Canada = jail = no more for me


Well-known Member
Had a really strange experience after crossing the border into Canada, from the Buffalo area of New York. Note that I cross the same place 4-8 times a year, every year, to get to our place in Michigan. Me, my wife, and little 6 year kid all have New York "Enhanced" drivers licenses/IDs. Equivalent to a passport for entry into Canada.
I've been going to Canada, every year, since the 1970s. My wife went to college in Canada.

This time? They called me into the Canadian immigration building. Then some custom's girl (looked like she was just barely 18 years old), wearing a bullet-proof vest - starts grilling me.
She claimed I called the Canadian Consulate in 2007, and I asked about entering Canada. She says I was told I was NOT allowed. So now, she regarded me as an illegal intruder trying to "sneak" into Canada. Yeah . . . "sneaking" with a family of three, family dog, some tractor parts, and driving at the normal entry point, in daylight, with ID.

So, I explained to her that years ago, I called many places trying to get entry info when the laws changed. I also told her that every place I called, I got told something different. Also told her that officials in the same building, told me several times, on every trip, I was fine to cross through Canada. Well, the more I said, the nastier she got. She said I was lying and I'd never been to Canada before. Little kid was crying, and she looked like she'd enjoy smacking him around a bit. I got angry, mouthed off a bit, and then two customs guys (also with bullet proof vests), dragged me into a separate room, away from my wife and kid. Then they first told me I was going to jail. Then, I'd have to wait for a Canadian immigration judge to "deport" me. So, I asked - deport me where? 100 feet way into the USA? Are you guys nuts? If you don't want me here, I'll gladly go back - and hopefully - never, ever, come to Canada again. Well after a few hours and screwing around, they took me to the US border, where two US customs cops took my family to a special holding area. What a madhouse. I think we were the only people NOT wearing turbans. We also seemed to be the only ones that spoke English.

Finally got to see somebody. The guy apologized, and said this has been happening a lot latetly at the Canadian border. They let us go, and we headed for Pennsylvania, then Ohio, and then Michigan. Ended up being a 130 mile longer drive, but took less hours.

Good buy Canada. Holy cow, those people were nuts! And of course I don't mean all Canadians. I'll assume the same happens at times to some Canadians crossing into the USA.
Next time wear a turbin and throw a burka over the wife. He!! they would probably give you gas money and buy you dinner to boot......
I kinda know how you feel, I haven't been to Canada in about 20 years. Last time crossing the border the Canadian border guard had a real problem with my life member NRA sticker in the back window of my pick-up. The way I was treated was like I was a criminal. My response was to leave and never go back.
A few years ago, I had just bought a new Cadallic Eldorado Biarritz. The one with the stainless steel roof. One snappy looking car at the time.

Picked up my lady friend and headed up to Canada for the day, just to look around and enjoy the ride in the new car.

Got to the boarder; no luggage, brand new car, leggy blonde, one carton of cigarettes in the back seat and me driving. Nothing else in the car. Nothing.

They just knew I had to be smuggling something. “Nobody comes up here just for the day”.

They tore that new car totally apart right there in the custom lane. Had new car lying all over the pavement. Broke it down stem to stern. :>(

Oh, and did I tell ya that when they do this, they don't put it back together again? That's up to the owner. :>(

Bad experience? Me too.

As a Canadian, my apologies. Many Canadian border guards seem to have a real superiority complex. I travel a lot to the USA on business, and for the most part have more issues coming back into Canada than going into the USA
I went to Canada this summer in a 3 van convoy for church. I arrived at the border with 6 high school students in my van. I had the group with no passports, only birth certificates. Before entering a line, I asked a guy directing traffic where to go if we were church group of 3 vans. He sent me to the bus lane.

We pulled up to the bus area. A few minutes later a stern looking female agent came out, apologized for not seeing us. Via the questions I told her who we were and where we were going-Toronto. She never looked at our paperwork, Heck, she never even touched our documents, just closed the passenger door.

In the other vans, they looked at the passports and matched person to passport.

They were not polite, they were not rude. They acted in a very official manner.

Other groups said it took them 45 minutes of questioning to get into Canada.

Coming back into the US was slower due to traffic and the US agent actually looked at my passport cover and saw that there were birth certificates for my passengers. The agent asked the students the questions but I reviewed appropriate answers before we reached the border

Appearance and attitude are everything.

