OT SAME Thing, different supplier. w/pix

Lou from Wi.

Well-known Member
Maybe this should be on Tools but couldn't resist putting it here. When we did the track pads on the O.C.46 we torqued em to 150 f.LBs. The wrench flew apart after several plates remained so we finished up with The big Impact . Now as time slipped by, we needed to replace the torque wrench that failed with a new one SO off we went to Farm & Fleet and bought one /w,case. $29.99+ tax. Son seen one in the Harbor freight flyer for $19.99 +tax. we ordered it too. Now both came with cases and the Hf one came in the mail today. Now in My opinion the HF is way more noticably better. Ease of selection, Grommet to keep gear selector clean. Both have the same ratchet selector switch. Picture will show the H.F one on the left, F&F on the right. Oh yea Got a new gasket hammer. Now I'll bet you never heard it called that have ya?I Know, I'm gonna catch he_-- from posters blameing my purchases from HF to the lack of Jobs Here in the U.S. Right guys??? Gonna breakout the FISH HEADS AND RICE lol.
Reguards LOU.

I actually bought a torque wrench (1/2" drive) from Murray's/O'Reilly's about 7 years ago or so..

Shy of the case, I'd say mine is the same as those.. Mine did not come with a case.

Someday I'd like to have a better one (more like the 3/8 Snap-On my dad give me when I was younger) but, hey, it does the job asked of it.

Brad. I know the F&F one is from Mexico. the hf is from China. Now the fight will begin with either knives or chopsticks.lol Sure all will work with some variation in torque value. Reguards ,LOU.
Any torque wrench is better than none. The only problem with cheaper torques is that they do not repeat torque as well as a better one. They may do one bolt at 150 and the next at 145.
I"m sure there is a place for tools from Harbor Freight and Farm Stores but not in my box, Most of my stuff says Snap-On, S & K, Mac, etc. I tried some off shore items years ago and it doesen"t save money, it costs, just when you need it to make an emergency repair, it breaks. When you buy good old American tools you only buy them once, if you can break them or wear them out they will replace them for free. I will pass all my stuff on to my boys and most of it will last them the rest of their lives to. I have Snap-On screw drivers that are 30 years old that are still serviceable, if you wear them some the dealer will cheerfully replace them. Most wrenches you can use a cheater or beat on them and you just can"t break them. Snap-On will recalibrate your torque wrenches for free once a year if you request it, works for me.
You went out of your way to fix the OC 46 like new but then replaced a torque wrench that flew apart with another couple that are probably no better than the one that broke. You should see if they are both the same torque for the same setting. Dave

there goes any chance at being prez louis, you even got the canadians and the closet walmart shoppers badmouthing you. Gonna call you cheap louey and impeach you. Oh the shame of it all..............

I but rolls of gasket material and have four types pluss roll of cork. Those hammers come in handy as having the material sure saves running around and tons of money as have more time than money anyways this retirement is tough.You arent building any rocket ships so those wrenches will do the job.
"my purchases from HF to the lack of Jobs"
They're probably both made in China and both sales jobs are American, so you did it the new American way that Big business and our Government wants.
The yellow handled hammer is probably just as accurate as the two chrome plated things as a torque wrench. Growing up in northern NH we used to say that "mateau" was french for torque wrench, or "get a bigger hammer"
Going to have to change yer name to Wrench Bender.

BTW don't use those wrenches near their operating limits as they won't pop when the setting is reached. They will shear some weak part off instead.
trouble with expensive tools is that they get lost or "borrowed" faster than the cheap tools. while I have "good" tools in common sizes, I buy cheap for the wierd or one time use. and yes, occasionally I break a china sockets or wrenches, but it was only a couple of bucks. Especially with I have to beat something off with a hammer and sacrifice the tool for a greater cause. I would rather ruin a cheap one. And walmart.. heck they are the american way of life. I salute them for doing it better and cheaper.

