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Farmall & IHC Tractors Discussion Forum

What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o

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07-10-2007 15:57:11

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I read Bob Kerr"s post about roading his M and just was wondering. I once drove an H model about 5 miles down some county roads, and found it a bit nerve wracking, what with looking over my shoulder for traffic and all. But now that I think about it, it sounds like it would be fun to try again. If only I could come up with a plausible excuse to give the wife....


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Marc ON

07-15-2007 19:28:15

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to M.Rad., 07-10-2007 15:57:11  
I drove my Super H 48 miles in the freezing rain (shivering too much to hold my coffee mug on the ride!), and 16 miles on the 100. I'd do it again, though! Just for all the thumbs-up and waves!


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07-12-2007 06:14:47

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to M.Rad., 07-10-2007 15:57:11  
Just up the road from our farm is a seed corn plant. When they were building it in the late thirties they purchased 2 portable corn dryers that were too large to haul. My wife's uncle was working for them at the time through the summer. He and another young lad drove an F20 from the plant, 10 miles of DeWitt, IA to Des Moines, IA, a 180 to 200 miles one way, to pick them up. It took two days one way and they made two trips! I know our factory rubber F20 only went about 12 mph.

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07-11-2007 10:18:13

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to M.Rad., 07-10-2007 15:57:11  
I drove my '51 H to school which is about 8 miles, but it's very hilly and it got really busy the closer to school i got. It was quite cold that morning but i loved the trip.

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07-11-2007 05:58:06

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to M.Rad., 07-10-2007 15:57:11  
On 41 H about 15 miles to next hay fields Nevre racking cause of traffic but enjoyable cause people were gauwking at me don't see an H around

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07-11-2007 05:44:03

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to M.Rad., 07-10-2007 15:57:11  
We did a lot of of one way trips of 15 to 25 miles. Our farms were scattered over 40 miles and we never trailered anything but the combine headers.

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Bob in NC IA

07-10-2007 22:23:07

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to M.Rad., 07-10-2007 15:57:11  
I take my SMTA on tractor rides. A day's ride might be 75 miles and the ride could be for 2 or 3 days. After a couple of years of rides, you could have hundreds of miles on a tractor. There have been rides in Iowa that you can go on every week.

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John A.

07-10-2007 21:35:43

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to M.Rad., 07-10-2007 15:57:11  
All, When I was in Jr High, High School, and Collage I roaded our Farmall M with a rubbertired John Deere 8ft cut oneway, over 28 miles between between two of my families farms. This was done 4 to 5 times a year! Done mostly without a blocker truck. After College Dad changed the farming practice so it wasn't done as much.
That same Farm to Market blacktop road is so busy now, it is susucide to get out there with a tractor with out a blocker truck to keep the idots from hitting you from behind. Later,
John A.

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Mike CA

07-10-2007 21:24:53

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to M.Rad., 07-10-2007 15:57:11  
I considered driving an H from NE where Cowman lives, to CA. That would be a little over 2000 miles.

I don't know if that counts.

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07-10-2007 20:10:34

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to M.Rad., 07-10-2007 15:57:11  
I went on a short trip tonight. I drove my 1950 M over to IH 2444'S house and back. About 15 mile round trip. I have driven an M 60 miles at one time. I drove a 101 Combine 40 miles once. Took all afternoon one day and half a day the next. I could have almost made the first day, but had a flat tire with no spare and had to go home and get one. It runs barely as fast as a Cub.

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David Goode

07-10-2007 19:36:20

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to M.Rad., 07-10-2007 15:57:11  
Our Town does a Tractor Parade every year along a 60 mile route. Was going to take the SM, but didn't have the time to fix some minor problems. Friend of mine did the big Eastern Iowa tractor parade on his M, 60 miles every day for 3 days. -David Goode

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Andy Schuppert

07-10-2007 19:09:12

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to M.Rad., 07-10-2007 15:57:11  
So, I'm not all that crazy eh. I have really been wanting to take a little road trip. When I read this thread to the wife she said "Oh God, how far are you going to go on that thing?".

My question, how hard is the pavement on my really good tires? I need the tread to launch the boat on our sandy beach.

Thanks, Andy

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07-10-2007 21:33:18

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to Andy Schuppert, 07-10-2007 19:09:12  
Those good tires are good for hundreds and hundreds of miles. The old M that dad gave use to run several hundred every fall picking corn in 3 counties with a mounted 2 row NI picker. The tires don't look much different than they did in 1980. It hasn't had the picker on since 1995, but we ran it up and down the road for 15 years with the same set of tires. Still using them and they have all kinds of tread left.

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Tom in Central Pa

07-10-2007 18:37:44

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to M.Rad., 07-10-2007 15:57:11  
Any others allowed here? In Silver King lore, there was a guy who drove a Silver King from Ohio to Florida, then to the west coast, and back east. All the while pulling a little camping trailer. Silver Kings were noted for their high road speed.
There was a book published about someone who drove a J D B from the midwest, to Alaska.

