consumer price index

bill b va


do you believe the government manulipated the CPI ? they said no increase in social security this year because there was no inflation . who ever figures the index must not buy groceries , other neccesities or pay taxes . i wish they would just pay me in gold and to ell with their paper money . paper money was invented to better defraud people of their earning .
Now most money is digital. My paycheck is direct deposited, I pay my bills over the Internet (which, I'm told, is a series of tubes), and when I buy gas or groceries, I use my debit card.

Scary when you think about it.

but its still based on paper . if this coutry goes bankrupt it will become like confederate or banna republic money. only good to wipe your butt on . you can't eat gold you but will always trade it for something to eat . what do you think infation is ? it a way for the government, wall street and other con artists to beat people out of their hard earned money .
Friend of mine studied the issue, and came to the conclusion that there is only about $2,800 in real money in the world- the rest is just everybody owing everybody else. :<)
To make things look good they took out less taxes on my retirement then the Health ins guys took it all away. You can't win can you. Don't you just love external_link economic.
You people that bash our current President sure have a short memmory as to where this whole thing started in the first place-G.W.Bush and that unpopular Irag war[billions of $$$$$$$$$$$$ spent] plus other things. Please give our current President a chance to straighten out The Big Bush Screw Up.
Yes, I think they do. I think they are trying to put a happy face on the economy.
Many companies say they are making profits by cost cutting but in reality have just raised prices.
I think the government claims that inflation is near zero by using their fuzzie math.
I still haven't figured how if you are drawing extended unemployment benefits you are no longer unemployed.
You have to wonder why they can't just tell the truth.
This goes for both nnalert & nnalert. One of them is no better than the other.

The cost of ALL wars that the US has ever been involved in pales in comparison to the cost entitlement programs.

Do your homework.

You could use a little longer one as well. All I remember hearing was how bad things were and the rising national debt. Your "give him a chance" buddy has grown national debt more than ALL other presidents before him combined and things aren't any better.

This actually started way back before Bush. I even say maybe before Nixon.

When we came off the gold standard (Nixon’s reign) it all became a numbers game that the government could manipulate. About every 10 years or so, the value of the dollar has to reset to actual value levels. Thus you get these highs and lows. More recently the adjustment due in the 90’s was staved off by the Y2K spending and then compounded by the tech bubble burst and we began to see these extreme highs and lows. That is why we were well on the way down by the time Bush got in. 911 compounded the issue yet again and the Fed used interest rates to manipulate the economy. And yes I blame Bush for that. But he also knew that tax reduction was necessary to help it along. That’s why the 00's for the most part were up (cheap and easy money). However those pesky interest rates and the ability to make more money that it cost you lead to some truly criminal activity. When the housing bubble cracked it came all tumbling down. And yes I blame the libs for housing bubble burst (Freddy, Fanny and risky behavior).

Problem as I see it know is 2 fold. Y2K fueled the tech bubble, investments (interest rates) fueled the housing bubble. In both cases tangible assets were involved. The closest thing to the next bubble is green energy. But that is only full of promises a kind of build it and they will come thing. There is a lot of risk and not much in the way of results, other than the scammers and government money grabbers. So this slow to market industry is not going to turn this down cycle around very fast. All this talk of these new taxes isn’t going to help. If the Bush tax cuts expire, these new bank tax/fees are imposed, and the top rates adjusted as promised we might see a 4-7 year down turn vs a 2-3 year down turn, that we are already half way through.

he sure has you snowed .a real con artist if i ever saw one . lot of mouth and no results . all blow and no go .
I thought they did NOT count groceries and gasoline prices in the CPI? Where does most of the average Americans money and transportation costs.
Remember LBJ's "war on poverty"? So far the cost of that "war" is something like $9 trillion. And we're losing.
Food and energy are included in the CPI but excluded from the so-called "core CPI."

re have a short memmory as to where this whole thing started in the first place-G.W.Bush


