OT: Sea salt

David from Kansas

Well-known Member
Been noticing on some foods, primarily chips, that the sack makes great claims of being made with "sea salt". A few weeks ago I was in one of our local fast food restaurants and saw the same claim there so when ordering I asked the girl at the register "what's with the salt thing" and she said with a big smile, "yes, we use salt from the sea". So I say "but all salt comes from the sea". Beeming brighly she says "no, some of it comes from under ground", to which I reply, "but that was once sea also". After a few seconds of thought she says, "Oh, I guess that is right".
What's your take on this "sea salt" thing?
By the way, I never use salt on my tractors.
in a nutshell - big deal over nothing, just advertising hype. Its no better or healthier than regular "mined" salt.

The only benefit is if the salt (any salt) is coarse. If its coarse and you"re measuring it for use in a recipe, you use less.
that is nothing new, but something very old. our grand parents used this salt quite commonly in soups even gave borcht its own unigue flavor. it was known as sour salt and when you try and find it or ask about it you get a funny look.it came in small chunks. now i have found stuff they call sea salt which is sour and salty, but in the granual form not chunks.
I don't think it's iodised(sp?).

Not sure what role iodine plays in our health.

I suspect modern "sea salt" is "extra tasty" from all the added flavor from modern pollutants, dead fish, radioactive bilge-water, etc.

"Sea salt" mined under-ground is more virgin, I guess. From seas millions of years old. So, we put the clean salt from underground on our roads to rot our cars, and save the modern "flavored salt" for our exotic foods?

Marketing puts a spin on most everthing. "Sea salt", "wild mushrooms", etc.

When I was kid, a "sea salt" was the old drunken p*rv*rt telling dirty stories in the bar-room.
Nudder sales gimmick. Dixie kinda bought into it I think. At least I see the salt container she has bought the last coupla time say SEA SALT on it.
I haven't checked but would bet it costs a few cents more.
I read a report that claims that salt is salt and it makes no health difference in which one you use to harden your arteries.
My take is: Salt is Salt and for some of us it is a mild poison health wise.Being a Cardiac patient,a Diabetic and a Hypertension sufferer,I'll pass "on" the salt ,please.
Iodized salt helps prevent goiters. You can use Goolge images to see what goiters look like if you don't know.
I have read that modern sea salt does indeed taste differently than ancient sea salt.

Sea salt often comes in very large crystals which are ground for use in a mill similar to a pepper mill.

I invite you to my area to tour the Underground Salt Museum in a portion of an actual mine. It is the only underground salt museum in the western hemisphere and is at Hutchinson, Kansas, self-proclaimed salt capital of the world. The salt shelf layer around this general area is about 300 feet thick. It extends for tens of miles in many directions allowing mining in other towns as well.

Some is taken out by injecting water and then the salt solution is evaporated to obtain the high quality salt. Other is mined with machinery for road use.

Some of the caverns are used to store natural gas. Mined areas can be used for humidity and temperature controlled storage, but many if not most movie film stored here.

BTW, the underground museum takes you 650 feet below the surface via an elevator.
Underground salt museum
Iodine is important in the operation of your thyroid. (Goiter) Also a nutritional supplement to livestock. (EDDI- iodized salt)
table salt is usually a processed product and is 99.99% salt. I don't think salt is ever found that pure in nature.
Sea salt is a whole unprocessed product and will have impurities like potassium.
"Unprocessed" is a big marking theme right now.
We need small amounts of iodine to stay healthy. Since iodine is found in very few foods, adding iodine to salt provides the trace amounts we need.
Yes the 'processed' aspect involves heat treating as well as removing all other "impurities". So the heating kills all the beneficial enzymes and then a dearth of trace elements are removed leaving the 99.99% salt. I believe that most beneficial salt is the pink mountain salt from the Himalayas and the Andes. Of course it is marketed through health food stores and so is expensive, but these pink mountain salts are the oldest and richest in trace elements and enzymes.
Saw on tv the HUGE salt mine thats a few 1000 feet under the city of Detroit and the great lakes. Thats why you see the steam coming from all the man-hole covers in the city.
I'm taking everything claimed about "sea salt" with a grain of salt.

Young lady at the register was correct; <a href="http://www.texasescapes.com/TOWNS/Grand_Saline/Grand_Saline_Texas.htm">some of it</a> comes from under ground.
I went through this whole discussion on another board, and the only points that made any sense to me were:

1: Processed salt is granules, sea salt tends to be flakes, which dissolve better/faster, and work better when used as a rub. One claim is that you have to use less to get the same flavor, which, if true, is a Good Thing.

