OT: What would you do?

Gun guru

Well-known Member
My 8 year old son, (3rd grader) Informed me today that he saw a movie that depicted black people getting beat up by white people for using white only drinking fountains and (what sounds like) blacks marching against segragration, (spelling error)
What pi$$es me off is that it is very violent against blacks and it has a scene where a cross is burning in the front yard of a home, (my son is explaining all this to me) like an 8 year old does. I asked my son if there were people wearing white robes and he says "did you see the movie too"

What would you say to the school for showing a film like this to a bunch of 3rd graders.
Very inappropriate.
I know that they are showing the movie due to MLK day and all that but give me a break....this film should be shown to 8th graders not 3rd graders.
If it is a public school and you do not want the hassle of pulling your child out and enrolling him in another school bout all you can do is make your disappointment known to the teacher and the principle. Nobody like getting yelled at and for all you know half of the parents in the school are feeling the same as you are. If enough people complain then maybe they won't show it next year.
but not surprising. Your NEA publik skool teachers are busy indoctrinating the children early. They have an agenda and it has nothing to do with the three r's.

3rd graders are not mentally equipped to understand the entire history involved with this subject.

I NEVER allowed my kids to attend gubmint skool.
Private school or homeschooling is the only way to go unless you want them to be brainwashed into believing the libberal agenda.
Might want to see what the film was first. Could check with PTA if there is one at school about parents approval for special films, previewing before kids see them procedure. Maybe have a evening viewing for the parents to discuss it. For a MLK observance- quite possible a film about Kings early endevours in voting rights, southern conditions might have been given to school by state teachers union or state board of education with orders to show it to as many as possible. I wouldn"t be too concerned as long as I could talk to kid and point out history (I was there for some of it) and maybe see the whole film with the teachers. RN
So it was public school that I developed my taste for Kool-Aid ? I had no idea but know I sure enjoy the taste to this day.
Never forget..........

I think it should be mandatory for all kids (maybe not 8 years old but not much later) to see as much of this stuff as possible.

Roots, holacaust movies/documentaries, civil rights riots/protests, segregation documentaries, soldiers massacreing indians and vice versa.

Educate and never forget so it don't happen again. At the same time, recognize that it is all water under the bridge, it won't happen again, and move on. STOP APOLOGIZING AND FEELING SORRY. You see where it put us.

Bet he got more of life's lessons out of that than a transformers movie.

I agree that if history is taught and learned by watching the mistakes of History, IE, WW2, WW1 and such that people in the future will be educated enough to know the outcome of Appeasment, and all that.
I agree that if history is taught and learned by watching the mistakes of History, IE, WW2, WW1 and such that people in the future will be educated enough to know the outcome of Appeasment, and all that.
Dave2, you're exactly right. I'm surprised that no one else thought it appropriate, seeing as so many here think they are Christian. They would, however, make good little Germans of the type that Hitler used.
(quoted from post at 14:58:58 01/21/10) Dave2, you're exactly right. I'm surprised that no one else thought it appropriate, seeing as so many here think they are Christian. They would, however, make good little Germans of the type that Hitler used.
There's a Jewish Cemetery about a half mile from our house. We went there a couple times to help clean it up and mow some and to a couple of tour (lack of better words) /info days. Amazing the stories that are recorded of the treatment of these folks before during and after the war. Folks turning their backs on best friends out of fear. There's still a few old folks in town that were kids during the war and a couple of old Soldiers that went through it. Met one old guy, owner of a local sawmill, that was on the ground about a week and spent the rest of the war in a camp in Michigan. We had a lot of schnapps and beer together and I never paid for sawdust (horse stalls) until a few months after he died.

Or it could be a teaching tool in a psychology class used to understand human behaviour both good and bad but not at the 8 year old level.
Why don't you watch the movie and then judge for yourself. No need in getting upset until you know ALL the facts. Then if you think it's inappropriate, go to the teacher and principal and discuss the matter. Maybe they would agree that it was too early for the kids to see that kind of violence and tone it down. That is the parents job by the way to monitor what the kids are learning, good or bad. Teachers in my kids' school are willing to listen to a parents' opinion.
In my lifetime, I got the opportunity to see Huntley and Brinkley showing the cops in Birmingham, AL beating black marchers, cops turning the police dogs loose to maul them, and authorities turning fire hoses on marchers. These were NOT looters and rioters, they were just black people marching for for the right to be served in restaurants, the right to use the same "public" facilities as whites, and the right to vote. And they didn't wait until I was in the 8th grade to show me that stuff; it was on the network news almost every night.

