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Tractor Talk Discussion Forum

Idiot drivers!

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09-18-2004 06:28:12

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Argh, I've gotta vent.

There are way too many vehicles on the road and way too many idiots in them. I've been running combination truck more than usual the last couple weeks and just can't believe the stupidity out there.

Yesterday, I was hauling from the field to the plant. The plant is on a 4 lane road and I had to cross to go east. The coast was clear west bound(very uncommon for 4pm) but cars were coming the other way(business as usual). I figured logic would overcome them and they would get into the other lane as I came across. Not so. Morons just stayed in thier lane, honked, flipped me off and caused me to take the median! Everyone thinks they're the most important person on the road and everyone else should just shove off.

If you don't know it already, semi trucks are slower, take longer to stop, and aren't very maneuverable. Get out of thier way!

Driving is not a right, it's a privilege. One that CAN get you killed.

Sorry. Venting over.

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09-20-2004 08:15:13

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Farmerboybill, 09-18-2004 06:28:12  
Yeah I know what you mean. I have to put in too many miles around these congested ant hills as well. I agree with both sides of the responses and I agree that you could very well end up sitting there for an hour or so until rush hour is over. I'd say that pulling out into two lanes of traffic is not wise but if it's a case of some morons criusing down the passing lane and no one is in the right hand lane just keep going. They'll move. That is unless they're too busy talking on the phone to see an 85,000 lb truck.

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09-19-2004 06:06:55

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 Yeah, I am a newbie trucker in reply to Farmerboybill, 09-18-2004 06:28:12  
I've read the responses and appreciate everyones letting me vent.

I admit I am a relatively green driver and, until two weeks ago, haven't run much more than 54000 lb straight trucks.

The thing is, I don't know how many of you live near an urban center of close to half million, but crossing a 4 lane highway @4pm is not a fun proposition. This particular highway connects the main city to a bedroom community of 8000. If you waited courteously for the coast to be clear from both ways, you'd be there 45 minutes to 4 hours. Everyone around here knows this is a very bad intersection and should awknowledge it and be courteous to help out thier fellow human being. I've been the guy in the car at this intersection before and I've gotten over whenever I see a truck coming across.

There should be some sort of requirement that, when you're getting your license for the first time, you hafta log 500 miles in the passenger seat of a truck. I don't know if this would help, but the 16 yr old would have a better chance of understanding how a truck handles.

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Only Myths

09-19-2004 04:46:11

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Farmerboybill, 09-18-2004 06:28:12  
A few of the world's greatest myths surround drivers of vehicles. One is the myth that guys who drive trucks for a living are the greatest drivers on the road. The second is that farmers are the next best drivers on the road. It all depends on your point of view and the experiences you've had. I've been cut off by truck drivers, farmers and city folk all my life and within each group are good and bad drivers. My dad was a travelling salesman back in the 50's. He used to log about 60 thousand miles a year and after every trip he'd fly in the back door and start in on the episodes he encountered that week while driving. Fact is, he was as bad as any, maybe even worse. I guess it all depends on your point of view. Of course, all of US are great drivers right?

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Dave 2N

09-19-2004 05:24:29

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Only Myths, 09-19-2004 04:46:11  
Good post; I agree with you. The country is full of both good and bad drivers, automobile drivers and truckers. I live in upstate NY on the NY/PA border and put in about 350 miles a week along Rt. 17/86 and also up into and around the Finger Lakes area. I see and experience a lot of things on the road. I don't want to sterotype or generalize but here's what my experiences show:

1 - Vehicles with New Jersey, Connecticut or Quebec license plates are more likely to pay less attention to traffic laws and seem to have the greatest disregard for others on the road.
2 - People driving BMW's and Volvos are truly suprised and offended that there might be other people who have a right to drive on the road too.
2 - Truckers: I've found that the majority are courteous and safe but there is that minority who are bullies and have nothing but disdain for those of us driving our four wheeled vehicles. They give the rest of the truckers a bad name.

I get frustrated with other drivers when I'm hauling my tractor with my pickup and trailer; most people don't have any idea how long it takes to stop the rig when they pull out in front of you or dart in and out of traffic. So, I've learned to drive more alertly to compensate for these idiots (and that includes the occasional trucker who thinks he can pull out of a fuel stop or parking area in front of traffic just because he or she is driving a truck.)

