Hmmm, Wonder if the Howell's are baling hay?


Well-known Member
Just forwarded a note from olblu to James and got an immediate repley back that he wasn't in the "office" but would be back Thursday. Think him and Nancy ran to the farm to bale some of that Costal Burmuda?

Might be worth some pictures for the "rainy" Midwest! Wonder if the glennster got that far to help out.

Inquiring minds would like to know.

Nope! Their stuck on a deserted island with Gilligan,The Captain, a movie star, the proffesor and Mary Ann. LOL "Sorry must have water on the brain too much RAIN! :>) Mike
Good One Mike!
Yeah, we've had our share of rain.

You're somewhere in Illinois - aren't you? I'm west of Peoria and east of billonthefarm!
I'm still here at the office trying to catch up from all those "vacation" days we took to cut, rake, and bale Coastal/Cheyenne Bermuda hay.

We're planning on cutting some Bahia grass next Wednesday.

Got folks from all over the community stopping and asking for hay.

Opened up another small field this season and we will be baling Bahia off of it for the first time; that is if the wild hogs don't tear it up first!

Like everybody else on the forum, I've got a lot of "irons in the fire" right now.

Hopefully we'll have our "new" replacement video camera this week.

And then the fight started...
South of you a ways here in the thin part of KY it's wet too. Had another two storms the past two days, didn't get much rain out of them but just enough to put every thing on hold again.

Have stayed in Collinsville several times - Generally when the Cubs play the Cards. LOL.
Brother has lived around St. Louis for the past 30 years.

We took a day off, Wed. June 8, went to the farm and fertilized the coastal field. Timed it just right. Finished spreading at 10:26 am, rain started about 12:30. Got a much, much needed inch, most of it nice and slow. Came back to Dallas Wed. night.

Watched the weather and Thursday, June 9, turned stormy. Got 3.5 inches. Most of it slow, but Thurs eve, big storm moved through and dumped several inches in an hour. Hope it didn't wash too much of the fertilizer away.

James is right about the hogs. We've got about a 4 acre field of nice, clean 95% weed free bahaia we're trying to grow for hay and the hogs are tearing it up. May have to break out the 30.06 and spend an evening or two over there. Sitting up all night waiting on a pig to show up is not my idea of a night out.

Sold some hay to a neighbor who told us there is a cougar in the area. His relatives that live on the north side of our coastal field had actually seen it. Found the head of a calf in one of our fields and we don't have cattle. I had seen a large cat track on our place, but thought it was a bobcat. That doesn't thrill me with the horses down there.

And no, I didn't find the video camera that somehow managed to fall out of the camera case while I was walking around the coastal field. So yes, we will be getting another one.

James is right - and then the fight started.
Don't worry about the big cat for 6 months they travel in a large circle about every 6 months when see one today it will be on its way in a couple of days. Never heard of one attacking a horse except in the movies.
Bout an hour and a half up 60 from Paducah. I am kinda in the center of a triangle made by Madisonville, Henderson, and Morganfield.

Where bout's are you from. I went to MSU, worked four summers at Camp Currie, and lived out on Blood River in college.


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