And then the people of Toronto were so friendly. I'm going back!
Sometimes they are terrible and sometimes they can be reasonable. A neighbor kid recently went up to Canada. He created his own problem when he gave a sarcastic smart response when they asked him if he had any firearms or alcohol in his vehicle. After his response, they asked him to pull his vehicle off to the side. Two customs agents proceeded to tear his vehicle apart piece by piece. They didn't find anything. They told him to "have a nice day" and left the vehicle in pieces.
That about an early 80's version. Sweet ride. Always thought they looked like they had about a 1/4 acre of hood riding in front of you. T-Bird of about the same vintage gave me the same feeling.

Well, it works both ways. Some border cop with a big ego decides that you are it and you are! I have had no problem leaving Canada and entering the US with a passport and entering the US can be the same experience that jdemaris has had.
A friend of mine was taking tractor fenders to a show in Ohio and when he stopped at the border he didn't have any "Paperwork" for the fenders. The US border cop said he whould have a bill of sale or something..he and his friend were detained for several hours...the next time he went to the US he was hauled in and questioned and detained for over three hour..when he demanded to know why he was being held up he was told that hw had been stopped previously for "Smuggling" tractor parts!He will be stopped every time he hands them his passport and they scan it. If you have had a problem before in crossing into Canada or the USA it will come up on the computer everytime they enter your name or scan your passport. Until you can find someone to listen to your case you will have a nightmare. My friend has been trying to clear his name for over three years..all because some border cop decided to use the word "Smuggling" in his report. Yep unfortunately it works that way on both sides of the border..having a passport will improve crossing greatly.
Appearance and attitude ?? Meaning exactly what ?? That the entire problem was my appearance and attitude? And I guess my little 6 year kid also didn't look "cute" enough by Canadian standards? Do you have a screw loose somewhere? And your appearance and attitude is somehow better, thus you had no problem?

That's a pretty rediculous statement. Can appearance and attidude affect things sometimes, with some people . . . yes.

Can other factors also get into the mix ?? Heck yes, including a new young Canadian border cop-girl with an attitude, who doesn't like USA-based north-Americans and really seems to dislike little kids and black border collies (our dog).

What really seems to have happened here, is the young gung-ho border-cop-girl screwed up, and then tried to save-face and not admit her mistake.
It's easy to do to foreigners who have no innate rights in a different country.

I guess my family simply hasn't been blessed with your wonderful attitude, and I also doubt any of us look like anything like you. I won't lose any sleep over it.

My attitude in this matter was 100% appropriate.
Yes. The Canadians now have me listed as an "illegal border crosser." I was told that if I paid them around $500, and sat for an interview at the Canadian Consulate in Buffalo, they would consider "rehabilitaing" by record, in their database.

No thanks. At this point, I don't trust them at all. Suppose I paid the $500. Then what? Suppose I run into another gung-ho agent, who cannot read a computer screen? Off to jail I'd go, with no rights as a foreigner.

Keep in mind that at this last "visit", I was warned that . . . if I ever try to enter Canada again, I will be sent straight to jail.
Could it possibly be a case of mistaken identity? I have heard many weird and wild stories about hassles people have had going either way. We live on the border here and I cross into the States almost weekly for one reason or another. I have never in all my hundreds of crossings had any hassle on either side, Canada or US.
Having said that, I have heard of a lot of folks with very old criminal records, things which were thrown out of court but never removed from their official record which cause them grief. But in those cases they will usually tell you what the reason for refusal of entry was in more detail than it seems you have received.
It is unfortunate that one person caused you so much grief. From what I have heard they never admit to being wrong. I hear people complain from time to time about being questioned and them feeling like it's an invasion of privacy and I always tell them that the border crossing agent has a job to do and they do not HAVE to let you in to their country so it's in your best interest just to answer the questions honestly and courteously and you shouldn't have any trouble.
Heck my wife was questioned one day because the license plate on her truck was one number away from a stolen vehicle..........If it had been the exact number I could see them questioning it but one number away? I don't complain, just go along with it.

Did she have a reason that was listed for why you were told not to enter Canada? This all just sounds really strange.
Sorry you had such a problem, sounds like a real nightmare for sure.

Too bad the U.S. can't hire these gung ho guards to help protect our Southern border. Maybe with their tactics it would eventually be controlled.
I have many minor arrests on my record from the late 1960s. Never had so much as a traffic ticket since 1970. Those full records are no longer available. They were once on microfilm somewhere, but seem to have been destroyed. That was all long before computers took over.

