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IH 4 row planter

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Ron Fields

02-23-2006 11:04:39

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I just purchased an older IH 4 row planter (has manual markers and fertilizer hoppers/boxes are gone) Two questions: which plate to use for sweet corn, and are there any after market fertilizer hoppers/boxes that will this planter?



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02-24-2006 17:19:36

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Ron Fields, 02-23-2006 11:04:39  
Hi Ron, If your planter is like the one in the picture, it is a #44. As far as the # of the seed plates, look on the seed bag and it most likely will tell what plates to use. Or ask the people you buy your seed from. I had one of those planters and the or good ones. Boyd

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02-23-2006 16:16:46

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Ron Fields, 02-23-2006 11:04:39  
I think you are making a mountain out of a molehill. A one acre sweet corn plot would be huge, You can fertilize that with one of those over the shoulder bag and crank affairs, or a small broadcaster on the back of the 4 wheeler. I have an extra if you need one of those. 100 lbs would do the acre. Then do the ground prep, wait for rain then plant. Sweet corn seed comes in about 4 different sizes, so get the seed and then look for appropriate plates. A little 2 row would serve you a lot better. Look for the green ones (ugh). They are the most modern and best for this job. I use an old 240 that I pull with the Honda Rancher.


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Ron Fields

02-24-2006 09:00:33

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to GordoSD, 02-23-2006 16:16:46  
Thanks, but we're planting about 5 1/2 acres which we sell. My thoughts about using fertilizer hoppers is trying to get the fertilizer out to the side of the planted seeds is to use the fertilizer where it would do the corn seed the most good...alittle to the outside of the seeds. I broadcasted last year but didn't get enough down...I would rather use the broadcater to sew winter wheat, which I did last october..I will turn that under in March. Also, I paid $250.00 for the planter and the guy I bought it from showed me how it worked with his tractor and is a trust worthy nieghbor. If I was working 1 acre I might agree with you.

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Charlie M

02-23-2006 14:49:44

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Ron Fields, 02-23-2006 11:04:39  
I have the same planter I use for a few acres of corn every year. Its tough to find fertilizer buckets in useable condition - should be lots of seed buckets in junk years. Junk yards often have a good selection of plates also. Wait until you lift those markers a few times.

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02-23-2006 14:00:39

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Ron Fields, 02-23-2006 11:04:39  
third party image

This is my IH 4 row, does yours look something like this one? I have been told its a modle 44. Hope this helps some.

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Ron Fields

02-24-2006 08:43:28

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Matt_In , 02-23-2006 14:00:39  
Yes, quite similiar but mine has road tires and hyraulics.

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Ron Fields

02-24-2006 08:48:11

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Ron Fields, 02-24-2006 08:43:28  
Ooops..I see you have the same set-up....didn't see the tires...yep it's the same one.
Thanks for the picture.

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02-23-2006 13:13:53

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Ron Fields, 02-23-2006 11:04:39  
Lustran makes plastic plates for your planter, unless it is very old. Usually the seed dealer will be able to supply them. Don't know about sweet corn, but field corn bags should tell you what plate to use, again unless it is very old. More and more seed is being bagged for air planters, those do not usually have plate designations on them. I'm not familiar with the IH planters that immediately preceded the Cyclo air planter. Two I have used are 184 and 185, I believe the 185 replaced the 184, as it is a newer design. Fertilizer boxes, I don't know.

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Nat 2

02-23-2006 13:09:34

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Ron Fields, 02-23-2006 11:04:39  
If you can even find aftermarket fertilizer boxes, they'll fit. It's really not something that's terribly complicated. Just takes a little ingenuity and fabrication. The boxes need to be attached to the main toolbar of the planter, and the fertilizer augers need to be chain-driven off the planter.

I doubt you'll even consider aftermarket boxes if you find out what they cost... Probably several times what you paid for the planter! You'll be much farther ahead of the game to salvage some decent boxes off a junked planter. If you can manage to salvage only the augers and bearings, it's a small matter to make new boxes out of plywood or sheet steel if you've got the skills and tools.

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Ron Fields

02-23-2006 13:31:27

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Nat 2, 02-23-2006 13:09:34  
Well now that sounds like something I could tackle..the homemade Fertilizer boxes...I will have to starting looking for the other parts...and a manual.



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Ron Fields

02-23-2006 13:34:56

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Ron Fields, 02-23-2006 13:31:27  
I bet 5 gal plastic buckets (with lids) would even work if set up properly. Anyone outhere that has a link to the augers and other used parts please let me know.



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Harold H

02-23-2006 13:01:30

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Ron Fields, 02-23-2006 11:04:39  
Try and find a manual. Case/IH dealer may supprise you and be able to order one. Do you know number? 458, 468, 486, etc or is it a tool bar planter?

Harold H

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Harold H

02-23-2006 13:06:53

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Harold H, 02-23-2006 13:01:30  
There are several IH corn planter owners manuals on e-bay now. Lots of the IH planters used the same plates.

Harold H

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Ron Fields

02-23-2006 13:16:35

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Harold H, 02-23-2006 13:06:53  
I have to admit that I'm at a loss determining what type of planter (tool box?)this is. The planter seed containers are round galv. cans...and at one time it did have fertilizer hoppers of some sort. The markers are manually operated and the planters are operated by chains from a hex type rod that runs accross the planter. I was forunate to recieve 6 sets of extra plates with the following numbers: 1975A, 3301A, 1077A, 1978A, 1901A, 1979A and a set that's in the plante (haven't checked those)I think the 1977A is a small holed plate but I will check it as well as others to see if the seed fits. Is there a way to find out what the planter model is on this planter?

