That is good news finally. I had no idea it was going to be based on a Supreme Court ruling. I have been dealing with Canada thistle, knappweed, roughstalk bluegrass, and a few other hard to controls that could have easily been controlled using glyhpsate instead of using low effective, expensive products like Raptor.
How does Monsanto figure there will be no cross polination? Weren't they just complaining, a few years back, about there GM corn cross polinating with corn in other fields. Seems to me there were lawsuits about it. Could someone fill me in here, please? All these GMO's are making me nervous. S'pose, it could be the coffeeeeee! - Mike
That truely is good news. 'Wouldn't you know it, I sowed a field of alfalfa this spring tht I had hoped the roundup seed would be available for. 'Had to get it planted. 'Guess we'll see how long it takes them to get it back on the market.
> How does Monsanto figure there will be no cross polination?

Unlike corn, beans, and canola, there aren't a lot of people growing alfalfa seed. Those who are (seed producers) are pretty cautious about pollination. Although if it keeps raining around here through July there may be a lot of people growing alfalfa seed unintentionally.
Has the Roundup Ready Alfalfa reverted back to normal from the last go round or is it still contaminating seeds?
I'm not sure about this. Since alfalfa is a perenial if we can't kill it with roundup what's going to keep it from getting out of hand and become like a knoxious weed in the row crops?
Lots of herbicides will kill RR alfalfa. 2.4.D, Dicamba, most of the broad-leaf herbicides used in corn and beans. Tillage will also do a fair job of knocking it out, you cut the taproot and it is dead.
I couldn't understand why the libs like Ruth Buzzi Ginsberg didn't dissent as well. Turns out this isn't a decision "on the merits"- that is, the court isn't saying "RR Alfalfa is fine." It is a procedural decision- court basically said we have to wait for an Environmental Impact Statement before deciding on the merits, but the lower court was not justified in issuing a Restraining Order to stop RRA in the meantime. Restraining Orders are an "extraordinary measure", to be used only if "irreparable harm" will result without it. The best example- if you have a boundary dispute with your neighbor, court will probably issue a Restraining Order if he is building a house or cutting the timber on the disputed portion; but not if he is just putting up a fence or planting a garden.

So RRA is not out of the woods- would suggest anyone who wants it, get it as soon as possible. It may yet be thrown out.
The slightest dab of 2-4D or MCPA will wipe alfalfa flat on it's arse, dead. It's probably one of the easiest things to kill when you're trying to not kill it...


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