What the Canadians have, is a record they got from the USA, showing that I had some non-felony arrests before 1970 and none since. I.e. I've been 100% trouble-free for 40 years. The record does not say what the arrests were for, nor does it say if I ever was convicted of anything. They were minor, related to drinking, getting into bar fights, street-racing, etc. I've was never sent to jail, for sure. I don't know myself what I was, or wasn't convicted of. It was a long time ago, and nothing ever came of any of it.

None of this is "big news" as far as Canada goes. After the terrorist attacks in NYC (an other places), and the USA made agreements for sharing info with Canada, I called Canadian officials to make sure I'd have no problem. I was told I was fine.

Also as I stated before, I've crossed that same border many times since all this went into effect. I've been assured, over and over by Canadian officials that my juvenille record is no problem, but I'll always have that "red flag" next to my name - unless I pay them to remove it.
That "red flag" means I get asked extra questions, might get my vehicle searched, etc.

On this visit, I was accused of lying. This girl-cop said I'd never been to Canada before, no one there EVER told me I was OK, etc. So, she claimed to have no record of me ever being there, yet she DID have a record of a phone call I made in 2007? Wierd!

By the way, after I was "deported" to the USA, the New York border cops looked in the same database the Canadians have. It showed every border crossing I'd made for the past couple of years. Even showed the time of day, along with the date. The New York guys told me the Canadian cop was clearly lying to save face after making a big goof.
I think you could be right about a new customs official trying to earn brownie points. No different than some cops or even judges for that matter. Of course no one else there want's to tell her she's out of line(in front of you anyway)and goes along with her. They could have been testing her too to see how she would deal with someone who shouldn't be entering. I think there should be somewhere you can go or someone you can talk to about getting everything straightened out. Don't forget that some of the the hijackers during 9/11 came in through Canada and more recently, an Arab woman wearing a vail wasn't even checked when bording a plane. They showed the security tape on the news a few weeks ago. Canada generally has a reputation for being really nice to foreigners who visit or pass through. Unfortunately, you happened to get the wrong border guard at the wrong time. Dave
I crossed a year ago this month and had my truck picked apart because when the lady asked me if I had any guns I said yes but not with me. I also have a North American Hunting Club Life time sticker on the driver side window. Made me stay away from the truck until they were done. They couldnt get the extended cab door open. I told them I would do it but thought it was their problem as I didnt have a prob with it. 1 hour later an im on my way after having to go to another office. Ive never had a problem going into Canada before. We crossed in to Quebec last Sept to go caribou hunting with no problems.
JD, if youre a white male, that pretty well explains it. Now say if you were a member of any minority group or race or were wearing religious headgear etc. THEY WOULDNT DARE question you for fear the Politically Correct crowd would accuse them of profiling or discrimination or having a phobia, its only white and especially Christian males that are pretty well relegated to the bottom of the food chain now, and its pretty much okay to discriminate or profile or single them out nowadays. Anyway whites are a dying breed, I heard a report that in like 40 years the majority of US will be Hispanic, Blacks second, Asians third, and whites the minority and I bet minority rights and affirmative action will go by the wayside then?? Im NOT saying anything bad about anyone, just looking at demographics, its NOT rocket science those groups are having like 6 kids to the whites only one, whites are an aging dying population. Oh well Im old enough and have led a good life and can remember the USA after dads came home from the war and raised families and morals and patriotism were high but its my kids and grandkids that wont live in the USA that I fortunately got to live my life.

God bless yall

John T
Yeah, I don't know what is up with them bringing up ancient criminal records, I have heard of a lot of it in the past couple years. It used to be that you couldn't enter if you had ever had a DUI, but now it seems that ANY criminal record causes no end of problems. The tourist camp operators are really complaining about it a lot.
The only time I ever had a problem with entering Canada was when I was much younger. I thought a "cute" response, though correct, would be appropriate. After an hour in immigration, I realized that it was not.

As the adult in the group that was crossing the border, I realized that my attitude and appearance were the key issues. The students were, as expected, students. It was my preparation, correct answers to questions and my attitude that won the day.

One must remember that we are entering a foreign country when we cross the border. It isn't like going from state to state. They aren't looking to chat or harass, for the most part.