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Charles Garner

09-20-2004 09:27:38

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Dave 2N, 09-19-2004 05:24:29  
A look at the driving code might confirm that a truck stopped at an uncontrolled intersection of a four lane highway must give way to through traffic. To attempt to cross at 4 Pm is downright stupid. However there is a smart option, turn right when traffic in the nearest lane permits, go with the flow of traffic to the next available exit or cross over point and rejoin the opposite direction flow until you come to the exit you wish to take. That won't take 45 minutes of waiting or travel and protects everybody. Driving courtesy works both ways.

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Tim in NB

09-19-2004 15:36:44

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Dave 2N, 09-19-2004 05:24:29  
Quebec drivers are bad drivers outside of Quebec too are they? I have driven through Montreal and try to avoid it at all costs at rush hour.

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09-19-2004 04:13:09

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Farmerboybill, 09-18-2004 06:28:12  
You sound like a very inexperienced driver. People are under no obligation, legally or otherwise to "get out of your way". While you may feel they should, the law, in your example, clearly gives them the right-of-way. What you did was dangerous and foolish.

If you are that sensitive, stay out of LA, Houston, DC, Boston, etc. where giving big rigs "brake jobs" is a sport.

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Paul in Mich

09-19-2004 10:14:47

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to TheRealRon, 09-19-2004 04:13:09  
Ron, Sometimes its hard to find something to which I can agree with you, however, in this case, I agree with you 100%. To expect traffic to have to make unpredictable concessions or alter their mormal traffic pattern to accomodate a large truck is unrealistic, and a recipe for disaster. It is the responsibility of the vehicle entering another vehicles rightfull traffic area to yield. The worst thing a driver can do is get impatient and pull out of an intersection and expect traffic to slow down or yield their position. Experienced truckers know better than to become impatient. They also know better than to trust that other drivers will be courteous. Sometimes trying to be overly courteous to one driver creates a dangerous situation for another driver. The most anyone can expect and hope for, is that all drivers know the rules of the road and know who has the right of way and who must yield.

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09-19-2004 17:19:02

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Paul in Mich, 09-19-2004 10:14:47  
just a guess here,but i would guess neither of you have been behind the wheel on a 18 wheeler,do i get a prize?
since the 2 of you have a good bead on the laws and how they work,let me explain it to both of you.
1.fact,it is the person mergings duty to do it as smooth as possible,but if i pull out with a big rig and get it strait before you hit me it is your fault.
2.be most important rule on the road should be common sense,this means if you are going along in your car or truck and you weigh all of 6000 pounds you really should show the trucker that you are boss over is small 80000 pounds.
3.that trucker has more times than not drove threw more than one city that day,and everyone thinks they are the most important on the road.

i have only logged 1,250,000 miles on the road,but i would guess you could do it better.

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09-20-2004 19:54:14

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Redman, 09-19-2004 17:19:02  
I used to make 2 trips to jersey a week out of gateway, and also an Alanta if I got back on thursday. What bothers me was car drivers in general how they live this long is beyond me. Try pulling a food grade tank 2/3 full no baffles and try to stop ,you don't nothing like grabbing 3rd and 50000lbs of liquid decides to go backwards,real trip then people cut in front of you and expect you to stop for them. I have had tractors in the body shop 3 times before they gave me a new one, bacause I done the noble thing and hit the dich or drove over an enbankment.just once I would love to push one out of the way but theres always kids in the car. Were is child protection when you need then keep the sunny side up.

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Paul in Mich

09-19-2004 19:02:23

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Redman, 09-19-2004 17:19:02  
Redman, I have indeed logged many miles with a semi, and while I totally agree that if you merge and get straight, even though the traffic behind you may have to adjust their speed until you get the rig up to speed, it is in fact the merger"s responsibility to make that safe transition. As to common sense, I have found out from experience that I better have a lot of it, (common sense), because I"ll need plenty to offset the lack of common sense displayed by some of the morons on the highway. I"ve also noticed that while driving truck, the morons seem to come out of the woodwork. I still stand by my statement that impatience is a recipe for disaster. I have also noticed that it seems to be younger drivers who show the greatest lack of respect for semi"s and if we as truckers assume that just because we have the law and the right of way on our side that bad things cant happen, that we are only kidding ourselves. I don"t operate a truck in a fearful mode, but I do approach potential danger situations with the attitude of "what is the stupidest thing that guy or gal can do, and plan accordingly. What amazes me probably most is when I"m going down a road or highway where there are intersections and the number of people who will pull out and turn on front of the truck without an assured safe distance, just so they wont have to be behind the truck, and thus cause the truck to so some serious braking, to keep from tail ending the smaller vehicle. Over the last 3 harvest seasons, we have had several significant crashes, especially during sugar beet hauling season, due to cars and pickups pulling out in front of the truck, which in our area consists of a lot of tandems. So while common sense is a noble attribute, dont depend on the other guy toi exercise it. As far as pulling out into traffic myself at intersections, I would rather have traffic backed up behind me, honking their horns and flipping me off than challenging their common sense. I also try to route myself in such a way as to take advantage of traffic lights, and 4 way stops, and even re-routing to minimize risky situations.

