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Saving Gas

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05-25-2004 08:13:50

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Everyone says that there is a gas shortage so here is my idea on how to cut down. The country should go to a 36 hour work week. Four nine hour days a week. Not only will this save gas, but may create more jobs. I know some people would probably use more gas just because they have an extra day off to run, but I think overall it would help.

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05-26-2004 09:14:54

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 Re: Saving Gas in reply to BobInMN, 05-25-2004 08:13:50  
That might work, but I think we have enough in the strategic reserve to last until all the fallout has cleared over the Middle East(should we decide to send over an airborne message or two) at which time we can add one huge, barren, but oil filled 51st State, and pump our own! Pete

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Rest of the World

05-26-2004 13:25:35

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 Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to PeteNY, 05-26-2004 09:14:54  
Is that the view of all Americans? If so I'm voting Bin Laden! You don't own the world, much as you think you do. Iraq's oil belongs to the people of Iraq, not a bunch of two faced back stabbers. Sorry if you find that offends but I'm sick of the all take attitude, summed up recently by an American commedian - "How did our oil get under their sand". Said in jest but all too close to the truth.

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Paul in Mich

05-26-2004 20:18:44

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 Re: Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to Rest of the World, 05-26-2004 13:25:35  
Rest of the world, I doubt very much that you realize it, but remarks like you just made is indeed a vote for Bin Laden. Its just exactly what he wants, that being Americans beginning to hate America and all she stands for, So your vote has been cast, now what do you want? Just what do you want President Bin Laden to do? What do you think he will do to make your life better? Second of all, we (America) have never stolen the first gallon of foreign oil. We have paid for every drop, and at prices they set, not what we decide its worth. Ever heard of O.P.E.C.? How much of Germany did we keep for ourselves after WWII? How much of Japan did we keep for ourselves after WWII? Now go ask the Russians the same question. We are NOT imperialists, we are liberators and nothing more, and we send our sons and daughters to die so that it stays that way. My Grandson is in Iraq as I type, and I resent people, especially my fellow Americans diminishing his honor. As to the "two faced back stabbers", I'm sure you are referring to The French and the Russians and the other nations who had cut illegal oil deals with Saddam contrary to UN sanctions. Finally, please do not apologize for offending, because it would only ring hollow. You could, however be supportive of your Country and Mine...We're not the bad guys. Go ahead, and say that over and over about 10 times. "We are not the bad guys".

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05-26-2004 13:37:23

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 Re: Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to Rest of the World, 05-26-2004 13:25:35  
We might as well own the rest of the world but here's a news flash, we really don't want it. We'd like to be left alone and not have to rescue much of Europe and the Pacific Rim from Nazis and Japanese imperialism. That was the second time for Europe. We don't really like to provide the defensive umbrella for much of the world. Too expensive but there doesn't seem to be another country on the face of the earth that can do that so I guess we're stuck.

Own the world? Nah, I'd rather watch Texas Justice on tv and back when I served, Green Acres rather than sleeping in mud and humping a load all over places that I have no interest in just so you could continue to speak your own language and not that of some imperial conquerer. So...high and mighty, just what language do you speak?

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05-26-2004 15:11:01

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to bo, 05-26-2004 13:37:23  
I first read the msg to which you responded and thought it hardly deserved a reply, but you said it so well.

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05-26-2004 16:05:53

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to JC, 05-26-2004 15:11:01  
Thank you. I intensely dislike pompous as...I don't know if it will get bounced by the board so I'll just say....I intensely dislike pompous jerks, no matter what nation they come from. I espcially dislike people knocking this country when my son is serving.

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05-26-2004 05:12:41

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 Re: Saving Gas in reply to BobInMN, 05-25-2004 08:13:50  
makes more logic to bocot one or 2 of the major company brand stores for a day or 2. too hard to hit them all at once on any given day... still hard to get everyone to do it though..

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05-25-2004 21:40:13

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 Re: Saving Gas in reply to BobInMN, 05-25-2004 08:13:50  
There's no Oil shortage, The same damn thing happened back in 1974. If you think Gas is high priced in the USA, think again, here in Canada, Gas just hit $4.46 per Imperial gallon. (98.9 cents a liter)


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john in la

05-25-2004 15:57:10

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 Re: Saving Gas in reply to BobInMN, 05-25-2004 08:13:50  
Already work 4 days
4 days on at 12 hrs a day
2 days off
4 more days at 12 hrs a day
2 more days off
ect ect.....
And that just my regular job
Want me to add the side jobs in????? ?

