Had an interesting chat with a CEO

Old Roy

Well-known Member
In the 70's when hiring prospective employees 1 in 4 were considered keepers. meaning they truly wanted to work as a career and would stay.
now it has gotten to 1 in 70 or more.

This keeps the wages down, because of training purposes. and wasted time, sometimes driving small business to close. (I'm not surprised at that) , but the figures above do .

What's it going to be like in 2025 for the physical, manual workers out there?
He's correct. See it all the time. But on the other hand back in 1998 a CEO made about 70-100 times what the wage employee made. That all changed in 2001 and on average CEO's made 500-700 times what the wage employee made and still going on today. It's hard for a company to make enough to keep going when the bosses take it all home. Lots of companies lost money the last 3-4 years but the bonus checks keep going out to the guys at the top. You want good employees, pay them well and weed them hard. The weeding takes place very often now but the pay is stuck. Gotta keep that CEO bonus going regardless.
Unfortunatly that loyalty career thing works both ways. An employer will drop you to save a dime,I reserve the same right while I'm there.
I will give 100% every day and,treat me as if I'm a career employee, and I won't treat you as a training ground.
Yea, as soon a Bush took office the CEO salaries jumped five times. Sure. You've been reading too many blogs, facts don't back that up at all.
I would agree with that. Look at how people show up for a job interview these days.... uncombed hair, unshaven, body covered with tats weraing the same clothing you were sleeping in.

Everytime we start taking job applications it turns into a freak show. Once you do hire someone they cant pass the drug test..... we usually test 2 or 3 before one passes.

Then try and get them to show up on time and sober....
outside of a safe work place and a pay check for the amount of money you agreed to work for your employer does not owe you a thing.

How is your quality of like going to be better if some front office CEO makes $100,000 instead of $200,000...... you really dont believe your going to see that money in your paycheck do you?

If you want to make the big money get a education and be that CEO.
Also very true.Wages have been going down since 1973,and big shots pay has gone steadily out of sight.The big shots need to go.They are the ones who have messed up everything for the workers.Then they will lie about the real reasons for whats wrong.If you pay good,you will get good help.If a company pays some boss to live high on the hog and treat the workers bad,you wont ever get good help.
yea I agreed to an annual 8% retirement pay and it was taken away in 03 even though profits were up. In 05 profit sharing was cut in half. So it ain't what I hired in for. Now on the other hand management bonuses were up on all those years. Oh and the company is going down hill each day now. And they wonder why.
Anyone can do the manual labor, t-40. It takes uncommon business sense to make a whole company make money and work as one, with one goal. And if you stumble, even a little, there is a whole industry (Lame stream media) out there looking to make you the bad guy. I am not saying all ceo's are great, but the ones at the top, are there for a reason. When you are underneath, looking up, it distorts your perspective, some, I guess.
its called freedom....

free to make all the money you want..

free to lose the shirt on your back..

your worth what ever you can make or get someone to pay you.. not a penny more.

If you think they get paid too much, go become your own ceo and change it in YOUR company.

Otherwise your in the wrong country and dont deserve the freedoms and prosperity you now have.
From the link you posted: "good news for everyone below the threshold of CEO salaries, is that the salary gap has closed slightly since 2000"

Kind of what I was saying in the first place. CEO salaries went up a lot in the 90's, not in 2001.
how do you do you get the gap shrunk when it says a 2004 study 500 times greater?

In 1970, CEO salary and bonus packages were typically about $700,000 - 25 times the average production worker salary; by 2000, CEO salaries had jumped to almost $2.2 million on average, 90 times the average salary of a worker, according to a 2004 study on CEO pay by Kevin J. Murphy and Jan Zabojnik. Toss in stock options and other benefits, and the salary of a CEO is nearly 500 times the average worker salary, the study says.
Where I work at we have too many Chiefs and not enough Indians. Have worked with the company over 31 years and the labor force has changed very very little over all these years, but supervisors have been promoted through the ranks or hired off of the streets 10 fold. We even have supervisors or foremans over a single person. There was a time when I came to work here when 1 man was the boss over seeing 85-90 employees, now 23 bosses over see about 120 employees. This is why this country is in the shape it's in, companies are doing the same thing the government does. Folks are being paid good money in high positions to do absolutely nothing. And by the way, I'm just an Indian, I work for my money.
Anybody like me wonder where the CEO school is at? I have seen dumb guys do a terrible job managing a business or working in the banking industry. Next thing you know they are managing some other place, and they sure as heck don't do a background check of their past record.

I have been blessed with my job, (self employed construction) and the comunity has dumped 99% great customers for me. I do not always see that real clearly however.

