How to fill up an LP tractor

So a friend of mine is storing his Massey 44 lp in one of our sheds, he has no room for it and wants it under cover, he said we can use it anytime on our dairy farm in return, which is great, but its starting to run low on lp, We have a 500gallon lp tank that used to heat our pig barn thats at there a way to fill up the old massey from our 500 gallon lp tank? its obvious i dont know much about lp, any help would be awesome. Thanks!!!
(quoted from post at 22:46:23 01/19/10) So a friend of mine is storing his Massey 44 lp in one of our sheds, he has no room for it and wants it under cover, he said we can use it anytime on our dairy farm in return, which is great, but its starting to run low on lp, We have a 500gallon lp tank that used to heat our pig barn thats at there a way to fill up the old massey from our 500 gallon lp tank? its obvious i dont know much about lp, any help would be awesome. Thanks!!!
ou have to have a liquid tap on your big tank. got one?
First resource would be your fuel supplier, for equipment you need, along with instruction. A tank set up for running a high usage like a corn dryer would be plumbed with the pipe to draw liquid. You also need the transfer hose, valves, etc. And training- nothing to mess with by a novice, nor anything to be scared of when set up correctly.
Yeah, I will be the first to admit i dont know much about LP, and i certainly dont want to put myself in harms way trying to fill it. I will call our local supplier. Thanks for the help!
He always had it filled when they filled up the lp tank for the water heater in the milkhouse at the farm he works at.
Doing that is one of those things you need to have some one teach you. Reason I say that is because if done wrong can lead to a big bang which you do not want and or you loosing a hand or fingers to them being froze off. LP is not something to mess with unless you get trained to do so the correct way. Ya BTDT back when I drove fork lift for a big factory and had to learn the CORRECT way to fuel an LP machine. One thing is ALWAYS wear gloves thick one or as I said loose you hand or fingers
Yes, you need a wet line on your tank. It will be a separate valve with a drop tube to the bottom of the tank so it pulls liquid instead of vapor. If your tank does not have one your supplier can install one but your tank needs to be empty. Once you have the valve it's just a matter of hoses and fittings. You just vent the vapor back to atmosphere when filling. Also your driver can fill from the truck when he is there.
I'm going to agree with old on the safety part. I used to fill propane tanks on fork lifts quite frequently and ALWAYS use the protective gloves and a full face shield.
I had filled a tank one time and had unhooked the hose. It had been unhooked from the tank for about 4-5 seconds when suddenly the hose shot liquid out and completely covered the face shield. I guess maybe there was a little dirt in the valve, I'm not sure, just one of those freak things. Had I not been wearing it, several ounces of propane would have hit my face. All it takes is one time.
you can buy need fittings for a fraction of your suppliers prices on internet same companies where you local guy buys
Most larger LP tanks have a "Wet Stick" in them with a Chek-Lok valve in them . If you have a tank that looks as if it has two relief valves on it, One is not a relief valve but the Chek-Lok where you can pull liquid LP from the tank. You need a Chek-Lok adapter fitting, LP liquid rated valve and hose with a fill fitting. There really should be a valve at the fill er fitting end also.
You really need to get with your LP supplier. You will most likely spend around $200.00 to set this up. I also hope your LP supplier has some motor fuel experience or he may be a little clueless to your needs.
Call local propane service and have them come out and refill.Our local propane service is setup to do this.
Unless you actually know and have been trained on LP and filling. Tinkering with it yourself may end with you briefly seeing and hearing something going BOOM.

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