OT I need your prayers

I post on here some under another name but I want to remain unknown for this posting to protect my kids my wife and I have been married for ten years and untill about 2 months ago things were great now when she ishome she barley talks and is short with the kids but most evenings she has been hanging out with a so called freind of mine that has had alot of problems with women in the past and now I think she is cheating on me with him and I don"t know what to do about it sorry for the sob story but I"m just really down right now and needed to talk to someone
An anonymous prayer for you and your family.

This is a bad time for you. Remember the kids whatever you do.
Praying for you and situation. I had problems like this galore about 40 years ago. Turned out wife had hormone problem. Everybody told me give it up, but the Lord turned her around after fully 2 months in hospital and hysterectomy. Never know she was the same person. Pray and pray and pray some more. You can make it with the Lord's help.
Be there for your kids above all else. They need you more than ever. Don"t quit doing what is right. May God direct your path and give you peace: He"s right there with you through it all.

I am sorry for your plight. My ex was 31 when she 'flipped out'. A Sunday School teacher at that....

We all survived, with scars that run deepest in our, now adult children (24 & 26).
That was about 16 years ago. I thought she was on drugs. It turned out to be a hormone imbalance. She was using a topical hormone cream (over the counter) that caused her unusual behavior.
Through the grace of God we reconciled and stayed together for another 7 years. Then it got worse. I had to give her the boot. She wasn't coherent and wouldn't seek medical help and was whoring around (again). I kept the kids, at that time they were 11 & 13.
Two years later and 17 visits to court, we settled (on our own, out of court). She took the bank acct (100%). bought a house, moved her two boyfriends in. It was bad. She eventually married one of the guys.

I guess I tell all of this to 'go over it again' in my own head. I had the chance to put a bullet in both of them, and almost did. I did reason (at that time) that my kids would not be able to, or want to, see me in prison.

I also tell you all of this because, God is not a genie. He honers the free will of individuals. She chose not to walk the straight and narrow. all the praying didn't change her, because she didn't want to change. Did praying for her help? I think so. Maybe not in areas where I could see or tell, but God's ways are not my ways. My children were not brought up the way I would have raised them. Did praying for them help? I think so. We are promised that "...His will not returned void..." We are promised that,

"And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do". This is conditional.
What man would dare to make such a promise? It will be noted, that in order to enjoy the fullness of these glorious promises we must, (1) Believe. Without faith it is impossible to please God. (2) We must ask in his name, or, in dependence upon the merit and intercession of Christ. (3) We must come with a spirit of complete submission to the Father's will, feeling that His will is best, and saying in our hearts, Thy will be done.

"Thy will be done..." This is the prayer that never fails!

Again, God is not a Genie. We (me, my ex, you your wife) are not robots.

"The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective". Am I righteous?
Only when seen through Christ. I will pray for you and your's! You BET! You may not see fruit of anyone's prayers, don't let that discourage you. You may not see any fruit in your lifetime. But don't give up. Concentrate on your walk and your example.
Go, and read Romans 12: 9-21.

I will open my email. write anytime you like. Blast me if you like. I won't hurt from words.
Hang in there!!!
Hi AO,

Prayers to you and your family.

Sounds like too me you've already let the problem go too long before grabbing the bull by the horn and resolve some issues.

Womens hormones can and do have a great effect upon them. Make sure your not dealing with a medical problem first. That will also through her into depression which it sounds like what she's going through to now along with her other problems.

You need to get a handle on this NOW as it's getting down the road too far.

IF you can reverse this process, it will rise again at a latter time.

A marriage is made in life, not given, so therefor it takes alot of effort to receive the reward!

Just my opinion coming up on 50yrs of being married to the same woman.

Feel bad for the kids but it's hard to break a dog of killing chickens once it gets the taste...I'd start by a little rearrangement on the friend then get her to go to a couple docs as needed to see if she has a med or head problem that needs treated. If no problem or she won't go, you'll all be better off without her. If she's got a health or mental problem, pray for ealing, if she's just a flooze, save the prayers for something important.

Best of luck,

If you trust your wife, you could ask her point blank what's going on. I know a guy who found out his wife was cheating on him in a different way. He was telling her about another friends wife who had cheated and then casually said to her: "You'd never do anything like that would you." Of course she said no but when you're with someone for a number of years, you can tell when they're not telling the truth. He got divorced fairly quickly after that. What ever happens, leave the kids out of it but don't stay together just for the kids sake. It will just make you miserable. Good luck. Dave
Not a good sign exactly the same as my ex reacted, first thing if you have a joint bank account,presumably either to sign, skeddle down there and transfer it all in your name, new a/c. if Both to sign, refuse,play hardball and don't be a sentimental sucker.The Children are left out of it.
Ask her point blank TODAY..and then take all these replies into consideration..Be ready for her answer..But be ready to do what Mr. Bendee said before she cheats money out of you..
you need to know for sure what is going on. search online for spy gear. do what you need to to find out the full details about what is going on, only then, with full knowlage of the facts, can you make the right decisions.
you need to know for sure what is going on. search online for spy gear. do what you need to to find out the full details about what is going on, only then, with full knowlage of the facts, can you make the right decisions.
No question about it, this is a lot larger than you can handle on your own. I've been going thru this for several years. The kids are in college now and understand what I'm dealing with. I thought about all the usual survellence stuff, talked to people etc. She's heavily involved in 2 different churches all the usual stuff. I finally threw my hands up and asked God what to do (yes he allows that, and yes you will be given the answer). He told me to stand down, he's handling it. I have full faith that he will direct the outcome to his satisfaction. This was reaffirmed to me the time she was having one of her snits and I made this statement.
"I married a christian girl 27 years ago and have lived with her in accordance to the word of the good book and our vows. At the end of the race, I certainly will not be first in line to whom she will be accountable".
I cannot say this has changed her perspective a lot, but calling her out on her beliefs certainly puts the cards on the table from my side. Matthew 19: 2-12 pretty much puts the "big D" option into perspective. It's not fully about what you want. It's all about what God wants and you need. There is the easy way and the hard way. Ask him.
My life hasn't gotten easier, but it's more tolerable.
BTDT. First of all, even if it something you can solve now, it will come back to bite you on the butt more and more. My answer is to move on ASAP and take the kids with you.. Protect yourself by isolating thefunds so she can't leave you high and dry. Mine tried that but I beat her to it. Closed the account and she continued to write checks on it.Next things is to kick her out. Get a goood lawyer. Don't kid yourself that she will do better . There are lots of great gals who would love to have a good man,. Also find some new less sleazy friends. Henry
I second that. God Almighty, I have been through two marriages, neither one cheated on me but ran me crazy to the point I couldn't stand to look at them any more so they had to freaking go. This last one hurt the most though, lost a pretty nice house that was PAID FOR in full before I married the piece of human waste. NEVER AGAIN. Women are nuts, if not today, they will be later.
Animal is right! If your woman realises you are just going to put up with her cheating and you start to act like a depressed wuss - she will never be attracted to you and will look elsewhere..
Most women want to know they are with a powerfull confident MAN - a man with a backbone..

Sorry dude - truth hurts..

Ever try flirting-teasing with your wife? Spicing things up a bit? Having some fun in life? Or just sit around being boring--all work no play? Don't need big expensive things - just a good time! Girls want to have fun you know..

Maybe to late now?
jesus christ you speak the truth, the man that does not demand his way with his b*tch is doomed. Like the spaniel that rolls on it's back when kicked. I see so many guys out there beaten down by a useless, waste of skin woman, makes me laugh. Women are good for two things, f-ing and frying meat, some of them not good for even that.

MY way or the highway, that is my motto.

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