2. Sea salt will contain more random minerals and some folks claim they can detect a slight flavor difference depending on where the salt was harvested.

Other than that and a bunch of imaginary benefits concocted by <strike>liars</strike> copy writers, salt is salt. I see it mostly as a yuppie status thing.
I like it cause it comes in little grinder mill bottles and grind it fresh as needed. Like pepper the same way. Sea salt seems to be more intense (little dab'll do ya).

Most table or 'regular' salt has had the minerals extracted from it and so has some 'Sea Salt'. Sea Salt in its original form that hasn't had the minerals extracted is full of minerals and will actually lower blood pressure not raise it as pure salt will so some studies have proved.Sea Salt with minerals in it isn't chalk with but has shades of grey with a little bluish tint.Sort of a 'dirty' look
You're kidding, right? I spent much of my young life in bars - along with many other little kids. And, even now, there are NO Federal laws in the USA that prohibit minors from drinking. Many laws prohibit SELLING it to kids, though. There are approx. 14-15 states in the USA that have their own laws to ban minors from drinking outright. That leaves many states that do NOT prohibit it. There are countless indirect laws, though.

In New York, school teachers can even serve alchohol to kids - IF they have parental permission, and it's proven to be for "educational" purposes. I doubt anybody dare try it though. Same goes when done for "regligous" purposes, family get-toge thers, etc.

MY dad had a country-western band and I got dragged to many bar-rooms, dances, drunken parties, etc., even when I could barely talk and walk. In 1959, I even helped out setting up a Black-face Minstrel show my dad ran (one time event in our town). By the way, there was nothing negatively racist about the way it was done.

In the 50s and 60s, taking a kid to the bar-room was no big deal. Probably still isn't in some rural places. To be technical, it's not even illegal in the USA for a little kid to drink booze. But it IS illegal to sell it to him/her.
The Federal government basically told the states that they had to have a drinking age of 21 or they were getting any funding for highways and such. In Wisconsin as a minor you cant drink unless you are with your parents. I am pretty sure most states have a minor drinking law. Some are pretty strict others are not.
Like I said, there are many indirect laws made by individual states, and most of them have many exemptions if you read them closely. The generel concept that underage drinking is outright illegal is a myth.
Well I know for a fact that Wisconsin, Iowa Illinois, Minnesota have underage drinking laws, because I have friends from there that back in the day got busted for it.
Well I know for a fact that Wisconsin, Iowa Illinois, Minnesota have underage drinking laws, because I have friends from there that back in the day got busted for it.
My dad used to take me to bars when I was a kid. He would give me money for the pinball machine, and he would have a beer. Even now, I see kids in the local tavern when they have a friday fish fry.
Just heard about the Cosmo museum today from a friend, saw something on TV recently about the underground storage and salt mines. Fri we"re heading for AZ for two weeks, likely to hit both of these on the way back. Stopping at AF Museum in NE, and Warp"s as well, on the way out.
Yeah, they may have what you call in general "underage drinking laws", but I'm sure they actually prohibit something very specific, and not all "underage" drinking.
In Minnesota it is illegal for someone under 21 to possess alcohol. They don't even need to be drinking it.

Jdemaris is correct that Wisconsin allows minors have a drink in a bar with their parents, but there have been several attempts to make that illegal in the past few years. Probably just a matter of time before it is.
Out of curiousity, I just read the Wisconsin laws in regard to underage drinking.

#1. No person under the age of 21 may accept or attempt to gain access to an alcoholic beverage, unless accompanied by a parent, legal guardian, or a spouse who has reached the age of 21.

So, there's loophole #1. I guess if a minor IS with one of those types of people, he/she can drink legally in Wisconsin.

#2. No adult may allow the illegal consumption of alcohol by an underage drinker on the adult's property or in a situation otherwise controlled by the adult.

Wow! Talk about double-talk. All that really says is . . it's illegal to let somebody drink illegally.

#3. Wisconsin's "Not A Drop" law states that no person under the age of 21 is legally allowed to drive with any traceable amount of alcohol in his or her system.

OK, I guess a minor can drink, but he/she better not drive? Hmm. Maybe they shouldn't drive sober either.

#4. A person under the age of 21 may not enter any establishment that holds a license to sell alcohol, with the following exceptions:

The minor CAN be there is , he/she is an employee, a resident, or a boarder of the establishment.

