Tractor discussion about could a sidewall be repaired.??


I have been in the trucking business for many yrs. I have a tire man , independant that I have used for a long tome. He has gotten old like me but before he quit working on big truck tires he workjed on a lot of dump trucks here in Houstpn. I saw him with a tire spread apart on the bench one day witha bout a 3 inch wide strip cut out of the side. I asjed him what gives and he told me he was sectioning it. A sidewall repair that I had never seen before but he did them on dump trucks quite often because they cut them on construction sites so often. I did not get to stick around and watch him finish but evidently it was a common thing to him. It was a really neat looking cut and a real good looking job of work he was doing and he told me later that it was for the dump trucks as they did not make enough money to buy tires when they cut one on the sidewal every time. If you need a tractor tire fixed that way, find you a lomg time old repair guy who has heard of that before. He might not but maybe he knows someone who does do t. Devious
Oh yeah, a lot more damaged tires could be fixed, but nowadays most tire guys are just too lazy, or scared about liability issues, to try it. They just want to sell you a new one anyway.
I think it was called Vulcanized (sp).
When I first saw patching done on tubes back when you cleaned it then clamped it tight and set the whole thing on fire to melt the patch to the tube!! Im sure thats what he was doing to the tire. Kind of like recaping tread.
There are a lot of skills that are much less common nowadays. Try and find someone to fix a pair of shoes........for that matter, try to find a pair of shoes worth repairing. It's likely that a lot of trucking companies would rather be back hauling quicker as opposed to waiting for someone to repair their sidewall even if it costs them. Personally, I would rather have it fixed not only to save a $ but to keep that one out of the scrap pile a little longer.
The liability issue is a big one too especially here in Canada where there were a few cases in the last 15 years or so where motorists were injured or killed by tires from transport trucks. Not necessarily due to bad repair jobs but overall the Gov't truck inspectors have really cracked down on things at a time where many truckers are having a hard time making ends meet to start with.
A long time ago a "section" costed 100 dollars,probably more now.A new drive tire might cost 400 dollars.So its cheaper than a new tire,but not all that cheap.Unless the tire has a lot of tread on it,you are better off to buy a recap for around 200 dollars.
More happy customers if you sell a new or good used tire.
Customers get mighty cranky at the tire man when a repair costing half the price of a new tire doesn't hold.
No matter how skilled the tire man is there are some good looking tires with "minor" defects that just won't hold.
I had the tire shop out a month ago to boot a 18.4X38.

He made it very clear that it wouldn't last.

But, at just this side of a grand fer a new tire, I think I'm gonna run it 'til it goes poof fer good. :>)

Usually the reason a boot will not hold is because the boot that was put in was too small. They will tell you that it is the correct size but when it only overlaps the bad spot by an inch no way is it the correct size. As a first layer it is OK but Put that boot in and then put one over it that is two sizes bigger and it will hold. Also the boots without doubling them are only half as thick as the orignal tire. And I do have the vulcanizing instructions put out back in the probably 20's and they cover not only the cord tire but the fabric tire.
We do have a very good shoe repairman.Not only can he repair anything that is repairable but he can modify any shoe for physical problems
Yep another one of those skills that are being lost from the fact few know how to do it any more. It is one that I would love to know how to do but have only heard of it but never seen it done
This got me to thinking and I Googled Vulcanizing tire repair and found this if it works!

It tells what size of damage they can fix,and its supposed to be as good as the surrounding area.Also tells how much a repair can stick up,3/8 inch,and still pass inspection.
only problem is this sidewall sectioning works better in radial tires than the bias ply ag tires more of us run. i work for a garbage company so we have alot of tire cuts and such in the dump on trucks, so do have some of them sectioned if the tire is new enough, if its pretty worn tho its not worth it. its not a lost art by any means, still alot of places do it, as well as many casings that are capped are section repaired before capping.
Yeah, I live not far from Houston...and every one of those dump trucks should be crushed and sent to China. They are all junk.
You might fix a tractor tire or some slow speed off highway tire but it's aganist the law to run such a tire on the highway.
I saw one turning at a light on 225 outside Houston...rolled over on it's side like a beached whale when a tire let go. Glad there was no one close to it.
Ive seen lots of trucks turned over.Ive seen way more cars turned over,but there are more cars anyway.

I guess that a section repair would last better in a cold climate.According to the website I looked up,in California,the DOT says that section repairs are legal as long as they dont stick out more than 3/8ths of an inch on the sidewall.

Crush all the dump trucks and send them to China?You know trucks are way better than they were.At least most of the old gas burners with hydraulic brakes are gone probably to China.If people wanted to pay dump truckers good enough money they would buy a better truck probably.Trucks can be rebuilt and repaired over and over.Most dump trucks start out as a wrecked truck anyway.

Somebody that works 2 - 6 months a year does not make 100,000 dollars to buy a new truck.They have to save up for tires and even oil changes.So until they start paying truckers better,things will probably get worse.At least most of them have brakes nowdays.That doesnt mean they work,but they have more of an opportunity to work,since they are air,than they did years back.

