OT Red light cameras


Well-known Member
Cedar Rapids Ia has installed several redlight cameras. There was claims that it was a revenue generating idea. The police dept flat out said NO! . Well in less than 2 monthes operation they have issued over 1200 ticket at $100 a pop . Now ,I 'm not opposed to these cameras, ifyou run a light you should be fined . A local news station wanted to see some of the pictures . Cops said NO , then was told about freedom of information law, they said fine , for $17,000 we will release pics. Well push comes to shove , news crew got some pics and found a large number of both local police and county sheriffs running lights . Of course no tickets issued in these cases .
If the cops can shoot someone thirty times because he "might have had a gun" with impunity, what"s a few traffic violations? TDF
In most places an emergency vehicle is allowed to proceed through a red light provided it's safe to do so IF they have lights and sirens operating. They are still required to stop or at least slow enough to properly check and insure they can proceed safely...

We had those things at a few stoplights in Manneheim Germany in the early 1970's. A lot of pals were issued tickets on Sat night. I am surprised the state and federal government havent required them on all stoplights before now.
My Magellan has the cameras on it now. lets you know ahead to watch your speed.

PS check the lights out with a stop watch you will see that they took 1/2 second off the yellow on them. Local TV station checked them out and asked why didn't get an answer.
Oh, of course it's not about revenue. Public safety and all that. Oh, yeah, and ignore that pitter/pat on your back, It"s just rain, honest.

Red light cameras exist to make money for the city and for the private company that installs and operates them.

Shortening the already short yellow light time is a common ploy to get more vuolations.

Generally, there is an increase in accidents after the cameras are installed, usually an increase in rear end collisions caused by people slamming on brakes so as not to caught by the camera.

I have heard, thankfully no personal experience, that often cases are beat in court. Juries don't seem to like the cameras and its easier to defend against a machine than some scantmonious cop who appears against victems of traffic crimes.

Best in the Chi town west burbs is just putting up the red light camera signs without the camera.
Thats right!Next that yellow light where the camera is will just flash instead of be on about 8 seconds.There wont be anything wrong with it though!Its just your bad luck to be in the intersection when its red.
I read somewhere, that because a private company
is doing the ticketing, then it's not enforceable in a court of law.
Davenport Ia has the red light and speed cameras and it is purely a safety thing here too (wink)
It is just a matter of time until they position the cameras to see if you are wearing a seatbelt....
Private company installs and runs them . Violations are reviewed by a police officer . No ding on your license . Mayors wife got a $75 speeding ticket in the mail other week . I don't mind it really, just the double standard with the cops who run the lights .
Even though I agree its a money making ploy I see so many people racing to beat the yellow light it's unbelievable. Caution light is a warning not a hurry up signal.
You don't like this try living in Alberta and see how you deal with it.
We Recieved one of the d**n things for the wifes car,Bad thing is neither of us was driving.We had taken it to a shop to have a problem checked out and the guy test driving it ran the light supposedly.Come to find out the company operating the SOBs had'em set to take pictures early to generate more revenue.We got this one thrown out because they could not prove who was driving and the judge said it was unconstitutional to ticket the owner of the car if they had done nothing wrong.Unfortunatly he is just a municipal jude with no real power to change things.
Got'em here in the Quad-cities. Just gives the cops more time to do less than they all ready do. I've been sitting at a red light, cop next to me, get a green, someone blows through the red light and cop just shakes his head and procedes in the direction we were headed. There just plain lazy. But yet you see 4 squads sitting around a minor fender-bender, not a single cop directing traffic or anything.
They had them in springfield, mo for about a year and then got sued by a retired highway patrolman. Went thought local court and court of appeals. Court sided with retired patrolman and the cameras were turned off. They are regrouping to see what else they can do to use the red lights but all tickets were voided that have not been paid. A law suit has been taken against the city for the fines that were paid.
Cameras are the best thing we have done in my town. I have seen the footage, just like anyone who gets a ticket can. You can see a clear violation of the light.

The time for the yellow should be governed by state law.

What I see most about these cameras is the fact that people now stop on red lights and before they make a right turn on red.

Now if we can only make one that nails all the speeders I pass up every day on the highway.
got them here in ontario
even though i got dinged for $230.00, think they are a good idea when the ticket comes, shows several pic"s, as you approach intersection, 1/2 way though & after
as we all know , lotta times it don"t matter if you run one, but jeez something has to be done to slow some of these idiots down when the roads are busy
i commute from the boonies to the big city & some of the drivers I see daily are just wild

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