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02-23-2006 13:33:33

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Ron Fields, 02-23-2006 13:16:35  
Your planter is not a 184 or 185 as I listed above, as they are individual tool bar mounted units. Looks like you posted a few minutes after my response.

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Ron Fields

02-23-2006 13:40:52

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to CNKS, 02-23-2006 13:33:33  
Thanks, there must be a way to figure out the model..could it be a 156??
I noticed your title shows KS are you in Kansas? I'm located about 25 miles south of KC, Mo on the KS side. I don't know how much used stuff may be available in this area.

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02-23-2006 14:24:39

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Ron Fields, 02-23-2006 13:40:52  
Garden City -- 350-400 miles west.

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02-23-2006 12:38:10

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Ron Fields, 02-23-2006 11:04:39  
The best way to determine which plate to use is to take a seed, and see how it fits in the slots of a plate. If one seed will fit, but not two, that is the plate you want. This of course is assuming you recieved an assortment of plates with the planter.

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02-23-2006 11:52:53

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Ron Fields, 02-23-2006 11:04:39  
is this an old plate planter or a cyclo?

casey in SD

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Ron Fields

02-23-2006 11:55:48

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to caseyc, 02-23-2006 11:52:53  
It's a plate type planter with the round seed cans.

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02-23-2006 17:45:58

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Ron Fields, 02-23-2006 11:55:48  
Well, I think I have some good news and...some bad news. The good news is I have the 2 row version of that planter and haven't got a clue what the model is because it looked as rusty as the one pictured when I bought it for scrap 20+ years ago. Mine doesn't have fertilzer hoppers and never did have. The good news is: the plates are common as fleas on a hound....bought all mine off ebay and they are the old cast ones. I did buy a planter manual for a model CLOSE to the one I have and in it, is a full list of plates and what they are for. Furthermore, out of all the plates I have bought....about 20 different sets..guess what I use? The ones that were in it when I bought it! They are 1978A's and they are perfect for sweet corn. 1977A's work well too. Don't worry yourself sick trying to find the exact recommended plate as it isn't that critical. There is a short learning curve using these old planters and you'll catch on. One thing about these untis, they were made in a simpler time and most any farmer with a 6th grade education could use them with good results. The best thing about them though, is the fact they were built to last forever seemingly and a little TLC goes a long way in keeping them operating. The seed canisters may be a challenge to make...but somebody is fabricating new ones..I have sen them on ebay as well. The fertilzer hoppers can be made from plastic 5 gallon buckets as mentioned...an easy fix. As for your plates...just install one and drop a few seeds in and see how they fit the slot..close is good enough as long they fit the slot. make sure the knockers are free in the feed mechanism where the plate sits...as the plate rotates towards the deliver chute, there is a spring loader finger or 'knocker' that keeps a seed in the plate slot and also knocks off the extras riding on top of the seed in the slot. This finger must be free and the spring must work. take it apart and play with a little and you'll see how it all works. A good wire brushing, some oil and grease in the right places and a coat of paint should have it in good working order. Buy yourself a bottle of powdered graphite to coat the seeds..it is a dry lubricant and keeps the innards working free. Also, be sure to check the feed/drop tubes to make sure the spiderwebs and wasp nests and cleaned out...don't ask how I know this!

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02-23-2006 18:05:49

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Mark , 02-23-2006 17:45:58  
I wanted to add one more thing....don't worry about folks say about using a 4 row planter for a small patch of corn...the way I got it figured, you'll just make one less pass than when using a 2 row model! I have a JD 494A and couldn't care less what the neighbors or anybody else thinks when I plant my acre of swet corn using it...none of their business! Go price a decent 2 row planter and price a similar 4 row unit...about half price for twice the machine...go figure. I still use my old IH planter too...but those fertilize hoppers on the 494 mean I don't have to use a broadcast spreader or make trips up and down the rows spreading fert. by hand. Enjoy your planter and if anybody pokes fun, invite them over to do the work themselves...they'll shut up.

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Ron Fields

02-24-2006 09:05:27

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Mark , 02-23-2006 18:05:49  
What is the adjustment to set the seed spacing, that is if I want the seeds planted 8" apart in the row (not row spacing I think I figured that one out)

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Ron Fields

02-24-2006 08:40:16

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Mark , 02-23-2006 18:05:49  
Many thanks to all for your help. Actually I will be planting about 5 1/2 acres of sweet corn. We sell it right off the black top in front of our home. Don't make a lot of money but sure get to meet a lot of nice people...make enough to pay for a few extra things and to maintain my older Case 930 and AC - C. I like Farmalls...my brother has a Super M.
Mark, when you said use graphite did you mean on the seed plates?
My planter has road tires and hyrualics.

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02-24-2006 19:36:45

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Ron Fields, 02-24-2006 08:40:16  

Get a botle of the graphite...get mine at the JD dealership...you pour it in the seed hopper..i give it a squirt on the plates...don't take a whole bunch and then mix it in with the seed. Becuase i rarely have more than a couple pounds of seed in each hopper....I dump in the seed and squirt a litle graphite over the seed. It'll mix in..keeps everything slicked up. As for your seed spacing..I'll bet your sprockets are different than mine and if it had been set up before...more than likely it's where it needs to be. HOWEVER, you can dump in some seed and pull the planter VERY slowly over a concrete driveway or pavement and see how the seed drops if you had some fairly hard packed soil..it would be better because the seed wont fall and bounce so easy..set the drive wheels down and keep the seed runners just off the ground and have somebody creep ahead while you watch the seed fall...seeing is believing! if it doesn't suit you move the drive chains around until it does.

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02-23-2006 12:12:31

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 Re: IH 4 row planter in reply to Ron Fields, 02-23-2006 11:55:48  
in that case i'm sorry, i do not have an answer.

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