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Posting messages

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02-06-2005 12:38:44

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Has anyone had trouble posting messages? I don't know what this has to do with it, perhaps a configuration problem, but it started when I changed to wireless broadband from dialup. After I type the message and hit submit, it takes anywhere from several seconds to a couple of minutes for the "post message" to appear. That one is also slow, but is less of a problem than the 1st "submit". If the "post message" doesn't work, I exit the internet and reload immediately, the message appears either immediately or after a few minutes, it is there. With dialup, I could hit the back arrow, and it was there, not so now. The back arrow won't work with the initial "submit" because it kills off the message. Any and all suggestions appreciated -- running Windows XP if it matters.

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02-06-2005 16:19:09

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 Re: Posting messages in reply to CNKS, 02-06-2005 12:38:44  
Will try to sort through this. However, the "submit" button thing is the main problem at the moment. I am aware that the back arrow wipes out the post if you use it after submit. However, the back arrow will not destroy the post after using the "post message" button. That procedure used to bring up my post with dialup -- it does not with broadband -- in that case I must exit windows and reload, the post ALWAYS appears then, sometimes not immediately, but it always shows up. The submit button is the one that is slow about 50% of the time -- However, I have not lost a post waiting on it, it's just slow. Hadn't thought about copying it as Wardener does. Everything is faster since I changed to broadband, except for the posts, which makes me think something is configured wrong, but I don't know what.

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02-06-2005 17:16:23

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 Re: Posting messages in reply to CNKS, 02-06-2005 16:19:09  
Call your service provider and have them come to your house to fix it.

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Dave (IL)

02-06-2005 16:41:25

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 Re: Posting messages in reply to CNKS, 02-06-2005 16:19:09  
When you say "bring up my post" are you refering to it showing up on the yt message post where it's supposed to be? Backing up into that window will NOT refresh that page. Hit the refresh button there or hit F5. Also it sounds a little like you might be going through some cacheing server if you REALLY have to restart the browser to get it to show in your list of messages. Business proxy servers will sometimes be set for caching between you and the internet and it can be a real pain to get them to reload under some circumstances. Also there are some settings in IE which control use of cache. Are you using IE6?

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02-06-2005 19:31:32

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 Re: Posting messages in reply to Dave (IL), 02-06-2005 16:41:25  
I have IE6--there are 2 problems -- I believe most of the double and triple posts on this forum are caused when the post message is slow and people do that more than once. When I had dial up, and the post message was slow, I could do the back arrow and the title of my post would show. That means it is there, if I click on it. That no longer works and I must exit windows and restart, or open another window. The 1st step, the submit button not working, only started doing that when I changed providers--if it is the ISP, I'm not interested in paying their fees to get it fixed -- I did not take out a "service contract" and am still not interested in doing so. It is only an irritation, not something that HAS to be fixed. I have not yet tried to fix this myself, I am looking for suggestions. Again, I have TWO problems, one with the submit, one with the post, sometimes one or the other, sometimes both, maybe half the time neither.

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02-07-2005 08:59:02

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 Re: Posting messages in reply to CNKS, 02-06-2005 19:31:32  
Maybe dial up was slow and you just didn't notice this problem as much as now with your new faster service. I would still blame it on the new service and ask for a free look see on their part.
I've had my compute worked on for free many times.
I run a service called Roadrunner a broadband service over cable tv lines. I have seen this slow post thing a few times but not very often.

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Dave (IL)

02-06-2005 20:31:52

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 Re: Posting messages in reply to CNKS, 02-06-2005 19:31:32  
"When I had dial up, and the post message was slow, I could do the back arrow and the title of my post would show."
You mean when you backed up to the list showing all the threads and message headers, right? Next time you do this with the current set up, hit F5 or click the refresh button (the little page with the two arrows going around in circles) and see if that makes it show up.

I've never had a problem with delay on submit. I did have a problem with using back after submit to re-edit. Would loose my text. That went away after I cleaned up my temp files, and that makes sense.

I often have trouble with delay on post and clearly everyone else does. I agree that IS the cause of the double and triple posting. I would bet that the post delay is related to the yt post server and the way it flushes TCP/IP buffers.

Both the submit and post messages are very large relative to typical uplink web messages. Your new wireless network could be tuned for small packet sizes and slow uplink speeds (this is typical) and that could be aggravating the situation with yt.

Try clicking on Tools/Internet Options. There a boxed area labeled Temporary Files and a button there labled Settings. Clicking Settings will bring up a window and at the top are buttons to select how/when to retrieve new versions of stored pages. I am looking at Win2000 so those might be different on XP. Worth a look. Delete your temoporay files while you're there. This often cleans up other little idiosyncracies

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02-07-2005 09:10:48

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 Re: Posting messages in reply to Dave (IL), 02-06-2005 20:31:52  
Dave, deleting the temp files has worked so far today.--Thanks -- This site varies from place to place. My original problem when I had dial up (the final post thing) was only on the Paint and Bodywork forum, never (or very rarely on the Farmall forum). Broadband moved it to this forum, along with the 1st "post message", or in a reply the "submit". Also, the exit and entrance to Windows, with dialup, caused the post to appear immediately, with broadband, it sometimes takes it a few minutes to appear. As stated the file deletion fixed all problems, so far -- guess I will see if it's a permanent fix.