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09-20-2004 04:48:20

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Paul in Mich, 09-19-2004 19:02:23  
since you put it that way,i would have to agree with you.
i sure wish they would atleast start to mention semis in drivers ed.!

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09-19-2004 17:19:00

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Paul in Mich, 09-19-2004 10:14:47  
just a guess here,but i would guess neither of you have been behind the wheel on a 18 wheeler,do i get a prize?
since the 2 of you have a good bead on the laws and how they work,let me explain it to both of you.
1.fact,it is the person mergings duty to do it as smooth as possible,but if i pull out with a big rig and get it strait before you hit me it is your fault.
2.be most important rule on the road should be common sense,this means if you are going along in your car or truck and you weigh all of 6000 pounds you really should show the trucker that you are boss over is small 80000 pounds.
3.that trucker has more times than not drove threw more than one city that day,and everyone thinks they are the most important on the road.

i have only logged 1,250,000 miles on the road,but i would guess you could do it better.

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09-18-2004 20:52:32

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Farmerboybill, 09-18-2004 06:28:12  
Yeah just like the ones that pass you in a loaded t-trailer then cut back in then slam on there brakes then signal to turn left. The law should left you hit them but you have to drag and ruin 3200.00 worth of trailer tires

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09-19-2004 17:20:37

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Leland, 09-18-2004 20:52:32  
that is a good feeling is it not?
i have always liked to have a nice set of tires with full flat spots!

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09-20-2004 16:15:54

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Redman, 09-19-2004 17:20:37  

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09-18-2004 16:43:42

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 I can top all your stories! in reply to Farmerboybill, 09-18-2004 06:28:12  
Put a sign on top of your car says "STUDENT DRIVER" and see how the driving public treats you. No, they don't give you extra courtesy, that's fer sure! I've over thirty years of DE experience, and I've got to have seen all the worst in drivers. Most of the time, the kids do a pretty good job with their teacher's guidance, but the other drivers must have gotten their licenses out of a Cracker-Jack box> And their courtesy right out of a dumpster.

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09-20-2004 22:03:39

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 Re: I can top all your stories! in reply to RayP(MI), 09-18-2004 16:43:42  
I have a better one put your placards on ratoactive ( truthly some joker done it to my trailer never noticed) I wondered why nobody was passing me in chicago.

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Davis In SC

09-18-2004 21:57:18

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 Re: I can top all your stories! in reply to RayP(MI), 09-18-2004 16:43:42  
RayP, Every Sunday morning, on my way to the local flea market, I encounter a Driver Training car (Run by Former NASCAR Driver)on a little back road. They are usually trying the 3 point turn. I just stop & let then do it, a few minutes are not going to kill me..... .. I figure Sunday morn is a good time for new drivers to learn, plus it reminds me that we all had to learn how to drive..... Regards, Davis

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NC Wayne

09-18-2004 14:48:31

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Farmerboybill, 09-18-2004 06:28:12  
I know what you mean about the idiots, their running rampant around here too. I saw one post below that brought up the subject of bikes, so let me go ahead and open up the can or worms and make a comment on that.....Not all of them are bad, I have seen some that actually shared the road and used a little common sense and courtesy like any other driver should, and I have loads of respect for those folks. Plus I don't mind riding slow behind a good looking woman in spandex every once in a while... that ain't bad at all..... The biggest problem though is I see them all the time riding three and four wide down a winding country road at the "blazing" speed of a fast walk. Heck I've even had one come out of a side street and cut me off when I was going down a hill. If I haden't had the Jake brake on he would have been a flat spot. As it was I all but locked the brakes and just barely missed him and he acted like it was my fault and flipped me off..I wished I had made him a flat spot right about then..... .. Still there's nothing like going around a sharp curve on a two lane road in a 32,000+ lb Freightliner service truck, actually doing the speed limit of 45MPH, and find what equates to a nearly stopped vehicle setting in the road in front of you. Contrairy to most drivers and bike riders opinions it's nearly impossible to even slow down something that heavy in such a short distance, much less stop it. Fortunately I've always been able to hit the other lane enough to miss them but one of these days there is gonna be another car or worse another big truck, coming and it'll be all over...bad thing is they'll probably charge me for the bikers stupidity....I heard a comment a few years on a call in show where they were discussing this problem and a lady stated it this way, "If I'm in the car with my kids and I go around a curve, doing the legal speed limit, and there are bikes in front of me that I can't possibly stop for and a car in the other lane (the roads they like to ride around here usually have very little to no shoulder in many places) who do you think I'm gonna take out...I'm sure as he-- not gonna hit the car head on and kill my kids or myself....I'm gonna hit that stupid itiot on the bike...." To sum it up in a nutshell I'm not gonna kill myself over some idiot that is stupid enough to ride his bike in traffic. In most big cities there are more than enough big parks, housing developments, etc for these "fitness freaks" to ride their bikes in SAFELY. Around here they spend millions building "greenways" and parks for these types of activities, but they stand empty, or mostly so of bike riders because they feel the have the same rights on the road as those of us actually driving a vehicle that is providing the revenue to pay for that road. If they want to ride on the road with the same rights as a car , truck, etc then they ought to have to buy a tag for their vehicle and carry insurance just like any other vehicle to cover the cost of the accident that they are bound to cause because of the stupid way most of them ride..... Just my .02

