OT. A damage can cost alot!


New User
Just happen after thanksgiving last week friday night. an kid come home and pull up in wrong drive way, (Home Town houses look all same) his house was next door. backed out hit my parked Van on left door. we were watching football with wife's family that evening. the Kid said he will pay out of pocket to fix the van damage, $2250!! it's an Big time Tire owner's kid age 21. the repair shop has been picked by me and he will go to shop and pay for it in a week. so try not hit other car a little damage can cost alot.

kid said if he cannot pay out pocket he will hand over the ins. to cover it.
yeah seem alot to me, I been to other body shops around town they all are close to $2000 but this body shop will check the wheel alignment, that way I will feel safe driving, it's an Astro van.

they are replace door from newer used van and new fender.

this van is an very clean van rust free been care for.
It can add up fast. A few years ago I watched helplessly from across the yard as my wife backed out of the garage and into the side of a flatbed pickup. The pickup rocked a little as the car abruptly stopped. Looked like a dent on the trunk lid and a bashed out taillight. Total bill was over $3200 for new trunk lid, left panel and tail light. It was our first ever insurance claim so we turned it in. Now my wife's 08 Toyota van has a mystery dent the size of a softball in the bottom of the driver's side ricker panel. She drove over something, but who knows what it was? I told her we're paying cash unless the last claim is wiped off the record by now. Jim
21 year old kid will say anything after he hits your van. Not a chance in HELLLL he will come up with $2200 bucks. I'm sure you will be getting a check from an insurance company and not cash.
In Michigan any damage over $200 must be reported to police. Insurance companies don't have to pay without a accident report from police.
Not so fast....a few years back, my daughter did the same type of thing. She 19 and waiting tables a TGI Fridays. Almost cleaned out her savings, but I was there when she wrote the check.....crying the whole time she wrote it.
I dented the bedside on my Mazda/Ford pickup a year or so ago. The bill was $1685 and, yes, they replaced it.
i hope the kid does pay its nice to see a kid take responsibility for his screw ups not many today will, ive had to do the same i backed into a chevy pickup, by accident as a fast food joint the owner was upset, turned out he had just picked the truck up that morning lol the damage was confined to the rear step bumper he wanted to get my insurance companys name it told him no, got him a cup of coffee and took him over to the chevy dealer bought him a brand new bumper like he had and took him, his truck, and me over to my place and installed it for him ,the guys was about speachless, it was kind of neat to see lol, his bumper i bent wasnt bent that bad and i ran it on one of my trucks for years
I wouldnt say that. There are plenty of kids that take responsibility and do the right thing. It is just those that dont that are the ones people remember and ruin everyones reputation.
yeah he comed to the door to let us know he hit the van and did not run for it. I know where he works it's an big time tire stores his father owns all cross.. said he will pay out the pocket so I let him have a week or two but it's christmas near so just give it time. I told him where I would like it to be fixed at and give him the Estimate.

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