1st year spraying


Well-known Member
This is my first year ao spraying pastures, I sprayed pasture gaurd and 2,4d about 3 weeks ago and have been happy with the results so far. I have not been able to cut hay, so I went a head and sprayed yesterday. Just curious on how late everyone sprays and if what they use. I am using a mist sprayer.

A mist sprayer with 24D! Sounds like pouring gasoline on a fire to put it out. If what you are talking about as a mist sprayer is a fan with some nozzles in the air stream those were only made for spraying fly repellant on cattle lots.

2-4D is a good product but needs to be used with caution. Any ornamentals, soybeans, or alfalfa will wilt and die with just a whiff of that stuff.

Been quite a while since we ran cattle but for spraying pasture we used a boom sprayer. Guy who rents the pasture hires a airplane to do it now.
Did you read your label? 2,4 D generally has a time limit that you have to wait between when you spray and when you can cut the forage for hay.

2,4 D is effective on most broadleaf weeds. If you have any vines, Grazonnext is very effective on them.

Grazonnext does not have a hold or wait time between when you spray and when you can graze the field or cut. But, if you're going to cut, you do need to wait about a week to give the herbicide time to work.
Did you read your label? 2,4 D generally has a time limit that you have to wait between when you spray and when you can cut the forage for hay.

2,4 D is effective on most broadleaf weeds. If you have any vines, Grazonnext is very effective on them.

Grazonnext does not have a hold or wait time between when you spray and when you can graze the field or cut. But, if you're going to cut, you do need to wait about a week to give the herbicide time to work.
I spray pastures anytime I think the weeds can still go to seed before frost. A mist sprayer is not the best, however, I also understand "using what you've got". Be careful with the mist sprayer and ANY chemical you use with it. Sounds like it worked good for you this time. Mishaps with chemicals usually don't cause "small" problems.
I usually spray with a boom sprayer, keep everything off for one week then mow, seems to do a decent job for me used 2 4 D this year used triple threat last year like 2 4 D best
I spray Milestone in the spring after I finish spraying corn. Use the same boom sprayer I use for corn. I figure, kill weeds early so I have good clean pastures all summer long when the cows need the grass. Milestone can be sprayed with the cows in the pasture if you want, no withholding period. Generally pastures stay weed free for two to three years after.
Yea, I hear folks with cotton freak out if any 24D is used within 3 miles of them, the issue seems to be hot sweltering days. A mist sprayer makes that a bigger issue.

Up here in cold Minnesota, we are typically done with 24D, one of the most common sprays used here, before it really warms up, so it's not a big deal here. Tho, no one uses mist type sprayers, they can cause problems.

As to how late, _most_ weeds you like to hit early, as they are yound & tender. Canadian thistle on the other hand, you want to hit late in the fall when they are big.


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