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09-18-2004 21:40:37

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to NC Wayne, 09-18-2004 14:48:31  
I live in Vermont, and I'm seeing a whole lot more bicycles on the road this year than ever before, and like others have said, they are an awful surprize when you come around a corner and right smack dab in the middle of your lane is bicyclists. Someone else had mentioned farm equipment, yes farm equipment is slow moving, but most of it travels at around 20-25mph, which at that speed does give you a better chance of being able to stop or slow down enough so you don't pile into the back of it, but a bicyclist doodling along at a much slower pace and is much harder to see because they are so narrow and the riders almost always don't wear bright eye catching clothing are many times more likely to cause an accident. The state has spent an awful amount of money turning the old railroad beds into bike trails with limestone, and made them really nice, and they do get used alot, but there are an awful lot of bicycle tour groups that ride the roads constantly in the summer and are dangerous to societys driving habits and that isn't going to change. It would be better if these people wouldn't ride right out in the left of the lane, and would get over more toward the shoulder when they know somebody is behind them or coming up behind them, I always did that as a kid on my bicycle, but most of these bicycle tourists pay absoulutly no attention to the motorists and are actually a danger to themselves plus everybody else.

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Davis In SC

09-18-2004 22:03:56

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Jonboy, 09-18-2004 21:40:37  
Johnboy, Vermont must be a popular place for bikes, A lady I dated a few times, spent a ton of money to fly up there for a week of bicycle riding....

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Davis In SC

09-18-2004 18:50:01

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to NC Wayne, 09-18-2004 14:48:31  
Some bike riders are courteous,letting you get by. Others seem to enjoy holding traffic up, last week I had to creep along in second gear for over a mile, waiting for a safe place to pass 2 bikes. They got a good cloud of black diesel smoke to inhale... Ha Ha... Here, they ride at night, no lights or anything to see them by. I have had several close calls coming up on one in the dark. Even worse, some of the minorities ride up to the store at night to get another quart of malt liquor..... that is an accident waiting to happen... Regards, Davis

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09-18-2004 17:50:29

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to NC Wayne, 09-18-2004 14:48:31  
While you don't like bikers in the road, they do have the right to be there. What about slow moving farm equipment? There is no minimum speed limit on most roads in this country, only a maximum. There is nothing that says you have to be moving at above the speed limit. If you are rounding a corner and cannot stop in the distance you can see then you are going too fast. Suppose there was a stalled car in the road, a fallen tree, or some other thing, an accident maybe?? What now? Because you are going faster than you an stop in the distance you can see it would be your fault if you hit something. There are a lot of idiots on the road granted, and a lot of them are going, or want to go, faster than is save much of the time. And they will tailgate someone who maybe is going at a speed they can stop at if they round a corner and find something in the road, and if the first person stops the A##HOL# folling 10 feet behind them will hit them and it will be his fault for not folling two seconds back. Do all you truckers follow this two second rule, or maybe 3 or more seconds as you say you cannot stop as fast as other vehicles on the road? Something to think about.

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09-20-2004 22:00:19

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to wdTom, 09-18-2004 17:50:29  
WD set in a truck for a week it will change your mind. do you have any idea how hard men and women work to keep food in your mouth gas at the pump or coal at the power plant, so can bash them on your comupter.

