Pain and how to deal with it. Ya O/T


Well-known Member
Ok so I'm sure there are others on here that deal with pain 24/7 so how do you deal with it. Ya I have 3 types of pain pills I'm suppose to take 6 times a day but they don't do much. Right now I wish I could remove my right arm from the shoulder down because of the pain. Been keeping me from getting a good nights sleep for months and the V.A. doctors can not figure out why I hurt. Even as I type this it goes numb and burns and just plain hurts. So how do you deal with pain and what do you do to help it when the pills do nothing
Have you tried going to a different doctor? I'm not convinced that VA doctors are really doctors or just someone that uses ex mititary folks as guinea pigs!
File a claim, with a certified Service officer. Then VA will run all tests to deny your claim!!!
Ask to see a "Patiens(sp) Advoate. Ask to see what VA doctors wrote about you complaints of pain. Don't know what state you live in but you could call Dep. of Veterans Affairs. I wasn't being a smart a$$ about a claim, but its ironic when VA won't run test to determine your condition but they will to deny a claim!!!!!!!!
Old, I'm sorry to hear it. I know you've been dealing with it for years, and I've been very fortunate. Very fortunate. Every now and then I'll do something and will be in pain for days, even weeks. Might be an arm, shoulder, maybe the back. Just happens. Will be doing ok, probably go to bed ok, and the next thing you know, I'll wake up and son of a gun, be hurtin for days or weeks until it gets so bad that I just can't handle no more and have to go get a six pack of beer. No joke. I joke from time to time about drinking and climbing up on a barn and howlin at the moon and passers by, but I really don't drink but a beer or two a year during the holidays to be socialble when folks come over. Love my beer, love the taste of it, but don't drink it unless a holiday or start aching somewhere real bad. Way it works for me, I'll drink a couple of beers, or shoot a couple of beers like medicine...not enjoying or savoring it, just downin them, and then I go to bed and sleep like a comatose rock. Must relax the muscles or something, cause when I wake up the next day, no hangover, and the muscles down't hurt anymore until the next time a year or so down the road. Bout the only time I ever drink, and seems to work when I can't take the pain no more.

Me? I've been very fortunate there Old. Good luck, and I feel for you.

Hey Rich, I hear you. I have kinda gotten immune to it. But that is just me. I had almost 600 needle sticks, and a dozen surgeries related to my kidney transplant and 8 months of dialysis. But I was in my mid 30's then and "bulletproof"

Kinda catching up with me now.

I mean this in all seriousness. I went to a pain managment specalist in Columbia for years for residual pain from Shingles. He gave up on me. Several years later, he gave me the name of an accupunturist in Jefferson City, Mo. She did me a lot of good. The effect wore off after about 6 months, but for that time it was a great help. I am going to go back to her right away. Not covered by ins., but at $60 a visit, it is well worth it. And she ain't half bad to look at!

I have her #

There is an electronic pain blocker, they were going to give my wife one till someone read the chart and saw she has a pacemaker.Jerry Lewis has bragged on his.
I deal with the 24/7 pain too. Can't help you there but as to sleeping, I gave up ALL caffine this spring and it has really helped my sleeping. I don't get sleepy during the day like I did when using caffine products.
Hey Old, sorry to hear about the pain. I know alot of fellers on here, you included are older than me (Be 42 in Feb.) so ya'll have had alot more time to deal with the pain than I have. Even so I've had artheritis in my neck since I was in my early twenties when I was in the Navy. Back then they gave me some sort of muscle relaxer to help out but those didn't work but a while. Eventually I just got to the point that I put it out of my mind and try to ignore it. It really only bothere me when I'm driving and holding my head still for an extended period of time. It got to the point one time some years back that I couldn't turn my head so I went to a chiropractor He did pretty good for me. He got me to doing neck exercises under a hot shower (to help build up my muscles so they could take part of the load I guess) and he got me started sleeping with an orthopedic pillow. That was the thing I needed most and it works great and has definately helped me sleep better at night. Without the pillow I am miserable all night and hurt like he!! the next day. Nowdays I ache to some degree 99.999% of the time but I just deal with it and take the occasional aspirin or Aleve on a bad day. Other than that nothing has ever worked. Now on top of the neck I'm starting to feel a little in m y shoulders so I guess a few years I'll be talking to the doc about something a little stronger to keep me going all day. At least right now it's all usually managable with sheer willpower and it also helps to look at it in a positive light in the respect that as long as I ache I'm still alive and kicking.
Good luck with the VA, pain is really impossible to disprove but a b!tch to prove and the cause ain't always easy to track down.
this works for me too. Make people mad sometimes when I won't drink with'em but I'm saving the alcohol for when it will do me the most good. Down a beer or 2 & sleep. Do it 2 or 3 times a week. Any more & you get used to it & it don't work. Down to about one beer a week now. It's as cheap a pain reliever as you can get.

