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Murphy's Law, the mini-series!

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09-24-2003 10:07:55

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This has been an extremely BORING day at work, for me. I was setting here, playing with the computer, and thinking about all the things that need doing at home. I have to stop on the way home, and pick up a hay baler that I'm buying, and then go to the Massey Ferguson dealer, and get a part that I forgot on the last trip. OK. Here's where I'm headed with this. Let's here all the "old sayings" and such, that "expand" the meaning of Murphy's Law. Mine is when you have 1 part, you'll need 2, If you have 2 parts, you won't even need the first one. Let's hear what the years have taught us. Your BORED friend, John

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09-25-2003 09:11:02

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
I'm not sure this could be attributed to Murphy, but I just love:
"There's never enough time to do it right, but there's always enough time to do it over"---
This holds true especially in an industrial setting (where I work) when something breaks, the tendency is to "rig it together", only to find the rigging in most cases costs more in terms of time and materials than a proper repair would have cost in the first place....

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Steve from MO

09-25-2003 08:54:23

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
Murphy's Laws for rental property:

There is no such thing as an "outside dog".

Every lightbulb in the house belongs to the tenant, who will take them when he moves out.

"It was that way when I moved in..."

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09-25-2003 10:24:41

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 Re: Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Steve from MO, 09-25-2003 08:54:23  
Oh My Steve.... if we are going to do the "Murphy's Laws of Rental Property"... we are going to need a whole new page!!!

My MLoRP contributions...

*Giving permission to "have a dog on the property"... not only means "I thought you consented to a dog living in the house", but you also seem to be implying, "It's alright to have an entire PACK of dogs residing in the house."

*If the water, electricity, heat, "whatever" goes out it is the responsibility of the landowner to fix it IMMEDIATELY, but then the rent check is always backdated and delivered a week or more late.... "Oh, we couldn't catch you at home to give it to you!"

*The tenant claims they will fix any repairs or problems at their own expense, if you will lower the rent.... that is till something breaks!

*Renting the ol' farm house on your property automatically gives the renters the right to hunt and fish any of that property without even asking!

*Renters ask you to use your tractor, fuel, and equipment to till up a garden area for them (on your own property)..... then they never even plant anything... and let it grow up in weeds!

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Chuck, WA

09-25-2003 07:11:13

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
Courtesy of my wife...ANY plumbing repair job takes three trips to the hardware store.

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Farmer in the Dells (WI)

09-25-2003 05:29:44

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
You drive 40 miles to the county courthouse to argue a ticket...in front of Judge Murphy

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09-25-2003 05:19:36

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
I brought a part in off my truck and layed it on the parts counter, the young kid behind the counter brought a new part that didn't look anything like mine. He said that his part was the one I needed because thats what the computer said. One of Murphys laws I always liked is on electronic equipment, the most expensive component will sacrifice itself to protect the fuse.

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09-25-2003 03:36:03

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
Need more proof that all of this is true? I whine about my job being boring....I mention all the things I have to do when I get off work....Well, the boss calls me, just minutes before I head out the door, and wants to see me. When I get there, SHE is busy, and I have to wait an hour. Then she tells me that we are speeding up the remodeling of our building. The 5 weeks I have to move all the "stuff" in my shop, has been stepped up by 4 weeks. I've got 6 days.... Then I'm informed that I have to lay off some of my crew, just when I need them, and after carrying them for the last month. And to add insult to injury, I have to shut my office down, by next friday. I won't have my computer for at least 4 months.BOOOHOOO! Well, I guess it's time to hook up the internet service at home, or I won't be on YT untill sometime in Feb. And that's what I get for complaining about being bored! John

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09-27-2003 18:43:15

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 Re: Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-25-2003 03:36:03  
yup,that's why i keep telling brother to hush & i don't complain bout being bored myself...that bleeping Murphy has goood hearing...if i ever catch em,he's in real big trouble...:^)

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09-25-2003 19:25:53

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 Re: Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-25-2003 03:36:03  
You'd probably complain if they hung you with a brand new rope! LOL Larry

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Paul in Mich

09-25-2003 05:12:38

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 Re: Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-25-2003 03:36:03  
You work for ABB too?

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09-25-2003 05:25:34

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 Re: Re: Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Paul in Mich, 09-25-2003 05:12:38  
Close. ACC. It's a country club, that will remain un-named, as to prevent my early exit from employment. I used to do trim carpenter work. We did a good bit of work for church's. Country clubs and church's have a lot in common. (A whole bunch of people with good intentions, that all want to be heard, and no one that knows how to get the job done.) We have a "gym" that has over 30 pieces of exersize equipment, that has to be moved by next tues. A walk-in refridgerator, that has to be taken down, moved, and set back up, by wed. All this as I am starting to combine beans. Who needs sleep anyway?

