OT Sick cow


Well-known Member
I noticed 3 weeks ago that my Herford heifer went off hay, she would eat a little grain(coffee can full) but not touch hay. She had also lost some weight. I called the vet and she said it sounds like hardware, so we put a magnet in her, 25cc of pen 2x a day for 4 days and gave her a laxitive (pink pills) and probois, I dont know if she has/had a temp. She was getting better, always eating the grain and nibbleing the hay. I went out tonight to feed them and she dident even get up for the grain, finally she got up nosed the grain poked around and laid back down again? Tomarrow Im gonna put her back on the pen and call the vet back. Anyone have any suggestions as to what might be wrong?
Did you take her temp?
Feel her ears,if they feel cold she has a stomach problem,hardware usually runs a bit of a fever.
3 weeks is a long time to be off feed. If it is hardware either the magnet should have localized the object by now or, the situation should have gotten severly worse. Do you have reason to think she could have injested hardware? The symptoms are very similar for any number of conditions. As a rule, Pen treats bacterial ailments -- if there is a viral condition an oxytetracycline, such as LA 200 is usually more effective. Does she act like she's in a bind all the time, keeping her back up or coughing, what about bloody manure etc.? I would read up on hardware disease.
It sounds like some of the cases of salmonella I had a few years ago. Normally I'd expect to see lots of scouring with it but when it hit my cows they never did. They younger ones finally got ok, the older ones died. Simple as that. When they were necropsied the had several feet of necrotic large intestine. The particular strain was resistant to everything except Nuflor and Excel. When I treated with Excel they died quicker. Labs showed that there was so much infection that when the antibiotic killed the bacteria it shocked their system.

The first thing I'd do is boost the quality of antibiotic. I dont use penecillin for anything except me. For cows I try to keep Nuflor and sulfa pills.

I really hope it isnt salmonella. Evidentally geese brought it to me, and it got in the water. I fought it for years before I ended up depopulating for a while and putting everything on city water.
No she hasent had blood in her manure, isent coughing, and isent humped up. seemed a little bined, and I thought the laxative helped as I have seen her go. Im gonna catch her and get the vet out, also she is 4 years old.

Obviously, I don't know what's wrong with your cow. However, here's what happened to one of my five year old cows recently. She had a fever (104 - 105 degrees), went off feed, lost weight. I called the vet numberous times. He prescribed penicillin, sulfa boluses, and flunixiject (for pain or inflammation) over about a two week period.

Over that period she would seem to get a little better and start eating and drinking more normally, then she'd regress - go off feed etc.

She just kept losing weight and finally went down. I had the vet euthanize her. The necropsy revealed that she had lympho sarcosa (cancer of the lymph nodes).

I hope that is not in any way what your cow has. I'm just telling my sad story.

Tom in TN
Ya, I dont know what happened to her, she would eat like theres no tomarrow, grass, hay and the little grain I gave them. Then just like that she stopped wanting the hay. Hopefully the vet can come out and help. I hate to spend the time, AI the mom, rasing a healthy calf and 4 years later have a problem.
J, Have your vet check for coccidiotis.Had one I bought from a fellow that was treating her for the same symptom you are describing.I brought her home and got her to eat whole oats.Started out with a grain scoop and within a month she was eating about a bushel a day. She had a great recovery. Good Luck.

I thought magnets insered down cows throat was to prevent hardware disease not cure it. my understanding is hardware is caused from metal puncturing the stomach or intestinal wall.

At 4 yrs of age I'd be surprised if she would get pregnant without a shot of Cystorelin because of the possibility of cysts forming on the ovaries
Maybe she's got a DA (displaced abomasum, twisted stomach), I don't know if its very common in beef animals but does happen occasionaly in dairy animals.
Just had the same thing happen a couple weeks ago to a 5 year old cow. Had the vet out twices and also put a magnet in her. Lost two this year so I am gonna put magnets in the whole herd now. I lost her Christmas morning. I was trying to have her make it another few days for the withdrawl period on Excel so I could take her to the auction.
The symptoms would seem to fit a DA... The fact that she's still alive after 3 weeks of not eating suggests that there's nothing really eating at her, fever, etc.... she's just living off her back fat.
That said... a twisted stomach would be very unusual in an unbred heifer eating dry hay...
You can either call a vet out and be prepared to spend 500 bucks on her and mabey lose her anyhow or just do the deed now... I guess it would depend on how brisk she's getting on her feet now.


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