Snow In 49 of the 50 States


Well-known Member
Just saw where part of Florida is getting a dusting of snow to make the 49th state. Hope Al Gore is on vacation down there to experience it!
Well as HCooke says isn't there a mountain on the islands that has snow on it almost all year round??? And if that is true then all 50 have snow
bet that has happened before in the U S..anyone got a link to check it out ? .Hawaii Definately has snow year round on the big island ,, neat thing is you can scoop upsome snow off the mountaintop and be on the warm seashore in an hour.... i visited Hawaii 3 times loved it there , and Want to go back sometime ... POOF monster will get this post for sure for exposing Algores stupid Fallacy of global warming /well now its Climate change ( that way the damgreenlibyscan point to the weather extremes and say SEE , the weather is changing )... Horse HOCKEY to all those misinformed so called professional with biased tainted research that claim the sky is falling .... if they keep it up there may be a hunting season Just for them in the backwoods country ...
Just watched the news , they claim Hawaii Does not have snow on any of its mountaintops right now ..always went there in January,Maui had drifts of snow melting near the telescope observatories in 1998 , sure was cold up there , went to see the sun come up , Really Neat ,, i was surprised when the news reported that no snow was on the big island at THIS TIME ,,,Well,,, thats CLIMATE CHANGE.....
just so we are clear. some people are saying that the earth is NOT warming up ?
and the polar ice caps are NOT melting ? wow !
got no idea what causes it, either humans or just the normal patterns since the beginning of time, but the earth is warming
think we all gotta do what ever we can to cut down on emissions, but we all need hydro, heat & industry to live
sorry about the crappy weather you guys have had this winter, but here in southern ontario we have had a TOTAL of about 7 inches of snow this winter
my .02 ( canadian) cents worth
Yep it is a case of weather patterns are changing and the north is getting warmer and the south colder go figure how that works but yep it does. Maybe the earth is getting ready to flip so the north pole is south and the south pole is north. Oh no hold on because gravity might let loose for a few minutes hour or years
(quoted from post at 00:32:12 02/13/10) just so we are clear. some people are saying that the earth is NOT warming up ?
and the polar ice caps are NOT melting ? wow !
got no idea what causes it, either humans or just the normal patterns since the beginning of time, but the earth is warming
think we all gotta do what ever we can to cut down on emissions, but we all need hydro, heat & industry to live
sorry about the crappy weather you guys have had this winter, but here in southern ontario we have had a TOTAL of about 7 inches of snow this winter
my .02 ( canadian) cents worth

I would agree that the climate may be changing. The question is whether it's long term, short term natural cycle or caused by us evil humans. The "sky is falling" crowd (i.e. Al Gore in particular) are using hysteria as a way to get power (money). He and the tree-huggers would have us believe that we need to spend more and more of OUR money to "prevent" global warming. Reducing emissions costs money and this is eventually paid for by us consumers, i.e. reducing our standard of living. And the other developing countries will spew more pollution in the air all the while they are kicking our economic a__.

This hysteria is culminating in Cap-and-Trade BS which will only benefit the people who own trading companies to buy phony energy credits from companies that don't want/need them and sell them to companies that want to expand (i.e. create jobs). Guess who owns a company that trades these credits? None other than Al Gore. Again, this will just drive up the cost of operating a business in the US and these costs will be passed on to the consumer.

Another example are the "ozone action" days. They've got these idiots (getting paid good money) monitoring the air across the country and if some arbitrary number is passed on some scale in some city, they don't want us to fill up our cars or cut our lawns. I have not heard ONE instance where they could say "ok, everyone cut back on fillups, etc yesterday and we saw the number drop", i.e. there is NO way to prove that this junk science would even work if we followed it. This stuff would be funny if it wasn't so stupid.

I don't advocate we go back to the early days of the industrial revolution but I think the pendulum as swung too far in the tree-hugger's direction. Farmers and other owners of the land are the best stewards of that resource, not some idiot sitting on top of a tree in a Washington forest.

And BTW, if I hear one more ad, news report, article, etc. that talks about "carbon footprint", I will vomit. It's cold outside, I think I'll go start a fire in my fireplace and hopefully Al will not be driving down my street and get the "carbon" police on my doorstep.
I would like to take some of this global warming I am walking through. And shove it up Al Gores A%%. Now they claim it is global warming that is causing all this snow.
I thought the state without snow was Florida????

This morning on the local news they were saying it was Hawaii, but no, that state has tall mountain, snow peak.

So, which is it?


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