Still Winter, I guess

Allan in NE

Well-known Member

-24° downtown so that means it's -29° out there on the hill.

Is that darned tractor gonna start this morning? :>(


Yesterday as I was feedin', it warmed to -9° and it felt like a derned heat wave! :>)

This cold sure is hard on the livestock. :>(

Right in the middle of overhaulin' my "Las Vegas" guitar, which I bought it off a show player out in Nevada.

Very, very expensive outfit, but I got it dirt cheap because the finish is coming off the fretboard. Heck, I don't care 'bout that as it has a sweet sound to it is all I care. :>)

I'll run one off when I get 'er up and going.


Well, at least you've got the wind chill goin' your way-

I'll take a gray day with a little drizzle any day. In fact, around here, I'll take it almost EVERY day 8>)

I inch rain here in SC. We need it badly, got only 1.3 inches in January, part of that was from melted snow. 57 degrees here this morning.

Nice gituar.

Almost the exact same temperatures here, and I'm calving heifers. No sleep for this guy till it warms up some.
Thats funny. Heat wave.

A decade or so ago I had to go into a prison to splice a new section into a 100 pair telephone cable that someone augered through to put in a fence post. It was the Friday after Thanksgiving and 17 degrees out, but WOO HOO HOO that was warm considering the day before was -17. A 34 degree swing made it an official heat wave in my opinion. At 17 degrees, the gel from icky pick cable not good to deal with, but much better than -17, probably.

Like many, I'm not getting my fair share of global warming. I'm feeling kind of cheated.

We went from 40 and rain yesterday to 20 and snow today. Still a far cry from -24 but equally as hard on me and the livestock.
Knowing you and your skills you will make it look like new. With this weather you may have a few days to work on it. We slid by here in Tennessee just a little cool no snow.
Ya know if they would stop using the wind chill in the winter and use the heat index maybe it wouldn't be so cold all of the time. Just a thought

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