Not to sound like a tree hugger or quack, but pain relievers only hide the symptom (pain in this case) of a problem and will keep doing that until you run out or get immune to them. Find the source (VA prolly won't be much help cause they can do what a book tells them). With you complaining about back problems, you most likely have a pinched nerve somewhere. Can you get to a decent chiropracter? Or maybe get ahold of one of them inverter beds to kind of hang and straighten yourself out?
I got rearended several years ago and have a disk in my neck that swells (or my neck muscles get tense?) now and then and causes some pain as far as headache and my hands/arms get a little numb. Good hot shower and some absorbine out of the barn ( the gel kind is wintergreen and easier for folks to be around) usually does the trick).

Good luck.

Well Old: Here it is 3 AM in the morning and my right shoulder,both sides of my neck in the back and both sides of my kidney area of my back have woke me up and are hurting.Woke me up 1/2 hr. ago and here I sit reading about all the pain in the Forum every responder has to endure.For me I have two herniated discs in my lower spine,MRI confirmed, which give my right siatic nerve fits.Something happened in my shoulder about 6 months ago,so? I use tylenol to some extent to control the pain and couple Beers around 6 pm helps me to get some sleep in the sofa chair.I guess several Chiropractic and Internist visits were not successful treating the pains, so I just bear the pain and get on with life. Not fully disabling yet but who knows when.I'm 72 1/2 years of age and am more active than I should be at this age according to others but I can feel the slowing down starting to a great extent.Carpel Tunnel is another of lifes personal miseries some of us have to endure and I have been subject to this pain and sensations for over 20 years to some extent.Oh well,who knew and what could we have done differently?
I feel your pain,I had sciatica couple years ago for about 4 months,was taking 4 anacins every 3 hours 24 hrs a day,was the only way I could cope with the pain.
Wish I could help ya but I m in the same boat .I have had 5 back surgeries and a hip replacment . They hav nt been much help on the back but the last guy did get me off the floor . The hip is the best thing I ever did Arthur has set in my hands , arms and neck my legs hurt all the time from my back . I ve tried everything without much help . Like you I have a couple bottles of pills and I ve gritted my teeth so much it s about time for a new set .I dont let it slow me down though , When there s problems in your life it has to make you stronger not weaker . To top it all off I fell last sunday and have been getting bad head and neck pain so I went to get checked out . The ER Doctor was a old timer and told me to start taking grape seed . I m not much on hoocus poocus stuff but I bought me a bottle and gona try it , He says it will relive my pain alot , I ll let you know if it helps . Doc wanted to know when my baby was due and said the cat scan showed my head was ok just not much in there .
I had some shoulder pain for a few years due to my son laying on my back while I did push ups. (I felt a sudden crunch in the left shoulder)

Well I started working out again 2 years ago with a total gym and now my shoulder is good. I started doing lots of back muscle exercises too, like pullups, bent over dumbbell rows, seated rows too. I feel very good for almost 41 years old. I am by no means in the shape I was in when I was 20 though. You may need a hot blonde with large knockers to rub that arm for you.
The guinea pigs get my vote. My Uncle was the poster child for knees surgery trials all thru the 1960's and 70's. He must have had each knee done 4 times. They finally killed him on the table a couple years back. He had a blood clot go to his brain and that was that.

Time for another Dr... I had the same problem you are having and it turned out that i had torn the "Labrim" in my left shoulder almost off.

There is alot of nerves that go threw there that cause that sand bag feeling in your arm and the pain just doesn't go away.

I ended up getting another point of view with a "Authro gram" fun test, folled by a MRI that showed the tear.