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Paul in Mich

05-25-2004 10:54:59

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 Re: Saving Gas in reply to BobInMN, 05-25-2004 08:13:50  
Bob, First of all, when is the last time that manipulation of the economy was an answer to anything. The only thing that drives a healthy economy is supply and demand. That goes for wages, work hours and gasolene consumption. As to your 36 hour work week, why not 20 hours and that way you would be creating twice as many jobs as that already exist. First of all, im sure that that you probably picked 36 hrs as an arbitrary number because at 36hrs, companies still pay full time benefits. If your operation required 400 man hours per week to meet production requirements, at 40 hrs per week it would take 10 employees. If those same 10 employees worked 36 hrs, that would necessitate hiring an additional full time employee which increases the workforce by one and now you have 11 employees on full time benefits. Companies cannot afford to pay benefits on extra employees. It is more cost efficient to back down to nine or 8 employees and pay overtime. Believe me, if it was your company, and your money, you would look at things much differently than when you are an employee. Companies arent in the business of providing jobs. They are in business to make a profit for investors. Jobs are simply a means to that end. What will save money on gas is to drive less miles, and drive more fuel efficient cars. That should be a matter of choice, not a mandate as some folks want. I've said this many times before and I'll say it again, the problem is not the shortage of oil. The problem is that we have restricted the drilling of it, and the refining of it. The refineries we now have can not keep up with the demand, and worse yet is that each state has its own mandated blend which slows down the process. We have plenty of oil, and we need to start standing up to the environmentalists whose agenda is NOT to conserve and save the planet, but rather to render America impotent. Proof of this is the fact they (environmentalist wacos) don't wield nearly as much pressure on the Canadian government to restrict oil drilling in Canada as they do in the U.S.Our immediate question should be "why is it that drilling in Canada doesnt harm the environment and wildlife nearly as much as drilling for oil in Alaska"? Thats because environmentalist target the U.S.

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05-25-2004 12:19:32

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 Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to Paul in Mich, 05-25-2004 10:54:59  
Paul and Bo I agree with your comments. If I remember correctly from a college class I recently took " 1 american consumes the same amount of natural resources as 300 people living in other countries." Now don't get me wrong I love being an american and living here. It just seems that more of the people I talk to just aren't happy and feel like they are being pushed to the limit. The constant rush, rush, rush. Make more with less. But, I guess it doesn't make any difference if your happy so long as we're making money. Or, at least someone is.

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05-25-2004 12:47:16

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 Re: Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to BobInMN, 05-25-2004 12:19:32  
You are correct...Americans use about 50% of the produce world resources and yes...people are rushed.

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05-25-2004 11:44:23

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 Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to Paul in Mich, 05-25-2004 10:54:59  
We might keep in mind that there is 30 to 35 years of oil left. Of coarse this does not include shale.
Oil prices will continue to rise but the stock value of oil companys will fall since they would be running out of a product to sell.
Bush's call for alternative fuels seems to be falling on deaf ears.

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05-29-2004 10:35:18

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 Re: Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to Mr.T, 05-25-2004 11:44:23  
Bush's call for alternative fuels? Are you kidding? Or just really poorly informed? Bush's call for hydrogen-powered autos requires refinement of OIL....not water! I can't believe there's anyone around that can believe this liar in the White House. If you're not Appalled....You're not paying attention.

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Paul in Mich

05-25-2004 12:11:59

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 Re: Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to Mr.T, 05-25-2004 11:44:23  
Mr T, Who says there is but 30 to 35 years of oil reserves left? I remember very well when reputable scientists told us in the 50's that if we continued using at the same rate that we would run out of oil by 1977. The same was said when the Pennsylvania oil field production began to diminish in the 30's. The oil reserves are far from being depleated. We will not see oil bubbling out of the ground again as I'm sure we have plucked the low hanging fruit, but many scientists agree that we have plenty of oil. We just have to be able to drill for it, be it in Alaska, or off shore. It is true that it is not necessarily at our fingertips, but it is there, and being created as we type. Oil did not cease to be created with the death of the Dinosaures. There is more oil that seeps from the ocean floor every day than will fill several tankers. We just have to find a way to capture it before the ocean disolves it. What ever oil shortage we experience today is caused more by the environmentalist movement than the actual scarcity. Besides, what would we do with more oil at our disposal right now, since we have decimated our refineries and those still standing are producing beyond capacity, but short of demand. What do you think that in itself does to the price of gasolene? Alternative fuels is certainly a just and noble cause, but will only become a reality when the cost and convenience is equal to oil refined fuels. That more than any other reason is why we are still using oil as opposed to alternatives.

