ot ** what should I do ??


Well-known Member

Here's what I got ... my wife and I will be married 40 years in July ..
I want to have a small open house to celebrate and who ever comes , comes ..
My wife doesn't want to do anything { I lost my job over a year ago ... so $$$ is tight ... been working where I can }
Explane a little ... my wife had a stroke 26 years ago , leaving her left side useless... hasn't got a dime from .. UNCLE SAM .. { she was a stay home mom and don't have enough credits } been trying to find something for the past 26 years ... nothing yet ...

Should we go ahead with a small together ?? or past ??

The picture is my wife with her Case S tractor ... she lets me drive it .. LOL ..

Are you SURE you've been married 40 years? And you're wanting to do something that SWMBO doesn't want to do?
IMO, since money is tight, have a BYOB party. People will understand and you will only celebrate this once in your life.
I think you will regret it if you DON"T have a party. Good luck and let us know what you do.

I'm sorry to hear about your wife's health, but hope for the best. She's a very beautiful woman, and you're a very lucky man.

That is some tractor that she's got there. I like it just fine. Congratulations on your 40 years, and I hope that its many, many, many more, each one happier than the ones before.

If I can just make one very minor suggestion though? Minor one? There's no rain cap on that muffler, and there's just something to a very slow idle on a gasser, kind of a "ping...ping...ping" as that rain cap opens and closes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know its her tractor, but its my thought and you did invite me to the party, sort of. Grin.

Good luck, and may God always bless.

Heck I can remember back when a good ole wiener roast, and bring a covered dish parties were a great gathering of neighbors and friends.What happened to the "good ole days" style parties they cost almost nothing and everyone was proud to show off their favorite foods.

Usually we may be able to round up a fiddle player and a couple guitars and sometimes a banjo picker to add to the doins.--- Good old sing alongs were popular around the fire .
Congratulations!Go ahead and have a party.make it a simple,potluck.Enlist some help ,people will be pleased and honored tohelp,andto be asked.
Do it I wanted to have a party on our 25 anv. and the wife fought me on it so we didn"t. Her mother begged her to but she wouldn"t. Then her mother died a year later now she wishes she would have. Sorry this might be sad but, enjoy the life with the ones you love. Because if you live to be a hundred years old life is still short.
Ps. Your a lucky man if she lets you drive her tractor.

Tell her you have everything you need in life, and a celebration would be nice, but certianly not all that important. She feels like a burden to you no doubt, so she wants to save the money. You are a witness to our present health care sysem, that myself and many others don't totaly understand. One of those --fell between the cracks?....So sorry to hear of your misfortunes, and hope things change in your struggle.
Any kids that can step up to the plate? They may already have the issue resolved.

Parties and celebrations are overated, but important to some, your decision.

The most important thing to remember, after telling your wife you have everything you need to be complete.....MAKE SURE you hug your wife BEFORE hugging her old tractor. This is very important, for the reason........well, do we realy need to go there?

And for sure congradulations and best of luck, it will turn out just fine either way.
Nice picture. if everybody brings something , you will have more than you need. That type of party is usually the best kind anyway good luck to you and your family
I KNOW DUTCHMAN IS NOT ASKING OR HINTING, HOWEVER IF YOU WILL POST YOUR POSTAL ADDRESS I WILL SEND A CHECK FOR $20.00. HOW ABOUT IT GUYS??? FOR SOME THATS A BOX OF AMNO OTHERS BEER MONEY, FOR ME ONE DINNER WITH WIFE AT CRACKER BARREL!!!!!! I know I was shouting so to speak with capitals , Just want to make sure you guys heard me. Come on Dutchman give us your address. I am really serious about this.Rember our old FFA creed Less need of charity but more of it when needed!!
Will do. Please post an address and I'd be happy to send a little to help with party expenses for this special event.
go for it wilson, if you get an adress tell us and maybe you can e mail some of us the adress let us know It would be nice it would be like tractor talk would be invited to the party
Dutchman. Congratulations on the 40 years,and your loving wife is another EXCEPATIONAL LADY!!My wife has problems such as you described (stroke in 82) other health issues as well.Wemon have got more strength then men do IMHO.I don't think I could have survuved what she and other wemon go through for the family. SUCH LOVE AND DEVOTION is RARE now a days. In the 40 years you have been together,that should tell ya how much she loves and cherishes ya and the family. Suggestions for a get together should be condidered.like BYO food and beverages.Music would be great too. That way there would be no cost to you guys for a swell 40th.Hope it comes together for you. Warmest reguards, LOU & VICTOR
Today is our 29th anniversary we didn't really have money for a big celebration. Our freinds aniversery is tomorrow so yesterday we hooked up and fried fish and had clams in the afternoon and last evening we grilled a couple of steaks. Four close frinds spending a beautiful peacful day together. don't get any better.
You can do like my family and even my friends do. Just tell your close friends and family you are going to have a get together, tell them you will have paper plates, paper towels, and a fire. They can bring what ever kinda critter they want to toss on the grill. Always works out great for us, every one brings more than they will eat (& drink) and every one sets under a shade tree trade'n bbq secrets and tell'n lies.

Have fun and congrats for sure. (our two years will be Monday)

AFTER reading the responds { 3 or 4 times } ... We WILL do something ..
As for the offer of $$$ ... THANKS but that's NOT what I wanted... just want to heard what you think I should DO ...

Our boys live in 3 different states .. Colo. , Az. and R.I.
so you see they are trying to be here for the day ...
The wife likes the idea of a come and vist and leave when you want ... I called the church and reserve a couple of rooms to use.. we live in the country on a small plot of land ... yard not set up very well for getting around [ wife } , and I figure if we are in town she doesn't have to worry about the house . { you know how gals think the house is never clean enough }

THANKS for ALL advice ... Mark

ps.. we didn't celerate any other year { for one reason or other } , so I thought we should this one ..
Congratulations for 40 years together. And my hat goes off to you for being able to tackle adversity and still be the sole supporter for that many years.

My mother had polio when I was six months old so I grew up helping my sis and dad do family chores she could not do. It was part of our family life and we didn't give it a second thought. Congratulations for a second time! Jim
Down under we have a thing called a "pot luck supper", everyone you invite brings a plate with some food on it, or somthing to throw on the barby and some drink. Your cost is minimal and a great time is usually had. When the time to serve the food comes, everyone shares what they have brought with all the other guests, so its pot luck what you get to eat, but great fun. Have a happy 40th from Richard in New Zealand.
Congrats. Dutchman. May you have some more. We will be 43 years in Aug. I almost died in Dec 07, spent 5 months and 4 days in the hospital and nursing home. Five weeks in a coma. Good luck to you both.

Charley Hellickson Madrid Ia.
40 years you gotta do something try and maybe get a freind to host a pot luck bbq maybe the kids can get something together. my siblings and I did a pigroast /41st anniversary they knew about the party just not the anniversary part of it they had gone on a vacation last year for their 40th so we figured we would do something for them because mom has cancer and does not have allot of years left so we did what we thought we could for their anniversary as far as disability keep trying they will give in can she collect social security off of you if you are old enough to collect

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