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Paul in Mich

09-25-2003 13:15:53

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-25-2003 05:25:34  
YOu think you lose sleep now? Wait till you go to sell those beans you worked all night to combine.

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09-25-2003 04:54:55

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 Re: Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-25-2003 03:36:03  
Eyup thats Wallyworlds management style at it's best.

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I Like Case

09-24-2003 22:51:02

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
The longest cable you have ever needed is 25 ft so you buy 30 ft. just to cover yourself. Now every job you have requires 35 ft. of cable.

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Stan TN

09-24-2003 22:27:10

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
Any post with mini in the title will become a record setter.

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09-24-2003 21:50:54

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
When you are trying to get the wagons (which are loaded with soybeans) to the shed before it rains... it always rains the hardest about 1/4 mile before you get to the shed. Then after you get the last 4 wheeled wagon backed into the shed... it stops raining!

{I have driven many an open tractor to the shed in blinding rains, and had it quit raining just as I turned into the driveway!}

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Frank M.

09-25-2003 17:04:48

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 Re: Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Chris-se-ILL, 09-24-2003 21:50:54  
Open Tractor, Blinding Rain. That reminds me of one afternoon I got caught in a rainstorm. I was doing ok as long as I was going into the wind, but as soon as I turned so the wind was at my side, the MF 65 got water in the distributor. I was still a quarter mile from the house, so I got off and made a run for it. As soon as I got my thoroughly soaked carcass inside it stopped raining.

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09-24-2003 21:22:42

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
Uh All of the above and below. I think it has all happened to me at one time or another. How about when your father sends you all the way back up to the house ( at least 1/2 mile everytime) to get that wrench that he just has to have to fix something. When you get back he has already gotten it fixed and is back up and running. Oh did I mention that this always happens when the truck is at the house as well or gone all together. I have walked many miles because of this one :)

Seriously though this is probably one of the best threads I have read anywhere in a long time.

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09-24-2003 21:13:09

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
I can give you two good examples of Murphy's law in action. My brother removed the oil pan on a car for some repairs. It was an extremely hard job to get it on and off. When he finished, he found the oil pickup and screen laying on his bench. Many years ago a friend of mine did a ring and bearing job on his car and when he had everything back together he found one rod bearing insert laying under the car.

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Frank M.

09-24-2003 19:48:35

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
A rope, cable, or chain , etc. Is just a tiny bit too short, or WAY too long
Your hand start tractor will start perfectly on the first crank, until you try to show it to your friends

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09-24-2003 19:13:24

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
I run the mobil service truck for the DOT district: If I go north the south crew will be the ones to breakdown. If I'm bustin my hump the boss won't show up until I'm sittin down. If I take a helper he never has any lunch money. When on call my pager won't go off until I go to bed. YADAYADAYADA

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Kelly C

09-24-2003 19:06:44

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
The ad said " Brakes $14.99 for most cars"
Why is it your car is not most cars and cost $149.99?

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Paul in Mich

09-24-2003 20:51:25

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 Re: Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Kelly C, 09-24-2003 19:06:44  
And Earl Schibe doesn't even do brakes.

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Paul in Mich

09-24-2003 19:00:54

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
That special tool that you loaned to your neighbor several months ago and said not to worry, that You'll pick it up later? Well, you need it now, and it's locked up in his barn, and he left yesterday for the lake, so you have to drive 40 miles to the only dealer that has another one only to find that he closed early to go to the lake with your neighbor.

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09-24-2003 18:34:03

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
Why is it that when I break something major and go to the dealer he always says "I've never seen anyone break one of those." or "You're the only one that ever had a problem with that." ?

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09-25-2003 06:24:38

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 Re: Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Daryl, 09-24-2003 18:34:03  
I hear you on that, we get that ALL the time. You're using too big of a tractor or too small of a tractor. No one else has ever broke this thingy.
Or it looks like you got one of the demo models. Those parts aren't in our list.

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09-24-2003 18:27:36

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
Roger that on the BORING!! Lots of stuff to do at home yet today was an utter waste of time.

Now then;

If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the first one to go wrong!

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09-24-2003 17:47:41

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
When you don't ask for help all your friends say "Why didn't you call me, I'd have helped you" the day after you needed all the help. Inversely- when you call all your friend for help they are busy or not available!

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09-24-2003 17:24:45

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
The repair manual never has the picture or procedure for the problem that I am working on.

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Kelly C

09-24-2003 19:12:52

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 Re: Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Crem, 09-24-2003 17:24:45  
Or they give you step by step detail until you get to the part you needed it on.
Then they say " next remove the do hicky jobber them move to the thing a mabob" I always go.
Ok but how do you remove the do hicky jobber?
Hanes books are great for this.