Or . . . if the establishment is a grocery store, a hotel, a stadium, a restaurant, or similar.

Or . . . the establishment holds a Class A license and the underage person has entered the premises to purchase edibles.

Or . . . the establishment holds a Class B license and is holding an auction, marching, or drilling, so long as the underage person does not enter the room in which the alcoholic beverages are provided.

Or, . . . the underage person has been contracted to provide entertainment and has reached the age of 18.
What Minnesota law or statue are you referring to? I searched though the Minnesota state Website legal database and find nothing that specifically outlaws all minors from drinking. If it's there, I'd like to read it.

I know things can change fast, but to my knowledge at present - things are like this with the USA.

Seven states and the District of Columbia have laws that prohibit, the consumption of alcoholic beverages by persons under the age of 21 with no exceptions. These prohibition states are:

North Carolina
West Virginia

Twenty-one states have no laws prohibiting those under 21 from drinking alcohol. The states with no age prohibition are:

New Hampshire
New Mexico
New York
Rhode Island
South Carolina

These states may charge persons who have consumed alcohol with alcohol possession or other violations in order to, in essence, enforce a non-existing law.
All other states have laws prohibiting underage consumption but provide exceptions. Common exceptions to the age prohibition include drinking in the presence of, or with the consent of, one’s parent or guardian; drinking with one’s spouse; drinking in one’s parent’s or guardian’s home; drinking in one’s own home; drinking in any other private location; or drinking for religious, educational or medical purposes.

The 22 states with partial age prohibition are:

New Jersey
North Dakota
South Dakota
Arizona has a under age consumption of alcohol by a minor law and will get junior or missy a night in juvenile facility until parents solve the problem.I don"t know that there is a law forbidding a minor to accompany his parent to a bar or club but he most certainly may not drink alcoholic beverages while in the bar or club.
That's one of my many pet peves. Why in the world would you want salt that's been exposed to polution,radiation,God knows what all,instead of salt that's been encased in rock for millions of years? I just don't get it.
Yeah, many states have underage drinking laws, but an exception for underage folks drinking with their parents' permission.
Only if your with your parent/guardian can you drink. Wisconsin is a zero drop state, most states are. That is not double talk, all its saying is you can drink with your parents, and that anyone else that is an adult cannot furnish you with alcohol. Its called providing for minors. I am pretty sure most states dont allow under age drinking unless its with their parents.
Sea salt tastes different. Whether it tastes any different is a matter of opinion.

My wife subscribes to a magazine called "Cooks Illustrated", which is a sort of Consumer Reports for cooks. It's fairly credible, since it accepts no advertising. They did a review of different "gourmet" salts a while back and came to the conclusion that there are definitely recognizable differences between some of the salts, but that for most purposes it makes no difference.
I bet he was NOT. A cop isn't going to charge somebody for breaking a law that does not exist. More likely some other law that really has nothing to do specifically with a minor drinking alcohol. I was arrested at age 13 for being in a car with some older people and lots of beer around. The actual charge against me was "being detrimental to my own welfare." That because there wasn't any actual law about underage drinking. In retrospect, with a lawyer - the case would of been dismissed.
Statute 340A.503 Subdivision 1, Paragraph A, Clause 2...

"It is unlawful for any person under the age of 21 years to consume any alcoholic beverages."

Subdivision 3 continues...

"It is unlawful for a person under the age of 21 years to possess any alcoholic beverage..."

As you note, there is an exception for being doing so with parents' consent and in the parents' house. It is listed as a defense to the crime. I assume that means a minor could still be charged, but could try and prove in court they had their parents' permission.
MN 340A.503
I find these laws and work-arounds kind of amusing. My grandparents drank wine instead of water when they were little kids in southern France. Both lived into their late 80s and neither ever had a drinking problem.

Now the Irish side of my family, brought up in the USA with all our real laws and hidden laws? Many bit the dust at early ages from bad livers.