I'm way more concerned about the accuracy, or lack of accuracy, of the cheap torque wrenches than I am of where they are made. A torque wrench has a very important job to do, Not saying those wrenches won't do the job, but I'd sure like to see one of them used side by side with a good old american made name brand tool. Maybe someone has already done that?
Just about all my tools are craftsman. Bought a craftsman torque wrenc few years back. They say there tools are guranteed for life. i can tell you there torque wrenchs are not. Never had problem returning anythig else but they wouldnt replace my torque wrench when the lock on the handle broke.
When I worked in the oil industry you had to have your torque wrenches calabreted every 6 months.
So calabrate you wrench and use it. If it won't calabrate don't use it, because it's not right. You will be better off with a breaker bar.
Dave,Oh for Shame!!! My head is hanging low. (I Know ,if they had their way, My head would be hanging from the end of a piece of HEMP ROPE from an Ole oak tree).The H-ll with the constituants on this issue. I AM THE PREZ!!!!!I"ll do whats necessary to keep things running smooth. lol. How was that answer Daveid??? Canadians, What kind of animal are these???WHo CARES,ALl thay do is take Our STIMULUS (sp) Money and sneak back across the (northern)border . OH OH ,My office is now in trouble huh. lol .
Dave. When the torque wrench broke, we were at the mercy of the Big Impact. The Plates are still on and tight. None came loose. It's not that often we use one (torque wrench) so to get a loan from the bank to buy say a Snap on, etc wouldnt pay to do that.I have a catalog on Snap on tools, and the prices are way way beyond the average part time repair person. I do have some SMEARS AND SAWBUCK tools that I've had for years,sockets worn out ,busted. I havn't taken em back for replacements as yet. Not so Impressed with then any way. We can do Just as good of a job with any good tool even if it breaks and we are to get another one with out calling on the bank. JMHO
I don't think you have to have a Snap-on but some people think the old dial indicator style are more accurate than than the inexpensive clicker types. Instead of buying 2, why not buy a mid quality one for the same price that reads higher than 150? Dave
Lou, I was on fleabay, last night, looking at bearing separator kits. Cheap Chinese were going for $50-70+shipping. Snap on used, for just a small separator was $59+shipping. Clicked on HF, set, including large and small plate, plus all the screws, and adapters was $54.99. Checked Email, HF has a 1 20% coupon a day deal going on right now, I got the set for $50.87, after the coupon and tax, at my local store, this morning. It's right by the cheap gas station, so I filled up and saved another dollar!
(quoted from post at 17:17:31 12/16/10) . It's right by the cheap gas station, so I filled up and saved another dollar!

Oh for shame..............
Cheap Chinese tools, cheap chinese gas, prolly printed that coupon off on a chinese printer :shock:
Yep dave. Now you noticed that I'm cheap-- just like you.lol. Name of the game is SAVE A BUCK especially if your out going is much greater then your INCOMING . Now thats the true story. Personaly ,When I was known to take a drink, I didn;t much care what brand it was AFTER A COUPLE OF MY OWN CHOOSING WENT DOWN THE PIPES. Same goes now for tools. The old adage"A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY EARNED"works for me .If it hangs together(tools of course) I can make due.
People skills???? I've seen sxpensive tools give up the ghost where so called cheap ones go on forever. Past experiences. One reason I don't drive a porche. To da- expensive to repair, and the bragging isn't worth it for me. Give me the oLD 72-92 stuff. Let someboby else do the thing of KEEPING UP WITH THE JONES"S. NOW THATS PEOPLE SKILLS in a nut shell. LOU.
ALL I CAN SAY IS """"""""WAY TO GO """""""""!!!
The parts being worked on doesn't know the difference of the tool taking it off or apart.
Bet the so called eleitist of tools Wouldn't do a roadside repair (in the middle of the scorching desert ) unless they had Snap on,Mac,ect in their hands. Yea RighTTTTTTTT!
Never gonna make em believe that cheaper tools does the same work as the marked up expensive ones do. NEVER NEVER NEVER . LOU/
WHo CALABRATES torque wrenches up here?? It's by gosh and by gum.1/2 round and plier tight,if there iasnt a place to have em calibrated. I guess were at a loss. LOU/
The reason might go like this. Craftsman has to wate on their order from China untill H F has theres filled first. Then here thay come. Box says Assembled in th USA. Ain't that great news?? Any way Not everything has a guarantee. starting with life. The end is guaranteed and a for gone conclusion,so be thankfull there are things to make life easier.Doesn't have to be made for elitest and upper crust to give their OKE DOKE to. It's Bull sheizen if ya ask me.

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