I do need to add that my nephew is a customs agent and deals with people entering and leaving at an international airport. Occasionally they do choose to pick on someone but each of those individuals has some peculiar characteristic that makes it "open season." I think piercings and bizarre tattoos are some of their favorite "game."

Still I think the appearance and attitude of the most responsible individual plays heavy in this activity.
A: A shame there would be no way to arrange such a greeting for this officer if she ever decided to visit the USA. B: Document all of this as well as your past visits and send it to as many Canadian govt departments as you can. maybe they will miss your tourist dollar enough (or want to avoid bad press) that someone might correct it for free. Maybe if enough people complain about this agent she might get moved or retrained
A: A shame there would be no way to arrange such a greeting for this officer if she ever decided to visit the USA. B: Document all of this as well as your past visits and send it to as many Canadian govt departments as you can. maybe they will miss your tourist dollar enough (or want to avoid bad press) that someone might correct your record for free. Maybe if enough people complain about this agent she might get moved or retrained
I reread all the postings and if you look, there is a common thread. The Canadians have a negative view of any violation related to alcohol. A friend had to pay the "appropriate" fee more than once to come into their country due to a 20 year old DUI.

Drinking as a juvenile might even be more of a problem.

And as mentioned in another post, I now always carry my passport, I don't even try using the card.

Read the second section of the FAQs on the link
FAQs about entering Canada
Reading the comments here about how they pick your car apart and then leave you to put it back together. Both times I've driven into Canada was in a rental car (no problems either time). Wonder what would happen if they did that to the rental car and didn't find anything - who's responsible for putting it back together?
Occasionally they do choose to pick on someone but each of those individuals has some peculiar characteristic that makes it "open season." I think piercings and bizarre tattoos are some of their favorite "game."

That's pretty blatant discrimination! If your nephew does this is extremely disgraceful. Dave
Actually from a legal definition it's not discrimination at all unless the individual is a member of a legally protected class of people. I don't think there are any laws protecting people with piercings or tattoos at least not yet.

Singling out someone because of a piercing or tattoo is discrimination whether it fits the legal description or not. If someone is acting suspicious would be a reason to question them but not just because they look different. Dave
I understand all that. It is not the issue. They are a sovereignty totally separate from the USA (other then their economy) and can do whatever they please, when it comes to law and border enforcement.

The issue is . . . I went through all the proper channels and protocol and was told, by Canadian officials many times, I was OK. Then all of a sudden, I was not. Nothing on my end changed.
Think this message kinda sums it up.

Your attitude is appropriate for today.

It was not on the day your troubles happened. Dug yourself a much deeper hole.

My wife, me and little kid are all white, over 50 (not counting kid and dog), no turbans, burkas, tattoos, piercings, bones in our hair, plates in our lips, etc. My dog is a Scottish border collie, so yeah . . . she's got some black fur. Also wears a collar, so might seem to be into bondage??

I've been crossing into Canada for over 40 years. I've worked there. My wife got her Masters Degree there. My great-Uncle served in the Canadian military in WWII. Our appearance has never been an issue until now. Nor was my attitude.

If anything, what got the agent angry, was when I answered questions truthfully. She said I was lying and wanted me to admit it. So, I guess the "correct" attitude for me was to acquiesce, and agree with her false statements about me?
"Yes mam, I'm a US criminal and I've never, ever been to Canada before. I made up the story about coming here many times before. I tried to sneak into your country by using your legal crossing spot using a valid ID. My dream in life is to become a modern-day Fenian and attack Canada again." Of course, the dim-wit-tette probably doesn't know her own Canadian history and know what a Fenian is (it's not taught in the USA but IS in Canada).

The other funny thing was the various tractor parts I had in the truck, along with some circuit breakers for a household electrical panel. It seems some of those young inspectors don't know a farm tractor from Sputnik, and all the stuff was suspect to them. John Deere 420 nuclear weapon maybe? Note all the stuff I was hauling was also pre-approved by Canadian officials. All my paperwork was in order.
No, it's not discrimination. However, it would probably be called harassment. That is unless you want to define discrimination like the following: "My discriminating palate prefers coke over pepsi". Then everyone discriminates because everyone has preferences.