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05-29-2004 10:43:24

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to Paul in Mich, 05-25-2004 12:11:59  
Paul, you should re-read your message. "Oil did not cease to be created with the death of the Dinosaures. ...What ever oil shortage we experience today is caused more by the environmentalist movement than the actual scarcity. Besides, what would we do with more oil at our disposal right now, since we have decimated our refineries and those still standing are producing beyond capacity, but short of demand. What do you think that in itself does to the price of gasolene?'

First of all Dinosaurs had nothing to do with oil deposits. Dead dinosaurs did not make oil. Secondly, our environment is not some place far away. You need air first, then water, then food. Chemicals spilled into our air and water are not something I'm willing to trade for cheap gas. I can drive less, pay more, or get a smaller car easier than hold my breath or watch my child dying of cancer.

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Paul in Mich

05-29-2004 14:10:07

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to gahorn, 05-29-2004 10:43:24  
Gahorn, First of all there is nothing in my statement that says that dinasaurs created oil, just that many people think that that is the age when the last drop of oil was created. Secondly, You may or may not realize it, but your car is far less a hazard to the environment than if everyone replaced each car with a horse. Your air is far cleaner today than it was when homes were heated by either wood or coal. Your children stand a far greater chance of dying on the highway as a result of underage drinking than any chemical that has been put into the water supply. Your environmentalist buddies have been the direct cause of more deaths caused by malaria because of their "victory" in the banning of DDT, than DDT itself ever caused or would have ever caused. Your environmentalist buddies also managed to have a moratorium placed on the implementation of more cheap, clean, nuculear power, thus creating more dependence on coal and other less environmentally friendly energy sources. So, my friend, do not be so arrogant as to blame the dirty environment on others before you are willing to look in the mirror and take a good look at yourself. I believe in conservation, and the wise use of our resources, but as you say, the environment isnt that far away, in fact I submit to you that it is closer than you think. We are part of the environment, and the worlds resources are here to benefit mandkind, not the other way around. The environmentalist movement is NOT, I repeat NOT about saving our environment, it is and always has been a movement to render America impotent. The proof is that we (Americans) are targeted, even though we are not by any means the dirtiest, most wasteful country on earth. You can still drink our water, while at the same time you cant even wade in the water of some of the 3rd world ,European, and Asian countries who have no factories to blame. Plus, I have yet to hear the environmentalists hold the former U.S.S.R. to task for their environmental short commings. That in itself should tell you volums.

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05-25-2004 18:58:26

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to Paul in Mich, 05-25-2004 12:11:59  
I have my 8th grade American Government textbook (from 1980), (got it when they bought new books). It says that we will be out of oil in no more than 20 years, hmmmmm m. Seems like what I filled up with was made from crude oil. We have tremendous reserves of crude, just here in the US alone (plus gas and coal) that are currently not in production, just not economical. My family (dad and uncles) have been in the oil business for 40 years. Currently have hundreds of acres with extractable crude, it just doesnt pay at $30 a barrel. Sure, oil is at $40= right now but I remember well when gas shot up a few years ago. We put over a million dollars worth of pipe in the ground on $8 gas and low and behold it dropped back below $5 in a year and a half.

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Paul in mich

05-26-2004 05:54:34

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to kyhayman, 05-25-2004 18:58:26  
Kyhayman, Yep, according to your 8th grade Civics book, we ran out of oil 4 yrs ago. Is it no wonder why people believe that hair spray caused the hole in the ozone, and that global warming will have NYC under water in 30 yrs, and that hunting causes animal extinction? Thats just in science. Look at what has happened to the history books. Scary, ain't it?

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big fred

05-25-2004 10:40:55

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 Re: Saving Gas in reply to BobInMN, 05-25-2004 08:13:50  
Tried that once several years ago. Company let us switch from 5 8 hour days to 4 10 hour days. The only difference I noticed was that instead of working 2 hours OT weekdays and 8-10 on Saturday, I worked 10 hours OT on Friday and 8-10 on Saturday. Same 60 hours worked, just shifted when I put in the OT.

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05-25-2004 10:14:07

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 Re: Saving Gas in reply to BobInMN, 05-25-2004 08:13:50  
It is a nice thought, but I don't think it would do any good. It would slow productivity and hurt the economy as everyone would be earning less.

