
Well-known Member
I made a device to put a 2 inch ball and hitch on the drawbar of my jubilee and it keeps the ball in the upright position at all times. I can pull my 16 trailer with it or pull my 5000 pound lawn roller with it. Works sweet! I showed it to a farmer who farms 16,000 acres and the first thing he said was,"you need to get it patiented". The problem is, it costs too much, $5000,just to do the research to find out if someone else hasn't already patiented it. Any suggestions? Perhaps I should post a pic and just give it away.
These stabilizers are available from many sources. We recently bought one for our 9-N.

I think this site may have them. Probably Dennis Carpenter also.

Thats not right: If any thing make a few and and
sell them at a flee market or try a coulpe on the internet.

I can tell you a true story, a friend of mine was making leather marble bags, out of soft leather
hide pices, he could not sell them, he add about a
100 marbles that cost him may be $1.50 if that
and now he sells the bag and marbles for $6.00 to
$8.00.It take's may be 30min to make the bag by hand. the leather is free it is scraps from a cowboy chap maker.. I think that would be called putting in the pocket. It is not a fast mover but 4 or 5a week thats not bad, for habby.

Are you refering to a drawbar that uses the 3 point hitch? If so, ValueBilt has something maybe like it, I bought one ~ $35 + shipping, works good.
Link below may show it.
Chances are that someone else has a patent on a similar item. If yours is truly something new and different, you might be able to patent. Selling or leasing the patent is something else you might think about. Probably, however some one else has you beat to the patent office on this, and you'll spend a lot of $ to find that out.
Talking about something like this (drawbar doesn't flip over)?
The stats that I've seen show that only about 2-3% of private patients (patents?) make money. I'm working on one right now, but I'm not holding my breath. Good luck.
How many thousand do you think you can sell?
Just make three more and see if you can sell them. Don't worry about the "competition". It took Ruger 25 years to get AMT to stop infringing on their pistol patents.

No! I think mine is better, however if both get the job done, who is going to want mine? Perhaps I'll post a pic of mine and let YT people decide.
I think you mean patent, not patient. Patents can cost $25,000 and more. Before a patent can be granted a thorough patent search has to be conducted that may take years. If something similar is found, you could be infringing on that patent. Also China does not recognize patents. Some times the best thing to do is flood the market with your invention and try to make a bunch of money until someone copies the design or makes something better. There are clips that go on 3 pt. draw bars to stop them from turning. I don't think there is a very big market for a 3 pt. drawbar holder. Dave
i hate to burst your bubble, but i made one back in 2004, But i added a place to hook the saftey chains, and have a 2" ball, and a 2 5/16 ball 180 degrees from the 2" ball.

Getting a patent doesn't have to cost a whole lot, it doesn't even require a lawyer. Of course someone with no training will probably not get everything right the first time but it might be fun to give it a shot. Search around, but don't fall for the online scams.
I'd like to know how your device works. I built a 3 pt hitch out of some scrap angle iron and welded a piece of receiver hitch tubing on the bottom so I could swap out the ball mounts. I can't claim the idea but it works.
I have a U,S. patent. I had a good patent attorney. Cost was not high. He told me the secret as to apply for the patent and then manufacture like made as Patent Pending. You can test the market and no body actually know what you have a patent on. Had a old boy try to go around it after I got the patent and he got stopped dead in his tracks because we had patented the only way this would work. It takes a good attorney.

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