Got what they deserved


Well-known Member
Talked to my Dad earlier this evening and he was telling me about the excitement he and his new employeer had this afternoon.

This story starts several days ago when one of his employeers relatives "lost" a pole trailer along with a few other metal items from his property....(No one lives there, it"s just a wooded lot with some equipment their storing) This morning as they passed the property they noticed a blue wrecker backed down the road on the relatives property so they turned around and went back and blocked the road. Seeing the road blocked the guys in the wrecker tried to get away by hitting the front of their truck and trying to push them out of the way...but that didn"t work. Fortunately the guys in the wrecker weren"t armed, something that wasn"t thought about from the beginning (hind site is 20/20 as they say....)...Anyway the law was called and the guys in the wrecker told as much. Their response was basically "what can we do to make this go away". Needless to say they sat right there until the cops arrived and took them away in cuffs.

Someone passing saw the comotion and the wrecker which resulted in a call to the relative telling him where it had been seen earlier in the day. This turned into a scavanger hunt at one local junk yard that turned up the missing pole trailer and several other missing items. Talks with that junkyards owner then led them to another yard in the area that turned up even more missing items. I believe by the end of the day they found everyhing that had been stolen and it was all attributed to the guys in the blue wrecker.....who, thankfully are now cooling their heels behind bars.........

Out of all of this I can believe and even somewhat understand the theft of the "scrap" metal from a "vacant" lot to be sold for cash, especially in this economy.....But the gall to get caught red handed, wreck a man"s truck trying to get away, and then ask the same man "what could be done to make this go away" when you find out the police were on the way.....That goes beyond the believable and just makes you wonder where some people get the ba!!s and gall to do the things they do....
Just shows how stupid some people are.

BTW,congrats for a job well done,I wonder who is gonna pay for the damaged truck?
I'd charge them with every possible charge. Maybe the property owner should have been armed or pretended he was? Then when asked what can be done, he could say, "I could grab my gun from the truck and shoot you right here". Dave
Wonder if they were charged with felony theft...or with "exerting unauthorized control" over the stolen property [a lesser charge with a lesser penalty], like the authorities do around here?
If not them, they should at least shot up the wrecker REAL GOOD. Like other have said only bad part they didn't know about the thieves having a weapon. Shoot first ask questions later. Mike
Lawyers and judges can make lots of money off of this one while giving the juror's $15 a day. Then they can be released after five months of good behavior and placed on probation where the PO can make some money. We do have a healthy and wealthy justice system. Anyone wonder why we have crime?
Exactly! Who's gonna pay for the wrecked truck? I'll bet the scavengers can't wait to get out of jail so they can fully compensate for the damages.LOL!
(quoted from post at 02:27:27 12/21/10)
Out of all of this I can believe and even somewhat understand the theft of the "scrap" metal from a "vacant" lot to be sold for cash, especially in this economy.....But the gall to get caught red handed,

Are you saying it is OK to steal if you don`t get caught. Stealing is stealing not matter how bad the economy.
Seems to be more desparate people than I can recall. Part of it is that they cannot drive to China to get their job back, part of it is an "entitled" younger (and some older) society that does not understand the word "respect". They grew up being given about anything they wanted. So now, if they see it, they do not understand why it cannot just be theirs for the taking.
The meth users are notorious for breaking in to homes and businesses and only taking enough to get their next fix. That should tell them that their is something wrong with being on meth.
Then you have the ever growing gang problem where they steal sometimes just for initiation.
I keep a "lead spitter" on me most all of the time. If anyone chooses to come on my property to steal anything, I will sort it all out with the law later. I will not risk them having a gun and shooting first.
Reminds me of an incident involving my dad several years ago. A black man in a Cadillac bumped my dad's pickup. Very little harm done. When dad spoke about calling the police, the black man gave my dad $1,000 in cash to not make the call. He was probably hauling drugs as he was headed towards Detroit.No cell phones at that time that I remember.
As far as scrap from a vacant lot being sold for cash,I just know that around here when you take something to the scrap yard,you practically have to sign away your first born. They take your thumb print,swipe your drivers license,need all your personal info,cars and trucks have to have a title,etc.
sorry ,i cant understand the taking of anything from any property regardless of the economy!.A theiving sob who will steal a junk plow will steal your car next week!the usual response when you catch one of the low lifes is "I didnt know it belonged to anybody"..BS!!! have you ever seen anything that didnt belong to someone? All of the farmers I know around here would have shot them dead when they rammed thier truck!a thief is a thief in my book,and there are NO excuses.
I got after some people that were in an empty store building I owned at the time. They had not stolen anything when I caught them in the building. The one person said, Oh I didn't know anyone owned this place!
(quoted from post at 23:40:08 12/20/10) I'd charge them with every possible charge. Maybe the property owner should have been armed or pretended he was? Then when asked what can be done, he could say, "I could grab my gun from the truck and shoot you right here". Dave

Nope, that becomes "menacing with a deadly weapon" and the scum go free.

