I've been robbed and the Sheriff doesn't care RANT

I've been robbed and the local sheriffs department is no help. I took in a roommate to help cover some expenses since the economic down turn. Well I let her borrow my pickup to run to Columbus Sunday night. She called with some c story about why she was held up and would be late she never came back. Monday while I'm at work she called and gave an excuse about where she was and said she was on the way. I got home from work 6;30 Tuesday morning to find many of my guns and my TV gone . She also stoled my pay check out of the mail forged my name on it and and cashed it. has disappeared with the truck . and to top it off she stole some of my checks and wrote about 1500 in checks to herself .
NOW the part that pisses me off The local sheriffs department will do nothing zip zilch zero. They said I let her borrow the truck without giving her a specific time to return it so it's not stolen. They dont want to investigate my paycheck because they cant prove it was taken out of my mailbox. My bank and the bank that the check was drawn on can't determine exactly where the check was cashed beause it was cleared electronically and not stamped. They told me when the police get involved they can open up more resources but the local sheriff is telling me that I have to figure out where the check was cashed and go there to file a report.
I have several police officers from other departments telling me that there are several options for my pickup but my local sheriffs department is to lazy to look into it same for the pay check. So she gets to take my pickup my paycheck and walkaway scottfree because my local sheriff's department doesn't want to do anything. I will remember this at election time!!!!
Thank you Fayette county Ohio sheriffs department !!!
Thankfully she cashed my personal checks that she stole in Columbus so they are actually doing something about it. I just don't understand how she can just disappear with my truck take my pay check forge my name sign it over to her self and cash it and no one wants to do anything about it. This is the real crime to me. oh well I guess I have to go to work I'm still out an old truck and a paycheck but at least I might get the $1500 back that she wrote in checks on my account eventually to bad my house payment and about $250 in other bills are do and I have -25 in the account until the fraud investigation is taken care of. OK enough self pity. I have my health a job a warm place to sleep and enough lunch meat and bread to have lunch on the rest of the week.
Bringing home strays is always a bad idea dogs or women difference is the dog might turn out to be worth something.
In Springfield MO back in Aug a LT with the SPD went on the news to say they would no longer investgate property crimes. They are too under staffed. They still right speeding tickets. Home break ins around me are on a sharp rise. All my neighbors have loaded guns and we watch each others homes the best we can. But can't be looking all the time. Good luck on your deal. I would mark it up to a very costly learning exp.
Hey rednec, do you know what area of Columbus she may be in? I'm working in the Linden area today. Email me a description of your truck and the tag # and I'll keep an eye out. My email should be open.
Have you tried the state police and US postal inspectors/FBI? State police may get a lot more serious about getting a detective on the case and investigating, esp the truck. As to the letters stealing out of a mailbox is their jurisdiction, financial fraud can fall under federal jurisdiction.
What's this nonsense about not giveing her a specific time to return it? When she called you you told her to have it back by such and such a date/time didn't you. Yes you did! She didn't now go file a stolen vehicle report wheather they like it or not.
you had no business letting my ex wife stay at your place..... ;)

seriously, I'm pullin for ya.. sounds like a raw bad deal.

i think I'd have to force the lazy sob sheriff to get involved even if it menat I had to contact other leo agencies to do so.. perhaps your state police.. and even the atf.. if anything was over a state line.. fed police... check issue sounds like wire fraud..

good luck

What exactly did this live in put up front in this deal? Just curious since it looks like theft from the get go.
Tellin people how far they can go or how long they can be gone applies to car test drives too.
I feel for you, last spring I lost a Camery by letting some one borrow it too. They applied for a replacement title and took the car and sold it. Which means they had to go through my mail and retrive the title when it came and they had to forge my name to seel it. The Po lice did nothing. They gave me the run around about lending the car out also. The car was later found after it had been resold. The po lice said they couldn't do anything about returning the car after it got retitled.
It sucks.
Sorry for your troubles and sincerely hope you get your stuff back, but it doesn't look good.

She probably pawned the guns and tv in about 10 minutes. You might check any pawn shops that are close. Unless you can find out where she sold them and prove they were stolen, your chances of getting your things back aren't good.

When the money and gas run out, she'll abandon the truck where ever it stops. You might check with local vehicle impound yards.

Agree with the others - you'll need to put some pressure on the sheriff.