Sorry they were such idiots. I've heard them brag and talk among themselves and it's just an ego game of "one upmanship" of who can make the most or best busts.
A month or two before the G20 summit and ever since. The law enforcement agencies have been all be ultra aggressive.They must have all been brain washed with a series of propaganda talks from "security experts".
It been a game of "who can bust the most people since".
I know a poor smuch Gary McCullough who is still in Maplehurst after the G20. His crime? He was on his way back from the city to his cottage. With a chainsaw, axe handle, AC inverter, jugs of water, gas cans, LP tanks and a labradoodle pup.
No threats or resistance were made. He was pulled over in a traffic stop stop several blocks from the summit area.
The cops couldn't find anything else as weapons seized during the summit so they trotted Gary's stuff out. Along with somebody's cricket bat and a fake chainmale costume taken from a couple of guys on the subway. They both were on their way to a game and a practice.
The crown prosecutor has set trial back again, now for November, six months after the supposed offense. Even if convicted the max sentence is six months. The crown hopes Gary pleads guilty and goes with time served. rather than face a trial and more jail time. Less chance of the crown getting caught in the multi-million dollar class action lawsuit. If Gary pleads guilty then he can't claim.
Common folk protesting the closure of prison farms were roughed up and thrown in the can this month. Last year nothing would have happened.
Never ever drive a rental car across a border! If the jerk who drove it before you had any kind of illegal drugs in the vehicle you will be in for a real party.
So it's "ok" if somebody "deserves' to get picked on. Then the rules are off and it's open season to bully somebody?
Looks like nothing has changed since public school and bullying.
I had a similar experience in Sarnia at the Bluewater Bridge. Whole family was "Detained" while they interogated and searched our vehicle. We were on vacation and headed to Collingwood and then the Bruce Peninsula. We turned around and went back where we belonged. They taught us a lesson, no more Canada for us either.
(quoted from post at 14:32:46 08/26/10) Think this message kinda sums it up.

Your attitude is appropriate for today.

It was not on the day your troubles happened. Dug yourself a much deeper hole.


What are you, a cop?
I wont go to Canada anymore either.

The last time I went to Canada was to go to the horsefalls and to see Toronto. But no more, not if I have to have a passport and have to put up with the type of crap that you did.
We would like to take my son to see the falls someday but we will go through Ohio, and Pennsylvania first before I go through Canada.
Besides the fricken taxes will kill ya. Even if I get the GST back I still have to stand in line to get that back.
It's not legal to drive a rental from Canada across the border. At least not a small truck. I know because I tried.

A few years back while coming through Canada, on the way home to New York, my diesel Ford F250 sprung a massive transmission leak. We just barely made it to the Best Western motel in London, Ontario. I had my wife, kid and a sick dog with us. Truck had a slide-on camper and was heavily loaded with gear.

So, what do you do? I decided to leave the truck behind. Maybe sell it "as is". Then rent a truck, put a my camper on it, and drive home.

To my surprise, it's not legal. Only way we were allowed to do was to rent two trucks. One in Canada. Then when we got to the NY border, we'd have to rent another truck in the USA and transfer all the gear, camper etc. Also required a lot of paperwork.

It had my head spinning and I gave up on that idea. I bought two 5 gallon pails of transmission fluid, left my family at the Best Western, and me and my dog drove all around the London area, leaving an oil slick everywhere we went. I finally found a small two-man transmission shop in London called the "Transmission Man." Really nice guys. They dropped all their scheduled appointments and worked on my truck until 7:00 PM that night. Then when all done, I tried to give each guy a $100 tip and neither would accept it. Those guys were great. Drove home the next day. Total repair on the E40D trans was $800, which is also amazing.
Ive read most of this and if it was me,I would try anything I could think of to get that b__ch fired and her buddies that gave you all that crap.Call the Prime Minister of Canada and tell him what she did.I mean get somebody who can really make it miserable for her,and push it as far as you can.People like that set there and do stuff like this because they know they can get away with it.
Probably Canada doesnt want her pulling this stuff.Canada probably has heard about her before too.Rotten people like this do stuff like this because people wont stand up to them.Then they run around like they are big and bad because they picked on some guy like you,with a wife and little kid,and probably 10 terrorists walked right in while she was messing with you.
Canada probably has a complaint depertment somewhere to it,and you should use all of the ways to complain they have,and get the big wigs attention on her until somebody has to do something about her.
Allen, I worked for Cadillac for 30 years. My dad, 35, My granddad 40 years. I have known hundreds of folks that owned Cadillacs. But an Eldorado Barritz? Never knew a white guy to own one. We always figured it as a pimp car!!!
Sorry you had so much trouble with our border guard, she was obviously not a people person. Just to clarify a point a passport is not required for US citizens to enter Canada, that is a requirement of the US government since 9/11. With our tourist industry bemoaning the fact we are getting far fewer US visitors you would think they would be a bit more accommodating. I hope you give us another chance, perhaps you could complain to Canadian border services. Here is a link to contact them good luck.
I go tractor pulling several times a year,& buy tractors in Ontario, and have never had a problem. Long waits on the bridge are the worst part. Have your paper work at hand , in order , answer their questions simply, without offering more than they ask for , without an attitude and things go smoothly. They got a job to do , and something about you triggers a closer look, they would be derilict if they didn't give you a closer look. Now they got your number , so, take the long way. Sorry you feel picked on , but they don't want you!
WEll you just luked out.I won't enter the U.S.A anytime soon.I have friends and reletives that have spent 8 hours in the last couple of months trying to get into the states.Some of those Aholes that work on both sides of the border need there head examind(or shot).It can be a real pain either waY just depends on wich hole is there on a given day.I won't get the pasport that U.S. wants,with 8 kids it would cost me a small fortune to go for a weekend.Some times those women are just on the rag and that makes them meaner than a hornet and stupeder than jacka$$.