So why should YOUR kid be "protected" from knowing the truth of American history? I also saw Jack Ruby murder Lee Harvey Oswald on live TV; I didn't have to wait until 8th grade to see that, either. I wasn't "protected" from the truth; why should ANYONE need to be "protected" from the truth? Maybe if kids in America would take their heads and hands away from video games, and spend more time watching the truth of what's going down in America, they'd grow into voters who stood for something beyond party labels, voters who might have some idea what our Constitution actually says and not what the extremists on both sides "tell" them it says.

Or, you can go on "protecting" him from the truth, and let him think "Grand Theft Auto" and other video games are what life is really about.

We've come a long way from the discrimination of the 1960's...and kids need to see how far we've come in race realtions since then. We don't need to shelter them from the truth of how much we've done to reverse the discrimination of the '60's. Despite the Jack Nicholson line, I believe 3rd graders CAN handle the truth. Give 'em some credit; kids learn more by having faith in what they CAN do, and what they CAN learn, and what they CAN handle.
Oct 1971 we stopped in mind Mississppi with the old time town square with court house in the center as many mid west towns have.

Went get something to eat across from court house. My wife started in a door and I steared her to the white entrance of the cafe. The non white side had the windows blacked out up about 6 ft. The woman that served us was white and also the other side, had a draw curtain seperating the two sides and kept it closed. The cooks were black.

In 1968 I spent a short year in AL in the Army and missed that part of the south in my life at that time. In the spring of that year on Sat. mornings we would pratice the wedge formation with fixed baynet on the M 16 just after King was killed.

So the film may not mean a lot till he growns up and out in the world. Will create a lot of questions. Similar to the Chicago Mayor Daley's cops whaling on the protesters "white".
I got to agee with you gun guru. An 8 year old being shown this violence does seem a little extreme. At that age i would have thought they'd have left out the details and gave a basic background but i guess not. You just never know what to expect with schools these days.
And they should also include the history of Communism, the 20+ million killed by Stalin, the 70+ million killed by Mao, etc.
Well if thats the case why doesnt the skool show all the blacks with their silly clothes playing basketball until 2am, selling drugs in the city too. Also let it be known to my son that there are more black men in prison then in college, blacks have 30% unemployment, a whole lot of them are on welfare and Ebonics is just a branch of the English language. (total BS by the way) And A Ho is a trashy black woman not a garden tool.
So are you still thinking about a JD2305? I just used mine to take the garbage cans to the road, and scrape some ice.
I don't see a problem with showing it, but the teacher needs give a full lesson on what was going on. If not then the parents need to teach the child. Without any context its like letting the child watch the negative of a typical rap video.

My 9 year old "helped" his teacher cover the Pearl Harbor attack when they studied it last month. Apparently they didn't teach her anything about it in her 17 years of education. She had never heard of the Bataan Death March or that the US surrendered such a large force to the Japanese. She thought the only defeat the US suffered was the initial attack at Pearl Harbor.
I agree Buzzman,
Never will forget when my Dad came home the night John F. Kennedy was killed (9 year old) or when I had to explain to our 4 year old daughter why I was glued to the TV on the night of 9/11!
Like it or not, it's a learning/growing thing.
If I understand you correctly, the issue is not of history, rightness, or wrongness or race or if it should be taught or not, or anything else political.

It is, is this topic and level appropriate for 3rd grade. Or presented in a manor appropriate for third grade.

What I can tell you is set an appointment with the principal and discuss your concern about how your son reacted to the apparent violent nature of the film and ask his view on appropriateness of this level of violence to this age group.

I think you are correct the hard impact of history on individual lives is a bit excessive for elementry school. High shcool deffinently, and perhaps middle school 6th/7th grades but not 3rd graders.

