phillip d

Can't believe it.Thought wife and I were getting along really well.Friday she tells me how much she loves her husband,tuesday she says she doesn't want to be married anymore and wednesday she says she's completely moved on.Fast or what?Been married 12 and a half years,have 2 beautifull children.2 years ago she left for not really any reason.Begged me for 6 months to give her another chance.Finally decided to give it another try and seemed to get along better than imagineable.She became the wife I never had,than POOF wants it all to be over.
(quoted from post at 19:19:40 03/11/10) Can't believe it.Thought wife and I were getting along really well.Friday she tells me how much she loves her husband,tuesday she says she doesn't want to be married anymore and wednesday she says she's completely moved on.Fast or what?Been married 12 and a half years,have 2 beautifull children.2 years ago she left for not really any reason.Begged me for 6 months to give her another chance.Finally decided to give it another try and seemed to get along better than imagineable.She became the wife I never had,than POOF wants it all to be over.

There's folks that'll say pray real hard and do it for the kids and stuff like that, but in the real world........ You' and the kids are better off without her.

Good Luck,

I been there Phil, and feel for you, really do.

2 words of advise; write these down, you"ll understand a year from now:

1. It will get better, you"re numb now, keep your head up, deep breath, think clear.

2. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT ask questions you really don"t want answers to! It don"t matter, and won"t ever matter! This may sound harsh now, but I"m serious, if you don"t want to know, Do not ask!

Prayers in your direction, friend!
Really feel for you. When she left you 2 years ago, you should have closed the book on her and got you a real good lawyer. Her current behavior is completely to be expected. The best predicter of future behavior is past behavior. Also you can take it to the bank that she left you two years ago for a real reason, just did not want to fess up and tell you the truth. When the door hits her in the arse, tell her to never look back again. Tom
Been there twice, and now have the tee shirt. It's a tough one, but not the end of the world. It is a pain only a divorced person can understand.

Try to keep it on good terms. even the day she shows up with her new friend. Keeping peace is priceless in a divorce, as well as good for the kids. Attorneys win, no one else can.

A simple $1.00 tablet, and a fifty cent ink pen can save you lots of money if you write == EVERY FREAKING THING DOWN with time and dates. Never disclose your game plan to anyone except your attorney. Judges want facts, not the general one time she said then I said crap.

Your head can drop, but just don't let it hit the table,and your favorite beverage can become your worst enemy in times like this.

When emotions are running wild, it is hard not to do just plain dumb things for spite, or to prove your point.

Best of Luck
I remember some of the details you posted before... 2 years ago?
My opinion, for the little it cost you... she needs to see a doctor. If she won't go or you can't drag her there, time to question how much drama you want in your life.
It's more than I need, that I can tell you....

In my CRS mind....was it phillip d, or someone in NC, (won"t say who, for wanting not to be wrong, and hurt him) that married someone he knew for what, 3 weeks? But, what do I know, waited til I was 26, knew the lovely lady for almost two years, and we celebrate 40 years next month. I remember the post,not the name,but wondered, where will this end up. For both of them, I hope for the best.
I've been married to my wife for 24 years, and I still have no clue about what makes women tick. Mood swings,long memories,drama are all part of the deal. I still think that she is the best thing that ever happened for me. I wish you the best of luck. Make sure to hug the kids.
They call it mid life crisis. You use to hear it about men, now you hear it about women. I would also have to agree that drugs or depression is involved.

This happened to me about 4 years ago. It gets better, found a great woman. Only problem is the ex turned my only daughter against me.

One person was 100% right. Get a notepad and write everything down. My dad told me that and I didnt listen.

Be there for the kids.
I think you're thinking of ncwayne... Different guy anyway; different situation.
I think either one can elaborate more if they wish.

Geez,she went through this crap a year ago didn't she? She desperately needs medical help. My guess is manic depressive disorder.
Been married 50 years in June, 2010, but I put her on notice: "if the next 50 aint any better, out she goes!!!"
wasn't me,I was "How many hours?".My wife and I dated for 2 years before we got engaed at 22 and married 8 months later at 23,so we dated for almost 3 years.
Thanks for all the helpfull information and kind words.We are all hanging in well so far.My minister says take one day at a time,my lawyer says keep my toung silent.Thanks again,pd.
So I hear she has mental problems? Yea, that one always works well in court. NOT!

I've seen that one tried a dozen times, and guess what? The judge will think you have some chip on your shoulder. No wife is expected to act like you want them to, or you think they should act.

Most attorneys will tell you to get over that attatude, and never make that coment in a court room.

It was explained to me once, that the spouce has been trapped in a relationship that she has regreated. You felt good because all was well. She on the other hand decides to leave the nest, or dark room in her mind. Once she steps foot out of the relationship, she feels sunshine, fresh air, and leaves you with a dark cloud. Not normal, and disapointing to all friends and relatives---but guess what...She doesn't care what anyone else thinks now.

Like most guys, you were happy at home, but that darn cute little blonde with the ...well you know. Yea, that might be better, but you are not sure of yourself enough to try the better.

Now all you need is for the little blonde lady to say..come on over and..... I think you are a real man treasure..... Often that is what takes the spouce down the road, seldom it doesn't work so well, but they have to find out the hard way.

I read once that like 80% of all run offs are because there is a promise of a better nest, at least in their minds.

Hope this wasn't to long, but I know you aren't sleeping anyway, and still trying to find the answer to why? You will think of nothing but that for a long time to come 24/7. Just so you understand, that is perfectly normal. By the way, you will want to eat again some day, and be able to think of something else beside your troubles.
I'm going threw the same crap she thinks its ok all of a sudden go out and party and leave me and the kids I've allready talked to a lawyer
Oliver Power said it pretty good. I've heard that the fffffing you're getting isn't anything like the fffffing you're gonna get!

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