Neither case really proves anything - except maybe drinking abuse, or non-abuse is more of a cultural matter and no law is going to make it better, or worse in the long run. Anybody can just go back and look at what happened during Prohibition in the USA and how much damage it caused. What is even worse is the huge double-standard we have in the USA, NOT calling alcohol a "drug." Also not frowning on the thousands of mind-altering presription drugs - seems 1/4 the nation is addicted to, yet putting people in jail if caught with the ones NOT prescribed. It makes a mockery of our so-called "war against drugs." Funny to think that the Bayer Aspirin Company once marketed Heroin as a "cure all" for opium addiction. Seems that didn't go over very well.

wow, interesting diversion into another topic. Your comments triggered my memory of being at my grandparents house in Detroit in the 50's when I was under 10 or so and being sent down the street (solo) to the corner bar (there were 3 bars on the corner, 4th building was a butcher shop with sawdust on the floors) to pick up chips and beer for my grandpa, dad and uncles who were usually in the kitchen playing cards. I remember vividly being nervous (because of the stares from the guys on stools) walking up to the bar which was taller than me. The bartender just put the stuff in a box and I walked back being careful not to run or drop the precious cargo. Think that would happen today in ANY place in this country? :lol: Thanks for the memory jog.
He did in fact get an underage drinking ticket. My friend still lives in Minnesota, would you like me call him and ask him?
Why would I want to talk to somebody I don't know, and ask if he was charged with a law that never existed? Kind of an excercise in futility. In fact, no law exists anywhere in the USA that simply prohibits "underage driking" without much more definition, guidelines, and explantion - and often, many exemptions. That would include the definition of "underage", "drinking", etc.

Now, if you are saying a policeman wrongly charged your friend with a law that never exisited - OK, maybe. I'm sure people in all professions make mistakes or abuse their power, including cops.

Now- the final disposition at court in front a judge is all that counts. If your friend was actually found to be guilty, it would have to be a violation of a law or statue that is written. What was that?

Like I asked earlier, if you claim there is such a law, simply tell us what it is. Give us a Statue # or law reference #.
He got a ticket !!!!!!!! what more proof do you need?? When I was in high school most of my ag class had underage drinking tickets. People like you make me laugh. He got a ticket and it is still not a proof to you that he broke the law. I bet your a lot of fun at parties. lol lol
Your dead wrong. Deal with it.
(quoted from post at 17:06:54 01/06/11) He got a ticket !!!!!!!! what more proof do you need?? When I was in high school most of my ag class had underage drinking tickets. People like you make me laugh. He got a ticket and it is still not a proof to you that he broke the law. I bet your a lot of fun at parties. lol lol
Your dead wrong. Deal with it.

Wow...........starting the 4th page.. Think if we threw peanuts (with sea salt on them) in the mix, it'd rack up another 4???
Getting a ticket involves being accused of an offense, NOT being found guilty of commiting a crime. You really do not know the difference?

Do you know what a judge, hearing, jury, disposition or veridict is? Jurisprudence? The concept of being innocent until proven guilty? Are all these things totally foreign to you?

You are not only clueless, you also seem proud of it. Hey, maybe that makes life simpler. It HAS been said "ignornace is bliss"

I'll admit that if we were REALLY innocent until proven guilty, we'd never have to make bail when charged with a crime. But our system is closer to the concept then in many other countries.

We are certainly not deemed guilty just because we get a ticket, or get charged with a crime.
Well if you cant pass a sobriety test, then you are convicted. What more proof do you need. Not only was my friend given a ticket but his brother is a lawyer and knows the laws. If it was legal to drink as a minor in most states then some lawyer some where would of found a loop hole. So if you get a speeding ticket for doing 85 mph in a 55 mph zone and the officer shows you the radar reading, you claim that you are not guilty just because you got a ticket. Hey genuis, most stuff like this never goes to trial because you are guilty. Just because you cant find info on the internet(honest place as any right?) doesnt mean a law for said crime does not exist. You already have your opinion formed so I wont confuse you with the facts. Turn on news and every other night you will hear about some minor getting a drinking ticket.
You haven't given any hard facts. Just wandering anecdotal stories from your past.

You also apear to have a reading-comprehension problem.

As to your statement that "stuff never goes to trial because you are guilty." That is utter nonsense. If charged, we all have the right to go to trial. If a person is charged, he/she might have the option to settle- but it's an "option." You do know what that word means? It's up to the person that is charged, not the attorney, not the cops, and not the judge, not even the president of the United States.

Sounds like you've never read the Constitution or the 6th ammendment and the Bill of Rights?

And yes, not only is our Constitution written down on paper, it is also posted on the Internet. So, I guess by your reasoning - it's all a big lie.