For the rest of ya'll, come on - there are plenty of male sleaze bags, too.
A roommte to offset expenses? Are you in college or something? Sounds kind of fishey to me.
Well at first when I read this I thought he is lying. I just can't believe that any law enforcement would treat it that way. Then the light bulb lit. Hell they can't check to see if a person is in this country illegal, maybe external_link had a rule rule to keep them from checking on this. So if you are telling the truth then the sheriff is afraid of getting sued or fired or both.
So ummmmm.....This woman.....Is she a girlfriend that you were sleeping with? Or just a roommate?

She sounds like a scammer. Real tricky situation there.
I immediately had the same question.

Why would someone allow a "roommate" to borrow one's truck?

Only chance of recovering your items is if you have serial numbers written down,..i.e the guns and televison set. You must have your trucks vin.# somewhere in the house along with the license plate number. Make copies and give all the info to the Sheriff. Report the truck stolen,and as others have said,check the local pawn shops for your stolen items.(Match up the serial numbers) As for your checks,..you may have to verify your account number with a signature match. Whoever you bank with will have to tackle that problem.
Good Luck.
Your choice in women stinks.My wife just put 479 bucks in our oil tank to day.I met her in 1956 and she is my pride and joy ever since.
My wife took me to the ER when my blood pressure went sky high.I think she wants to keep for a while longer.
Good Luck guy.

I assume you are telling the truth, and you know you have taken a few licks here on this post. I for one think you are a decent guy with the old country trust. (we all should be more like you). I personaly would give anyone the shirt off my back till they step on me.

Telling a friend she must be back at a certian time would sound rude in my book. It would not have crossed my mind to do so.

I've been burned twice with ex-wives, and I still would not hesitate to help anyone out. I pick up hitch hickers, and often give them a fifty or so, and I'm thankfull I have it better than they do. So don't beat yourself up, nor let anyone else on here lay a glove on you.

In my neighborhood, I know the cops real well, (I mix with them alot and they are my friends) First, I would offer a dozen donuts to the first cop that actualy does something.

Now we have to think like a cop to play fair. How many times do they go through all the paper work, and time to only have the folks make up, and drop all charges---especialy with a live in. Then also deal with a lazy attorney that will not put effort into going after her.

The cops are thinking just like most of us about your living situation. We pretty much assume you had benifits, not that it is fair, but just a first thought.

Ride the cops, make your case the loud noise that doesn't go away. Find out the officers name that is dealing with your case, contact the local papers, new etc.

Call your government officials till they get tired of you!

Read up on the laws, and make the cops show you where the law says this or that. Just plain act crazy enough to do something real bad if all else fails.

Now the next thing is to not give up, often something will make her step across the legal line when you least expect it.

This is not funny, but if you dropped a hundred dollar bill in the street, they would arrest you for littering, call in a swat team, and the national guard.

If you report a stolen vehickle, I think I have heard that it stops you from liability if she harms someone with the truck. I'm not a legal expert! Find out how to protect yourself.
Okay, first off you weren't robbed. Robbery is when someone sticks a gun or knife in your face and takes your money. What you have is a larceny of your property, forgery of your checks and a scheme to defraud by her using the checks. I would strongly suggest you contact your State Police or your attorney generals office,maybe your State Senator or Assembly person, what ever your local political people are called. Probably the the local District Attorneys office too. Going to the local news may be an option.

Assuming you weren't "taking liberties" with her stuff or body I see know reason to see this as communal property. But, laws differ from State to State. Were I still working and had this occurred in my area it would be pursued. Sorry you ran into some slugs.
You know the first thing I thought was it coulda been my ex also. Don't know where your at but around here I leave the keys to my old pickup under the mat. It's nothing for any of my buddys to come by and borrow it at any given time. I know its a bad practice but I leave my check book laying on my desk at work. Too much faith in my fellow man may cost me some day. But until then I'm happier worrying about bigger things. Good Luck anyhow.
This guy was just rite for picking off and he blames the sherrif they have no proof and he doesent either better blame himself.
A doctor my wife used to work for lives on an acreage about a mile out of town. Some years ago, my wife ran out of gas by his place. No one was home, but his pickup was parked with the keys in it.