Fixing it wasn't fun seeing as how i waited two years before getting another Dr.

At this point i had perment nerve damage that limits some use of my arm. But they did surgery with some hardware to keep it all in place and for the most part the pain is gone.

Your shoulder is a very complex joint that controls alot more things then you think.

If you have anymore questions on this P.M me my wife is a M.A at Henry Ford Hospital and she is the one who was able to get me patched up.

Good luck and loose the pain killers.
Well, if you stick to a routine, work hard, and eat right, then at night pour in four fingers and mix with something tasty that you can chug down quick and pass out. Then at least you get some sleep. Remember whiskey is cheaper by the case. Just don't mix it with any of your pills or then you will be in trouble.
Depends on if it is physical or emotional pain.
If physical pain then as Kansas Cockshutt says 4 fingers of good whiskey. If emotional pain 4 fingers of brandy. Brandy will have you singing a few bars before you pass out. Singing raises the spirits.
Have you had an MRI of the shoulder? I have torn both L & R rotator cuffs in the past; this will show up on the scan.
Pain is a PITA!!!! Good luck.
well my shoulders still work, but my back has 3 slipped disc, 1 putting pressure on my spinal colum, as well as gut problems too, sugery is recomended but the doc didnt say how i was supposed to make money to pay the bills while im recovering, [ up to a year] so thats not a option, besides in all the people i know that have had back sugery, ive never yet met one who fully recovered have you? for a living im hobby farming and trucking, [ just what i need to be doing lol] my personall concoction for pain is start with 8 extra strength tylonall, kick it with 3 excdrin migrain, this dulls the pain while not affecting my alertness i help the alertness with 2 redbulls in the morning, lol, not that i write all that out maybe i should go see betty ford's place lol
I went to a doctor (1986 ?)and told him that it felt like a muscle on the back of my shoulder blade needed to be cut loose. He had an xray of my neck taken. It showed a disk problem in my neck. Pyhsical Therpist gave me exercises to do. I rarely even notice it now.

Exercises are a necessary evil to keep all the muscles in our bodies working in harmony with each other.
(quoted from post at 08:05:58 12/12/09) Maybe it's you not paying attention, his arm is connected to his shoulder, and his shoulder is connected to his arm,,

It's no wonder you have problems,,,,,
ya want to send me that picture you have of yourself now,,,, ha ha ha ha ha ha

Let the grownups talk joey..........
I had a guy who worked for me who was in chronic pain most of the time. He had an accupuncturist that he went to about every 4-6 months. The improvement in his comfort was evident almost immediatly after he had a treatment and lasted several months. He finally wound up buying his own needles and he would go get them placed and go home and remove them himself.

Give it a try. People wouldn"t have been doing it for thousands of years if it didn"t work at least some of the time.
I deal with arthritis and spinal stenosis. Most of the pain I deal with is bone pain even though there is muscle pain. I do fall from thigh muscles seizing up, and numb hands. I avoid taking medication, but always have my Vicodin and Percocet to calm the worst of it.

