** Stupid Drivers **


Well-known Member
Was doing a little grading by the road { Hwy } in front of my place .. was pushing the gravel back to the road so there wouldn't be a drop off.. got wash out ...
Anyway some drivers are STUPID ... I'm 3-5 feet away from the edge of the road and some drivers would MOVE OVER .... others seem like they just wanted to scare me or ??? ... NO CARS coming from other direction ....
I just know if it's possible , I will move over to make sure theres a save distance ...
By the way there was a few that did move over ... even one guy , almost stop till he could move over { cars coming from other direction } I gave him a friendly wave ... Just wonder what they think { the ones that didn't move over }
SORRY for the rank ... It just P*ss me off..
What do you do ??

I know exactly how you feel. Generally it happens with me in the winter when I'm blowing snow. Eventually someone will get to close and hit the blower and I'll be the one charged.
Last week I was following another vehicle at 15km/10mph over the limit on the highway.
A 3rd vehicle pulled up behind me and tried to pass on hills and into oncoming traffic. The 3rd wedged in just ahead of me as there was no chance to pass two vehicles. The 3rd then pulled out and passed the lead vehicle. Immediately put on the brake lights and turned left onto a side road without using the turn signals. We had to apply brakes to keep from hitting the vehicle.
If had not been on the way to the dealership for parts. I was going to follow the stupid d*ck just to see where those kind of people are hurrying to go to.
I used to keep the edges of the road all mowed and tidy. Pretty hairy sometimes how people would blow past. The township came along a month ago and 'fixed' all that by cutting new ditches in their right of way in some places up to 24" deep. Of course that left a considerable drop off on my side that I hardly dare to get too close to with a tractor and mower. Now it looks like h**l down the side of the road and weeds are growing up in the ditches. Every few days the ditch swallers a car that got to close. Ain't pretty, but they clean up some of the weeds at least.
Well Thats Bad ,, But how about sTUPID DRIVERS THAT ARE cOPS ! This happened tueday . Nephew and I , Grain Truck was tooling on down interstate Fully Loaded ,, All of sudden county Cop comes across median ,, jumps bank and darts thru traffic in fast lane, right ON over in slow lane in front of me ...all Bedraggled ,slow and disoriented ,... Made Me slam the Brakes Hard .. , while he got his act together ,, Cop took off up the road like a scared rabbit , I dropped 3 gears ,from lost momentum . and got wound up again .VERY .next mile on other side of hill was a FRESH merchandise spill ALL over the road,,Dust still settling , Cars crisscrossing , blue smoke from Rubber peelin to stop ...BUT NO COP there to WARN anyone of danger , That damfool was almost a quarter mile ahead (after the Fact) with his flashing lights on the shoulder... ,, We all limped on up in the fast Lane , I was behind a moving van ,All of Sudden He brakes to Complete stop AND WE DO TOO ,, nephew Yells Watch out, that STUPID COP IS DOING A 3PT TURNAROUND IN THE MIDDLE OF THegawdamROAD ,,. I have no idea From My seat what the stupid idiot wearing the badge was doing , No doubt he was doing a HUNDRED MPH when he came THRU the spill , But, HE could had safely backed up on the Shoulder instead of Flaunting his SO IMPORTANaz out there in front of everyone to get it knocked off .....If It were my CALL I would a fired the fool on the spot, got his handcuffs and bullet out of his pocket and his gun ,tear gas and Tazer,, and probably used them on Him . PARKED HIS CAR .. and made him walk home wearing his boxer shorts..... How was Your Week ..? .. God is Great , Beer is GOOD ,, AND PEOPLE ARE CRAZY...
Now remember, what I am about to tell took place in the early to mid 1970's. We had a narrow bridge on the two lane highway. Even with 1970's equipment you would take up the whole bridge. I got to where I would ease over and straddle the center line. Most cars would hang back, but a few fools tried to go around me while I was approaching the bridge. I got to where I would strap on the revolver when moving machinery. (open station tractor) A number of time I had to unholster the Ruger and wave it to get a nitwits attention. Again, I was young, and that was in the 70's.

