13:59:14

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 12-16-2004 13:22:00  

I'll let one a ma red ones outta the cage..... :>)


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12-16-2004 13:58:58

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 12-16-2004 13:22:00  
As I saw it, Allan openned the car door every morning and sat back hoping others would start slamming.... Guess he wasn't quite aware of how this place was set up, historically this site had been more informational than a teen chat room or coffee shop. The old crowd was not used to insults at all, even if meant in a fun way - hard to tell mean-spirited from kidding with typed text.

Today this is a pretty good place again. There was a time, and many many messages, that were not so nice from many people, not just one side. I believe most of those have been erased, and one probably didn't see them.

Don't wish for that past back again, it was not fun.

It's nice if a fresh new thread looks to the future & maybe talks about a hint of tractor or farm issues of the past, instead of this type of thread that is looking backwards & full of insults? It just seems like it invites more bad & ugly feelings. How sad for this time of year.

Not a big deal if a thread strays around all over topics, as converstion is bound to do. Was just extremely different for the way Allan started up any old topic not related to anything, and always with an edge on it - daring others to get ugly, rather than helpful.

That sure was a very different tact for this web site, and one that a lot did not enjoy. There are so many other discussion sites that are designed to be flame-fests, while this is one of the very few that has helpful info on old ag stuff. Seemed a shame to take that away and turn it into just another flame-fest web site.

Allan didn't do so all by himself - he actually seems to be a pretty deceint fellow. But he always started up those threads that really pushed people's buttons like a bull in a china shop, and to this day I don't think he has figured out how much he changed this place from a good friendly place to a really hostile setting there for a while, or why folks were upset with him at that time.

Actually this place has been quite nice again to come visit, and a lot of people were letting their guard down again and getting back to being helpful & friendly & pleasant. And now this thread, so it will all blow up all over again. Sigh.


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Jay (ND)

12-16-2004 19:10:48

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to paul, 12-16-2004 13:58:58  
I like to change short silly looking creatures with the seasons. Around Halloween, I was a troll, now with it being so close to Christmas, can I be an Elf this time? Maybe a leprechaun in February.....

Smile, it'll make people wonder what you've been up to.

Merry Christmas All


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12-16-2004 15:37:13

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to paul, 12-16-2004 13:58:58  
The fact of the matter is, at that time, it didn't take any thing special from any one person. We were all guilty. It seemed that no matter what was said, it became a raging inferno in minutes.

When the "Reginald Denny" trial took place, I was absolutely astounded at the verdict.....Mob Mentality my eye!

But after watching how things degenerated in such a hurry on here, I now understand just what that term means now.

At any point during the "festivities" any of us could have just walked away. Instead, we all just jumped on the dogpile.

I'm hoping we all learned a few things, and will handle ourselves in a more mature fashion NEXT time a brawl breaks out.

And just a final note. My 2 best friends in this world were once bitter rivals/enemies of mine. We had a chance to make peace with each other, and went on to be great friends. I sure hope that happens with all of us.

I think it already has..... John

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Paul in Mich

12-16-2004 20:59:07

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 12-16-2004 15:37:13  
(Throwing hat in door first) John, I"m still buying coffee.

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12-17-2004 03:36:40

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to Paul in Mich, 12-16-2004 20:59:07  
Paul, I make about 3 or 4 trips a year into Michigan, to pick up equipment I buy off the 'net. Next time we're headed that way, I'll give you a shout. I don't drink coffee, but I'd still be willing to share a few minutes with you. (A "Kinder-gentler John, now that the elections are over)

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Allan in NE

12-16-2004 14:03:16

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to paul, 12-16-2004 13:58:58  
Hi Paul,

Gimme a minute. Gotta read this again to see if I'm a bad guy or not. :>)

Yep, I like to stir the pot, that's for sure. :>)

Actually, it is Redmud and Indydirtfarmer who are the real trouble makers around here.....


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12-16-2004 13:15:06

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to rustyj14, 12-16-2004 13:02:45  

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Allan in NE

12-16-2004 13:12:58

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to rustyj14, 12-16-2004 13:02:45  
Oh Rusty,

Stuff it! :>)

Naw, just kiddin'


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Mark - IN.

12-17-2004 05:56:27

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to Allan in NE, 12-16-2004 13:12:58  
Mind if I jump in here and throw a little gas on the fire? Hmm? Dang it. Keep the gas out in the shed and can't find that darn key. You didn't hide it on me did ya?

I never realized before that you guys were such bad guys. Hmm? Good company's hard to find, and I'm stuck with Bad Company I, I guess. That'll work.

Have a great weekend. Work today, interstate home tonight.

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12-16-2004 14:06:03

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to Allan in NE, 12-16-2004 13:12:58  
Hey Allan, it was all those demecratic green tractor drivers what caused all the trouble wasn't it? I wouldn't name names for all the world though, cause I like all those guys, and they know who they are. :-) Later, Harley

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12-16-2004 15:42:16

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to Harley, 12-16-2004 14:06:03  
Dema-WHAT? I'm assuming you're refering to me, since I'm the resident GREEN and YELLOW missionary, but Dem-o..... .Them's fightin' words with me....

Here we go again..... .John

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Allan in NE

12-16-2004 14:08:53

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to Harley, 12-16-2004 14:06:03  
I suspect everyone east of the Nebraska/Wyoming line.

Ooooops! That includes me! :>)

Later Dude,


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12-16-2004 20:20:50

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 Re: Tractors! in reply to Allan in NE, 12-16-2004 14:08:53  
Now guys let's not get started again. I spent all of October and most of November with the puter by the door with the gun across my knees while typing here, and just got it back into the office. Indy, I mistyped demecratic while ago. What I meant was demigraphic. (Saying the right thing at the right time, priceless) Later, Harley

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