Garden question


Well-known Member
Well since I have never planted parsnips and turnips for food that is is it to late or to early for one or both of them?? I ask because I just planted both today.
Was just looking back on some more of your piks!
Why would you want to go on vacation when it looks like your already there?
in pa I plsnt turnips aug 6 That is the date the neighbors grandmother told me , tooearly you get worms in them and too late they dont get big enough turnips can handle the first frosts with out a problem, she says the taste better after the frost hits them.
Parsnips dont germinate for 30 days. and they need to be in the ground all winter and dug in the spring.I have tryed digging them in the fall and putting them in the freezer but they wernt near as sweet.
That would be cool by me but im sorry to say im not much on traveling,,,,,,Other than just around nw ND,,,,,,,,,,,And some into Canada,,,,,,,,,,Our summers are great and in the winter..:eek:(,,,I just hunker down and keep the cows fed and the home fires burning,,,,,,,,,,But,,Some day when i get to old for my cows and get a 5th wheel
My father in-law always said 25th July wet or dry for turnips. This was on the Iowa, Missouri border. He would just sow them directly between the rows of the old harvested sweetcorn. He would just shuffle his feet and loosen the dirt a little as he sowed the seed and that was it. Never knew him to have a failure. All the turnips we and the neighbors could eat.
10th of August for turnips in Southern Illinois will always get you a good crop. That's two months before the expected frost date of October 10.

Take the seed that you bought and put 1/2 of it in the freezer for next year. Then mix the other 1/2 real well with a coffee can full of DRY sand. Sow it in a prepared seed bed, then I roll it tight. Then, even using 1/2 of the seed, it'll still be planted too thick.

You can also mix some turnip seed in with alfalfa seed when sowing alfalfa.

Or catch some seeding being done on a highway project. Have a rider dribble it out of the seed sack while riding in the back of a pickup at highway speed. We once had five miles of turnips planted on a road project. It was done by one of the local jokers whose dad had a seed corn business and had access to his dad's seed.

Lots of new lawns end up with scattered turnips, always sowed in the dark of the night - not to make them grow better, but instead to keep from being shot.

I don't know about turnips, but we like to grow parsnips. They can be kind of tough to get to germinate properly if the it is hot and the soil dries out. We like to plant them early enough in the spring so that is not a problem. You could try covering them with some kind of fabric (not something that will build up heat like plastic) and keeping them moist until they emerge. Another good thing to do is sprinkle a few radish seeds in the row to mark them so you can keep a handle on the weeds until the parsnips emerge.

Hope this helps.

Gosh, I haven't thought about turnips since I was a kid. We used to raid a turnip patch in the fall when coon huntin after whoever planted them had gotten all they wanted. And old uncle Albert who walked faster than most kids run would be a quarter of a mile ahead of us. Ten ar twelve years old, growin boys...needed something to eat.
Old, how do you cook them, with potatos or cabbage? Maybe some ham? Think I'll head for the frigerator. Made myself hungery. ohfred
I think it's too late for parsnips- we used to grow them, and they need to be planted early in order to get big by first frost- then overwinter them. Used to dig them all winter. The folks said they were much better if they got a couple of frosts on them- personally, I didn't much care for them, and haven't eaten one since I left home.
My garden book for the Southern Hemisphere shows::

Parsnips;; Tropical/sub tropical
Feb,[sub trop only] march thru aug
Sept [" " " ]

Temperate;;July thru march,

Cold;; Aug thru feb.

Turnips;; T,S/T... Feb to may
Temp....Jan to april
Cold ...Jan to march, July to october

Make the necessary adjustments for your area/sphere..

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