If you're going to use a firearm, you better make sure they're posing a deadly threat to you or others, and make sure they don't get back up, ever.
i dont believe if they rammed your truck you would have any problem pleading self defense.or that they are posing a deadly threat!
I didn't say they should use a firearm. I said they could make a statement without even having to have a gun giving the scum a hypothetical option. I think most people would prefer being arrested than shot to death. I also agree that when their truck was rammed with the wrecker, it would be hard to convince a judge that it wasn't a deadly threat. Especially when there is more than one witness in the truck and the guys were guilty of multiple crimes. Dave
I understand what your saying and your right, what I said probably came across wrong as opposed to what I actually meant. What I meant was that given the current economic situation I can understand how someone could be desperate enough to steal something like that if they thought they could get away with it. Even so, being able to understand that desperation still doesn"t make stealing right regardless of the circumstances. Right or wrong though to get caught red handed doing something illegal, ram the man"s truck that caught you, and still have the cajones to jump out and ask to be let go goes WAY beyond anything I can even remotely understand....
Have you ever noticed none of these low life SOB's are ever caught stealing a sack of potatoes, a loaf of bread, or a gallon of milk??? I think I might be able to find a little sympathy for a man trying to feed his family but it just doesn't happen. To bad our justice system doesn't make these theives repay every penny to the victim instead of paying a lawyer.
Neighbor had a car stolen that son had bought to fix up. People next to them had an antique oil tanker stolen. Owner spotted tanker in local salvage yard, but owner of yard would no let them into the yard to check on it. By the time the owner of truck got back with deputy the tanker was gone and the yard owner knew nothing about it. Price of salvage vehicles and dishonest yards is causing a lot of trouble around here.
A few years ago a neighbor saw three men going into the farmhouse across the road and knew that something was up, so he headed across the road with his 20 guage, loaded. He knew the folks that lived there and their habits suggested that they weren't home when these three went in, and he knew that they weren't the folks that lived there. He went into the home and confronted them shotgun moving from one to the others, and they said that they had permission to be there but could not name the folks that lived there. The fella used his cell and called 9-1-1, and out came the sheriff. All three went to jail in cuffs, one was prosecuted and imprisoned on an outstanding warrant, although the other two were released. None of the three were prosecuted for the home break in. Go figure on that. Go figure that in this politically incorrect country that we've become, that the neighbor that held them at bay with a shotgun until the sheriff got there wasn't arrested himself and prosecuted for kidnapping, or something else stupid like happened to a Texas rancher that I remember reading about that held three illegals at bay with a shotgun until authorities got there, then was arrested himself, and his ranch given to the illegals by a abundant bleeding heart judge because he held the illegals prisoner until authorities got there. Then again, a couple of years ago in a suburban town north of Chicago on the lakeshore that has a handgun ban for the law abiding, a home owner was fined something like $700 and was going to be prosecuted for shooting a burglar on the second night in a row that he broke into the family's home. Second night in a row, same burglar, and the home owner was going to be prosecuted until the police chief and prosecutor got so many calls that they dropped the charges against the home owner, and as I recall, not the fine.

Wayne, damage was done, but in your case at least the wrong doing predators got what they deserved.

Glad they got caught, I really hate thiefs and liers. I have done without a lot in my life but always got by with odd jobs for cash or just doing without.
As far as shooting the guys when the thiefs rammed them it might have been leagle. Last year one night about 10 miles from where I live the Ontario Provincial Police shot a guy when he rammed a Cruiser. I guess they had chased him awhile, his pickup got off the road, cop cars got around him. he was trying to get away again, hit a cruiser and they shot him dead.
Glad they got caught Wayne.

A few years ago I came home from work and my wife told me there was something funny going on over at the neighbor's place. I watched with binoculars, and saw a guy taking coils of wire out of my neighbor's barn. Wife called the sheriff, and I went up to see if I could get a license number. The thief saw me, walked down where I had pulled over, and said, "What the H3ll do YOU want?" I told him the sheriff was on his way, and I was there to record his license number. He wanted out, so I tried to back up to let him go and discovered I was stuck. You know, if you're stuck, you're not physically detaining someone - it's just an unfortunate circumstance. He had to wait while I went (slowly) to get the tractor, and while I was hooking up the chain he asked about the pistol in my back pocket. I told him I wasn't taking a whooping from anyone. When the sheriff arrived, first thing I told him was about the pistol in my pocket. He was not at all concerned about the pistol. I really thought there'd be trouble over my having a pistol on me, even though I did not brandish it.

The thief is still in prison.


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