Walked away from John deere B rollover


Well-known Member
Just a reminder that a 3.5 inch sappling can over turn a tractor. 14 years expierence working against 2 or 3 seconds of not paying attention. The right wheel went up the tree and I was thrown off and landed on my back. When I realised what happened I was lucky enough to land between the seat and the still spinning rear tire which had hit another tree, which held the still spinning tire 18 inches above the ground. please folks keep your guard up at all times can the next accident may happen by something you least expect
Back when i was a teenager i almost flipped a Farmall Super A on its side when i hit a rock in the tall grass. Needless to say i slowed down and stopped taking shortcuts between the tree rows. Glad you came thru unscathed!!
They tell me them tricycles will turn over just a-sitting in the barn. It must be true; I read something about like that on YT.
A timber iss one of the nicest things a man can own, but they are indeed a dangerous place to go. Even if you are walking, loging, or using the trees for recreation, danger is only a few seconds away if you let your guard down.

Thanks, that is a good reminder, and hope you have no medical issues later on.
Glad you are ok. Things like that happen real fast. I was mowing and my ROP got caught on a low hanging branch. The tractor front was about 2 ft off of the ground before I knew what happened. Be careful out there. Stan
I'm so glad you're OK. It can happen so darned fast.

Back when I was about 15 or so I had to help get a guy out from under an overturned tractor that was in the same situation as yours. The rear wheel was being held up about 18" by a utility pole in this case and his chest was right under the wheel. He passed away the next day. It turned me into a very cautious tractor driver. Jim
Had tractor rollover in 1986,broke my pelvis in three places.Seconds count thankfully I was not headed for Boot Hill.Be very careful Scott
I have ran nothing but tricycle types for over 50 years. Can't say I never had a close call, but I can say I never upset one in my life.
Glad to hear your okay. Somebody upstairs was
working overtime. It took me 4 years to recover
from my tractor accident.
I managed to run the front wheel of a cut down Mqdel A Ford up a small grey birch tree.The wheel was about 2 feet off the ground when I stopped.I manages to spin the steering wheel of my Ford tractor last fall when the front wheel caught on a small tree.I always keep my thumbs on top of the steering wheel.Good that I didnt have one of those fool spinners on the wheel.I keep my wood roads very clean, that has paid off so far.
Glad you made it. Those things happen fast. Just like the accidents of someone towing something behind a tractor with a chain. Turn a corner and the chain hits the wheel and it is over before you know it.

Back in my heavy equipment operator period working road construction, I rolled a pavement roller (aka steam roller. It was the end of the day and we were patching a county road on its edges. Being the end of the day, I was hurrying and staying close behind the blade. Anyway, I was rolling the edge and got to far over the edge of the ditch while going too fast and it rolled over. I felt it starting to go and jumped off and landed in a wheat field. The roller rolled over upside down in the ditch a few feet behind me.

It was only afterwards that they told me to jump off on to the road on that side when that happens. The ditch was narrow and deep with a 2 foot drop below field level that stopped further rolling. Any other ditch and it might have kept rolling right over me. Only thing wrong with the roller was a bent shift lever.

I operated a lot of different equipment for them and they just basically gave me a few minutes of instruction and go. When I first began running a scraper, the superintendent did ride with me for a a couple scrape loads and unloads and then I was on my own. I mainly run the milling machine and paving machine when we were working on asphalt projects.

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