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Bob Kerr

07-10-2007 18:04:19

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to M.Rad., 07-10-2007 15:57:11  
I traveled mostly in 5th and at half throttle and did the 35 or so miles in just over 3.5 hours not counting the 2 stops I made (had to get gas and fried chicken!). The front end likes to start hopping if I take it much faster. Bad thing is I had to bring it home to do 15 min of work and it needs to go back now after I fix the brakes since it is going to hill country. I was thinking this afternoon about fixing up my old hay wagon with a cabin on it and going on vacation somewhere all on backroads. Can anybody say "Pikes Peak or Bust". Long way from Indiana, but a lot of people did it slower 100+ years ago. Now that might be fun!

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07-10-2007 17:45:30

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to M.Rad., 07-10-2007 15:57:11  
Ive drove an Oliver 77 about 20 miles one way and then the 20 back again. Last summer I drove my Oliver Super 88 about 25 miles with a NH 850 baler in behind. Got about half way there and had a cloud brake open and I got soaked to the bone and back out the other side.

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07-10-2007 17:35:47

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to M.Rad., 07-10-2007 15:57:11  
I drove an 856 I once owned about 60 miles home after I bought it on a farm auction.

A fellow told me once that in 1946, after WWII when tractors were scarce, his father bought an H in Salina, Kansas and drove it up here. That's about 170 miles one way. I didn't believe it until an old neighbor who remembered it confirmed it. But, I've timed my H at 22 mph in 5th, so that would be 8 to 10 hours driving time. No worse than a good day in the field.

I once drove a JD 105 combine with a 16 foot header 48 miles. I'd scouted the route ahead of time with my pickup so I wouldn't have any surprises at bridges, etc.

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Jim J

07-10-2007 17:28:58

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to M.Rad., 07-10-2007 15:57:11  
In the late 50's my Granddad drove an H Farmall from Ainsworth NE to Bloomfield NE. From where he started to where he ended is around 120 miles.

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07-10-2007 20:09:45

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to Jim J, 07-10-2007 17:28:58  
A retired friend of mine drove his JD 4010 propane from Norfolk NE to Lincoln NE. He built a new house and didn't want to pay the hauling. 130 miles and I'm thinking he did it in a day. Had his route all figured out so to get propane along the way.

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Andy Motteberg

07-10-2007 17:03:03

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to M.Rad., 07-10-2007 15:57:11  
Once my Dad picked up a Massey Harris 44 Diesel for parts and we brought the Farmall 300 on the trailer to load the tractor. When we loaded the tractor, there was no room for the 300 on the trailer, so my Dad told me I could drive the 300 home and he would drive the van with the Massey parts tractor. I drove the 300 in fourth gear for quite a while to get home, I don't know how many miles. I drove it in forth because I'm only 14 and not used to driving a tractor in 5th gear yet. It was fun to drive the tractor all the way home!

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07-10-2007 16:42:53

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to M.Rad., 07-10-2007 15:57:11  
Last summer I drove my W6 50 miles round trip to a fair. I had just done all kinds of work to it and wanted to see how well it could do in the tractor pull. It all payed off and it did well. I would tend to agree with Howard though, Maybe a short little tour, than a BBQ with the guys would be a lot of fun.


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John M

07-10-2007 16:17:38

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to M.Rad., 07-10-2007 15:57:11  
About 45 miles at one time, but probably have 100s of miles between the feilds.

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Nebraska Kirk

07-10-2007 16:07:30

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to M.Rad., 07-10-2007 15:57:11  
I once drove my 1942 H Farmall 14 miles to a tractor show in a nearby town.

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Nebraska Cowman

07-10-2007 16:04:22

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to M.Rad., 07-10-2007 15:57:11  
I've bought tractors 50 -60 miles away and drove them home. And I drag hay equipment 20 -30 miles from home all the time. It ain't all that much fun once you get the hang of it. Our tractor club does a drive for fun every year. We keep it under 20 miles. I'd have just as much fun if we left the tractors home and just got together for supper.

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07-10-2007 16:54:19

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to Nebraska Cowman, 07-10-2007 16:04:22  
I used to drives my 1995 massey in for service 38 miles one way. They all thought I was nuts. I could of had round trip from them for 75$. I have driven my M 16 miles one wayt (32RT)to shows and a parade and once 22 miles (44RT) for another show, Thats fun here in the mountains of NC. Some on 4 lane US 64 and some on back roads. Never thought of going there any other way.

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Andy Schuppert

07-10-2007 19:11:51

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to HENRY E NC, 07-10-2007 16:54:19  
Sorry all, I'm a board rookie. I somehow got my reply way up in this thread. I'll try to get it right more often :)


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john cub owner

07-11-2007 10:51:17

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 Re: What's your longets road trip on your M? Or H, o in reply to Andy Schuppert, 07-10-2007 19:11:51  
I was only 4 years old at the time, so I rode the model A car, but in 1952 Dad put the saw frame on our H, hooked a one row pull type IH corn picker behind, with a wagon loaded with implements and furniture behind that, and headed form Ownesville, Mo. to Potosi, Mo., about 45 miles. due to the hills and load, a lot of the trip was made in 4th gear so it took part of a second day.

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