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NC Wayne

09-18-2004 19:35:20

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to wdTom, 09-18-2004 17:50:29  
Like KB said below, at least slow moving farm equipment is required to have some type of highly visible marking or lights on it to make it stand out. Also most farmers at least have the common courtesy to use hand signals, etc when needed, and to get out of the way when possible if they see they are impeding the "normal flow of traffic". In some states creating an unsafe condition that impedes the normal flow of traffic is a ticketable offense for a vehicle, so why not for a group of bikes blocking the road???? On the bikes I see around here your lucky to see even a reflector, and in most cases, like Davis states the riders are wearing dark gear, etc and are hard enough to see on a good day, much less in the evenings right around dusk when many of them are still out on the road, or even after dark. Like I said not all of the bikers around here fall into the idiot catagory, but the majority of them do, and that's the ones we're bit--ing about....As far as following too close, etc if you have to ask what the problem for us "truckers" is then you obviously have never driven one. Try leaving a safe distance between you and the car in front of you sometime, especially in traffic. If the distance is say 5 car lengths you can guarantee that just about the time you need to stop at least 2 or 3 cars are gonna jump over into that "big open space" simply to get in front of you because your truck is too slow and they are in a hurry to get home. If you try to open the space up some then all that does is invite more cars to jump in and in the end you have less space than if you just automatically followed 2 lengths behind...it's the "big truck/big brakes" syndrome. Trye I have 4 times the brake surface you have, but I have 6 times the weight....you do the math..... Again another .02

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09-18-2004 19:10:27

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to wdTom, 09-18-2004 17:50:29  
You're right, bikers do have the right to the road, but it seems to me that most of them either don't know that they have to follow the same rules as any other vehicle, or they think they are above the law. I live on a very busy road, and it gets tons of bicycle traffic from a town 10 miles away. I'm at the end of my rope with these people. Running stop signs, stopping in the middle of the road in a big group for a break, ect. The thing that really gets me is that they refuse to ride on the shoulder. This road has a very nice wide well-maintianed shoulder, but yet they just won't move over and let you by. I was on my way to work early one very dark foggy morning, when I came within feet of hitting some idiot riding right out in the middle of the road. You know, come to think of it, bicyclists are a lot like farm equipment- they move much slower than other traffic, and the law does say that they need to abide by the same rules that any other vehicle would, so why not make them put flashers and slow-moving vehicle signs on their bikes? Mabey then they'd just quit out of fear of being laughed off the road. But seriously, why don't they need flashers and SMV's?

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Larry Mills

09-18-2004 12:46:18

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Farmerboybill, 09-18-2004 06:28:12  
I was born in 1946. Drove Farm Tractors when I was 7 yrs old. Dad preached to be careful! Too many people are on the road that did not drive anything today until they get their drivers priveledge. Then they think they own the road.
The people driving down the road with a cell phone stuck in their ear make me Mad. I hope all states sooner or later out law it!!!!! !
Most people can`t even drive much less talk and drive at the sametime!!! Even coming home from work I get so concerned
because people do not know how to drive and what the different lanes mean??!! If I see an individual changing a tire on the side of the road I get over in the other lane as I pass. If I see an 18 wheeler coming up in my rear view mirror I move to the far left lane and let him pass because #1 if your on a 6 lane Interstate he is supposed to stay in the right 2 lanes and #2 I can move over much eaiser than that big a rig.

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willie j

09-18-2004 19:57:24

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Larry Mills, 09-18-2004 12:46:18  
Would you happen to be in south Texas? Not meaning to sound rude, but it is very dangerous to move left to let a truck pass on right. I have had it happen to me many times around San Antonio, Houston, McAllen ,Laredo areas. Been cruising at a safe speed, come up on a slower car, prepare to pass & suddenly the car moves left, right where I am heading. Shucky dar#, I wish they wouldn't do that, makes for real interesting moments. Also on US 83 between McAllen & Laredo, 2 lane road, they come at you 3 cars side by side, very scary.
Done venting now.
Willie J (diesel pilot-retired)

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09-19-2004 17:25:38

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to willie j, 09-18-2004 19:57:24  
sounds like IL,not trucks in the hammer lane.

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09-21-2004 14:42:33

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Redman, 09-19-2004 17:25:38  
Redman whats wrong with IL I live here and the troopers only get you if your are doing something STUPID I used to cover a thousand miles a day and never leave this state.And the only time they bothered me if I was stupid. Belive it or not these guys are really pros at at what and how they handle there selves.You now have to watch out for mustangs ,cameros and now silverados. I found out when I blew by one, he got a kick out of the look on my face (stunned) but he said whoa er down and I was on my way. Another tip have all papers ready to hand them ,it makes them mad when they have to ask. Bacause whats the 1st thing they ask for. Take er easy.