Couldn't, and wouldn't try that today. But the drivers have not gotten any smarter.

What are you talking about??

I spent 33 years in road construction.

Your little incident was every day stuff for us.

We used to say, "99 out of 100 drivers are safe".

One day, while waiting for traffic to clear so I could mark a patch, I decided to time how long it took for 100 cars to go by.

4 1/2 minutes. 12 years ago.

This was at two o'clock in the afternoon on an ordinary day on Route 13 in Southern Illinois.

It's even worse today.

I started saying, "999 out of 1000 drivers are safe", even though I knew it was a lie.

U-Haul trucks and motor homes were our biggest fear.

The U-Hauls are driven by people who had never been inside of a truck cab, and the brakes are compromised so CDL's are not required.

The motor homes would not move out of the driving lane under ANY circumstances. Again, a heavy vehicle driven usually by an elderly person with very little heavy vehicle experience.

Sorry for the rant.

ALWAYS have your runnin' shoes on when you're within 30' of the edge of pavement.

I've got a hundred "stupid driver" stories, but I won't bore you.

A lot of it has to do with the lack of just plain courtesy as well as ignorance. It's not any better if you're at an emergency scene with a fire truck or ambulance.
Used to get (when I was a truck road mechanic)to where I could change a road side tire on a rig by the feel of where the gun was. I wouldn"t take my eyes off the oncoming traffic.
OLDER truck drivers would move over 1/2 mile before they got to you, but "young bloods" and cars..... ................I lost track of how many times I had to dive under the trailer, or run "round the front of the tractor to avoid drivers that weren"t born with any common sense.
I live on a hilly road. Have had people panic and pass us on the left and right. One time a guy going real fast knocked the front end off my White 2-135. Another time my brother was crossing the road a car came over the hill and totaled his car and our Oliver 1850. Also broke the hitch off the manure spreader. My brother was bruised and sore for two weeks from flying debris from the car. Everybody is in a hell of a hurry to get to the cemetery.
its a combination of stupidity and lack of common sence, todays young drivers, [ both sexes] think, "me first" pass that truck, or farmer no matter what it takes or how dangerous, my generation : that farmer is probably growing my food, give him the road, it wont take 2 or 3 minutes to safely pass, after i get his attention so he sees im there, that trucker cant get any farther off the road to fix his tire, so i move over to the other lane and slow down as i go by, today's driver, " lets see how close we can get to this guy and make him dive under the truck" its just stupid
Was on my way to Shell Lake from Spooner on Hwy 53 S at the edge of town w bridge over yellow river narrows down .A jerk in a buick came off a side road turned right in front of our truck(son Was driving)The fool smiled so I really got PIZZED. First thought was he was headed for the hospital in S.L.Had my son follow him to(of all Places) PAMIDA. Went in to see if I could find him. Sure enough, I spoted him heading for the mens room. Followed him inside put my arm across the door, closing him in and told him If he thought this was a joke, I sure as He^% teach him a lesson he wouldn't likely to forget. Looked me in the eye and said (I'M SORRY SIR)
The word Sir kept me from breaking his jaw. Gave him a lesson to remember,didnt HIT him ,But the urge was exceptionally strong. Could have killed my son and me by forcing us into on comming traffic. Wonder if he learned anything? MAYBE. MAYBE NOT.
I travel HWY. 460 in southeastern Va. that runs from Suffolk to Petersburg and is four lane, undivided!!More duma!!!es ride the left lane facing oncoming traffic than I can shake a stick at! And they run the speed limit or less. Then you get the folks that take two miles to pass someone while while they're busy yakkin on the phone and they can't understand why you pass them on their right side once they've cleared that vehicle! We've been fortunate the last year or two and had no bad wrecks out there. They say God looks out for drunks, fools and children! I'm a firm believer in that! Sorry for the rant, had to get it off my chest.

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