O/T. Computer

I need some puter help. My nephew has a laptop, with windows vista. A box appears saying You are running out of disk space on Recovery (E;) to free space delete old or unnecessary files, click here.
It says if you delete these files, you will gain "0" space. There is about 5-6 files, and all appear to be needed. Doesn't make sense to me. Anyone know what it is, or how to get rid of that box. It had a Trojan, which I got rid of, but the box still appears. Thanks, for any help. I spent so much time with his puter, I can't get to my tractor. NorminN.B.
You may have some "residual" files in your recycle bin...

Even though "deleted", they are still on the drive until you "delete" them from the recycle bin or empty the recycle bin.


There may be other hidden or system files which you can't see.


the drive could have bad sectors... rendering that space unusable


it could be something else.
Recovery partition stores backup files to restore your C: drive in case of virus/trojan...those backup files can be huge...figure out which backup you want to keep and delete the rest...hint...you want to save the one you had BEFORE the trojan got you.
I have the same problem with a desktop and Windows 7 Pro. There is nothing you can do except to delete the recovery partition and you don't want to do that. Just ignore it. It is doing no harm.
Down load a program call CCleaner it will remove files you don"t need and give you a lot more disk space. You can control your startup menu plus defrag the regerstry which takes dead files and files that no longer needed. One comp I did for a friend had 830 dead files on it, it ran like a new one after it was cleaned. I clean my with it once a week hope this helps.
Thanks, the recycle bin is empty, and there is loads of memory left. He didn't have a virus scanner. There was 7 trojan viruses on it, and 760 malware. I got rid of all that, but the box saying Recovery E is full, still comes up. I've installed AVG on it now. Will try CCCleaner also. NorminN.B.

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