sorry you had to end up being the guiny hen for such a peice of cr$P

JDEmaris, EVERYONE has a boss... You just need to find hers and file a formal complaint. May not get you anywhere, but maybe could get you cleared or at least feel better. That "Give us $500 to make it go away" sounds like a Mexican cop. Not the Mexicans here, the ones in Mexico.
Why is it you, and a few others keep bringing up the subject of "attidude", as if I did something wrong to cause all this? And to the converse, since your attitiude is alledged to be better, you never have problems.

Seems you missed the point. I went by the rules and they screwed up. Several Canadian officials told me I was fine to come through Canada, and one . . . saw things differently once I got there.

I don't feel "picked on." Just disgusted at the imcompetence of the people I had to deal with.

If, as you say, I didn't meet their requirements and they did "not want me", that would of been fine. I would of driven the USA route and never tried to come via Canada. It was Canadian officials that gave me the OK to come, after searching my records before I ever came there - via my SS#, DOB, etc. All done by phone. They suggest USA people do that if unsure, I did, and they gave me the OK.

Perhaps it makes you feel good to be smug about it, and taking comfort that you've never been bothered at the border. I've been crossing that border for 40 years and also never had a problem, until now.
Yes, there's been a little confusion over what is needed for a US citizen to enter Canada.

When the info-sharing and anti-terrorism measures first began, Canada posted on their Website that a passport or enhanced driver's license was needed. I called the Canadian Consulate and they told me the same thing. Shortly after, the requirements, as written, were changed. They now state that a US Citizen must be able to prove his/her US citizenship and provide a government issued photo ID, but a passport or enhanced license is not required if the person has other proof. And if you have a dog? Papers can be required to ascertain health and vaccinations (but I've never been asked).

Read the following that comes directly from the Canada border crossing Website:

"Canadian law requires that all persons entering Canada carry both proof of citizenship and proof of identity. A valid U.S. passport, passport card or NEXUS card satisfies these requirements for U.S. citizens. If U.S. citizen travelers to Canada do not have a passport, passport card or approved alternate document such as a NEXUS card, they must show a government-issued photo ID (e.g. Driver’s License) and proof of U.S. citizenship such as a U.S. birth certificate, naturalization certificate, or expired U.S. passport. Children under 16 need only present proof of U.S. citizenship."
If you read the regs very closely, a passport is not required either way as long as you are driving or boating and NOT flying. If a Canadian wants to fly to the USA, then a passport is required.

USA people can drive or boat to Canada, and Canadian citizens can drive or boat to the USA - if they have a government issued photo ID and proof of citizenship . . . OR . . . a passport. One of the other, not both. New York makes it easy since it provides "enhanced ID driver licenses" for crossing the border.

