ot rant What makes my blood boil

I check the net each am for the weither. The store is 27 miles from my home and a whole different wourld for wheither as it is on top f the Pocono Mountains. I chek so I can plan addtional stock for the week to meet the demands of my customers based on what typ of wheither. I got a computor virus a wile ago from checking the weither. So I changed to another web sight. Well last week I got another one. So I changed to Yahoo.I got the virus today abount the virus scam you folks were talking about this week. So I hope every Pearson that intechinaly write a virus program for the net. That their computer blows up in their face severing both hands and disfigures them so they look like the elephant man. That way when they go out in public the world will know who they are and what they are about and can laugh and ridicule them for the azz hole they reall are.
Ok now I feel much better.
Use http://www.noaa.gov/ for weather and you will not get any viruses
Also there is English literacy help you can get Online http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=941caeb8864b0110VgnVCM1000000ecd190aRCRD&vgnextchannel=d70f9f9934741110VgnVCM1000000ecd190aRCRD
I don't think you are getting your virus from checking the weather unless you get your weather from a less than reputable source. Does anyone else use that computer?

Have you installed an antivirus program? I use AVG its a free one you can use.

I have only had one worm in 15 years and most of those years without AV.
Now that's funny. Thanks for making my day. Now if we could just get those people from Indian-no-place to stop being so polite to people from New York. Especially today.
Depends on Wether Your talking About Sheep ....
or you got your yourself under the weather, and you don't Know whether you are going to get Well or Not .. don't matter i feel for the guy and understood as you did from the git-go .. I do not see spellcheck on this Forum , others claim it is available , But WARE?... ,
Excuse me my mistake I for got you guys are all rocket scientist with a MBA in English .I do have spell check and do use it that I am well aware of my spelling ability or lack their of. I am the only person using this computer. I have Norton ant virus, which ran a complete scan to rid me of this. I do not go to web sights that have porn on them. Most web sight I go to are tractor related. The web sights for the weather channel, the one from Yahoo and the third one that I used the first 5 months ago is questionable that is why I switched to the weather channel one that you check by zip code.
Why so gentle ? ;-) Most folks want to do much much more to the scum that sets a computer virus loose on us.
About all you can do is to keep a good up to date antivirus program running on your computer.

Microsoft security essentials is a FREE antivirus program download from Microsoft and seems to do a good job.
If you're looking up the weither or the wheither instead of the weather could be the problem. If you tried to send the originators of the virus a message could foil them for a while. It would take them several weeks to try and figure out what you're trying to say. I guess spelling isn't you strong point? Dave
Your choices are:

1. Install good anti-malware and firewall software on your PC and keep it up to date.

2. Switch to a Mac.

3. Keep your PC but run Linux instead of Windows.

4. Put up with the virus problem.

Viruses are no longer just an inconvenience. There is some very nasty stuff out there, written by very talented and motivated programmers in Russia and elsewhere who are financed by organized crime. One of the nastiest varieties is the keyboard logger, which captures everything you type into your PC. If you don't want your bank account sucked dry by a Russian criminal, you need to do something about it. See this previous thread for some tips.
Anti virus thread

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