Hey . . . I find you "guilty" of being ignorant. I just accused you, so by your thinking, I guess you MUST be guilty.
So if a person gets a speeding ticket, or underage drinking ticket and goes before the judge and is proven guilty by way of sobriety test, that is not enough for you??? Where are your hard facts? Anecdotal stories from my past??? WTF is your problem. Those stories are hard facts. I do I know every thing you cut and pasted is hard facts???? Plain and simple, your an idiot. Speeding tickets in wisconsin do not have a right to go to trial, says so right on the back of the ticket. If underage drinking was legal in most states like you say it is, than some lawyer would of found a loophole. I looked all over state websites and in most states, underage drinking is illegal. How retarded (I mean you are from NY) do you have to be not understand that a story does contain hard facts. Your dead wrong and you will still argue with me until your blue in the face. I am done arguing with you, you are wrong and I am right, have a great day.
So they get a ticket for a court appearance several days later. When they go before the judge they take a sobriety test to prove guilt or innocence?

Wow, they must not convict very many people. All you gotta do is not drink before your court date, and you're declared innocent! Slam dunk! Only a moron could screw that one up.

I'm gonna start speeding more. Too late for underage drinking.
Hey Stuart, communicating with you is a total waste of my time if you are going to "make things up" as you go along. That tells me you don't really want to dicuss anything. Just make pontifications.

Earlier, you stated the situation of "getting a ticket" and said nothing about being "found guilty."

You might get away with it if it wasn't all here in writing, but it is.
Did you not say that getting a ticket doesnt neccesarily mean your guilty? Stories I have told are hard facts. Friend got a ticket, went to court to defend himself and was still found guilty. What things have I made up along the way? Getting a speeding ticket or underage ticket is being found guilty if you dont pass a sobriety test. Your dead wrong and the only response you can throw at me, is that communicating with me is a waste of time? Nice....nice. lol. Just take your beating and leave.
Yes, I said that getting a ticket is not the same as being found guilty. It was true when I said it, and is still true now - at least in this country.

What planet are you on?
Getting back to the original topic at hand; underage drinking is illegal in most states even if you cant find a law against it on the internet.
And I assume that is true because YOU say so?

If your claim was actually true, you could easily prove your point by posting a statute #. You won't because it does not exist for the majority of states in the USA.
Stuart, you are so mixed up between getting a ticket and getting convicted you are obviously watching the wrong courtroom TV show. maybe you should try Judge Judy.
Well he was guilty as I stated before. Paid the ticket, lost his license for a while. What more proof do you need? Just because you cant find a statute on the internet,does not mean it does not exist.

How do I know you were really a heavy equipment mechanic for 40 years? or that you know anything about fuel injection pumps? or that you have 500,000 miles on a 6.2 diesel? You have said alot of things that could just be hyperbole or stories. Why dont you believe me. I bet if you took Viagra you would get taller.
What proof? How about . . . tell us what specific law was broken? You can't seem to pull that one out of your hat.

You don't know if anything I say is true and so what? Has nothing to do with any of this.

On the other hand, if you say somebody was convicted of a crime - then the law that was broken HAS to be written, in the State database - for all of us to see. Note that laws are not legal if kept secret.

Unlike what I have to say, the State MUST have a law on the books AND prove that somebody is guilty - unless they choose to plead "guilty" on their own.

You said earlier you have a family member that is a lawyer? If so, what on earth do people pay him for if - we are all automatically guilty as soon as we are charged? Lawyers in criminal cases would serve NO purpose if were were guilty automatically, when first accused. Do you sincerely think this way, or are you pulling my leg? If a cop finds me hooting and hollering, wandering through town naked, with a bottle of booze in my hand - I won't lose my driver's license. I will wind up in jail for other charges, most likely. Now, if I'm in a car with the keys in the ignition - and have alcohol, it's a totally different story.

As to your buddy? Sounds like he was found guilty of something, but you've yet to mention what? You can't lose your license for drinking, unless it is motor-vehicle related in some way.
I wisconsin you will lose your motor vehicle drivers license for underage drinking. That is a fact. Still is today.I may not be able to state the exact law but know enough people back in high school that went through it. Just because you cant find a law on the internet does not mean it does not exist, just means you cant find it. No I never said i have a family member that is a lawyer, learn how to read. Maybe i was wrong or did not word it right about being found guilty. But I know for a fact that underage drinking is illegal in Minnesota, and in Wisconsin you will lose your license for underage drinking even if no vehicle was involved.I am not saying these laws are not secret, your just not finding them.
I know enought people in different states to know the drinking laws. Take your viagra. Reply back to this post if you want, I wont be looking at it anymore.

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