I'll be the first to admit though, I no longer trust what they write or what they say. That goes for both sides, but at least as a US citizen, I have some rights in my own country. I have none in others e.g. Canada.
Just wanted to add that the US requirements for Canadians entering the US, are exactly the same as for US citizens entering Canada. That is by ground or water. Air is a different deal. Techically, no passports required either way, IF you've got a government issued photo ID and proof of citizenship.
I have friends that USED to go fishing in Canada every year, a group of six of them. Been doing it for a good decade. A couple of years ago, they went up to Canada for a week of fishing again. On their way up, they got chosen by the Canadian customs folks to get out of their van and go inside to visit, I guess. They visited, answered some questions, and on their way for a week of fishing, which they did do. The week goes by, five of them come back in the van, because the sixth is staying up there an extra week with some friends, and then he flies back, which he did do. The problem as I understand it for the FIVE, not SIX that tried to cross back into America in the van, was that now there was FIVE and not SIX in the van, and since they were chosen to come inside and visit on the way up, they were flagged to stop in for a visit on the way down, all SIX of them, not only FIVE of them.

According to all of them, including the 80 year-old father of two of them that made his first and last Canadian fishing trip on that trip, was that they went through two days of grilling, including a strip search, during repeated non-stop question of where they hid the body of the SIXTH guy that they must've killed, seriously, while they were in the great Canadian outdoors. They were accused of killing the guy and feeding him to the fish, or bears, or who knows before somehow someone came to their senses, or they were able to contact the SIXTH guy at the friends home, or whatever.

When those guys finally did make it home, they looked like they needed vacation more than anyone I've ever seen, and trust me, not one of them has ever made the annual Canadian fishing trip after that.

I've never been to Canada and have always wanted to go visit, but maybe I never will. I don't want to get into politics, but I always understood that once what's his name became our president, and he has, that the rest of the world would love and respect us again. Did I miss something?

Just to let you in on a well known secret here in Canada..There are only two kinds of people pulled in by customs here 1) People who are deemed suspicious and of futher interest and 2) those that are randomly picked because each border agent has a quota to fill by the end of their shift. My guess is you fall into catagory 2..When I was in the service I spent alot of times overseas and if you think you have it bad try going to Hong Kong where they choose to speak english when they want to.
" I got angry mouthed off a bite" That is what you posted,sounds like you had a biiit of an adituide,granted it was after they questioned you a bit.but that is exactly what they was wanting to see
(quoted from post at 10:53:44 08/26/10) Well, it works both ways. Some border cop with a big ego decides that you are it and you are! I have had no problem leaving Canada and entering the US with a passport and entering the US can be the same experience that jdemaris has had.
A friend of mine was taking tractor fenders to a show in Ohio and when he stopped at the border he didn't have any "Paperwork" for the fenders. The US border cop said he whould have a bill of sale or something..he and his friend were detained for several hours...the next time he went to the US he was hauled in and questioned and detained for over three hour..when he demanded to know why he was being held up he was told that hw had been stopped previously for "Smuggling" tractor parts!He will be stopped every time he hands them his passport and they scan it. If you have had a problem before in crossing into Canada or the USA it will come up on the computer everytime they enter your name or scan your passport. Until you can find someone to listen to your case you will have a nightmare. My friend has been trying to clear his name for over three years..all because some border cop decided to use the word "Smuggling" in his report. Yep unfortunately it works that way on both sides of the border..having a passport will improve crossing greatly.

It only takes one person having a bad day to ruin it for you, or one wrong keystroke to screw up your record, but it takes years (and the burden of proof is on YOU like none other to be proactive about clearing it) to fix it.

Bureaucracy. What a stinking pile.
While it does not happen all the time but there is somthing that happens in alot of folks heads when they put a star on their chest and a gun on their hip. I have an uncle who some how or another got to be an MP for a while in the Army. That was 20 years ago and he is still on an ego trip over it.
We get treated like that going to the US about one times in 20 too. They just read back what was typed in the computer and its often mistyped or misfiled.

I got hassled by the US because they asked if I had been fingerprinted before, I said no. He started grilling me asking why I was lying because they had prints on file. I asked the date, I was 3 years old, it was some kind of child find program at the local PD my parents had taken me too.
(quoted from post at 18:27:47 08/26/10) .Call the Prime Minister of Canada and tell him what she did.



There probably is a complaint department, odds are Stephen Harper's plate is too full to deal with this matter personally.
Letters to the editor work rather well.
I would find out who this kid's supervisor is and write a nice polite letter with all the facts vs. what the kid said you had never been across. May or may not help you but you could save numerous other families from suffering through this kid's errors.
The three vans we took into Canada in Early August were rentals. We carried documentation from the US Rental Company and Documentation from the company that was carrying our insurance (Church's Insurance} Had no trouble at any time.

