What's outside your window today?

David from Kansas

Well-known Member
This is what we are having at 11:45 today, outside our front window, central Kansas. Could be worse.
That doesn't look like much. I have here in Missouri about 7 inches now and still falling and the wind is blowing pretty good. The temp. is also starting to fall. Oh well I'll go out and plow the snow when ever it stops
Was hoping you had sunshine out there, so I would know what to expect in four or five hour. Guess will try and go feed if its not going to stop. Topeka says a inch a hour falling, I hope not here.
16 inches of accumulated snow, sunshine and 5 degrees F. As well as 18000 students walking between classes. Jim
storm just starting to blow into south west michigan. As of 6:00pm we had gusts of 30mph which is giving us blizzard conditions from what is just a light amount of snow currently falling. We are anticipating 12-16 inches by tomorrow afternoon. Bring it on!
You guys don't want to hear this but in south central Yukon Canada it is above freezing & sunny. Gerald
Believe it or not there is a snowmobile in this picture. The little black bump in front of my knees is the top of the windshield.

At 3:00 this afternoon in Suffolk,Va., it was 50-52 degrees and sunny! Calling for 65-70 Wednesday with a chance of showers and conditions could be right for tornados! Hope the last part doesn"t happen and everyone stays warm,dry and healthy. I"m finishing up a head/chest cold I"ve had since Sunday a week ago! Probably have pneumonia after tomorrow. Ya"ll take care now.
Mid Missouri area. Been some ice yesterday and a lot of snow today. Measured about 2 hours ago. Was 12 inches then. Wind blowing really bad. The canopy over my tractor has crash down on it. I can't get out to see if any damage. Will tomorrow when I can see in day time. I-70 a highway that cuts across this state is totally close. First time to have it all closed.
Funny you should ask! This morning I had a yard full of hen pheasants--a whole lot of them. Which is really unusual, since I usually see one or two on my property, but not a whole bunch of them. I think it was the most wild pheasants I have ever seen together. I wonder why?

For the moment our snow is more or less gone. The last 2 nights have been pretty cold--almost down to zero. But we are supposed to get some more snow later this week.

Our Winter started out with the most snowfall ever recorded in a November, and quite a bit in December. But January was pretty mild and relatively warm, here in the Spokane WA area and almost all the snow melted. I am pretty sure Winter is far from over, though.

And no, we did not have pheasant for dinner tonight. I just watched them for a while. Kind of an interesting experience.

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