Most of what you see happening everywhere is that working people are getting ripped off from getting fair pay.Big shots get all the money.Working people cant hardly make a living.When all of that changes and working people get fair pay,you will probably see a lot better trucks on the road.

When Clinton was President,and the economy was good,lots of new trucks were bought.Now,with the computer crap,a newer truck is not all that desirable for a dump truck.It costs a lot of money to fix one if it breaks,and you cant even find anybody who can fix it usually,so it sets when you need to use it.Newer trucks suck for a dump truck the way things are now.More of that crap that cuts working people out of making a living.
Most of the ones here are recycled over the road trucks. Due to the mild winters they never stop.
My dad was a truck driver most of his life. I know trucks. These are junk.
Alright,this could get nasty!

Clinton had a nnalert congress.Now nnalert had control of whether the EPA stuff got passed,and they passed it.Just like everything else they did/do it made it harder on working people.

I guess in a weird sort of a way,the ignorance that caused this was when Clinton was being a nnalert.

Anyway I never said I liked Clinton,he had a good economy,but it still didnt bring us out of the damage caused by Reagan/Bush.

This can get very long and complicated but it comes down to this Clinton had a surplus,Bush had the biggest deficit since WW2 and was the worst President ever.So I think in order for what Clinton did,to work,it took Clinton running things.Bush could screw up a crowbar in a sandpile.

I know,believe me I know,that people on here wont believe it,but every nnalert President except Teddy Roosevelt was a failure.Even nnalert that were failures were not as bad to our country as the nnalert have been.

A nnalert will say something thats a lie,or take a good thing that was done by nnalert and ruin it,then blame the nnalert.Im fairly sure the nnalert used the EPA to hurt small business,and put them out of business.Thats one thing I didnt like about Clinton,he was too cozy with nnalert on doing that.Still not a full blown nnalert,but southern enough to call himself a nnalert and act like a nnalert.
(quoted from post at 21:27:41 06/22/10) Alright,this could get nasty!

Clinton had a nnalert congress.Now nnalert had control of whether the EPA stuff got passed,and they passed it.Just like everything else they did/do it made it harder on working people.

I guess in a weird sort of a way,the ignorance that caused this was when Clinton was being a nnalert.

Anyway I never said I liked Clinton,he had a good economy,but it still didnt bring us out of the damage caused by Reagan/Bush.

This can get very long and complicated but it comes down to this Clinton had a surplus,Bush had the biggest deficit since WW2 and was the worst President ever.So I think in order for what Clinton did,to work,it took Clinton running things.Bush could screw up a crowbar in a sandpile.

I know,believe me I know,that people on here wont believe it,but every nnalert President except Teddy Roosevelt was a failure.Even nnalert that were failures were not as bad to our country as the nnalert have been.

A nnalert will say something thats a lie,or take a good thing that was done by nnalert and ruin it,then blame the nnalert.Im fairly sure the nnalert used the EPA to hurt small business,and put them out of business.Thats one thing I didnt like about Clinton,he was too cozy with nnalert on doing that.Still not a full blown nnalert,but southern enough to call himself a nnalert and act like a nnalert.

Ever hear tell of inertia. The economy and government influence doesn't change overnight.
Clinton got in and rode on the coat tails of Regan & Bush. Young George was elected to office in time to inherit and try to repair the messes that the Clinton made. The clown in office now is riding on Young George's policies.
Closest case of an exemption is Jimmy Carter's disastrous 4 yr rein being turned around by Ronald Regan/Bush but that took 2 -3 terms.
Sorry but thats totally wrong.Reagan(and history proves this)hurt the economy worse than Nixon and Ford,the first Bush hurt it worse than Reagan,and the Village idiot has brought us to a dpression,plus a very long list of other blunders,besides getting us in a 2 trillion dollar quagmire in Iraq.

You will have to prove,not just repeat ignorance from Fox news,that any nnalert has ever done our country any good.I think Eisenhower would be next to Roosevelt,but a long ways from Roosevelt,as second.Reagan ruined the whole country.Reagan was a puppet for the military industrial complex.The 2000 dollar toilet seats were when Reagan was President.Reagan with his inflation that wasnt necessary,will still be hurting us in 2050.The idiot will still be being paid for by our grandkids.

If you want to say something,never say what you hear from Fox news or any propaganda like that.They were wrong to propagandize this stuff,they helped ruin the country,you are from Canada and dont really get it,and its rotten what was done.Now I cant do anything about what you think,but if you like what these idiots did,next it will be in Canada.Your wages will go down,Mexicans will come up there and take poor peoples jobs.Wal Mart will close all of your mom and pop stores.Your small, towns will dry up and blow away.If you want that,then keep thinking old Reagan was good for the economy.Everybody knew he was an idiot in 1992,and nobodys is fooled by the propaganda now,except maybe some big mouths on here.

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