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OT : My health

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Hugh MacKay

04-20-2005 15:49:50

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As many of you know, I milked cows for many years, close to 100 of them lot of those years. Never had any problem in those keeping the weight 180-200 lbs, not bad for 6'2". Two things happened when I stopped milking cows; after all these years I still rise at 5am every morning. Bunkus to all those guys that told me I would enjoy sleeping in. Second item, I never learned to push back from the dinner table. My daughter estimates I walked 5 miles per day in dairy barn. Net result is I now weigh 250 lbs.

Through the years I've always been plagued with low blood sugar, not bad just carried a candy bar to correct this. Bad habit number 2. Doctor warned me 15 years ago blood sugar problem may reverse as I get older. Hadn't been feeling great this past winter so went to Doctor. Blood presure, heart, chest, colestrol all fine. But not that blood sugar. Been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Pills and diet to control this. My good better half of close to 40 years being a home economist teacher is right on top of that diet thing.

HERE IS THE KICKER: The diet is designed to make me loose 1.5 lbs per week. Just have to convince my carcass to live off stored fat rather than food. Two weeks into this it's not bad, plus I feel so much better with blood sugar at 6. Biggest problen is lack of energy when I do physical things. No, that's not right, biggest problem, MISSUS is picking on me. I seemed to have developed a habit of coming in asking what our next meal is 2 hours ahead of time. Marg. has done volunteering at a seniors residence. One of staff jokes there is the old folks lining up for lunch 3/4 hour after breakfast. Since my diet I've told her I see the problem at seniors res., "They bloomin well don't feed them enough." This has reached the point where I dare not walk through kitchen in the hour before meal time. She is really giving me the old one-two on my one man lineup.

This is not bad folks, as Doc. said, "we know how to manage diabetes, some things we don't. You can live 1st 50 years of life quite reckless on diet, after that you must eat for your health." I will survive, will be around at YT, may be a bit cranky until I get this carcass feeding off stored fat.

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Bill in NC

04-21-2005 06:14:58

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 Re: OT : My health in reply to Hugh MacKay, 04-20-2005 15:49:50  
Hugh, glad to hear you are dealing with this straight-on. Like you said about your earlier years about having low blood sugar, I have low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). My mother has it (age 82) and so does my 25 year-old son. The interesting thing is the best way to deal with it is to eat like a diabetic. Slow digesting foods like oatmeal and vegetables and some protein at every meal. Another thing that's interesting is to eat a little bit between meals - something like peanuts or almonds. At age 52 it has helped me get along a lot better at work like not being as moody, hungry or as hard to live with.

They say it all goes back to our ancestors. They ate food off the ground, in the ground, on bushes, on trees and ate what they killed. The bottom line was they were constantly foraging for food and that's why we all do better with lots of little meals all through the day of fruit, nuts, etc. The doctors say big whopping meals is flat out bad for our system and that we are something like 3X more likely to have a heart attack after a big whopping meal. Here again, we have our ancestors to blame.

When we eat/drink quick digesting foods (like soft drinks) the body suddenly ramps up the insulin production to enable those foods to be utilized. We can't instantaneously utilize the 800 calories in a Big Gulp drink, so the body parks the extra 500 calories it doesn't need in body fat. Two hours later we are hungry as heck (because ramped-up excess insulin is riding around in the bloodstream and our blood sugar levels are down in the pits) and have to get a sugar fix, but the body does not draw on the "parked" 500 calories from the Big Gulp drink. It is looking for a new food input to come down sliding down the pipe. It is a mad up-down blood sugar cycle and all the reading I've seen indicates it is tough on our circulatory system. It also leads to type 2 diabetes because apparently the body's cells get used to having lots of insulin around from these up-down surges and consequently, the cells get "insulin resistant" which, I guess, means they are maybe "burned-out" on from all the big insulin hits we've given from a lifetime of quick digesting foods. The good news is the body apparently re-sets itself when we lose weight. I have two uncles that were type 2 diabetics in their late 50's and got their blood sugar back to normal by losing 30 pounds. They kept the weight off and one lived to 83 (cancer) and his brother is still trucking along quite well at 85.

