
Well-known Member
once again - dennis in nc , moved back in the house friday ,water, heat,power all is well.only in smalltown USA can you walk away for a year and return home just as you left it. thank the lord!!! i think she will stay retired this time. FT Knox was nice,but their is no place like home.
I know what you mean. When I grew up on this farm we lived a long way out of town. Then 20 years ago they built a golf course 1/4 mile down the road and instantly million dollar homes started popping up around the golf course and surrounding our farm. Now this year the state hyway 14 extension will be cutting through a corner of our farm. City limits have expanded to within a 1/2 mile of our farm and an industrial park right to the limits. With new interchanges going in for the hyway project you know gas stations are next. All nite convienonce stores and people just bring that many more chances of trouble. I long for the good old days. Without having moved a foot, soon I will be living in a metro area of 50,000 people. I know that nobody is holding a gun to my head preventing me from moving farther away from all this but with maybe 10 years of farming left I just don't want to pull out and start over. I guess I will just put padlocks on all my shed doors and take keys out of everything and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Thanks for listening.
Actually you are throwing away a golden opportunity to grow and sell things directly to your new neighbors.I've done just that as it urbanized around me and there is a whole lot more
$$$$ selling to locals with plenty of cash than selling conventional crops.
i am still fortunate i live on a one lane gravel road with no neighbors in sight i have about 113 acres i fiddle around on the weekends.
But the downside is your property has probably appreciated 20 times what it was worth back then. Sell it and buy 5 times as many acres out in the "sticks"

It sounds like your property has become very valuable, with all that development around you. Unfortunately valuable property ends up being taxed accordingly, at least in my area. I know people who have been more or less forced to sell their property, because they could not afford to pay the taxes on it after development occurred around them.

Having property that has appreciated a whole bunch can be a huge windfall, but to cash in on it, you have to sell out and move, which might not be what you really wanted to do.

I like where I live, on a corner of what was my family's ranch. But my Dad subdivided the ranch back in the 70's (as he had always planned to do) and my Parents had really good retirement income. I now pay more than 10 times the property tax my parents paid for the whole ranch, and I only have 20 acres. That's progress, I guess.

Good luck with your situation. I don't know how much property you have to deal with, but it sure is hard to come out ahead farming property that is heavily taxed. It's also not much fun living in an industrial area, with traffic going nearby all the time. If I had such a problem, eventually I would probably sell and relocate.
Start growing vegetables and feed them better still grow corn and get some of that China money for the 2.5 mil tons they want.
Oh, didn't realize we were in the same county. I kninda mix up handles, I was never good with names, we've probably discussed this already. ;)

Little calmer across from New Ulm, they don't cross the river so much and Klossner hasn't grown much in the last century.

You in that 2 mile segment that's getting rebuilt soon now?

flying belgian--
Honestly, real sorry to hear about your situation.
Part of the problem is immigration.
Another is large family size--in the old days, you wanted lots of kids, that was help on the farm. Now, its just the bottom dwellers seem to be overpopulating themselves to get bigger government checks. All leads to overpopulating the country/world, and this happens.

I wonder how we're going to feed everyone once we've paved over all the good farmland and put stores and houses up???

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