
Well-known Member
Are you sinking or swimming or dry?? Here at the Lake of the Ozarks area of Missouri the weather guessers are calling for rain for the next 7 or so days and a total of 5 plus inches so I might need to put pontoons on the tractors to get around LOL.
Whats it like where you are??
God awful muddy mess here in Mid Michigan. Haven't even turned a tire yet and it makes me real nervous when the oats aren't in by now. Has rain mixed with snow again this morning,cold northeast wind,temp in the low 30s.
I lost 2 calves a week and a half ago. How it is that I haven't lost more is beyond me. Amazing how much cold and wet they can take.
We had about 5" of rain in town last week in about as many hours never saw it rain so hard.

No rain here to speak of since Jan. Dry as power. The way they talk...we may all be chasing fires soon, they are all over the state.

Send it to Texas. As the others have stated, Texas is a tender box. We are in the most severe drought since 1917. Stock tanks/ponds are extremely low, hay stocks are down and hay field are burning up, some literally. We had two big fires here in Montgomery county earlier in the week. Well over a million acres have burned across the state so far, two firefighters have died and over a 150 homes have been destroyed and very little relief is in sight. We'll take any of your rain that we can get.

Swimming! Planted grass here last fall, should have planted rice.
Boy that sure is green! Looks like it will take a while to dry out there.
Here, take this and when you get it full please send it back to us down here in Texas! We need it BAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDDD.........
Here in southern IN its not to good. Not sure of the numbers but most of the roads are flooded and were supposed to get another 4 in tomorrow! don't know if any of you heard a few years ago Columbus IN in Barthlomew Co. (where I live) flooded bad. Got the hospital and Cummins engine plant. Columbus is the birth place of the Cummins engine and they have a few buldings along the river. A lot of damage. Hope it doesn't happen again!
Here in our part of Oklahoma it is 87 degree Humidity 38 % wind 48 MPH .03 rain since March 1.Now that is dry.
Been rainy all month here in SW PA. Still wet but I made it to the field yesterday. Started to do some work today and ended up getting rained out again. But o well. as the old saying goes. April showers..yadda yadda.
Here in Alabama the ground's so soggy I can't even mow the yard. If it ever dries up enough I think I'll have to bushhog it.
When people go on about screwed up politics today, I think about prez Eisenhower's super spiffy interstate highway system that everyone enjoys so much... like US 15.... you and the phone poles, nothing and nobody else for hours on end. I have done serious thinking about how the USA would be so different if Ike was in Italy thru the war insted of Mark Clark. Insted of being impressesed with super cool autobahns around Germany... for people who didn't have cars, trucks, or fuel to start them, he would have looked at 2000 year old aquaducts across Italy that took extra water from wet places, and delivered irrigation and drinking water to people living in the same desert environment as the Texas and Kansas he grew up in. We know he hated railroads 'cause his dad's workmates made fun of him wanting to be a soldier than a railroader, but how could he not notice the lack of water... even for the boilers he hated? A really interesting 'make works project' that would actually DO something for the US would be to finally start digging aquaducts from flood prone and deep snow areas to our poor old deserts and dust bowl states. LA wouldn't be LA with the Mulholland. I would certainly push for that president to go on the next silver dollar.
In my part of Texas. We are putting up pictures of rain on the walls. Just so we will know what it is when it hits town. If it ever does. Don't want to scare the young ones,that have never seen rain.
I've dumped out 4.55" in the past two weeks here in NW Iowa. Can't complain after seeing the damage the tornadoes did south of me two weeks ago. The scrap metal buyers in that area are overwhelmed with junk being hauled in from the storm. Saw pictures of a 9400 Deere combine that was sucked up and blown across the field. When the twister got done with it, it was sitting on it's wheels with the engine half hanging out the right side. There are no long pieces of metal of any kind. Everyting was shredded up like it went through a grinder. Jim
Here in the Terre Haute area we've have around 7 inches of rain for the month and more for the next few days. National weather service is calling for flash floods.

In 1998 we had a 100 year flood. About 10 inches in 24 hours. Here are pics of my 3 year project at a friends house. The soil is clay. Very little water soaks in when you get an inch of rain in 30 minutes. Been landscaping the yard so all rain runs away from the house and barn, instead of towards the house as it did in 98. In case you are wondering, what you are looking at are 6 x 6 inch zoysia plugs. After the last rain, I planted them with my 5000 lb lawn roller. It's neat to see how the water flows like a river and goes over the hill. Took 3 years to get it right. No one will say I'm fast!


We've had rain pretty steady for the last week and a half, more coming for another week or so. Cold and wet, no one is doing much in the field around here. South central Michigan.
on Il Wi state line we would like to send some rain to you guys in Texas.
i don't know if anyone has been able to oats in yet.
for those who don't know oats are about the first thing that gets done around here as there is still a lot of dairy farming yet. so they are oats are used as a cover crop for grass and alfalfa and straw is used under the cattle

corn planters and grain drills are still in the shed.
It has been cold and wet in Eastern Iowa the last two weeks, and forecast to be wet and cold the next week.

OLD: I am planning to come to lake of the Ozarks in July for a week of boating and fun, hope the weather is nicer by then. Where are you on the lake?
Snow this winter was incredible, the last of it just melted off, which was the larger piles, fortunately a slow melt and now extended heavy rains, but it has been damp, highs in the 40's, kind of cold, compared to last spring, we kinda headed right into summer like weather, this one ought to be gradual. I tilled my garden 3-9-10 last spring, first pass, could plant a lot sooner, not this year, though I could have tilled it a few weeks ago, kinda having a real spring this year, cold air is still dominating from the north it seems.
Sat an empty 5-gal bucket outside the shop about a month ago. It is nearly full now. What is a 5-gal hydraulic oil bucket-foot & a half deep?
Throw me an e-mail and I'll tell you the good and bad of the lake and you could maybe stop out and look at my collection of old iron. I am south of Camdenton about 7 miles Camdenton is the Junction of HWY 5 and 54
The Mississippi is rising fast and it looks like a repeat of last year, I sure glad I live on top of the hill.
the ohio is raising also could get dicey with upper miss and ohio both flooding, expecting near 50ft level at shawneetown
old, guys,, It showered around the last day or so, No real significant amounts recorded anywhere. Still Powerhouse dry, Fire danger if off the chart.. High! One stray spark from most anything and we will have another Possum Kingdom fire (@ Possum Kingdom Lake) just about anywhere in Texas.
Strapped My duels back on my 966 today, will hook up the disk tomorrow, and we will wait and see and pray we don't need it anywhere close!
John A.
In my neck of the woods,no rain since December. Fire danger is also off the scale. Wind has been blowing 30-40 mph , gusts to 50 for almost a month. Dirt and dust covering everything. Can't keep it out of the house. Try to water the lawn and all I do is wash the house. No rain in sight.

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