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big fred

05-25-2004 10:46:03

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 Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to Mike(Wi), 05-25-2004 10:14:07  
Maybe cut their taxes so they are taking home the same amount?

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05-25-2004 10:55:21

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 Re: Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to big fred, 05-25-2004 10:46:03  
1 live 26 miles from work, i started taking two lane instead of four lane and drive 45 to 50 mph instead of 70-75 and went from 32mpg to 44mpg, so that's how i'm saving gas. have a good day everyone everyone

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05-25-2004 10:31:39

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 Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to Mike(Wi), 05-25-2004 10:14:07  
Maybe sometimes we have to take a step back to go forward?

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05-25-2004 10:13:26

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 Re: Saving Gas in reply to BobInMN, 05-25-2004 08:13:50  
Just had another brainstorm. If there was some way of making sure that roughly the same number of people were commuting to work each day think of what it would be like traveling with 1/5 less the cars on the road. Maybe we could even save some money on road building if we cut down on the volume of traffic. I know, I know, to big of change, it wouldn't work.

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05-25-2004 09:41:29

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 Re: Saving Gas in reply to BobInMN, 05-25-2004 08:13:50  
WHAT? I can't manage to get by with one day a week off "work". I work at a day job, that see's about 48 to 60 hours a week. I also farm nearly 1400 acres with my wife and son. THEN....To fill in my "spare time", I do custom work, such as bush hogging and finish grading. I'm on the move 18 hours a day, usually 7 days a week. If they made an 8th day, I'd find something to do on that day too. If my day job was to cut back on the hours, I'd just increase the other work to fill in the "lost time". Most of us are in the same boat. the only way we seem to get ahead is to work...HARD. Interesting theory..... .Won't work in my world though. John

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Good Cents

05-25-2004 15:53:00

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 Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 05-25-2004 09:41:29  
Having more doesn’t get you ahead. Careful management of what you have gets you ahead.

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05-25-2004 10:03:23

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 Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 05-25-2004 09:41:29  
John, I understand your point, however not everyone is in your situation. How much more time would you have to do your other activities if your first job was only 36 hours? I'm not saying that it would work for everyone, but as a whole I think there would be a savings. How much would schools save on transportation if school was only 4 days a week? Maybe family life would improve if they had more time togeather. Just a thought. I don't think I would become any less active, but it sure would be nice to have the time to do things I want to do.

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05-25-2004 10:14:36

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 Re: Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to BobInMN, 05-25-2004 10:03:23  
The company my wife works for, decided to go to a 4 day week. (4 x 10) They had 40 years of production at 5 x 8 hours to base their figures on. After 5 months of 4 day weeks, they have decided to go back to the 5 day week. Reason being.....Production dropped significantly. To a point where a 10 hour day produced around 80% of what used to be accomplished in 8 hours. Compound that by one less workday each week, and they found that their total production was about HALF of what it was. There is a reason why the 8 hour day came into being. That's about the average of what most people can efficiently work in a day. It might work in some cases, and there would be some savings in certain areas, but over-all, production would suffer. JMHO John

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05-25-2004 10:24:33

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 05-25-2004 10:14:36  
Also, If I cut my hours to 36, there would be a neccesity to hire someone else to do the BALANCE of my weekly "chores" at my day job. I work so many hours because there is that much work to be done. If I was to leave, and someone else take over for the balance of the hours, that would mean more traffic, more commuter miles, more cost, for the same end result.John

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big fred

05-25-2004 10:44:57

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 05-25-2004 10:24:33  
Now, IDF, I'm readin' yer posts on this topic and it appears to me what you need to do to get alla that work done is to cut back your hours to 8 hour days. You'll be more productive, and have more time to spend with your family. ;o)

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05-25-2004 08:25:53

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 Re: Saving Gas in reply to BobInMN, 05-25-2004 08:13:50  

If I could get mine cut back to about 60 or 70 hours a week, I'd be happy. :>)


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05-25-2004 08:37:23

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 Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to Allan, 05-25-2004 08:25:53  
I know the 36 hours is a pipe dream, but I'd love the 4-day work week.

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05-25-2004 09:17:39

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 Re: Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to BobInMN, 05-25-2004 08:37:23  
Not possible. Here's a little known fact. We might be the most productive country on the face of the earth but at the expense of long hours. Americans are some of the hardest working people on earth. So.. if anyone is jealous of our success, it didn't come from sitting on our butts.

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05-25-2004 13:00:29

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Saving Gas in reply to Paul in Mich, 05-25-2004 11:13:23  
Yup, you pretty much have a handle on it.

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