I've learned to deal with most of the pain by ignoring it. Keep your mind busy with reading, concentrating on simple tasks. I've been fixing loose screws and molding around the house I've been ignoring the past 25 years! It's not easy when you have throbbing pain in your shin bones, and you try to stand or walk, but you do find your own way of dealing with different pain.
Hope this helps
Well you might want to try a Chiropracter(sp)or a acupuncturist.I think the exercise helps too but it would be a good idea to learn which exercises to do first.Friends that I know that had an operation on their shoulder ended up hurting worse than before the operation.A shot of whiskey helps me when I hurt or a couple of beers.Actually I think a couple of beers at night relaxes me so I wake up feeling better.What you dont want to do is drink a whole bunch because then the hangover will cause you to drink more and then you have worse problems than the pain.The pain pills can make you feel bad themselves over time.If you went to the right doctor he would know what to do probably.I know I had something wrong with my foot one time where it hurt bad to walk on it.Somebody told me a doctor who was a bone doctor.I told him what was happening and he gave me some pills and in a couple of days it was gone.Been too long ago to remember what they called him other than bone doctor.
A co worker was experiencing pain in his hip/leg from a serious car accident in his 20's, he is 44 now. He had tried all sorts of different Dr.'s, treatments, etc. Finally he tried accupuncture. He was VERY skeptical, but figured he didn't have much to lose. It made a tremendous difference. He still says he isn't entirely sure how it works, or that it would work for anybody else, but it sure did for him.
John, aren't you on Medicare.??? They will fix most of your problems. You don't have to live with the pain. There are also pain clinics at most hospitals that help you cope. All you have to do is get up and go see a Dr. See several if need be until you gat the answer you want. (I have 2 titanium shoulders, 2 titanium knes, a piece of mylar in my hand to shield a tendon and had two carpel tunnel ops) all on Medicare. I am 78 and live with a lot of pain somedays but I take 1000 units of ibuprofen every day and that helps a lot, Getting a second or third opinion is a must. Go to a big Medical center and you will find help. Henry
First of all, you are on medicare if I remember your age. Why do you keep going back where there are no answers. The VA would have had me on so many pills I would have died from the chemical buildup in my body. Go to a large hospital preferably a teaching hospital and see a leading orthopedeic Dr. or a neurologist. Dont accept this crap of not knowing what it is. The VA is very limited and the Dr.s mostly just want to get thru the day and go home. I will never quit until I get answers.Sometimes it just takes finding a Dr. that's interested in you. YOU CAN BE CURED. In the meantime try taking 1000 units of ibuprofen, It not only helps with the pain but will reduce the swelling of nerves and muscles. My son is an orthopedic surgeon. in Nebraska (Scottsbluff) and that was what he recommended for me. Henry
It's hard to judge other peoples pain, especially through a computer. I agree with the others that another doctor might be able to help. I also think that a YOUNG chiropractor can help. I've got sciatica and last year it got to the point that I couldn't sleep and could hardly walk. I went to a doctor and he wanted to send me to a surgeon. I didn't like the idea of someone cutting on me and I avoid drugs if at all possible. The chiropractor that I went to had only been out of school about 18 months. After about 20 secessions at $30 each, I can walk normal and have almost no pain. I can work almost like I could in my 30's and sleep all night. This was about 20% of what my deductible would have been if I'd had surgery.
You gotta remember, he can be a pain here too, and none of us live with him! (He must have a laptop, since he uses a few different addresses with all of his a.k.a. monikers!)
I have some really annoying pain in my right shoulder blade when I use my arm frequently in a strenuous manner such as bending conduit or pulling wire. It feels like a combination of tingling electricity and like it is being pulled apart. I don't know if this is similiar to what you have. It can be really maddening. It helps to lie on my stomach and have my wife really massage the area very hard with the heel of her hand, and to try and run her hands hard down both sides of the back of my neck and try and seemingly push one of the vertebrae to one side. The relief is immense.

I'm sure you've tried everything you can think of so I offer the all this somewhat hesitantly but it made quite a difference for me. From what I can determine, it seems to stem in my situation from some sort of misalignment in between the second of third vertebrae. I found that concentrating on proper posture and spinal alignment helped quite a bit. Also using my left arm for tasks that didn't require right handed dexterity was helpful in keeping a better balanced posture. Another big help in this regard was to lose some extra weight. Might sound simplistic but it really helps my situation. Good Luck.

There are speicalists in pain management that can help. There are implantable devices, never blocks, and a whole range of new treatments. Sometimes they don't have to find the root cuase, they just identify the nerve transmitting the pain and they can do a block to stop it. I get great relief for neck damage by translaminar injections every three months. They don't fix the problem but block the pain.

Do not give up, please find a qualified neurologist or pain specialist.
Ihave a 5 level back fusion and am going to have a knee replaced in 2 weeks. So I feel your pain daily. I'll be 60 in a month.
Nothing has stopped it. I did the back surgery when I got to the point I could not walk. Although it fixed that issue, the pain has never gone away.
I'm hoping the knee replacement relievs some of the back issues, as I know I don't walk correctly.
But the one thing I've found is get a different Doctor. Sounds like you have one who is not looking at all possible solutions.
Well my old doctor did but then he retired and the new ones are in it for the $$ not the person. Bad thing is once a doctor is V.A. certified they are just that all over the U.S. and can go to any V.A. hospital etc. and most are there because they can not make it as real doctors, sad but true. Oh and just to type this makes my right arm go numb

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