mice in cabs

We are being overun by mice, how do the rest of you keep them out of seldom used tractors and vehicles? they moved into a tractor that has just been idle for two weeks and my welding truck I drove last week.
I leave em in there, they don't take up much room and they help me stay awake knowing they might run up My pantleg when I,m not watching.
Cats. Feed them and they will come. Costs money to by poison for rodents and cats can provide some entertainment. We keep them wild here, they live longer that way.
The best way I've found is fabric softener sheets.Buy a large economy box and use a half dozen or so at a time.Over winter,I unload the whole box.Smells nice when ready to use next time.
Bounty dryer sheets, the ones you use in your laundry dryer. I've heard the soap thing but never tried it. I know the dryer sheets work though.
We can"t seem to keep them out so we just leave the windows in trucks down all the time. That way the stink can"t get pent up all winter. Don"t have problems with tractors or anything else, just trucks. The dryer sheets may be worth a try.
OK,,now this is NOT a sales pich for me but theres a product made in Stanley ND that is near ware i live that is called Fresh Cab,,,google it,,,,,,and these little packs of sented seeds really work,,,I sware by them,,,NO mice will come close to them,,,,,Heres a phone # i found on there web page. 1 800 5832921,,,,There well worth the $ for how well they work
our JD dealer sells a product that does what you want, i cant think of it off the top of my head. Looks like a big tea bag, we put them all throughout the combine and drill so mice dont build a home there, it works good. hope this helps, toby.
Club soda...a derivitive of baking soda, takes the urine smell out of cabs, carpets and carpeting in the home from pet accidents.Wash the cab floor with a bottle of Club soda and it will take away the smell. Keeping them out in the first place is a problem.I always kept barn cats at the farm and mice were few and far between in the barn and sheds
Around here the mice would use those sheets to build their nests. Get some hungry cats, especially a mother with small kittens.
When we bought our farm the tailer we live in was running mice.We traped till the cows came home and finaly gave up and got 6 wildish cats from my friend.Put them under the trailer (they could get out)In less than a week we couldn't hear any more runners.That's 6 years ago and we have 2 cats left and the tom shows up for winter.I haven't seen a mouse since,not even at the barn or sheds.
aLONG WITH ALL THE great ideas ....Big OL cow SNAKE GLEANS the mice out of my GLEANER combine ,,HOW in the world is a guy supposed to clean that crazy machine out,,, NO matter how hard you try THERE IS always enuf forage left in the MACHINE to Guaruntwee a fat hog a meal fora WEEK , LET ALONE A bunch of mice , onCE LAST WINTER i SAW A POSSUM IN THE FAN HOUSING CAMPINGOUT , i CAN clean a massey ferguson COMBINE SPOTLESS IN A COUPLE HOURS AND OIL IT DOWN FOR THE WINTER AND IT IS good as new ... AND THERE IS NO GRAIN LEFT IN IT ,,,
Those didn"t work for me.

The *astards just ate the contents and got the runs it seems like, because they really started pooping on everything then. I know mice will return to a "mouse-y" smelling place. So once you get them under the hood or in the cab it seems like it acts as a homing beacon for others. I had a pickup they would raid over a weekend, eating and smelling up the the hood liner material for nesting. Tore it out, used degreaser to kill their scent, and they never returned to that truck. Cats, coyotes, hawks, and owls are the best solution to keep them in check. And why do the smallest creatures do the most damage? They always chew on the wires that are hardest to get to, right at a connector, unable to splice once you take a day to troubleshoot. And why oh why do they pee battery acid? Takes the paint right off of everything in an engine compartment. I hate em"
bought fresh cab, put 3 of them under the sink. mice tore up a roll of paper towels after we put them under sink. put 3 of them in camper to keep mice out, then had mice. Didn't work for us.
WOW,,,Gess iv never put then anyware but cabs in cold storage but they work wonders up here,,,,Not shure why they wouldn't work for you but sounds interesting???????
The odor of peppermint is a repellent. Douse the cab interior with a half bottle of extract and keep it renewed from time to time.

Works well for trucks, combine cabs, buildings, etc.

Repelling them beats fighting them.
It takes about 20 cats to keep mice and rats away from an average farm with out any grain or livestock. The only problem you will have is it doesn't take long and you will have 60 or more cats. The most effective way to get back to around 20 is to quit feeding them until you get the numbers back down. Takes 4 to 6 weeks with out cat food to reduce the numbers back down.
Cats are fine as long as they are kept at home. The sob across the road just lets his cats run loose. They come over here and kill baby rabbits when they run out of mice. Some get hit by cars and some get lead pills.

I have a outdoor shed for my garden tractors,i keep moth balls in there year round.So that means i add about every 2 months.seems to keep out snakes and mice
Agreed, moth balls seem to work the best.

I don't think you need the 20 cats listed below just to keep an empty farm fairly clear of mice - unless you got some big honking rats that it takes two or three cats to take them down. But 5 or 6 half wild cats will do a pretty good job of keeping the population under control. Once they've thinned out the mouse population the cats will start hunting in the fields and nature will thin out the cats.
Under fed cats that are able to get anywhere the mice are works well, at least it has for me. We have no rabbits, squirrels, or mice. They even dug up the moles too.

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