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09-22-2004 21:00:17

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Leland, 09-21-2004 14:42:33  
leland,uh, just how do you log that thousand miles a day?

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Chris H. in Md.

09-18-2004 12:24:02

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Farmerboybill, 09-18-2004 06:28:12  
Try to remember;"common sense is very uncommon"

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09-18-2004 11:01:08

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Farmerboybill, 09-18-2004 06:28:12  
I may have missread your post, and if I did I'm sorry, but it sounds to me as if you are saying anuone who doesn't yield to you is an idiot. If they are already on the road they have the right of way

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09-18-2004 08:17:27

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Farmerboybill, 09-18-2004 06:28:12  
most folks just dont have a clue what it takes to stop a truck. i been passed, then cut off, then sideways in a ditch onct because a woman had to pass me. to avoid a head-on she cut me off. to avoid killing her i hit the ditch. i had a michagin wheel loader on a lowboy at the time. sure made a mess but i did not get a ticket, just wet britches and a sore back.

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09-18-2004 07:06:11

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Farmerboybill, 09-18-2004 06:28:12  
Yep, last evening with a friend. Met a JD combime with 8 row corn head coming at us. Espected him to duck into drive way to make room. Dtive way was right in front of him and 3 cars behind him. No way. He just kept coming. Now that kid is not a farmer!!! To all you new, want to be farmers, think about it for a minute and be proud you are a farmer.

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09-18-2004 22:09:49

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Coloken, 09-18-2004 07:06:11  
That Combine was probably owned by a custom guy, and they have to move as quickly from job to job as possible to pay the bills on their very expensive machine, so please try to understand thats why they aren't are curtious on the road, because time is serious money. I'm not sure what a combine runs, but for a "whopper chopper", those run about $250,000 for just the machine, and a head is additional, like a 6 row corn head is $60,000 for a Claas self propelled with the head design that allows the operator to chop any direction through the field. I have no clue how much a hay head runs, but the guys with the new choppers have well over $300,000 invested in just the chopper and heads and owe the bank, plus any other equipment they have to go with the buisness, such as a hay merger, tractors, silage trucks, and hired help. Believe me, those guys don't like to mess around when it comes crop time.

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Davis In SC

09-18-2004 22:18:01

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Jonboy, 09-18-2004 22:09:49  
I see your point, Jonboy, but how much time will they lose if they head-on another vehicle ??? I run a business that I charge by the hour, but a few minutes never really matter unless you are are a policeman or a firefighter..... Regards, Davis

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09-18-2004 22:31:07

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Davis In SC, 09-18-2004 22:18:01  
Yeah, but these guys have their nerves tested thinking about what they owe the bank and thats why they don't always pull out to let people by, yes in the case listed above the driver should have pulled out, but didn't.

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Davis In SC

09-18-2004 22:51:51

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Jonboy, 09-18-2004 22:31:07  
Funny about nerves & Debt... Been there .... they do seem to be one & the same... I am thankful to the Lord for seeing me out of Debt.... Regards, Davis

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Mark - IN.

09-18-2004 06:52:39

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Farmerboybill, 09-18-2004 06:28:12  
Ever notice that around larger cities, the shoulders of interstates (they call them expressways) become drive lanes when the roads are busy? Vehicals are bumper to bumper, an idiot blows by everyone on the shoulder, until where it narrows because of an overpass support, so the idiot darts in with the rest of the traffic until gets past the support, then darts back onto the shoulder, and uses it as a lane to blast past everyone? I see 18 wheelers on their sides because the drivers try not to squash those kind of idiots, and then the idiot escapes down the road untouched.

See it all the time. Truckers and troopers are my friends, I do my best to respect and take care of them, for when I've needed help, they've been there.

Good luck Farmerboy, and don't loose your cool, because right, wrong, or otherwise, you in the truck will get the blame and fine.

But before I PO someone, not all truckers should be in cabs. Former Gov. Ryan of IL. was selling CDLs under the table for $1,000 (campaign contributions) a pop to drivers that had no business behind the wheels of those things. Then those drivers were taking them back to their states and having them converted to CDLs from their states. Eventually, most states revoked those IL. licenses and made them come in to re-test, or not drive. Give it time, Ryan will see a prison cell, everyone else around him has.

