
Why does this site most times load so slow,any other site i frequent loads fast this is the only one i have problems with,it's not all the time just most the time,doesn't matter what time of day.

just wondering what other people are experiencing.
I've got dialup. It tends to load alright,but when I get in here it's slower than molases for a while when I try to read or post. Seems like the longer I'm on,the faster it gets though.
The YT admin put out a message a few days ago about the ISP they use for Classic vs the one used for Modern View and the conclusion was that the one for Modern View is deficient and they are in the process of trying to make it better. So, when you are seeing slow on Modern, switch to classic in the interim.
I think it's just the volume of traffic. I had trouble several times last week. I could not get into any site; I would get an error message.
(quoted from post at 17:49:29 02/12/10) I think it's just the volume of traffic. I had trouble several times last week. I could not get into any site; I would get an error message.
I thought that too but heck Ive been on here 2:00 AM in the morn and it was slow to load.

thanks JMOR did not know that...
(quoted from post at 18:55:41 02/12/10)
(quoted from post at 12:51:55 02/12/10)
(quoted from post at 17:49:29 02/12/10) I think it's just the volume of traffic. I had trouble several times last week. I could not get into any site; I would get an error message.
I thought that too but heck Ive been on here 2:00 AM in the morn and it was slow to load.

thanks JMOR did not know that...
Ahhh yes thanks....
I have never found this site slow. Even when i had dial up there was no problem. I have seen this discussed before and it has puzzeled me.
(quoted from post at 15:30:27 02/12/10) I have never found this site slow. Even when i had dial up there was no problem. I have seen this discussed before and it has puzzeled me.
am truly not trying to be a SA, but in actuality, even when site response is slow, it is probably still so fast compared to dial up that you would never see it. Also, you did notice that the slow speed is primarily associated with Modern View, so if you are a Classic View user, again you probably never see it. I do in fact see the problem all the time & will when aggravated enough, switch over to Classic.
You can just "pause" the AVG scan until you're done surfing and then hit the "continue" button to complete the scan.

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