There's another culprit that researchers say is contributing to the diabetes as well as to heart trouble: hydrogenated fats. It appears the man-made fats like margarine, crisco and all the stuff in crackers, cookies and many prepared foods is just flat-
out bad news on our system. Going back to the early man example, apparently our liver just has no clue as how to properly process the man-made hydrogenated fats. The scientists tell us butter and other animal fats are ok because the body knows what to do with them. Last thing, everything points to extra virgin olive oil being the cat's meow regarding something extra good for your health. So when out at a restaurant with your bride, don't eat the crackers and go for the olive oil and vinegar dressing for your salad!!

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04-21-2005 05:58:11

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 Re: OT : My health in reply to Hugh MacKay, 04-20-2005 15:49:50  
Mornin Hugh, Youve got a good wife helping you do the right things health wise, just lisen to her and youll be fine. Im like you, I like to eat! You can do it Hugh!!!


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04-21-2005 04:55:36

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 Re: OT : My health in reply to Hugh MacKay, 04-20-2005 15:49:50  
Sorry to hear you have to start thinking about what you do for/to yourself, glad to see that you're enough of a grownup to do it. Life is so much simpler for the young; which is a good thing, as most of them are simple.
PS Can't resist: A bit cranky? Not you, Hugh!

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04-21-2005 01:55:10

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 Re: OT : My health in reply to Hugh MacKay, 04-20-2005 15:49:50  
Been a type 2 for 22 years now do as the docs say exercise even more important than diet, that doesent mean pig out but you know that. You will notice a change as the pounds (kg) drop off. Best of luck dealing with this. Remember once a diabetic always a diabetic you just control it.

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04-21-2005 00:36:53

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 Re: OT : My health in reply to Hugh MacKay, 04-20-2005 15:49:50  
Hugh, sorry to hear about your condition. When a person has good health, he has many thing on his wish list. But ... when a person has a health problem, only one wish remains: to recover. Hope you'll feel better soon, especially while getting closer to your 40th wedding anniversary.
Best Regards, Hendrik from The Netherlands

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David in UT

04-20-2005 21:46:07

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 Re: OT : My health in reply to Hugh MacKay, 04-20-2005 15:49:50  

Glad to hear you've got things under control -- this place wouldn't be the same without your frequent contributions. Best of luck with the diet.

- David

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Alvin NE WI

04-20-2005 19:41:17

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 Re: OT : My health in reply to Hugh MacKay, 04-20-2005 15:49:50  
I got the same problems, been told to lose weight and walk a lot and eat healthy which you know what its about. The real kicker is the wife is such a darm good cook, how can i leave the table with food in the kettle yet!! Guess I'll just have to do what the nurse said, get stronger arms.

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04-20-2005 18:52:42

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 Re: OT : My health in reply to Hugh MacKay, 04-20-2005 15:49:50  

Sounds like you"re not taking your condition lightly, which is a good thing. Also those adjustments in lifestyle will pay back as you start to feel better physically. Sound body, sound mind. Hmmmmm m....you"ll be smarter. Oh, Oh.

All the best, and yes, go give mumma a big hug, then go hug all your iron, breath in deeply, and thank the Lord.

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04-20-2005 18:47:58

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 Re: OT : My health in reply to Hugh MacKay, 04-20-2005 15:49:50  
Hugh, went thru your situation last september,Nearly 8 months later 24 lbs lighter.and feeling really good, That first month was a bear,but getting use to it is a mind over matter deal,Sugar free this sugarfree that boils down to if it tastes good don,t eat it.I tell my wife sugar free icecream tastes like the frost on the freezer.If you could handle milking all those cows,you will handle this . Good luck, retired

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Kent in NB

04-20-2005 18:28:37

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 Re: OT : My health in reply to Hugh MacKay, 04-20-2005 15:49:50  
Hi Hugh. Diabetes is not all that bad. It is gonna get you in good physical shape, because type two demands that you exercise regularly ( 5km before mealtimes! takes ..oh ,about an hour) Eat regularly, and live a long time. My grandmother was type 1 for about 40 years. She passed away at the age of 92. My mother is mid 70's , and was diagnosed type 2 about five years ago. Has not slowed her up one bit! Diet and exercise are the keys. Stick to it, and enjoy life. You could get back at your wife by making her walk the 5 km with you! Good Luck. Kent.