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Dave (IL)

02-06-2005 15:35:11

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 Re: Posting messages in reply to CNKS, 02-06-2005 12:38:44  
Back button is SUPPOSED to retrieve the page from local cache. If cache is not available for any number of reasons, the page will be reloaded and you will lose your input. Simple fix MOST of the time is to clear temp files. Some browsers may have a separate "clear the cache" option. Some web sites, particularly order entry, go to great lengths to disable your back button from going to cache, but that is not the case here.

HTTP is a stateless protocol, that is, no permanent connection is made with the host. Your request makes a connection, the server gets the request, does it's thing, sends a response, and then CLOSES the connection. Your browser has made the request, is reading the connection and is waiting for the connection to be closed. Once the yt host has posted the message, sent your response, and closed the socket, there are quite a few players in the loop getting that all back to you. TCP/IP is very tolerant in waiting for that close socket message.

All that said, given the very high occurance of losing the close socket (based on the level of douple posts and comments here) my own opinion is that there is something not quite right. Whether it is configuration of the servers or routers, or just some performance issues can be problematic to determine. Kinda like troubleshooting a tractor with the mag in one county and the carb in another.

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Dave (IL)

02-06-2005 17:38:26

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 Test in reply to Dave (IL), 02-06-2005 15:35:11  
This is a test.

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Nebraska Cowman

02-06-2005 14:06:50

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 Re: Posting messages in reply to CNKS, 02-06-2005 12:38:44  
had a lot of trouble last fall for a few weeks. I had almost quit posting and had gone to running 3 browser windows. Except for spats and spells it seems to have fixed itself. I'm running XP on DSL but am 2 miles from town and about 3 miles of phone line and they tell me that is marginal for DSL.

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Doug in OR

02-06-2005 13:29:43

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 Re: Posting messages in reply to CNKS, 02-06-2005 12:38:44  
I have the same problem from time to time. It doesn"t matter if I post from home or from work. One thing I have learned, though, is to never hit the "submit" button a second time. This always results in double-posting. It usually works when I hit the button and wait. Sometimes it takes an eternity, but it usually posts.

And yes, I dare not use the "back" button to make corrections. That always wipes out my message - be it from home or from work. If my errors aren"t glaring enough, I just let them be. That way you guys can nit-pik my spelling. LOL!!

If anyone knows the cure to that back button issue, I"d sure like to hear from you. Thanks.

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02-06-2005 17:30:37

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 Re: Posting messages in reply to Doug in OR, 02-06-2005 13:29:43  
Exactly the same problen I've been seeing here. Have learned to proof read very carefully before submitting - else there she goes with errors, it's not coming back!

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02-06-2005 14:20:31

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 Re: Posting messages in reply to Doug in OR, 02-06-2005 13:29:43  
Regarding the back button. I always copy my composition to the clipboard before posting or hitting the back button. I just can't bring myself to recreate something I have just written.

The back button erasures occur on the composition page only. It works OK on the preview page.

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Dave (IL)

02-06-2005 13:11:03

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 Re: Posting messages in reply to CNKS, 02-06-2005 12:38:44  
99% of the time the post has succeeded. The host has to do it's thing and then respond. The delay is usually in that response. I think the yt server has it's peaky times.

Because I don't like to be a double poster, sometimes I will open another browser and check the forum. I can do this while I'm waiting on a slow response and usually I will see my post already there.

I have also found the back button to be erratic in keeping the message. I believe it might be related to temp files kept by the browser. Try deleting your temp files and see if that doesn't improve.

I just used my back button and backed all the way back to the forum. Then I used the forward button and came back here to add this line, and it worked fine. I recently deleted my temp files.

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02-06-2005 13:09:50

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 Re: Posting messages in reply to CNKS, 02-06-2005 12:38:44  
i have dial-up with windows XP and it is a snap of a finger. maybe to many clouds for the signal. ha ha

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02-06-2005 13:05:01

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 Re: Posting messages in reply to CNKS, 02-06-2005 12:38:44  
I had a similar problem when I changed to Direcway (a satellite conection) from dialup. When I hit submit it would go to the preview, if I then wanted to make a change (what-a-typer) and hit "Back" it would erase everything. I learned to "Copy" the body of the message so that I could then "Paste" and make changes without having to type everything over. I'm going to try that now, 'cause I don't remember is it better.
No, it didn't erase it. I thought it has to do with the non-static IP address, but since I still have that but no longer the problem it may be a setting I've changed. Are you still using Internet Explorer? I've switched to Firefox. It's wonnerful.

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02-06-2005 12:42:43

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 Re: Posting messages in reply to CNKS, 02-06-2005 12:38:44  

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02-06-2005 12:43:24

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 Re: Posting messages in reply to lee, 02-06-2005 12:42:43  
that posted immediately

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02-06-2005 12:56:09

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 Re: Posting messages in reply to lee, 02-06-2005 12:43:24  
I failed to mention that it is very fast sometimes, very slow other times, may be related to the number of people posting simultaneously on the forum, I don't know. The "post message" problem is the cause of most of the duplicate message posts on this forum, but it doesn't explain the "submit" problem that I have had recently.

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John M

02-06-2005 13:04:37

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 Re: Posting messages in reply to CNKS, 02-06-2005 12:56:09  
Ive had similar problems since going to DSL on XP.I didnt have that with dial up,but there again when I was on dialup,at least 75% of the time I was on it the last month I had it I couldnt get on the internet half the time.I usually dont worry about it.This is the only site I ever have problems on anyways,and its usually just on this board,not any of the others or the ads.

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