Bad Ebay deal your take on it? What would you do?


Well-known Member
A freind bought some items and PAID (pay pal). He talked with the guy who was a 3rd party seller, selling for someone else. They cannot ship them because the guy who owned them sold them at a local auction etc. Said they would refund the money. Was it this or they just did not like the final price? Big thing is to get money refunded.
(quoted from post at 14:44:37 06/03/10) A freind bought some items and PAID (pay pal). He talked with the guy who was a 3rd party seller, selling for someone else. They cannot ship them because the guy who owned them sold them at a local auction etc. Said they would refund the money. Was it this or they just did not like the final price? Big thing is to get money refunded.
After you receive refund---Leave APPROPRATE FEEDBACK :!:
I don't think you can do much more.
Buyer beware, especially when buying something thats being sold be a "friend". How do you know that the actual owner has even been paid? Lots of "crooks" out there in this day and age. i have a friend that started buying off of e-bay and now he swears by it but we'll see what tune he's singing after the initial burn.
Take the refund and be glad you got it. Just make sure they do not try to keep any part of it claiming paypal fees etc.....
It's very possible that he is telling the truth. I've listed several items for friends over the past few years, and have had 1 occation where the guy decided to do what his friend did. Sold it at auction the Saturday before it went off Saturday night. He thought since it hadn't been bid on, it wasn't going to sell. He wasn't aware that most items aren't bid on till the last day & even the last few minutes of the listing. He got $125.00 for the item @ auction & it went off on Ebay for $265. So don't be too judgemental of him with bad feedback if he has all good before this incident. Now, on the other hand if he has alot of neg. feedback, he doesn't need to be there anyway & give him the Neg. that he deserves. Just my thoughts, Keith
I have seen auctions where the person will state that they are trying to sell the item locally and as such they reserve the right to pull the item. Generally this is done prior to the close of the auction. If you get a refund, I'm guessing that the seller is not trying to do anything sneaky. Hopefully he stated his intention in the original auction. If he did not state that he was trying to sell it locally then that should definitely reflect in the feedback given.
Hard to tell. I sell for others but I insist on having the item in hand. And I will not end an item that has bids on it unless the item gets broken, damaged or (and it happens) the item is lost. Anytime before bids are placed it is fair game.
Well, the seller is scum, they did not do that right or legal or honest. Be happy if you get the money back & move on, wouldn't want to try to deal with them a second time or continuing effort.

I don't agree with 'I can see that happen' as some state. You don't collect money on something you don't have to sell. Period. If you say subject to local sale, then you do one or the other - not both. Shame on anyone who is so money hungry they try to do it this way & collect money from both.

Sellers always complain about buyers not being serious - shoe fits on both sides of the isle I would guess!

Stuff like this is why I haven't been to ebay in years - just brings out all the dishonest sellers. Bunch of crooks.

If you get the money back, shake your head and move on with life. It's not worth getting worked up or setting out on some misguided vendetta to exact "revenge."

What you gotta realize is, people are stupid, and getting stupider by the day. Most people, regardless of age, don't grasp the concepts of common courtesy and ethics, especially when there's no face-to-face contact involved. A lot of people just don't get that they're dealing with a real flesh-and-blood human being on the other end of the wire, and that their word is their word whether it comes out of their mouth or off the tips of their fingers.
Take the money back. Be thankful that you now learned that these are people to avoid, and that lesson didn't cost you anything. Move on. Anything else is asking for trouble.
I ordered a car part from a vendor, said they had more than 10. Didn"t come, contacted them, said it was damaged in shipment, wanted me to wait while they reordered. Told "em wanted money back, they offered reorder with a small discount, said was out of stock. Told "em I wanted money back. When they finally refunded, I left them a negative feedback. Called me twice, offering me $4, then $10, to retract my negative feedback. Told them to keep it!

There are son unscrupulous vendors out there.
I have worked with several sellers who have had difficulties. Most of the time I simply take a refund and and thank them for their honesty. After all you got your money back so your not out much in electricity. Its the ones who DONT give your money back you need to worry about.
The online auctions have gotten corrupted like many other outlets for buying and selling.
I see online autions all the time that state "item for sale locally and is subject to sale before end of auction." How can that be fair? They need to decide to either try to sell it themselves, or let it run it's course online. Can't have it both ways.
Another to watch out for is what I call the "double clutcher". They are selling for someone else. That typically is nothing more than a way out when things go bad.
So many folks these days think more of another dollar in profit than they do their own credibilty.
Be glad you got your money back and flag them as "avoid".
Contact Ebay Paypal and your creditcard company if applicable.I think he has to say sold locally and end auction before winning bid is finalized. Do it now. I fell once for some idiot in Florida messing me around about a damaged item until the paypal/ebay time to complain had expired. If it is still the same ebay will first try to get you to work it out with seller. Send the seller another email and if no reply or refund in 24 hours immediately escalate it to a dispute. Do not wait.I think on a paypal refund seller can get right on the computer and transfer the funds. Don't go for he has to get the $ from the "actual seller" and mail it to you. He can pay you and get the money back from his friend himself.Ebay is very buyer friendly. They will shut down his account so he can't buy lunch , or sell lunch until he makes it right. Do it now. Don't wait.
"I think he has to say sold locally and end auction before winning bid is finalized."

WHERE in the ebay user agreement does it state you can end your auction early and sell it locally?

I certainly may be wrong, but when you list an auction on ebay it's a contract to let the auction run it's course, with VERY few legit ways to "get out of it.

If something is for sale locally with a reasonable chance to sell it, WHY spend the $$$ to list it on ebay?

Here's the official "end it early" info on ebay.

Do you see "I sold it locally, so screw the ebay buyer" listed as a valid reason to end an auction early? (I certainly do not!)

<img src = "">
May be a legitimate thing. I was selling a tractor for a widowed aunt, not on Ebay though, and told her I had it sold. Day before buyer was coming to get it, she told me she had sold it locally. Thank goodness no money had exchanged hands, but I sure hated to tell him it was not for sale after him taking a day off work to come get it.

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