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09-21-2004 14:51:02

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Mark - IN., 09-18-2004 06:52:39  
Mark I used to get stopped for using far left lane on 465 the cop @@#$#$%&^^$# about it .But I told him nobody eles was in it and it was safer that way, but the law is the law

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09-18-2004 09:18:30

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Mark - IN., 09-18-2004 06:52:39  
Hi Mark,

That happened in Denver one time as I was in a traffic jam and getting close to a couple cars parked on the shoulder. Some idiot got impaitent and swong over on the shoulder and plowed into the back of the stopped cars killing three people.

Here in AZ it's legal to pass on a paved shoulder.
You don't see too much of it here anymore but 25yrs ago on a two lane you would see 4 wide if the shoulders were paved. Talk about spooky!


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09-21-2004 14:56:13

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to T_Bone, 09-18-2004 09:18:30  
Try taking your new bride with you thru Chicago when some dummy cuts right in front of you and dissappears under your hood .Then she starts screaming bacause she thinks you just killed some dummy.

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09-19-2004 17:30:46

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to T_Bone, 09-18-2004 09:18:30  
seen about the same thing in Ft Wort TX a few years back,but this guy went blasting down the road and found out what the hold up was!
it was a accident,he found the troopers car!
ran right into it,it was junk,he went to jail.

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09-18-2004 06:43:30

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Farmerboybill, 09-18-2004 06:28:12  
I Know--I drove Coast-to-Coast for many rears..!!

They never look beyond their front bumper,,or have a cel phone in their ear, or have a leg out the window...Maybe a beer between their legs...and usually have their head up their "Duff", giving them a crappy outlook on life..!!!! Self-centered "City people"...never had to consider other people's safety...and NOT about to, either...!!! Ever raise Sheep..?? They are a lot like Sheep, and about as Smart..! For one thing, I believe they should test for Depth-Perception before giving a driver's license..many people have None----!!!!! I do know, competency has NOTHING to do with having a license...!! I can't believe they respect Farm Equipment even LESS than a Motorcycle..!!!

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09-18-2004 06:42:16

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 Re: Idiot drivers! in reply to Farmerboybill, 09-18-2004 06:28:12  
I may have missread your post, and if I did I'm sorry, but it sounds to me as if you are saying anuone who doesn't yield to you is an idiot. If they are already on the road they have the right of way

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09-18-2004 06:51:52

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 They weren't being courteous. in reply to Nat , 09-18-2004 06:42:16  
It is common courtesy to move over if you can when someone wants to get on the road. I do when I can. No one was in the other lane when I came across. They would not have been impeded in any way by taking the other lane, they just didn't want to make the effort to do so. On top of that, every one of them were driving in the passing lane.

I believe WI made it unlawful to drive in the passing lane unless you were actually passing, but I'm not sure.

The bigger issue is the number of cars on the road.

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09-18-2004 10:54:11

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 Re: They weren't being courteous. in reply to farmerboybill, 09-18-2004 06:51:52  
I agree with you on common courtesy. I also try to pull over to let another driver merge onto the hwy. I pull a 5th wheel all over this great country of ours, and see most other people that are also polite drivers. We all need to try to be more polite as there are more and more people on the road. I have been blocked by cars and trucks, because they think I'll be slow pulling the 5RV, but more often than not , I've had people slow and let me in. Maybe I'm a glass half full kind of person, but I think most truck drivers, and most car drivers try to be patient with all the other people on the road. I went to Mass. this summer and that nearly made me change my opinion of people, man there is a lot of traffic up there. I later found out that driving up there is a game, they keep score. It seems as if you get somany points for each person you can pass in the" emergency passing lane". If you can get a 20 foot long car into a 8 foot gap between to 2 other cars you get extra points. I aslo found that you don't really need to leave space between cars on the road, cause you can score extra for seeing how quickly you can change lane in front of the guy you just passed. The bonus points comes when a 3 lane gomes back to 2 lanes, the last person to get back in scores big. Farmerboybill, please don't think I was arguing with you, I have seen the same thing happen to us all and if can quickly get our blood boiling, but the best thing we can do is try to be on our best behavior all the time, maybe others will see us anddo the same, Later Nat

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09-18-2004 18:06:29

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 Re: They weren't being courteous. in reply to Nat, 09-18-2004 10:54:11  
I will agree Mass drivers are terrible. I drive to work from western R.I. to eastern Ct to the west of Providence and if there is some idiot stunt pulled more often than not is is a Mass driver. I think the closer to cities or the more dense the pouplation the worse the drivers and up around Boston it is very dense. It is probably these people I am seeing, the ones from western Mass , lower density, are likely better drivers.