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Ray M41

09-25-2003 12:56:19

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 Re: Re: Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Kelly C, 09-24-2003 19:12:52  
I bought one of those GM factory maintenance manuals years ago for my '83 Pontiac. Two inches thick. Had lots of stuff in it. I had a running bet with anyone that I would buy for him a steak dinner if he could find spark plugs in it.

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Paul in Mich

09-25-2003 13:24:40

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 Re: Re: Re: Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Ray M41, 09-25-2003 12:56:19  
I always contended that Mr. Rogers missed his "real calling". He should have been a tech writer for service and operators' manuals. I'm sure many of you have tried to make sense out of a manual translated from Japanese to English. After you figure it out for yourself and then go back to the manual, it still doesn't make a lick of sense.

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09-24-2003 17:06:48

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
You go to the store and forget your list...you buy from memory and get everything you already have

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Farmall Paul

09-24-2003 16:45:06

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
You think far enough ahead to take a cordless drill motor and a full index of drills plus a full set of easy outs to the back 40 just in case you break off a bolt. (lesson learned from years of experience), so now how in the @##^&$# are you supposed to remove the easy out that just broke off.

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09-24-2003 15:51:07

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
Only after replacing the cover and the 16 bolts holding the cover on - including the one where you have to stand on your head and have an arm that bends in 4 places - will you discover you forgot to replace the gasket. If you remembered to replace the gasket, you will have put it in backwards.

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John in MD

09-24-2003 16:38:55

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 Re: Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to dig, 09-24-2003 15:51:07  
I always have the two standard sizes of everything. Too big and too small

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09-24-2003 14:18:39

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
If you bring with you only the tools you will need, you will need every tool in the toolbox. If you bring the whole toolbox, you will need only a few.

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Tractor Boy

09-24-2003 13:53:13

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
Murphy was an Optimist!

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Keith Miller

09-24-2003 13:21:48

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
you will drive 450 miles round trip to attend the Farm Progress Show and find out that all progress has been stopped by rain. now you know what kind of day I had.

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09-24-2003 12:41:44

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
The last bolt on anything will be the hardest to reach and will have to be wrenched completely out.

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Jim Handke

09-24-2003 12:21:15

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
If a wrench/socket is dropped, it will roll/bounce under the machine just far enough that you'll have to crawl underneath to retrieve it.
A ten minute job will take thirty.
You will have to tear down 1/3 to 1/2 of the machine to get to the problem.
You have 90% of everything put back together, and see a snap ring,etc.,you forgot to install(see above).
Your set of metric wrenches skips over the size you need.
Something will always quit working when you're in the farthest field from home.
No one is ever around the radio when you need something brought to you(see above).

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Mike (WA)

09-24-2003 12:10:13

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
Everybody at the parts store who knows what model tractor you have will be on vacation the day you send the Mrs. to get a part.

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Big Jim

09-24-2003 12:06:04

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
Murphy's Law: If you need a certain part and there was a serial number break-One part costs $20.00 and the other costs $120.00 - your machine will be the one that requires the $120.00 part!

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09-24-2003 11:58:12

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
The special bolt/nut/washer you dropped and couldn't find will be in obvious site 3 days after you needed it.

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09-24-2003 11:47:17

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
If your removing a part with 3 or more bolts, the first bolts will come right out and the LAST bolt will break OFF-mike-nm

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09-24-2003 11:33:40

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
First law of Fasteners:No matter how many thousands of bolt,nuts,screws,washers etc you have accumulated,the exact sized and type needed will not be there.
2nd law:When making that special "quick trip to the store"for ANY number of fasteners,they will always be one short.

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Joe Evans

09-24-2003 11:01:55

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  
Don't forget Bennigan's Corollary to your first parts rule: "The part availability is inversely proportional to how bad you need it".

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Kelly C

09-24-2003 18:59:34

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 Re: Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Joe Evans, 09-24-2003 11:01:55  
Boy is that the truth. Like when I needed to redo my knotters on my NH68. A new knotter went for $475 or there about.
So I spent $110 each for parts and rebuilt them my self. Sure enough after I finnished them. New Holland started selling the whole knotter assembly for $149 D'oh!!
I purchased one of the knotter assemblys any way for a spare. That assures me I will not have knotter trouble ever again. A part never breaks when you have a spare.

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09-24-2003 10:53:54

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 Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to Indydirtfarmer, 09-24-2003 10:07:55  

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09-24-2003 17:58:22

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 Re: Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to STEVE MO, 09-24-2003 10:53:54  
That's why there's no room in my barn, garage or cellar.

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09-24-2003 11:11:23

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 Re: Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to STEVE MO, 09-24-2003 10:53:54  
And as soon as you toss it, the value will skyrocket!

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09-24-2003 11:05:31

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 Re: Re: Murphy's Law, the mini-series! in reply to STEVE MO, 09-24-2003 10:53:54  
Steve, that's my favorite!

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