Sorry, I think the word education has gotten out of hand. I also think every company must work as a team. I have never worked in a factory,or in production...heck maybe that makes me a CEO? Yet I can't believe a line worker can do his best if the big dog is taking in the lions share.

In our school system we just keep raising taxes to keep our schools a float, yet because a teacher has a piece of paper in their file, they automaticly get x amount of dollars despite of their job preformance. The so called CEO of the school, takes the lion share also, so they cut the wages of the custodians, and bus mechanics etc.

Throwing money at eduction is not the answer in my opinion, throwing it at a comon sence way just sounds better. Seems bidding jobs is the standard for most of the real world, but schools teachers??????????????? I guess it doesn't work that way!

I also think a couple teachers could split the schools CEO wages, and work load, and still get er done.

Our schools do not budget for major repairs--we need a bond issue for that----hey! You all wonder why kids can't save when the schools are going broke.

I have hired some guys that later turned out to be CEO's after getting a education, and a few school super's (I started them out also) Man o man, what a couple years in college must have done for them.......I;m talking silk purse, and sows ear here.
If they wanted the job they would look presentable, that is only so they can say on their dole form that they fronted to so and so,of course unsuccessful.Most cases the dole is better than the bottom rung.
I had an uncle that was a division CEO of a major defense contractor here in Texas. He told me that 95% of CEOs are the most over paid incompatant people on earth. Have no idea what they are doing and are only in it for the money.Plus they ignore the ones that really make the company profits.

He had a heart attack one year. They sent him to a spa for two months. To recover all paid for by the company. While he was gone two guys had the same thing happen. He was told to fire them. He said no they are going for treatment just as I did. Didn't set well with the company,but nothing they could do about it. Sure made him popular with the workers.
In the 70's when hiring prospective employees 1 in 4 were considered keepers. meaning they truly wanted to work as a career and would stay.
now it has gotten to 1 in 70 or more.


Sounds about right. We've found that if we have ten applicants we are lucky to hire one. First off, we have to screen out the illegals - that removes over half of our applicants. Then we call a previous employer or two and usually we learn why they don't have a job and why we wouldn't want to hire them. After that we check their criminal history - we'll hire dope users and wife beaters but common petty theives are not worth risk. After we have screened out nine of the ten applicants we hire the guy and send him off for a drug test - which he fails. So we start over again advertising for an open position........
From your own story:

Why CEO Salaries Are Sky High
Where does the gap come from - and why are CEO salaries at major corporations so much higher than worker bee and mid-level executive salaries?

"A top-level executive is probably worth his or her weight in gold as far as what they do for the economy," says Longnecker. "They create jobs. They increase the tax base with which the United States can grow. They give us a competitive edge in the world markets. They do a lot of things with a lot of pressure on them that we really never talk about."

Seems like the thread turned into a rant on CEOs. Only thing I would say is that I've found that the people MOST unqualified to run a company are the ones who seem to have all the answers on HOW to run a company and complain the most. I had a BIL (truck-driver) who used to do that and the guy could hardly write a sentence. Yeah, I'd like to see him try and figure out what a debt-to-equity ratio was. :lol:

I would agree that there are a lot of CEOs who are not worth their pay. But, if you want to change that, buy stock in the company and go to the shareholders meetings, raise your hand and tell the Board of Directors that.
Might be wandering a little off topic here, but this subject reminds me of a situation sis went through a couple years back.

She was working in the insurance industry and got hired as an upper, mid-level manager at another company. Guy she replaced jumped ship to another company. She took over his job shortly after Thanksgiving.

In late February, she got called into the big bosses' office. Was told she was getting fired for the dismal results of her division the previous year (that had just ended two months ago).

She was able to show numbers that proved her area was trending towards a turn around since she took over. She also pointed out that she had only been around for about one month of the bad year. Didn't matter. She got the boot.

Care to guess who they hired to replace her? If you guessed the guy that had quit her job to take the other one (and who had mostly been responsible for the last year's dismal performance) you'd be right.

She later found out from coworkers the guy was friends with the big boss, and wanted his old job back because his new company was getting ready to sack him for poor performance.
When Burlington Northern Railroad Merged with
Santa Fe, to form Burlington Northern Santa Fe,
(BNSF) the Santa Fe chief was appionted President
(Name of KREBS) on day Mr Krebs was out riding
the track, in a converted vehicle with railroad
wheels and saw a work gang just sitting around.
He stopped and got out to really chew those lazy
guys a$$'s. when he ran out of breath one of the
fellows told him that the reason they were not
working was that they were waiting for a train to
pass, and "you'd better move your vehicle".
Several years later Mr Krebs got a 2-1/2 million
doller retirement package, but had no common

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