As a perspective just a half ago at the end of 2nd grade they were just getting through trying to read Dr. Susse's "Are you my Mother?" on their own. Now six months later they need to be able to compehend the complex nature of adult society. I am all for acclerating education but that seems a bit much.
Oh how silly of me, I forgot. MTV used to actually play good videos with the music 25 years ago.
I don't know the context in how the movie was shown. Maybe 3rd. grade is a little too young? However, your post above appears to show that maybe you have issues with blacks? In that case the bigger question is, Was it inappropriate for your son to see this movie or was it inappropriate because of your own feelings towards blacks? Every race has good guys and a lot of low lifes. Most discrimination is passed down from parents. That's the most inappropriate thing of all. Dave
While on WW2 we just didnt round up Japanese. We also rounded up Germans and Italians. They dont teach that in school either.
RIGHT ON ,Sic -Em , BUZZMAN ,I saw it all at a tender age JUST as You did,., Thats how and WHY we LEARNED to Pray at a early age if we were blessed enuf to have someone Christ-like in our young lives . Lost 2 Cousins aged 16and 20 to the COLD Flooding backwaters of Ohio river when i was only 7yrs old ,, because i wanted to grow up like the Big Boys some day ... those Young Men buddy coddled Me along doing so many things down there on the Dairy Farm . And it was FUN and work .last Day I saw them I was doing my fair share to help any way THEY and dad saw fit as they loaded stock on a small barge to float to higher ground ..And then Just a week later they are all Gone For EVER , never to tease, carry me across the mud or cows--t , or hoist me on their shoulders ,or show me how to confidently shutdown the tractor when they needed me to stop when loading hay .. Just plain gone to Heaven , or So I hoped ..,SO , Great uncle Les assured me "It didnt matter if the boys cussed evry Now and then, God hada nice dairy in Heaven with good Clean cows and he needed some good Dairymen so he could make MORE Ice Cream ". "just say The LORDS Prayer for them every now and then when You think of them OK."... Lifes TRUTHES are A TERRIBLE Shock,, but LOVE CONQUERS ALL,. And memories Live on in Our hearts ,..... and to get back on MLK topic , If everyone understands and Learns their Lessons well at any age , then history will not have to repeat itself... lets make it a great Life ..
Buzzman you have identified the source of all our problems. The preschoolers must begin witnessing all executions immediately ! What are you thinking ? Glad I didn't have your storybook childhood. You honestly think you are better for watching Ruby execute an unarmed prisoner ? Regardless of his apparent guilt this is the barbaric activity we all hope to avoid. Please don't quit your day job to embark on a career in child psychology.
Your 3rd grader will see worse than this if you allow him or her to watch the 5:00 news. Sorry but that is the way REAL life in our world is and has been. The sooner that they know the better off they will be. Society is already too watered down today as it is. Knowing the facts when we were kids didn't hurt us any. It actually prepared us for the real world and how to cope with it.
It seems that they do like to keep stirring things up.. Yes, those were some bad times, but everyone needs to just move on.. Odd thing I see is this.. The older black people that once suffered, are not bitter or angry, they are thankful that they now have a better life. On the other hand, I see many young black people, that although they were born long after the civil rights struggle, carry a real chip on their shoulders.. Go Figure...
Probably more appropriate for a little older bunch. I think it was probably sixth or seventh grade before we saw much of those things.
They do need to see it tho... It's too easy to forget if you don't.. and if you forget, it's too easy for it to happen again.

No, he was just being racist. Look at his other posts, he's anti-gov't and gun paranoid as well as just having a loose wing nut.

On the other hand, he is fun to read even if you do or don't agree with him
A lot of the problem with kids today is that they're sheltered from life itself. We have to wrap them in bubble wrap before they can ride a bike; we don't dare let them play sports, because they might get hurt. We don't let them watch the news, so they won't have to look at any horrific images.

Then when the ARE faced with something in life that's ugly and horrendous, they are appalled and scared. We make LIBERALS out of them, as we teach them you don't HAVE to face--or, God forbid, overcome--anything. We teach them that people need to be protected..."for their own good"...and then we wonder where all those abundant socialists came from!

My kids were 8 and 12 when their mom died. They didn't need to be sheltered from it; it happened,and it affected their lives, and it wasn't pretty. But they learned lessons about how to adapt, how to survive, and yes, even how to THRIVE. They saw her collapse...they saw her in the casket...they attended the funeral. And they learned about life, and about the finality of death. They learned firsthand how cold and cruel relatives can be, and they learned how comforting and nurturing other relatives could be...and they learned that they had a CHOICE of which example to follow.
I agree with you i was only 6 when WW11 startedand even before that heard and seen pics of what was going on we cant be protected forever and where again are the parents they let them play video games and all that stuff even the news like you say. Any how what is this topic doing on a tractor forum.
The movie sounds like it's about slavery and discrimination and oppression. Should we be teaching our kids that those are wrong? I believe we should.

Gun Guru's post above clearly shows his true feelings towards those whose skin tone is darker than his own. He is a racist and his words prove it.

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