OT-Woman helps police

Nancy Howell

Well-known Member
Saw this on the news this morning. If you think the lady with the frying pan was tough, you really wouldn"t want to take on this gal.

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that the police are "harassing" citizens more and more. Seems everytime i see anyone pulled over here there are 2,3 or more cop cars all around and they are searching the cars. If they are going to pull someone over for a missing or burned out headlight then they should keep it to the defect and either give a ticket or a warning or just let the driver know there is an issue. Tha is it end of story why are they going on a hunt every time? Sound like they are trying to get away with whatever they can and aparantly this guy was not going to take it any more. I do understand that the fellow had a violent history... so what? Unless he was being violent with his burned out headlight he should have been left alone or just ticketed or warned about the equipment. Were they going to search his car for a spare bulb so they could fix it for him?
There are those on these boards who would say that, if the guy wasn't involved in any wrongdoing, he shouldn't have any objections to having his person or belongings searched however and whenever the authorities want...because if such tactics stop ONE terrorist, then they're worth whatever minor inconvenience this guy has to suffer, no matter how many times he has to suffer it.

I disagree. I remember the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees--NOT "suggests," but GUARANTEES--citizens the right to be secure from unreasonable searches of their person and property. Under the Fourth Amendment, th courts have ruled [prior to the PATRIOT Acts, anyway] that law enforcement MUST have "probable cause" before conducting a search of a person's private property...which includes your car. It's what separates Americans from folks who have no freedoms.

NO, I don't traffic in drugs, bootleg alcohol, or any other contraband; but I, too, would vigorously resist a warrantless search without the officer demonstrating probable cause for the search.
Gotta agree with your opinion on that one, what I have seen in my little corner of the world is the officers will pull you over for something as simple as 1 of 2 license plate lights burned out, then it's "Can I search your car? No? Why not, you got something to hide?" And on and on til they either find something or provoke a confrontation. This had led to many arrests in my area, seems we have an overabundance of power mad "Hitler youth" cops who feel the need to assert their authority at any chance they can get. If you are not doing anything wrong and have a simple equipment violation, and no warrants , they need to simply write the ticket and be on their merry way. No other way to maintain the freedoms that our boys are supposed to be fighting for all around the world. Just my rant, wishing you all the best. :>)
It's not that I have no respect for the law; I have COMPLETE respect for the law. I just have no respect for alleged "law enforcement personnel" who have no respect for my RIGHTS [not "privileges," but RIGHTS] under the law.

A lot of 'em seem to think that citizens are THE ENEMY, much like the attitude of authorities in Nazi Germany or communist Russia.
There is one thing that I have a real problem with.. I was stopped once for that very same thing. I was following a cement truck that threw a rock and took out one of my headlights. The officer asked me if I had any weapons on me. What did that have to do with a broken headlight? That was before I got a CCW and carried a gun. I said no. He asked me to get out of the truck to varify that I did have a broken light. when I got out of the truck he noticed that I had a Buck knife in a belt scabbard. He informed me that I could be arrested for lying about carrying a weapon. I informed him that my knife was not a weapon, it was a tool. When did a pocket knife become a weapon??
With all the drugs and guns would you want to do a search job alone. In this day and age were are very lucky to even have someone who wants the job. Bottom line is i aint got nothing to hide and act like a decent person there will be no trouble.
I usually just read these and move on, or ignore them all together.... but all the negative comments about law enforcement officers...
Some of you would have a very different opinion if you knew some officers, and what they have to do/put up with on a daily basis. Yes, there are gestapo-types out there, who rightfully earn your disdain, but from my experience, they are in the minority. Many departments have a mandatory backup protocol for many situations (domestic disturbances, for example). Sometimes another officer may happen along, and stop to make sure everything is OK, especially if the officer making the stop is relatively new to the job. Would I submit to a search w/o a warrant? No, I don't think I would. But ask any officer... roughly 90% of offenses are from repeaters... and this guy had at least one assault conviction previous to this. Simply being polite and honest when/if stopped goes a long ways...
Woah! Woah! Woah!

Last I heard about this story on the radio, the guy was no angel, by a long shot. History of arrests, and IIRC he had outstanding warrants when he was pulled over...

This guy was not crusading for his 4th Amendment rights... He was trying to EVADE ARREST by killing a cop.

How in the tobes of hades did this evil blight on society become a VICTIM???
mkiirsh & fordfarmer are right on the money here. First of all after the officer stoped this clown he shoved the officer. ( Don't just watch the vidio read the news reports) I drove truck for over thirty years and in that time I dealt with many law officers for one reason or another. Yes there are some out there with a badge that by no means should have one but they are for the most part far and few between. Most are there to SERVE AND PROTECT the public and they do. Try putting your tail on the line as they do day after day then come back and whine about how they stepped on your toe a little or made you have a bad day.
Yea you may have noting to hide but why should you be held up for 20 or more minutes just because some cop wants to snoop around. If he does find something "suspicious" then who knows how long you will be there or if you will be arrested and have to post bond. How long does that take i am guessing several hours at least.
Donno, all three of them are pretty husky people. Could have been quite a matchup. Two agains one wasn't a fair fight - and no, I don't want to challenge the woman!

In Michigan, we required to notify officer immediately if we have a permit, and if we have any weapons. Times I have done this, it backed them right off - almost like a slap in the face. Usually the interview went pretty quick from there. Check my paperwork, and on my way. Legally carry a police radio scanner in the car - fun to listen to them stammering to dispatch. CCW comes up when they run license, dispatch usually informs officer.
It's been some time ago I read that any knife with a blade over a certain length is a lethal weapon. If it had been in your pocket instead of a scabbard it could of been considered a concealed weapon.

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