You mean when unemployment was 4%?
While I agree with what you have said the tech bubble was not due to y2k. y2k money was spend on hardware and software upgrades that were for the most part necessary. The tech bubble was due to people investing huge sums of money in internet business startups. Many of the companies had high stock prices and run away IPO's but no tangible assets. When it came down to it the companies failed and had no assets other that a few servers with web pages on them. Money was essentialy dumped on people who had vaporware. I personaly knew one web company. I watched them hire talent and setup call centers for 30 people but six months later they had 4 people aswering phones if they rang, but still had all the top heavy employees (CEO,CIO,COO) and the like. After a year they were down to 3 people total moved into a backroom at the CEO's house and were running the whole shebang on a cable modem. I even heard him say he wished he had the 50 grand he spent on the marketing research for the companies domain name. They still exist today but I do not know who ownes them. The tech bubble was about investments into internet startups that ate the money with nothing to show for it. Very much the same as the housing bouble, prices kept going up for investments that were not worth near what the going price was.
You are mostly right about the tech bubble. But the reason this empty bubble was able to continue was a very willing press that wanted to sustain the peace and prosperity mantra. But as you say, eventually an empty balloon must crash.

It was one of the greatest hoaxes ever pushed on us.
How about Clinton administration order to Housing to give mortgages to people with no jobs? Count welfare payments as income and let them buy house- the NINJA mortgages? A few people have noted that as a big mistake. The home equity loans also go back to Clinton administrative rules- financing option for minorities (that voted Dem) was one of the reasons given for allowing it. As for Bush administration responsibility? Remember that House (at the time with Dem Majority) writes the budget bills and tweaks the laws, president is commander in chief and rsponsible for comabat deployment after war/armed conflict declaration- Bush was kind of busy with Iraq, etc operations, let house handle their constitutional duties without trying to interfere in micromanagement. RN
Clinton, like all of our past Presidents, made some good and bad decisons. You could really tell how bad the nnalert feared him doing well as President when they made an affair the top topic for many months.
Yes, he was wrong for that. He was just as wrong as any person that has ever done that at any point in their lives.
The point is, he also was no more wrong than any person that has ever done that. Look at who all has gotten caught doing the same dirty sin since then. Yes, members of both major parties.
So, the whole point is that if that was all they had on him, they had nothing more than many have done or will do.
Also keep in mind what Clinton inherited from Pappa Bush. Recall that the very first terroist attack on US soil was not 911, it was shortly after Clinton took office. The fact that they did not carry enough explosives does not take away from the fact that their actions were a direct result of GWH Bush's bad decisons.
Yeah, Clinton was great, for it was he, who brought the RedChinese out of the stone age by opening up ALL the doors to 'free trade' with us and the rest of the world. The RedChinese returned the favor by investing in his re-election campaign. Of which, has been covered up real well by the marxist loving media. But hey, look at all the cheap goods we get to buy. Slick Willie was the best.
A lot of the information that the government puts out is skewed to reflect what they want to see.
The government will say, If Joe Smith has his left leg in a bucket of ice water and his right leg is in a pile of burning coal his average body temp. is 98.6F. (mostly BS)

Paper money was put out by the government in the 19th century because "bank notes" as they were called did not transfer well between states.
IE, A bank note from Georgia didnt get accepted well in Vermont, and so on.

Their is supposed to be fractional gold reserves to back up the paper dollar.....But with all the bailouts and spending free spree in DC I wonder what the real amount of gold vs. dollar amounts there are.
When we went off the gold standard in 1971 it opened up a pandoras box for inflation to run rampant.
I believe external_link is trying to fix the health insurance thing and his stimulus gave you the break, so I guess blaming external_link for any of that doesn't make sense.
Gasoline is way down. And as a landlord, I can say that rents are down, too. If you bought a house last year, you got a good deal on it. Same thing if you bought a new car. As far as groceries go, I haven't seen any big increase in prices. Given that most people spend more money on housing and transportation than anything else, it makes sense that the CPI went down.
we havent had a decent president since the early 1900's. nowdays, the first four years are used for campaining for the second term, and all decisions are short term, and dedicated to getting more votes.

I am going to take out my investments, and grow a garden, and start producing my own food, that way i dont have to pay half or more of my money to taxes. I think in the old days (Roman times), a slave kept 80% of what they produced. sure would like to keep 80% of what i earned today.

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