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09-18-2004 11:47:29

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 Re: They weren't being courteous. in reply to Nat, 09-18-2004 10:54:11  
Yea Nat, it's a fine line. Most semi drivers are very good, and I always move over/ stop sooner/ acknowledge them so they know I'm watching when they have to take their big corners, and so on.

It sure would be a nicer world if we all moved over for each other when we can, as was the original point.

But, a big rig forcibly crowding me into another lane is not fun either, & that would get me a little upset too. While not the best manors, I _would_ have the right of way, & would not appreciate it. I might be having a long frustrating day as well, not just the truck operator, and might feel I have just as much 'right' to be a bully.

As presented, the saw seems to cut both ways on this one. Perhaps someone ended up on the median because 2 road warriors met each other here.....


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09-18-2004 09:29:48

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 Re: They weren't being courteous. in reply to farmerboybill, 09-18-2004 06:51:52  
Hi Bill,

I agree as I see my wife drive like this. I harp on her pretty bad but it hasn't changed her in 40yrs.

On the other hand I agree with Nat. Pretty fine line when you take the right away.

Couple years ago I came upon a Suburban pulling a car trailer on a 4-lane 6% grade that blew a transmission. He tried to back down and got jamed against the guard rail.

I'm pulling my RV and decided to pull him off the roadway. With a person flagging the cars to the free lane, alot of cars would still try and use the lane that we were in!


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09-18-2004 07:37:34

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 Re: They weren't being courteous. in reply to farmerboybill, 09-18-2004 06:51:52  
If you want to get real mad, try riding a bicycle on the road. You never realize just how much traffic and how loud and obnoxious it is until you ride a bike (or walk). Drivers act like since their vehicle is bigger, they can squeeze you off the road if they want. Grrrrr.


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Allan in NE

09-18-2004 07:28:34

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 Re: They weren't being courteous. in reply to farmerboybill, 09-18-2004 06:51:52  

I know you are PO'd, but I gotta go with NAT on this one.

It is up to you to wait. Just because you are in that big rig, does not give you any more rights than anyone else. They do not have to do as you expect or would like them to.

Just my view and stated as such,


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09-19-2004 17:36:13

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 Re: They weren't being courteous. in reply to Allan in NE, 09-18-2004 07:28:34  
here is my .02 worth,what comes around goes around.
if a trucker is blew off everytime he wants to get on the road,he will return the favor.
since the average car runs 20,000 miles a year and the average truck runs 13000 miles a month who do you think is the loser out of that deal?

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09-18-2004 07:28:10

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 Re: They weren't being courteous. in reply to farmerboybill, 09-18-2004 06:51:52  
The skill of many drivers leaves something to be desired. I had to slam on my brakes yesterday to avoid hitting a medium truck in the butt. The minivan ahead of him stopped at the bottom of a x way on ramp, waited for traffic to clear, and slowly pulled into the right lane. Several other cars and trucks had to swerve to avoid her. One ford truck behind me went onto the shoulder to avoid hitting my car in the a$$. Interestingly, the van had Illinois plates. Not common is se Mich. My 2c Irv

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09-18-2004 18:30:15

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 Re: They weren't being courteous. in reply to Irv, 09-18-2004 07:28:10  
I have to bust on truck drivers also. My place of work is at the top of a hill (don't know the % or grade) There are signs 3 miles before the hill for all trucks over 50,000 to use the bypass. Then as you approach the hill there are more signs saying all trucks use low gear 1.5 mile hill and the nearer you get the more signs there are. Why is it that several times a week I see a cloud of smoke with a truck in the middle of it going down that hill? Heck they don't even have to know how to read the signs all have pictures on them of a truck sitting on a black triangle.

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09-19-2004 17:40:23

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 Re: They weren't being courteous. in reply to Pitch, 09-18-2004 18:30:15  
before you talk you should get behind the wheel and try it.
going down a hill is easy,going down the same hill with 40 tons pushing is all together different.
most mountain passes have run away ramps,if they do not,you miss a gear and your dead.

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Davis In SC

09-18-2004 22:41:51

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 Re: They weren't being courteous. in reply to Pitch, 09-18-2004 18:30:15  
Pitch, I see your point..... The famous "Saluda Grade" is just north of me... I go up it at least once a week. As soon as you get to it you smell brakes. A few weeks ago, I watched a tractor trailer smoke it for several miles... a few miles down the road, I started seeing alligators (tire rubber) all over the road. Another mile, & there was same truck , all the trailer tires were blown.....

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