O/T Just for the heck uvit.........


Well-known Member
Can anyone come up with any figures of speech that are unique to farmers?

Two that come to mind are if you hear someone refer to the tailgate on a pickup as an "endgate", you know he's a farmer.

Also, a farmer doesn't stop in to pay a bill, he stops in to "settle up".

Does anyone know of any others?
I've always used the expression "tough row to hoe", which takes on a whole new meaning after you've hoed a few acres of weedy beans.

I often say "we're in the short rows now", which has to be completely incomprehensible to a non-farmer.

Haven't actually farmed since I was a kid thirty years ago, BTW.
Walkin' in high cotton.

In the south, you dont "take someone to town" you "Carry" them to town. ie. " I carried daddy to the store yesterday"

I'll think of some more here if a bit.

Walking beans. as in Are you through walking the beans yet. Everyone knows what walking the dog is but only a farmer knows what walking the beans is.
"He bought the farm."
Read the origin on that one.

"Scuse me a minute, gonna go talk to a man about a horse"

"Hedge row"

Off the top of my head--n remember its been hit hard a few times.
Surprised I came up with that...LOL
Sloppin the pigs comes to mind,

Fetchin the cows and foddern em

pitchen hay

Huskin corn with a huskin peg
And when he ran up the bill originally, he didn't say "charge it", he said "Set that down to me (or for me) " Or maybe, "Kin you carry me on that 'til next month?"
Need to cut them bull calves today.
Going to turn that field today.
Sick chicken-- That chicken ain't very pert.
Gotta top that baccer this week.
Put that milk in the spring box.
Take them eggs to the store and trade em.
Tight as a bulls arse in fly time.
Old sow had eight pigs and one runt.
Pig in a poke. DH
Too long behind a plow.

Don't know sheep sh!t from cotton seed.

Sometimes chickens, sometimes feathers.

@ss as big as a #3 washtub.

Shuckins, can't think of any more.
Poe Barn.
Dig a hoe.
Put a poe in the hoe.
Then put a fag on top of the poe.
Hope you figured out that the letter L is missing and I hope I don't get poofed, but this is the way some country boys talk where I live.

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