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Paul Shuler

04-20-2005 18:20:09

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 Re: OT : My health in reply to Hugh MacKay, 04-20-2005 15:49:50  
Hi Hugh, My 72 year old father in law just went to useing insulin about 3 weeks ago. He had been doing good on diet and exercise for about 5 years. His biggest complaint has been the lack of energy. He is has allways been one of those guys that pick up a corner of a car so you can change a tire if you know what I mean. But the last year or so he just doesnt feel like doing much hard work. He started eating a big breakfast then skipping lunch then eating a healthy supper at around 4 and not going to bed on a full stomach. He said that helped him loose a lot of wieght and feel better. Good luck, Paul

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Allan in NE

04-20-2005 17:41:09

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 Re: OT : My health in reply to Hugh MacKay, 04-20-2005 15:49:50  
Give it he!! Hugh. You'll whip this thing.

You're right. Without one's health a guy just doesn't have a thing.

Just got off the phone with a nice gentleman from down in Tulsa by the name of Ken Bagby. He is having connection problems with his computer, but he wanted me to jump on here and tell you to remember and be grateful that you have your wife watchin' over you like that.

His wife just passed last week. He says for you to go give your wife a hug and tell her how much she means to you.

Thought that was awfully nice of him; his wanting to convey his thoughts to you, considering what this poor guy is going thru right now.

We're all thinkin' 'bout ya,


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Glenn F.

04-20-2005 17:29:11

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 Re: OT : My health in reply to Hugh MacKay, 04-20-2005 15:49:50  
Glad to hear you're taking it seriously! It isn't pretty when people choose to ignore their diabetes. I bet you will soon feel better than you ever have! Diet and exercize is sooooo oo important. Good luck to ya! Glenn F.

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David A. Hodson

04-20-2005 17:09:12

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 Re: OT : My health in reply to Hugh MacKay, 04-20-2005 15:49:50  
Glad to here that you'll make it Hugh, the wife put us on the south beach diet after the first of the year, thats after she looked at me one day and said that I had fat rolls on my back, then she ran, all jokeing aside we all should take better care of ourselves, when were young we think we can eat and do anything then we pay fore it when were older, David

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P Backus

04-20-2005 16:45:05

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 Re: OT : My health in reply to Hugh MacKay, 04-20-2005 15:49:50  
Well, Hugh, glad to hear that you are on the upswing. You could just come over here and we'll work that extra off of you! The blood sugar thing might be a problem, though. You know how it is- you're in the tractor trying to get something finished and you work well past suppertime.
I was just no-tilling for a guy last night and he brought out spaghetti and a roll and lemonade at about 9:00 PM. Some of the best meals I've ever had were like that- brought out unexpectedly when you're really hungry. Better than any fancy restaurant if you ask me.

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04-20-2005 16:35:26

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 Re: OT : My health in reply to Hugh MacKay, 04-20-2005 15:49:50  

If your wife would offer to let you chase her around the house for an hour every time you came in an hour early to eat, your mind would be taken off the fact that you wanted to eat, and when the hour was up, it would be time to eat! :>) Just a thought! (Maybe just go walk a couple miles every day instead!)

All jokes aside, I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis. My wife has the same issues as you mentioned almost to a tee. Dr told her to exercise more (I offered to chase her around the house for an hour a day but she didn’t go for that!), watch extremely close what and how much she eats, and to eat on a schedule.

What you said should reinforce in everyone (even teenagers) that as we get older we need to watch what we eat (I’m starting to get a spare tire too) and exercise more. We can't keep enjoying these tractors if we aren't feeling well. :>)

Good luck and if you find a good way to get your carcass to live of stored fat let me know, I could use the info… :>)

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Jeff In Ontario

04-20-2005 16:25:51

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 Re: OT : My health in reply to Hugh MacKay, 04-20-2005 15:49:50  
Diabetes runs in my famiy so I know some of what you are having to do. Most of my family are on the insulin needles- always worried me that I may be in for that someday (I cringe at the site of needles). At 6"4 and 230lbs I"ve needed to tone up & lose some weight, but so far the call of McDonalds is too strong ;)
Anyhow, take care of yourself

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04-20-2005 17:45:07

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 Re: OT : My health in reply to Jeff In Ontario, 04-20-2005 16:25:51  
I thought that mickydes served horse where you lived . I didnt think any locals ate there just out of towners that didnt know any better.

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Jeff In Ontario

04-20-2005 18:08:04

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 Re: OT : My health in reply to forklift, 04-20-2005 17:45:07  

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