Some also added Canada to their cell phone service but I didn't with T-mobile and had no problems nor extra charges.

The Canadian government had advance warning a bunch of fake Shillelagh refuges with no ID who are actually Tamil Tigers. A recognized terrorist group. Where approaching the west coast via boat.
490 of these bogus criminals were allowed to land, given free medical treatment. Given a hearing date and a welfare cheque larger athan what our war veterans receive and set free.
I've been across the border several times in the past year with no problems either way. As a matter of fact, I just spent a few days earlier this week traveling among the godless Canadians.

I have heard a number of recent horror tales, however, of US residents attempting to enter Canada. It seems that most of these stories involve a female Canadian border guard. Part of the problem is of our own doing. Our government now shares all its criminal records with Canada; if you were caught smoking cornsilks as a kid, you probably can't get into Canada now. I find it interesting that the same country which welcomed draft dodgers in the sixties is now turning away those same men (now old pharts) for things they did forty years ago.

I suggest you report this incident to the New York Automobile Club. Not that they'll do anything about it, but if enough folks complain they might publicize it. Canada really doesn't want AAA to tell US travelers to avoid their country.

You also might want to send a letter to this fellow:

The Honorable Michael Chan
Minister of Tourism and Culture
Hearst Block, 9th Floor
900 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2E1

Lastly, I suggest you send a letter to the Canadian Consulate in Buffalo, NY.

Keep your letters brief and to the facts: You attempted to enter Canada, you were turned away ostensibly for reasons that make no sense, you will go out of your way to avoid the country in the future and will advise your family and friends to do the same.
I went to Canada several years ago to the Cockshutt Club show with my wife we were treated like like crap at the border and the car totally gone over from top to bottom for an hour.Stay in the US from now on and spend my $$$ here.
It's funny how... all the people who screamed about security and how slack our border was after 9/11... never really thought that the 'new' security would actually affect 'them'. However, this is the deal that was ordered and no less the deal we got.
As far as I was concerned at the time this whole security scam was nothing more than an excuse for the government to increase it's intrusion into and hold of an individual's life... a way to remove rights... and I still feel that way today. It did not then and does not now have ~anything~ to do with security.
You have my sympathy after your ordeal because I don't think there's any need of what was done to you. I don't know if there's something about you that just got her attention and she wanted to hassle you or mabey it was just rag time again. Who knows...
Should try to straighten it out tho... you never know when you might need to come back.

I "mouthed of" a bit after they told me I was being sent to jail, my dog was locked in a hot truck with the windows closed and no water, and why my little kid was standing there crying.

Guess I should of been a "good boy" and said nothing??

The reality seems to be it's my "mouthing off" that got me safely back to the USA.
Yes, but that was USA rentals into Canada, correct? I was trying to get a Canadian rental into the USA. I was not allowed. I called every rental company in Ontarios and told me it cannot be done. Also, I was trying to rent a pickup, so I could slide my camper on it. I have no idea if that makes a difference or not. Doesn't matter. They all refused and said "no."
That's strange, U-Haul rents back and forth across the border all the time. I have seen plates from the US in Canada on Uhauls and vice versa.
I also know of people who have rented vehicles in Canada and taken them to the States on holiday.
I would have got an attitude with the no goods at that point too.Enough is enough.I mean how ignorant can You get.Gonna have a deportation hearing and he is a mear few feet from the border.Sounds like our government has spilled over into Canada.This country is so large you can travel it all your life and never see it all and all its wonderous places and things to see,so why bother with Canada or Mexico?
Dont blame the canadian people for their Nazi Border guards.I talked with a fellow from New Brunswick at Lowes.He offered to help me load my lumber on a steaming hot day.
(quoted from post at 11:33:48 08/26/10) . . . more recently, an Arab woman wearing a vail wasn't even checked when bording a plane. They showed the security tape on the news a few weeks ago. . . Dave

(quoted from post at 13:01:04 08/26/10) Singling out someone because of a piercing or tattoo is discrimination whether it fits the legal description or not. If someone is acting suspicious would be a reason to question them but not just because they look different. Dave

Can you please explain to me how these two posts are not contradictory in nature?

You can single someone out because they look different and are most likely a different religion than you. However you cannot single someone out because they look different than you and most likely have a different religion than you.

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