good day to get the tractor working


Well-known Member
shaped up the driveway with the tractor I think we dont want to plow anymore snow I HOPE





Wow is it that green down there already? Nice corn crib in the 2nd from last shot. Did you fill that? LOL
Just how long is that "driveway"? I'd kill to plow snow off it a few times. With my tractor.
it wasnt that nice here, but it was yesterday, were all plowin garden and bacca patches here
i ve spent the last few weeks gettin hay equiptment ready to go for the season
Nice pictures.
At least now I know what guys are talking about when they say they got new toys. None of my tractors that will fit on that road.
where the farm is is a limestone type shale it drys up pretty fast and it is widy there also so that gets it to drying Do you have a lot of lawns to maintain this season? I just went back to work here in nj last thursday.
Looks like about 75 properties, some are 4 acres or so. I will be going back to work next Monday. Then its what I call "one long week until November 30th". Work, haying, taking care of the cows, chickens, horses and trying to keep up with my veggie gardens, fire wood, ect. Then not to mention what needs fixing after it breaks. LOL. No wonder I havent had a heart attack yet!

GOOD evenig bud;how ya did?
great pic's what mdl is your tractor, and how is every one? had all 5 grandkids fri,sat,and they left today they wor-me out. o-well what a way to go.My yard is still wet and soft,and we got snow
friday 3'' it is all most gone. well I gota go and I talk at ya tomarrow.
Larry, I would think you would want to be pullin the material in towards the middle to enhance runoff and cut down on the stones kickin out onto the grass. Or did you do that after taking the pictures? Nice looking tractor, right color.
your 100 % right I turned the blade and went up and down several passes I was taking the first pass and got off to take a few shots Do you have a ford?
Hey Larry
Nice tractor got one just like it on the farm.Is it a 3 cylinder gaser?Ours has a loader on it.Great pictures looks like spring is rolling in.Got the J.D. B all tore apart .She was siezed up tight.Had to press the pistons out of the cylinders.Did you see the trashing machine pictures?The 2000 was hooked to it.Take care stay warm and dry.BlaineF
I just looked back and saw your threshing machine. NICE! when you plant this year could you send some of those pics of all the tractors working like you did a while ago? I really thought they were great shots especially seeing those crawlers at work. The ford is a 3 cyld gas 6 speed no power steering I guess it was an economy model , but it really is a good tractor

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