So-my wife used his pickup to go get some gas and then parked it back where it had been. The next time she saw the Doc, she said, "Thanks for letting me use your pickup last week".

He replied, "No problem. That's why I leave the keys in it".

That pickup had an interesting ending. I was a salesman at the local GM dealer at the time, and shortly after my wife borrowed the pickup, the Doc traded it to us for a new one. As a matter of routine, we sent the pickup to a detail shop. It had a nice cab high shell on it, and the squirrel that owned the detail shop packed up all his stuff and disappeared with it.

This was in March, and in December the guy got busted for DWI in Phoenix, AZ, still driving the pickup with our dealer plate on it. By then the insurance had paid us for the pickup, so it was between him and the law.
Yeah, but if the person that went to the paper or TV has to still live there, the cops can make his life a nightmare.. Here 3 tickets in a year will get your drivers license pulled.. Not hard to arrange 3 stops/tickets for the complainer..
Try The ATF They dont Like Luce Guns Around getting in to the WRONG HANDS.I dont think the local cops wound like if the guns were being pointed at them ?? They need some Prodding along ? Or is the cops Involved in the Whole Deal.It Wouldnt be the First time it happened.
I have a complaint in with the postal inspector but I'm not holding my breath there. In ohio we don't have State police exactly we do have THe State Highway Patrol but unless she's speeding in the truck I was told not to hold out any hope there . I'm going to try the FBI when I get up today wish me luck , after that it's onto the local news team and the 6 on your side people and complaining to every elected official from my county commissioner to my state representative.

It was a redhead but she was named Mackenzie ! I may swear off redheads after this. And for you guys that keep asking no I wasn't getting any benefits. Yes I was stupid thank those of you that pointed that out or I wouldn't have known.
The think that has me most perplexed is that my old dog who never likes strangers took right to this girl . She never barked growled or anything like that just walked right up and made a friend . I guess she fooled my dog also.
You need to get your employer involved with your stolen paycheck. If your employer tells his bank to refuse payment on the check because it was stolen and has a forged endorsement, all hell will break loose.

The banks are lying to you when they say they don't know when and where your paycheck was cashed. Actually, they aren't telling you because it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. That's why you need your employer's help.

As far as your pickup truck goes, if it's been reported stolen that's about all you can do. Eventually it will be found, not necessarily in one piece.
Mail theft is a FEDERAL offense punishable by five years in the slammer.

You can report the theft to the US Postal Inspector online using this form. Guess what: they want to know the suspect's name and a description of their vehicle.
Mail theft report
Our Sheriff (QA County, MD)doesn"t care about anything that is related to having to do what he receives a paycheck for. The ONLY thing that he does make sure to do is to have "Vote For Me" signs placed on EVERY VACANT LOT OR HOME in our county.

Write letters to EVERY news paper in your state and let the public know how well their TAX DOLLARS are being spent.

Here is a recent picture of our sheriff.
My late brother was doing that allowing a lady to use his new car while he was in the hospital. I told him if she wrecks that car your insurance probably wouldn't cover any damages. I don't think it was girl friend. He took back the keys and parked the car. Hal
I'm not callingya stupid or implying anything. i feel your pain.. there are some bad people out there.. it's unfortunate when we run across them.

First off...dont EVER do that again...

Secondly..yes your employer needs to be involved. Regardless of who was in your mailbox...you didnt get paid last week. This woman also defrauded your employer by getting in the middle of a money exchange between you and employer.

Police are NO help anymore..they are hoping you will take your licks and just go away.

Remember the 3 lies you were told as a kid. 1) Santa Claus, 2) Easter Bunny, 3) Trust a Cop.

I had a Farmstar Posthole Auger stolen from the shop early this spring. I contacted the Sheriff's Office and they didnt even want to come out! The Sherrif said "what do you want? An Incident Report for your insurance company to make a claim?". I said "No!" I want you to come out and do your job and find a criminal.

Good Luck...and keep us posted on the outcome.
Can you give us some detailed info: make, year, color and plate # on pickup, type of firearms stolen, what this gal looks like. etc.... A few extra eyes never hurt in a case like this..she could be anywhere.
I don"t think the Greene Co. Sheriff"s office ever has. All they think about is busting up somebody"s meth lab.
I doubt it this girl's never been out of ohio except for vacations but I feel better knowing I'm not the only one to be taken like that

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